How do I point a domain back to my own machine? (only for my own browser) - testing

I want to set up a machine for testing a website before launching it. Some of the tests require logic in parsing the current host.
I want to be able to test it in my browser but i can only access it through the localhost.
I want to know how to make my browser resolve my domain to (Also I don't want my DNS record to point to my test machine, this should be a local test only).
Also, is there a way to make all sub-domains of my domain access as well?
Extra Info --
OS: Windows 7
Browser: Chrome
Web Server: Tomcat 7
Thank You.
EDIT ---
The solution was to add a few lines to the host file:

You're looking for the hosts file. It's more than likely what points localhost to on your computer.
You can find it at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows. Or /etc/hosts on most Linux systems, if you're interested.


Remote access of network computer

I am not sure how or if this can be done. I have a home network and would like to see a computer,not the server, via a remote location. I have Apache on my server. Example: the network computers I would like to see ip Is there a way to add this ip to Apache root directory? I have tried to add a shortcut with in the root directory and it only works on the home network, will not via remote connection.
I need some clarification here on what you are trying to acomplish, are you trying to access the Apache website outside of the local network?
If that is the case, Apache is automatically set to listen on all network interfaces, you can check this in your virtual host configuration in the sites-enabled directory of your apache installation.
You should see something like in the 000-default.conf
You can test if apache is serving pages up correctly using the command
You should see the HTML of the page being served.
If this is the case, then it's likely the firewall on your machine/router or your ISP is blocking the required ports. You can allow Apache through the firewall on Ubuntu using sudo ufw allow Apache Full
If you give me some more info in comments we can probably work this out.

WAMP localhost redirects to my IP

I had to recently wipe my PC and I'm setting up my development environment again using WAMP.
After installing WAMP, if I visit http://localhost instead of seeing the WAMP homepage I get redirected to http://x.x.x.x, where x.x.x.x is my IP.
I had this issue on another PC and after setting the inbound rules for Apache HTTP Server in my Windows Firewall settings to allow all domains it fixed the issue. I applied this to my PC, and the issue does not seem to be present for Internet Explorer, whereas for Chrome and Firefox the localhost to my IP redirect issue persists even after clearing the cache for each browser.
My C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file looks like this: localhost
::1 localhost
and my firewall rules look like this:
I am not currently using vhosts and I'm on a network at my workplace (if that has any implications?)
I also encountered the same issue when using Laragon which uses vhosts and whenever I visited a virtual host, e.g. it didn't work properly either.
My question on the Laragon forum:
The Problem
I'm behind a proxy which is used for browsing the web at my workplace. The proxy seemed to be messing up the dns resolution whenever I made a call to localhost (when using wamp) or one of my vhosts (when using Laragon).
This was clear as when I ran the following from the command line: ping I was getting the expected response from However, when going to in my browser I was getting redirected to my IP, so essentially my etc/hosts file was being ignored for dns resolution.
The difference between the two being that the browser is using the proxy whereas the command line isn't!
The Solution
After trying many different solutions which seemed to work for localhost (on wamp) only, but not vhosts (on Laragon) I finally got to the solution which was actually so simple!
So, for chrome I simply went to chrome://settings/ > Network - Change proxy settings > LAN Settings > Proxy Server - Advanced
Then in the Exceptions text box I added the following:
Here's a screenshot of my settings from Chrome/Internet Options
And that did the trick! Hope this can help someone else.

How to configure custom hostname to IP resolutions in my system for web development

A web app can potentially
serve different pages,
depending on the
that is requested by the browser,
even if all hostnames are resolved
to the same
IP address.
For example, at,
which resolves to,
users will find the user interface
and at,
which also resolves to,
awaits a dashboard
through which
only the app's owner can
administrate users and data
in the app.
What We Need
In short,
we need to enter,
for example,
in our browsers
and have that resolve to
The Question
How can I configure
custom hostname to IP address resolutions
in my development environment?
(Ubuntu and Derivatives) Configure NetworkManager's dnsmasq
Ubuntu Desktop's default networking configuration is
composed of NetworkManager and its slave dnsmasq.
The slave dnsmasq listens at and /etc/resolv.conf lists it as the only nameserver.
This has
some benefits.
What it means for this purpose is that we have a fully configurable DNS server, comfortably configured by default.
We can create
and put in it whatever address statements we'd like:
We can even use wildcards!
See the
dnsmasq documentation
for details
(look for --address).
Since dnsmasq is started by the network-manager service,
then I would assume that the following would restart it
so that new configuration would take effect:
$ service network-manager restart
But its init-script does not control slave dnsmasq.
Therefore the dnsmasq process must be killed and then
the above command would have it start again.
And that is it!
(Linux) User Specific HOSTALIASES File
Very limited
This would have been my preferred answer
it refrains from
altering system configuration.
It does not support wildcards
It does not support hostname to IP address resolution
It does not support freely configurable subdomains
It will not work if you have a local DNS server,
which is the case in modern Ubuntu.
What is It
It is a user specific host aliases file.
Notice that the format is not the same as the hosts file.
In short, you create a file
which contains host aliases.
For example
foo localhost
bar localhost
and place it at ~/.hosts.
Then you set an environment variable
with the path to the aliases file.
So, for this example
$ export HOSTALIASES=~/.hosts
If Testing In a Virtual Machine
In a virtual machine and localhost
will not reach the host,
but the guest.
In VirtualBox, for example,
by default, the host can be reached
So, the guest VM's hosts file can look like host
Proxy DNS Nameserver Inside a Virtual Machine
If you're setting up
a proxy DNS nameserver
inside a virtual machine
(perhaps for wildcard support in Windows)
the upstream nameserver
is usually provided by the host.
In VirtualBox, it is
(Windows) Configuring Acrylic DNS Server
Acrylic DNS Proxy is easy to install and configure.
It can help us get hostnames with aliases quickly in Windows.
And it is open source.
Install it.
Open the hosts file (via the start menu entry).
Put in some entries, like >app.
Clear its cache and restart it (via the start menu entry).
Set your DNS server to
(Windows, Linux, OSX) System Wide Hosts File
Simply edit the
hosts file.
Its location
depends on the OS.
For example: app.localhost admin.localhost
On Windows you can use
this nifty open source GUI
for editing the hosts file:
Hosts File Editor.
The hosts file does not support wildcards!
Ubuntu Desktop
Since Ubuntu 12.04,
Ubuntu desktop comes with
a local DNS server,
which might not respect
the hosts file (/etc/hosts).
So, for Ubuntu desktop, this answer
is best.
Since all the major distributions are migrating (or already did) to systemd stack the proper place to implement wildcard support would be systemd-resolved: see for details.
That would be the place to set custom overrides for DNS as well.
As for windows - its VM should just get DNS from host machine: it's to risky to run it on bare metal anyway.

Changing the URL of an HTTPS server

Hello Stack Overflowers,
I am a newbie to servers (and Linux in general). I have recently made an HTTP server on Kali Linux (formerly BACKTRACK). When I type in http://localhost/ it works and my HTML page shows up. BUT I want to change the URL to be https://localhost/ The server software that I am using is Apache.
Thank you for your help in advance.
https://localhost means, that your Computer does not fetch the site from the internet. You can test this by trying to view your site while offline - this will work.
If you want another domain name, you have to put your site on the internet.
Find a hosting provider, make a contract, choose a name for your site that's not already taken, load up your page.
Be aware that this might cost something.
If you want to change the name only locally, open the file /etc/hosts
as superuser.
It should look like
# Comments Here localhost
# End of /etc/hosts
# Comments Here localhost
# End of /etc/hosts
Note that your site then can only be viewed on your computer.

Unable To Connect To MAMP Server From Other Devices

I have MAMP PRO running locally on my machine (Mavericks). I can connect find to localhost and apache is running on port 80.
The test website I have set up is served. I can browse to it via http:// my-local-host (have to put a dash in because stack exchange doesn't like URLs) or http://mymachinename.local or http://XXX.XXX.X.XX (my ipaddress).
It's not working remotely though from either iPhone or iPad. I have tried turning off the firewall. I have tried adding a rule to the firewall to allow incoming connections to httpd. Neither work.
I also have Little Snitch installed. I tried turning off Little snitch and also creating a rule to allow traffic through to port 80 via httpd. Neither work.
Anyone else had similar issues and found a resolution?
The problem is DNS.
MAMP writes your Hosts to /etc/hosts.
Your Iphone's host file has no such entry. This is why it does not work.
You need e.g. a "DNS-server", which you can enter in
Settings - Wlan - static as Router on your phone.
I think your problem would be addressed if you use the Dynamic DNS option in MAMP PRO. Then, using a third party company like, you could setup and pull up your website on your iPad.