How should I set password for a user I created using ssh? - ssh

I have 20 machines where I need to create a user and set his password. I can create the accounts and set the passwords using a for loop. The inside of the for loop is given as follows
ssh -t user1#$node_name 'sudo useradd user2'
ssh -t user1#$node_name 'sudo passwd user2'
However, this requires me to input the password for user1 first and then input the new password for user2. I tried it for 2 machines and it works. I however do not like the wasteful effort involved and am guessing there would me a more efficient way of doing so. Any ideas?

To remove the need to enter user1's password, you can mess with the sudo -A or -a options on $node_name to get authentication to happen automatically in some other way.
To remove the need to type user2's password, you can try something like this:
ssh -t user1#$node_name "sudo echo $newpass | useradd user2 --stdin"


Is there any way for SSH to automatically insert password?

I am currently developing some work in clients and servers application and my college allows us to use their machines (linux) to host and test the apps.
My problem is that every single time I want to ssh into the machine the server prompts me to insert the password. I managed to use the information here to use a key in order to login but it still asks me for my password into the machine.
Using Putty I can save my password and login straight, is there anyway to do this using this command:
ssh -t (myUser#theSSHLink) -p 22
via Git Bash?
cd ${HOME}
if [ ! -f ".ssh/id_rsa" ]; then
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh $USERHOST mkdir -p .ssh
cat .ssh/ | ssh $USERHOST 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
Running the above will ask for your password (from the user#host) twice. Afterwards, it shouldn't ask for a password when you try to ssh.

Automate password input on ssh :: dont want to do ssh-keygen :: spawn is not working

I am using ssh to connect to remote server from local.
[siebel#local ~]$ ssh remote
siebel#remote password:
I dont want to input the password manually. I want to write a script in which I will give the password as an input. It will enable me to login without manual action.
I don't want to setup passwordless authentication by ssh-keygen. I tried to use expect but spawn is not working. I don't want to install any other utility also.
As I said its strongly discouraged to hardcode passwords for security reasons but what I will suggest, only if you just can't avoid doing it. is to use sshpass.
You can easily do a:
sudo apt install sshpass
following that the following simple command will do the trick for you.
sshpass -p "PASSWORD" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no USERNAME#REMOTE_HOST:Custom port number(default is 22)

finding out sudo password on ssh server

I need to do a sudo command on a ssh server.
It asks for password
[sudo] password for myname:
but it's apparently different from the password for ssh server itself.
Can sudo only be used by root?
If not, should I ask the maintenance people for the password?
Or is there a way to set it up myself?
See :
Specifically see rootpw, targetpw , etc.
It is possible to have two different passwords, one for the account and another for the sudo command.
You should ask to the Maintenance people....

Changing a password with one command in FreeBSD

How can I, as a simple user, change my own password with one command (in one line) in FreeBSD. I tried using passwd --stdin but that seems like it's a Linux command only.
Use the pw command to take input from STDIN like this:
echo "mynewpassword" | pw usermod admin -h 0
See man pw for more details.
Just type passwd and follow the prompts.
Also man 1 passwd for documentation.
Update with a copy of my comment, below, from September 2013:
The whole point about passwd is to make that hard for automated password changers to guess passwords. If you have a port like expect on the system you could script it. If you are root, you could use pw usermod username -h0. If you're just an ordinary user, just do it interactively.

how to ssh / su - by passing the password initially itself?

Anyone knows how to ssh / su - by passing the password initially itself?
ssh username#hostname -p [password]
pbrun su - unix_owner -p [password]
How can I achieve this?
It shouldn't popup for password or any RSA authentication like yes/no.
I think you will probably need a sudoers file to get stuff done in a su like manner without being prompted for a password.
I have never used ssh without a password prompt, but found this which suggests it can be done...
passing a password in clear text is not intended by ssh.
Try to learn about ssh key authentication (google would help), you won't need to type your password anymore.
ok, more detailed, try this:
on the remote machine
> mkdir -p ~/.ssh #if neccessary
> touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
> chmod go-rwx $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2
on your local machine:
> ssh-keygen # if neccessary
> cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root#remotehost "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys2 && chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2"
A better approach would be using ssh keys, like other answers recommend, but if you really need it, you can use expect for that.
Just create a expect.file like this one:
#!/usr/bin/env expect
set username youruser
set pass yourpassword
set host yourhost
spawn ssh ${username}#${host}
expect -re "password:"
send "${pass}\r"
expect -re "$"
and execute it:
expect expect.file
Can't do it. You're invoking the passwd program on the remote machine. If it had a way to change a password without prompting for the old one, ANYONE could change your password if they got onto your console. You'd still need to pass the password in over the ssh link
As for SSH, you could use RSA keys, and those won't prompt you for passwords.
As for SU, it would have to be hardcoded or you would have to create your own application to serve as a wrapper of sorts.
I don't think you can pass in password directly to the ssh command (It will be stored in your history otherwise). Why don't you use keys to skip the authentication prompt.