Search for all strings that have a space in between using SQL query [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Take for example I have entries like 'Jhon Abraham','Hrithik Roshan' and 'Jimmy'.
Then, the output should fetch me the first two entries i.e. 'Jhon Abraham' and 'Hrithik Roshan'.

SELECT columnName
FROM table
WHERE trim(columnName) LIKE '% %'

SELECT col_name FROM table_name WHERE col_name LIKE '% %';


finding the word like in a sql query [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a string like this:
i would like to go to office, and i would like to go to market
My question is: how many times the word like occurs in the string?
Please write a query.
You can use regexp_count:
SELECT REGEXP_COUNT('i like to go , and i would like market', 'like')
The word "like" occurs twice in the string you posted.
The following is a query:
Share and enjoy.

How to be a command in SQL using LIKE? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to select records where a field (varchar (45)) contains one and only one letter x and the field length is greater than 20
In MySQL you can do:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE fieldname REGEXP '^[x]{20,}$'

Counting lines in a list [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a list of objects and colors; each object has a color. I want to create a query that will count how many objects I have of each color.
What function should I use?
You might write a query like this:
SELECT COUNT(color) AS cnt, color FROM YourTable
GROUP BY color
SELECT Color, Count(Objects)
FROM myTable

SQL Query - Set column1 with values from column2 based on the value of column3 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to update column1 with values from column2 based the value of column3. This is what I have:
SET Column1=Column2
WHERE Column3='Value'
Is this possible?
EDIT I tried this, but I didn't get the results I wanted (as in, none of my rows changed). I didn't get any errors though.
UPDATE Figured out my error. Answer is below.
Ah, Okay. Now I see where I went wrong. The Value of Column3 has the same name as Column2, so I messed up the order. This is what worked:
UPDATE Table SET Column2=Column1 WHERE Column3='Value'

Create an ORACLE data dictionary of tables with more than 2 indexes [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm having trouble trying to figure out in an ORACLE data dictionary whether a table has more than 2 indexes.
You can start by looking at a dictionary table such as ALL_INDEXES and trying something like this:
I haven't tried the code, or read the doc in detail to see if there may be cases where things show up twice, but it should put you on the track.