__NSStackBlock__ isEqualToString: issue - objective-c

I am experimenting with this code.
In one of viewController's I am using next snippet:
- (BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView1 shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text
if([text isEqualToString:#"\n"])
[textView resignFirstResponder];
return NO;
return YES;
I found in web to dismissing the keyboard by pressing returnButton. It works well when I am calling it from this viewController. In root KLNoteViewController I am adding notification in handle state changes-method:
- (void) setState:(KLControllerCardState)state animated:(BOOL) animated
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"refresh" object:self];
if (animated)
[UIView animateWithDuration:self.noteViewController.cardAnimationDuration animations:^{
[self setState:state animated:NO];
//Full Screen State
if (state == KLControllerCardStateFullScreen)
[self expandCardToFullSize: animated];
[self setYCoordinate: 0];
//Default State
else if (state == KLControllerCardStateDefault)
[self shrinkCardToScaledSize: animated];
[self setYCoordinate: originY];
//Hidden State - Bottom
else if (state == KLControllerCardStateHiddenBottom)
//Move it off screen and far enough down that the shadow does not appear on screen
[self setYCoordinate: self.noteViewController.view.frame.size.height + abs(self.noteViewController.cardShadowOffset.height)*3];
//Hidden State - Top
else if (state == KLControllerCardStateHiddenTop)
[self setYCoordinate: 0];
//Notify the delegate of the state change (even if state changed to self)
KLControllerCardState lastState = self.state;
//Update to the new state
[self setState:state];
//Notify the delegate
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(controllerCard:didChangeToDisplayState:fromDisplayState:)]) {
[self.delegate controllerCard:self
didChangeToDisplayState:state fromDisplayState: lastState];
and add adding observer:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(dismissKeyboard) name:#"refresh" object:nil];
in every viewControllers -viewDidLoad. So when this observer is used with UITextField everything works fine, in viewController when I am using UIText View I have crash with log:
[NSStackBlock isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to
instance 0xbfffd228
I searched in web but found only two links with explanation of what is the NSStackBlock is and they are not informative well for me to solve the problem. Can somebody explain what it can be?


Cocoa - NSCursor resets to the default cursor when a key is pressed

I'm working on an application that has a window with a fully sized NSOpenGLView. I'm using [view addCursorRect] and [cursor set] to show a custom cursor, but when I press any key on the keyboard, the cursor resets to the default arrow. I've also tried overriding resetCursorRects and calling invalidateCursorRects when a key is pressed, which results in a flickering cursor.
The cursor switches back to my custom cursor when I click anywhere in the view, so I suppose the keyboard presses somehow unfocus my view. Is there any way to prevent the view from becoming unfocused when I press a key?
You need to remember your cursor settings + when you need to reset call e.g refreshCursor method. Example implementation:
- (void)refreshCursor
NSCursor *cursor = nil;
if ([self graphic]) {
cursor = [graphic hoverCursorForPoint:[self mousePosition]];
} else if ([self group]){
cursor = [NSCursor openHandCursor];
[self setHoverCursor:cursor];
[self refresh];
- (void)updateTrackingAreas
[super updateTrackingAreas];
[self removeTrackingArea:[self trackingArea]];
NSTrackingArea *area = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:[self visibleRect]
owner:self userInfo:nil];
[self setTrackingArea:area];
[self addTrackingArea:[self trackingArea]];
- (void)setCursorRects
[self discardCursorRects];
if ([self hoverCursor]) {
[self addCursorRect:[self visibleRect] cursor:[self hoverCursor]];
- (void)setHoverCursor:(NSCursor *)hoverCursor {
if (_hoverCursor != hoverCursor) {
_hoverCursor = hoverCursor;
[self setCursorRects];
- (void)resetCursorRects {
[super resetCursorRects];
[self setCursorRects];
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)event
[[NSCursor currentSystemCursor] set];
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)event
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)event
[self refreshCursor];
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)event
[self refreshCursor];
//allow key events
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;

NSView mouseMoved event sometimes doesn't fire

I have a video playing app where an NSView is shown, tracked to the mouse coordinates, to show the time position when the user hovers over a certain area.
This works perfectly 70% of the time, however it frequently doesn't fire at all. The times when this is most likely to occur seem to be when bringing the mouse inside the view for the first time and after hovering the mouse outside of the area and then back inside again.
The code inside the NSView subclass is as follows:
- (void)viewDidMoveToWindow
if ([self window]) {
[self resetTrackingRect];
- (void)clearTrackingRect
if (rolloverTrackingRectTag > 0)
[self removeTrackingRect:rolloverTrackingRectTag];
rolloverTrackingRectTag = 0;
- (void)resetTrackingRect
[self clearTrackingRect];
rolloverTrackingRectTag = [self addTrackingRect:[self visibleRect]
owner:self userData:NULL assumeInside:NO];
- (void)resetCursorRects
[super resetCursorRects];
[self resetTrackingRect];
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent
// Only ask for mouse move events when inside rect because they are expensive
[[self window] setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:self];
// Tells the observer to show the time view
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"MWTimelineHover" object:self userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:theEvent,#"event",nil]];
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[[self window] setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:NO];
[[self window] resignFirstResponder];
// Tells the observer to hide the time view
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"MWTimelineHoverLeave" object:self];
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[super mouseMoved:theEvent];
// Tells the observer to show the time view
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"MWTimelineHover" object:self userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:theEvent,#"event",nil]];
Note: on the occasions when it stalls, mouseExited is not called and the view has not lost firstResponder status. I am also not dragging the mouse, simply moving it normally.
You need to use NSTrackingArea. Here is reference NSTrackingArea Class Reference.
- (void)commonInit {
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height);
NSTrackingAreaOptions options = NSTrackingActiveInKeyWindow | NSTrackingMouseMoved | NSTrackingInVisibleRect;
_trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:rect options:options owner:self userInfo:nil];
[self addTrackingArea:_trackingArea];
Hope it helps you.

ios7 - how to transition back to self

as per the following storyboard, I have a RootViewController (embedded in a TabBarController), which manage many ViewControllers with a vertical menu.
When this RootViewController did load, I check for client authentication, and if not yet authenticated, I switch to a ConnectViewController for remote authentication
#implementation WDURootViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
if (!self.client.isAuthorized) {
WDUConnectViewController *cvc = self.connectVC;
[self addChildViewController:cvc];
[self.view addSubview:cvc.view];
[cvc didMoveToParentViewController:self];
when authentication is successful, I want to come back to the RootViewController...
so in my ConnectViewController, I call back a didConnect() method to notify the RootViewController
#implementation WDUConnectViewController
- (IBAction)sendGrantRequest
[self.client authorizeUser:login password:pwd
onSuccess:^() {
[self.workinOnIt stopAnimating];
[self.connectButton setEnabled:YES];
[(WDURootViewController *)self.parentViewController didConnect];
and in the RootViewController, didConnect() method I try to switch the views, in transition from the ConnectViewController to the RootViewController
#implementation WDURootViewController
- (void)didConnect
[self transitionFrom:self.connectVC To:self];
- (void)transitionFrom:(UIViewController *)oldC To:(UIViewController *)newC
[oldC willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[self addChildViewController:newC];
[self transitionFromViewController: oldC toViewController: newC
duration: 0.25 options:0
animations: nil
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[oldC removeFromParentViewController];
[newC didMoveToParentViewController:self];
- (WDUConnectViewController *)connectVC {
if (_connectVC == nil) {
UIStoryboard *storyboard = self.storyboard;
_connectVC = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"WDUConnectViewController"];
_connectVC.client = self.client;
return _connectVC;
but the transition method is looping... I guess it's not the way to go , what's the simplest way?
I got it , just updating the didConnect() method in the RootViewController
- (void)didConnect
[self.connectVC willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[self.connectVC.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.connectVC removeFromParentViewController];
[self awakeFromNib];

Refreshing a view from a popover

I am using Xcode 4.5 and targeting iOS 5 and above.
I have a popover that allows a user to change the background of the underlying view.
When tapping on the "button", it requires that I tap twice to see the change.
I am using NSNotification. I have tried Delegation, yet it does nothing.
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
From viewWillAppear:
// nav button is for background image selection
navigationBtn.tag = buttonTag;
[navigationBtn setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:tempImage] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
if (selectFlag) {
[navigationBtn addTarget:self action:#selector(BGSelected:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
} else {
navigationBtn.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO;
And the method for selection:
- (void)BGSelected:(id)sender {
self.bgtag = [sender tag];
SettingsDAO *settingsDao = [[SettingsDAO alloc] init];
if ([self.currentView isEqualToString:#"New_Journal"])
NSLog(#"Update Journals Background");
[settingsDao updateJournalBackgroundId:self.journalId withBackgroundId:self.bgtag];
// notification to let EntryView know the background has changed
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"aBackgroundChanged"
[settingsDao release];
the NSNotification Method:
- (void)aBackgroundChanged:(NSNotification *)notification {
[self invalidate];
[self reloadSettings];
If you are using storyboard, and your popover is a segue you can do like that:
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
// perform all the operations...ecc
[[(UIStoryboardPopoverSegue*)segue popoverController] setDelegate:self];
Then you have to make sure your caller controller has all the delegate methods.
Or, with NSNotification:
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
// perform all the operations...ecc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
object:[segue destinationViewController]];
Then just remember to remove observer in dealloc, and in change background method:
-(void)changeBackground:(NSNotification*)notification {
NSDictionary *userInfo = notification.userInfo;
// I assume you are using background name
NSString *backgroundName = [userInfo objectForKey:BackgroundOneConstant];
// do the rest....

Is there any notification that gets sent when the Keyboard changes (like from NumberPad to Default)

I am trying to figure out how I can get notified when the keyboard changes. What I am trying to do is add a DONE button to keyboard of type 4 & 5 (NumberPad and PhonePad), everything is working fine, except when I transition from a TextField using a Default KB type, The notification that the KeyboardDidAppear isn't being fired.
Here is what I got:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Then I added a Property for the current KB type and the current TextField being edited:
#pragma mark - Delegate Methods
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.currentKBType = textField.keyboardType;
self.curTextField = textField;
return YES;
I then make a decision on whether or not to add that DONE button based on the current KB type:
- (void)keyboardDidShow:(NSNotification *)note {
if (self.currentKBType == 4 || self.currentKBType == 5) {
[self addButtonToKeyboard];
Problem is that the notification fires when the keyboard is displayed, but not when it changes (transitions from one TextField to another that specifies a different KB type.
Any suggestions? Am I missing something?
Got this figured out. Took a little logic, but it works flawlessly. Here is what I did:
Added private properties for:
#property (nonatomic) UIKeyboardType currentKBType;
#property(nonatomic,strong) UITextField *curTextField;
#property(nonatomic,strong) UIButton *doneButton;
#property(nonatomic) BOOL doneButtonDisplayed;
Then added the following logic in the both the TextField delegate method:
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.currentKBType = textField.keyboardType;
if (textField.keyboardType == 4 || textField.keyboardType == 5) {
if (!doneButtonDisplayed) {
[self addButtonToKeyboard];
} else {
if (doneButtonDisplayed) {
[self removeButtonFromKeyboard];
self.curTextField = textField;
return YES;
And in the KeyboardDidShowNotification that I signed the VC up for in the viewDidLoad:
- (void)keyboardDidShow:(NSNotification *)note {
if (self.currentKBType == 4 || self.currentKBType == 5) {
if (!doneButtonDisplayed) {
[self addButtonToKeyboard];
} else {
if (doneButtonDisplayed) {
[self removeButtonFromKeyboard];
And the two methods referenced in these methods:
- (void)addButtonToKeyboard {
// create custom button
doneButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
doneButton.frame = CGRectMake(0, 163, 106, 53);
doneButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO;
[doneButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"DoneNormal.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[doneButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"DoneHL.png"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
[doneButton addTarget:self action:#selector(resignKeyboard) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
// locate keyboard view
if ([[[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows] count] > 1) {
UIWindow* tempWindow = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows] objectAtIndex:1];
UIView* keyboard;
for(int i=0; i<[tempWindow.subviews count]; i++) {
keyboard = [tempWindow.subviews objectAtIndex:i];
// keyboard found, add the button
if([[keyboard description] hasPrefix:#"<UIPeripheralHost"] == YES) {
[keyboard addSubview:doneButton];
self.doneButtonDisplayed = YES;
- (void)removeButtonFromKeyboard {
[doneButton removeFromSuperview];
self.doneButtonDisplayed = NO;
And finally, the resignKeyboard method that is called whenever the Done button is touched:
-(void)resignKeyboard {
[self.curTextField resignFirstResponder];
self.doneButtonDisplayed = NO;
This will add that Done button whenever a NumberPad or PhonePad type keyboard is displayed and remove it (only when it has been added) from the other keyboard types.
Tested and works great.