Retrieve the configuration parameter in adobe livecycle - process

I have set a configuration parameter containing a path in adobe livecycle process. I want that path to be reflected in a fragment source file property of an xdp. Is there a way to retrieve the value of configuration parameter in adobe live cycle designer? will it be done using javascript in designer ?

If I understand your question correctly, here is what you are doing:
In a LiveCycle process orchestration, you are reading in a configuration parameter.
You have a form with a fragment embedded in it and you would like to read in a the configuration parameter.
Your form is probably saved on the LiveCycle server.
Since the process orchestrations are called at runtime, you can't call a variable/configuration parameter during design time. If you want to read it in at runtime, I would suggest the following approach:
Add a setValue component that injects the runtime parameter into a hidden field ( if you just need to read the value and perform some calculation based on it) or a visible field.
Test your rendered from to ensure that the variable value is injected correctly into the template.
Do let me know if you have any other questions.


PrintInvoice global variable - BigCommerce

I have the following case:
I'm trying to edit the PrintInvoice.html after downloading it through WebDav. The template was previously edited by another developer, but using the Template Files directly in the Storefront back when the files were visible in the Storefront. When opening the HTML template, the wording that I need to change is inside the global variable %%GLOBAL_ProductsTable%% so I'm not sure how to reach the text content inside. Replacing the global variable with custom HTML is not desirable.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
As others have stated, these global variables are saved within BC's back-end database which you do not have access to.
A workaround my team and I have done to edit the contents of these global variables is to use JavaScript at the bottom of the document that changes the desired text after it is loaded. This seems to be the only way we could find to edit those values.
Global variables like this are provided by the BigCommerce app, it is how the product data is sent through your store to email and can't be modified. To change the product table's appearance, the existing variable would need to be removed and replaced with your custom code.

DNN get params in view are not available in edit

I am creating a dnn module. The content depends on the param in the url.
I want to be able to edit this content in the 'edit content' mode. However when i go to edit content the param in the url is no longer accessible because it is the parent document. How do i go about passing this value from the view.ascx to the edit.ascx?
Try storing the param in cookies or localstorage. Then you should be able to access it. Of course the user will be able to modify it but you can do a check that the user has not modified it by storing a server side encryption or somthing like that.
A workaround is to have a field where the user enters this parameter. But i know this isn't a very good solution. I am guessing that you will have to override the dotnetnuke core to do this (yes i know it sucks).
I hope I am understanding the question properly.
To pass parameters from your View to Edit controls, you should first make sure they are registered properly in the module definition. You default View should have an empty controlkey and your Edit should be registered with a control key, for example "addedit".
When creating a link between your view control and edit control, use the EditUrl() method of PortalModuleBase. When passing a parameter, for example an id of the item you want to load into your edit control, you can pass them as arguments in the EditUr method.
Example (in my view.ascx.cs):
lnkEdit.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("id", "16", "addedit");
This will assign a module view link to the edit.ascx (assuming the controlkey in the definition is addedit) passing in a url parameter "id" with value 16.
See my DNN Module Views tutorial for a complete lesson on how to do DNN module views and navigation.

How to change dojo locale after dojo loaded?

We need set locale in data-dojo-config before dojo loaded so that dojo.i18n will work with this locale. Is there any workaround that we can change this locale in dojo/_base/config after dojo loaded so that any further dojo.i18n call will work with this new locale?
I have a single page application, by carefully design, I already be able to recreate all my UI widgets dynamically anytime. I want to add a Select somewhere so that user can change languages on the fly. Currently the only solution I have is put a queryString locale='newLocale' at Url and force browser refresh. That works but everything User have done lost and with a fresh start. That's not what I want.
Any idea? I don't afraid some changes of dojo to make this happen since my application will be built as a single layer and deploy to customers.
According to dojo's documentation, you cannot change the locale once it's loaded. See this page from their documentation, the relevant line is:
Once Dojo is loaded, it is not possible to change the locale for the
Your description of adding a new parameter is what I've done in this situation, you can specify the locale property on the dojoConfig object to override the default locale.
EDIT: There is an open bug for this use case, see In that ticket there also appears to be a workaround that basically involves manually loading the resource file of the language you want to use and updating any text.
So, adapting their example (, this would run after you initiate a change locale action:
require(['dojo/i18n!dojo/nls/' + resourceModuleWithLocale], function (resource) {
/* in here, you must set all of the text manually to the values in the resource object */
It still seems like a lot of work, but I suppose that's one possible way to accomplish this.

File uploading from within a custom form tag in Spring MVC

Part of the administrator side of our application requires the user to edit various types of content, which involves using a rich text editor or using files to generate content that can be seen by the 'client side' users of the application. It's kind of a domain-specific CMS lite.
Because this 'content' can be used in various parts of the application, it is included as a seperate relation in some of our domain entities. We decided to make our own tag library that defines some form fields that can be used to edit this content when an administrator edits an entity that includes a piece of content.
What we'd like to be able to do is the following.
<form:form modelAttribute=...>
<olo:content-editor path="content"/>
<!-- Other form fields for this entity -->
The olo:content-editor tag then generates a number of form fields based on what type of content is needed. This means it may (or, depending on the type of content, may not!) generate the filebased-content tag which contains:
<input type="file" name="file/>
Which can be used to replace the file associated with the file based content.
The problem is that the Spring docs indicate that the file upload requires the form to have the enctype to define that it's sending multipart form data. As the file upload is part of the tag and not the form itself, we find this is undesirable. We would like to be able to use our olo:content-editor tag in forms without having to change the form enctype attribute. Is this possible?
Possible solutions
We can think of two client-side hacks that may resolve our problem, but both seem to be rather ugly solutions:
Include a script in filebased content tag that changes the form enctype when it's loaded, so that it is always set to the appropriate type. (Very ugly.)
Submit the file data as a regular hidden form field, of which the data is set by using the HTML5 File API (administrators use a compliant browser. This seems far less ugly but still not an optimal solution.)

how to read/parse dynamically generated web content?

I need to find a way to write a program (in any language) that will connect to a website and read dynamically generated data from the website.
Note that it's dynamically generated--it's not enough to get the source html, because the data I'm interested in is generated via javascript that references back-end code. So when i view the webpage source, I can't see the data. (For example, go to google, and do a search. Check the source code on the search results page. Very little of the data your browser is displaying is reflected in the source--most of it is dynamically generated. I need some way to access this data.)
Pick a language and environment that includes an HTML renderer (e.g. .NET and the WebBrowser control). Use the HTML renderer to get the URL and produce an HTML DOM in memory (making sure that scripting is enabled). Read the contents of the HTML DOM after the renderer has done its work.
Example (you'll need to do this inside a System.Windows.Form derived class):
WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser();
HtmlDocument document = browser.Document;
// extract what you want from the document
I used to have a Perl program to access to get the drive direction from one location to another location. I parsed the returned page and save to database. If the source never change their format, it is OK. the problem is the source format often change, your parser also need change.
A simple thought: if we're talking about AJAX, you can rather look up the urls for the dynamic data. Then you can use the javascript on the page you're talking about to reformat this.
If you have Firefox/greasemonkey making a DOM dumper should be a simple matter.