Cast(Of ?) from UIElement -

In silverlight my custom controls are in theUIElementCollection of my StackPanel. I want to get a list of them by a specific value. There only DivElements in the container. It returns Nothing when I know I have one or more. I know I can make a simple loop and cast types inline, but I want to get better with LINQ and Cast(Of TResult). My attempt at casting:
Dim myList = TryCast(spDivs.Children.Where(Function(o) DirectCast(o, DivElement).ElementParent Is bComm).Cast(Of DivElement)(), List(Of DivElement))

The problem is you can't cast into a List(Of DivElement). The collection is a UIElementCollection, not a List(Of T).
You could build a new list, though. This can also be simplified by using OfType instead of casting manually:
Dim myList = spDivs.Children.OfType(Of DivElement)()
.Where(Function(o) o.ElementParent Is bComm)


Using ArrayList.ToArray(Parameter?) in Visual Basic

I don't understand how to use
Dim List As New ArrayList
Dim Strings() As String
'The following line should simply return an array of strings:
Strings = List.ToArray(Of String) '(syntax error)
Could only find C# examples and didn't figured it out.
Thank you very much!
As suggested, you should be using a List(Of String) in the firtst place if at all possible. It's then simply:
to get a String array. If you're stuck with the ArrayList though, the correct option is:
myList.Cast(Of String)().ToArray()
The Cast method takes in an IEnumerable and outputs an IEnumerable(Of T). The latter is what's required by most extension methods commonly called from the Enumerable class, of which ToArray is an example.

VB.Net Use XmlNodeList in a parallel ForEach

I have a piece of code that iterates over the nodes in an XmlNodeList and creates a different object for each one depending on the node name and adds it to a list for printing.
For Each node as XmlNode In nodeList
Select Case node.Name.ToUpper()
Case "SHAPE"
_items.Add(New ShapeTemplate(node, Me))
_items.Add(New TextblockTemplate(node, Me))
End Select
This code works fine, but because of all the work that has to be done by the ShapeTemplate and TextblockTemplate constructors, it is VERY slow. Since the order objects are added to _items doesn't matter, I thought a good way to speed it up would be to use a parallel.ForEach loop. The problem is XmlNodeList can't be used with parallel.ForEach because it is a non-generic collection. I've been looking into ways to convert XmlNodeList to List(Of XmlNode) with no luck. The answer I keep seeing come up is
Dim nodes as New List(Of xmlNode)(nodeList.Cast(Of xmlNode)())
But when I try it, I get an error telling me that 'Cast' is not a member of XmlNodeList.
I've also tried using TryCast like this
Dim nodes as List(Of XmlNode) = TryCast(CObj(nodeList), List(Of XmlNode))
but it results in nodes being Nothing because the object can't be cast.
Does anyone know how I can use XmlNodeList in a parallel.ForEach loop?
EDIT: I'm trying to avoid using a loop for the conversion if I can
You could use Parallel LINQ instead of Parallel.ForEach, which seems like a more natural fit for this sort of transformation. This looks just like a normal LINQ query, but with .AsParallel() added.
Imports System.Linq
' _items will not be in same order as nodes in nodeList.
' Add .AsOrdered() after .AsParallel() to maintain order, if needed.
_items = (
From node In nodeList.Cast(Of XmlNode)().AsParallel()
Select item = CreateTemplate(node)
Where item IsNot Nothing
Function CreateTemplate(node As XmlNode) As ITemplate ' interface or base class for your types
Dim item As ITemplate
Select Case node.Name.ToUpper()
Case "SHAPE"
item = New ShapeTemplate(node, Me)
item = New TextblockTemplate(node, Me)
Case Else
item = Nothing
End Select
Return item
End Function
As seen here, the XmlNodeList can be converted to a generic List(Of XmlNode) by passing it to the constructor with OfType.
' I added so your code could compile.
' I assumed an interface shared by ShapeTemplate and TextblockTemplate
Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList
Dim _items As New List(Of ITemplate)
Dim _nodes As New List(Of XmlNode)(nodeList.OfType(Of XmlNode))
Now the parallel loop. Note, if you are adding to a non-threadsafe collection such as List, you will need to synchronize adding the objects to the list. So i separated the time consuming portion (Template constructor) from the fast operation (adding to the list). This should improve your performance.
Dim oLock As New Object
Dim item As ITemplate
Select Case node.Name.ToUpper()
Case "SHAPE"
item = New ShapeTemplate(node, Me)
item = New TextblockTemplate(node, Me)
Case Else
item = Nothing ' or, do something else?
End Select
SyncLock oLock
End SyncLock
End Sub)

Display the list of the Selected items in the checkboxlist

Dim list As New List(Of String)
list = chkparameter.Items
.Cast(Of ListItem)
.Where(Function(x) x.Selected)
.Select(Function(x) x.Value)
The error i am getting is
Unable to cast object of type 'WhereSelectEnumerableIterator2[System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem,System.String]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.String]'.
How can i rectify it.
If you want to assign the result to a List(Of String) variable then you need a List(Of String) object. You can all ToList on any enumerable list to create a List(Of T).
Also, your AsEnumerable call is pointless because Cast(Of T) already returns an IEnumerable(Of T).
Finally, declaring a variable on one line and then setting its value is so unnecessarily verbose. It's not wrong but it is pointless. In your case, not only are you declaring a variable but you're also creating an object that you never use. Don't create a New object if you don;t actually want a new object, which you don;t because you're getting an object on the very next line.
Dim list As List(Of String) = chkparameter.Items.
Cast(Of ListItem).
Where(Function(x) x.Selected).
Select(Function(x) x.Value).
There's also no need to declare the type of the variable because it will be inferred from the initialising expression, i.e. ToList returns a List(Of String) so the type of the variable can be inferred from that. Not everyone likes to use type inference where it's not completely obvious though, so I'll let you off that one. I'd tend to do this though:
Dim list = chkparameter.Items.
Cast(Of ListItem).
Where(Function(x) x.Selected).
Select(Function(x) x.Value).
By the way, notice how much easier the code is to read with some sensible formatting? If you're going to use chained function syntax like that, it's a very good idea to put each function on a different line once you get more than two or three.

How do i find whether my data is in item List

i am having myList as List(of myClass) and myData as myClass
So how do i find whether if myList contains myData or not?
currently i am doing it like:
dim myList as List(of myClass) = myClasses.GetData()
dim myData as myClass = myClasses.getData(1)
for each Item as myClass in myList
if Item.uin = myData.uin then
msgbox 'yeah'
end if
what can be the next better solution?
List should have a Contains() method that does what you want.
If you want the offset, use indexOf().
Edit: if for some reason your list does not contain the same objects, and you must compare their "uin" field for equality, the easiest will be to use LINQ:
myList.Any(Function(item) item.uin = myData.uin)
Otherwise, the generic List has an Exists() method that takes a predicate:
myList.Exists(Function(item) item.uin = myData.uin)
Sorry my VB.NET is not too fluent (C# person myself), so let me know if I made any typos in there.

VB.NET ArrayList to List(Of T) typed copy/conversion

I have a 3rd party method that returns an old-style ArrayList, and I want to convert it into a typed ArrayList(Of MyType).
Dim udc As ArrayList = ThirdPartyClass.GetValues()
Dim udcT AS List(Of MyType) = ??
I have made a simple loop, but there must be a better way:
Dim udcT As New List(Of MyType)
While udc.GetEnumerator.MoveNext
Dim e As MyType = DirectCast(udc.GetEnumerator.Current, MyType)
End While
Dim StronglyTypedList = OriginalArrayList.Cast(Of MyType)().ToList()
' requires `Imports System.Linq`
Have a look at this SO-Thread: In .Net, how do you convert an ArrayList to a strongly typed generic list without using a foreach?
In VB.Net with Framework < 3.5:
Dim arrayOfMyType() As MyType = DirectCast(al.ToArray(GetType(MyType)), MyType())
Dim strongTypeList As New List(Of MyType)(arrayOfMyType)
What about this?
Public Class Utility
Public Shared Function ToTypedList(Of C As {ICollection(Of T), New}, T)(ByVal list As ArrayList) As C
Dim typedList As New C
For Each element As T In list
Return typedList
End Function
End Class
If would work for any Collection object.
I would like to point out something about both the DirectCast and System.Linq.Cast (which are the same thing in the latest .NET at least.) These may not work if the object type in the array is defined by the user class, and is not easily convertable into object types that .NET recognizes. I do not know why this is the case, but it seems to be the problem in the software for which I am developing, and so for these we have been forced to use the inelegant loop solution.