C++/CLI: how to overload an operator to accept reference types? - c++-cli

I am trying to create a CLI value class c_Location with overloaded operators, but I think I have an issue with boxing. I have implemented the operator overloading as seen in many manuals, so I'm sure this must be right.
This is my code:
value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
c_Location& operator+= (const c_Location& i_locValue)
x += i_locValue.x;
y += i_locValue.y;
z += i_locValue.z;
return *this;
c_Location operator+ (const c_Location& i_locValue)
c_Location locValue(x, y, z);
return locValue += i_locValue;
int main()
array<c_Location,1>^ alocData = gcnew array<c_Location,1>(2);
c_Location locValue, locValue1, locValue2;
locValue = locValue1 + locValue2;
locValue = alocData[0] + alocData[1]; // Error C2679 Binary '+': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'c_Location'
After searching for a longer time, I found that the error comes from the operand being a reference type, as it is an array element of a value type, and the function accepting only value types as it takes an unmanaged reference. I now have 2 possibiblities:
adding a unboxing cast to c_Location and so changing the faulty line in main() to
locValue = alocData[0] + (c_Location)alocData[1];
modifying the operator+ overloading so that it takes the parameter by value instead of by reference:
c_Location operator+ (const c_Location i_locValue)
both options work, but as far as I can see, they both have disadvantages:
opt 1 means that I have to explicitly cast wherever needed.
opt 2 means that the function will create a copy of the parameter on its call and therefore waste performance (not much though).
My questions: Is my failure analysis correct at all or does the failure have another reason?
Is there a better third alternative?
If not: which option, 1 or 2, is the better one? I currently prefer #2.

The rules are rather different from native C++:
the CLI demands that operator overloads are static members of the class
you can use the const keyword in C++/CLI but you get no mileage from it, the CLI does not support enforcing const-ness and there are next to no other .NET languages that support it either.
passing values of a value type ought to be done by value, that's the point of having value types in .NET in the first place. Using a & reference is very troublesome, that's a native pointer at runtime which the garbage collector cannot adjust. You'll get a compile error if you try to use your operator overload on a c_Location that's embedded in a managed class. If you want to avoid value copy semantics then you should declare a ref class instead. The hat^ in your code.
any interop type you create in C++/CLI should be declared public so it is usable from other assemblies and .NET languages. It isn't entirely clear if that's your intention, it is normally the reason you write C++/CLI code.
You could make your value class look like this instead:
public value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
static c_Location operator+= (c_Location me, c_Location rhs)
me.x += rhs.x;
me.y += rhs.y;
me.z += rhs.z;
return me;
static c_Location operator+ (c_Location me, c_Location rhs)
return c_Location(me.x + rhs.x, me.y + rhs.y, me.z + rhs.z);
Untested, ought to be close. You'll now see that your code in main() compiles without trouble.

TL;DR version:
For managed code, use % for a pass by reference parameter, not &
You diagnosis is not completely correct. Boxing has nothing to do with your problem. But reference types do, in a way.
You were really close when you said that "I found that the error comes from the operand being a reference type". Well, the operand is a value type not a reference type. But the error occurs when the operand is stored inside a reference type, because then it's inside the garbage-collected heap (where all instances of reference types are placed). This goes for arrays as well as your own objects which contain a member of value type.
The danger is that when the garbage collector runs, it can move items around on the gc heap. And this breaks native pointers (*) and references (&), because they store the address and expect it to stay the same forever. To handle this problem, C++/CLI provides tracking pointers (^) and tracking references (%) which work together with the garbage collector to do two things:
make sure the enclosing object isn't freed while you're using it
find the new address if the garbage collector moves the enclosing object
For use from C++/CLI, you can make operator+ a non-member, just like normal C++.
value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
c_Location% operator+= (const c_Location% i_locValue)
x += i_locValue.x;
y += i_locValue.y;
z += i_locValue.z;
return *this;
c_Location operator+ (c_Location left, const c_Location% right)
return left += right;
The drawback is that C# won't use non-members, for compatibility with C#, write it like a non-member operator (with two explicit operands) but make it a public static member.
value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
c_Location% operator+= (const c_Location% i_locValue)
x += i_locValue.x;
y += i_locValue.y;
z += i_locValue.z;
return *this;
static c_Location operator+ (c_Location left, const c_Location% right)
return left += right;
There's no reason to worry about this for operator+= since C# doesn't recognize that anyway, it will use operator+ and assign the result back to the original object.
For primitive types like double or int, you may find that you need to use % also, but only if you need a reference to an instance of that primitive type is stored inside a managed object:
double d;
array<double>^ a = gcnew darray<double>(5);
double& native_ref = d; // ok, d is stored on stack and cannot move
double& native_ref2 = a[0]; // error, a[0] is in the managed heap, you MUST coordinate with the garbage collector
double% tracking_ref = d; // ok, tracking references with with variables that don't move, too
double% tracking_ref2 = a[0]; // ok, now you and the garbage collector are working together


Modifying a function pointer passed to a method?

Is there any way to pass a function pointer to an Objective C method, and then have that method modify the function pointer to point at a C function somewhere else?
Creating a method that accepts a function pointer is simple enough:
- (void)doSomethingWithFunctionPointer:(void(*)(/* args go here */))functionPointer;
I can then call that function inside doSomethingWithFunctionPointer simply by calling:
if (functionPointer)
But what if I actually wanted to change the functionPointer to point at something else within doSomethingWithFunctionPointer, so that any code outside that method can then call the changed function pointer to call the function that doSomethingWithFunctionPointer point it to?
I know this is probably a prime example of how not to do things in Objective C (especially considering we've got blocks and what not). It's more just curiosity at this point. It almost sounds like I'd need a function pointer pointer, but I'm not sure how that would work, if it's even possible.
This can be done using pointers to function pointers. Perhaps the most readable way to do it is to typedef your function pointer, like this:
typedef void (*FunPtr)(int a, float b);
Then use a pointer of that typedef-ed type to assign in a function, like this:
void foo(int a, float b) {
printf("FOO : %d %f\n", a, b);
void bar(int a, float b) {
printf("BAR : %d %f\n", a, b);
// This function receives a pointer to function pointer
void assign(int n, FunPtr *ptr) {
if (n == 0) {
*ptr = foo;
} else {
*ptr = bar;
Here is how you call assign from your code:
int main(void) {
FunPtr f;
assign(0, &f);
f(10, 20.5);
assign(1, &f);
f(10, 20.5);
return 0;
Note: You are right about blocks in Objective-C greatly reducing the need for direct use of function pointers. However, you can use a similar typedef trick with pointers to blocks.

Swift converts C's uint64_t different than it uses its own UInt64 type

I am in the process of porting an application from (Objective-)C to Swift but have to use a third-party framework written in C. There are a couple of incompatibilities like typedefs that are interpreted as Int but have to be passed to the framework's functions as UInts or the like. So to avoid constant casting operations throughout the entire Swift application I decided to transfer the C header files to Swift, having all types as I I need them to be in one place.
I was able to transfer nearly everything and have overcome a lot of hurdles, but this one:
The C header defines a struct which contains a uint64_t variable among others. This struct is used to transfer data to a callback function as a pointer. The callback function takes a void pointer as argument and I have to cast it with the UnsafeMutablePointer operation to the type of the struct (or another struct of the header if appropriate). All the casting and memory-accessing works fine as long as I use the original struct from the C header that was automatically transformed by Swift on import.
Replicating the struct manually in Swift does not "byte-fit" however.
Let me show you a reduced example of this situation:
Inside the CApiHeader.h file there is something like
typedef struct{
uint32_t var01;
uint64_t var02;
uint8_t arr[2];
}MyStruct, *MyStructPtr;
From my understanding this here should be the Swift equivalent
struct MyStruct{
var01: UInt32
var02: UInt64
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
Or what should also work is this tuple notation
typealias MyStruct = (
var01: UInt32,
var02: UInt64,
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
This works normally, but not as soon as there is an UInt64 type.
Okay, so what happens?
Casting the pointer to one of my own Swift MyStruct implementations the hole data is shifted by 2 bytes, starting at the UInt64 field. So in this example the both arr fields are not at the correct position, but inside the UInt64 bits, that should be 64 in number. So it seams that the UInt64 field has only 48 bits.
This accords to my observation that if I replace the UIn64 variable with this alternative
struct MyStruct{
var01: UInt32
reserved: UInt16
var02: UInt32
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
or this one
struct MyStruct{
var01: UInt32
var02: (UInt32, UInt32)
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
(or the equivalent tuple notation) it aligns the arr fields correctly.
But as you can easily guess var02 contains not directly usable data, because it is split over multiple address ranges. It is even worse with the first alternative, because it seams that Swift fills up the gap between the reserved field and the var02 field with 16 bits - the missing / shifted 2 bytes I mentioned above - but these are not easily accessible.
So I haven't figured out any equivalent transformation of the C struct in Swift.
What happens here exactly and how does Swift transforms the struct from the C header actually?
Do you guys have a hint or an explanation or even a solution for me, please?
The C framework has an API function with this signature:
int16_t setHandlers(MessageHandlerProc messageHandler);
MessageHandlerProc is procedure type:
typedef void (*messageHandlerProc)(unsigned int id, unsigned int messageType, void *messageArgument);
So setHandlers is a C procedure inside the framework that gets a pointer to a callback function. This callback function has to provide an argument of a void Pointer, that gets casted to e.g.
typedef struct {
uint16_t revision;
uint16_t client;
uint16_t cmd;
int16_t parameter;
int32_t value;
uint64_t time;
uint8_t stats[8];
uint16_t compoundValueOld;
int16_t axis[6];
uint16_t address;
uint32_t compoundValueNew;
} DeviceState, *DeviceStatePtr;
Swift is smart enough to import the messageHandlerProc with the convention(c) syntax, so the procedure type is directly available. On the other hand it is not possible use the standard func syntax and bitcast my messageHandler callback function to this type. So I used the closure syntax to define the callback function:
let myMessageHandler : MessageHandlerProc = { (deviceID : UInt32, msgType : UInt32, var msgArgPtr : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void in
I converted the above mentioned structure into the different structures of my original post.
And No! Defining stats as Swift Array does not work. An Array in Swift in not equivalent to an Array in C, because Swift's Array is a extended type. Writing to and reading from it with a pointer causes an exception
Only Tuples are natively implemented in Swift and you can run back and forth with pointers over it.
Okay... this works all fine and my callback function gets called whenever data is available.
So inside myMessageHandler I want to use the stored Data inside msgArgPtr which is a void pointer and thus has to be cast into DeviceState.
let state = (UnsafeMutablePointer<MyDeviceState>(msgArgPtr)).memory
Accessing state it like:
Whenever I use the automatically generated Swift pendant of DeviceState it all works nicely. The time variable has the Unix Time Stamp and the following stats (accessible with tuple syntax!!!) are all where they belong.
Using my manually implemented struct however results in a completely senseless time stamp value and the stats fields are shifted to the left (towards the time field - that's probably why the time stamp value is useless, because it contains bits from the stats "array"). So in the last two fields of stats I get values from compoundValueOld and the first axis field - with all the overflowing of course.
As long as I am willing to sacrifice the time value and change the UInt64 variable by either a tuple of two UInt32 types or by changing it to a UInt32 type and adding a auxiliary variable of the type UInt16 right before time, I receive a stats "array" with correct alignment.
Have a nice day! :-)
This is an update to my earlier answer after reading your updated question and experimenting some more. I believe the problem is an alignment discrepancy between the imported C structure and the one you manually implemented in Swift. The problem can be solved by using a C helper function to get an instance of the C struct from void pointer as was suggested yesterday, which can then be converted to the manually implemented Swift struct.
I've been able to reproduce the problem after creating an abbreviated mock-up of your DeviceState structure that looks like
typedef struct
uint16_t revision;
uint16_t client;
uint16_t cmd;
int16_t parameter;
int32_t value;
uint64_t time;
uint8_t stats[8];
uint16_t compoundValueOld;
} APIStruct;
The corresponding hand-crafted Swift native structure is:
struct MyStruct
init( _apis : APIStruct)
revision = _apis.revision
client = _apis.client
cmd = _apis.cmd
parameter = _apis.parameter
value = _apis.value
time = _apis.time
stats = _apis.stats
compoundValueOld = _apis.compoundValueOld
var revision : UInt16
var client : UInt16
var cmd : UInt16
var parameter : Int16
var value : Int32
var time : UInt64
var stats : (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8);
var compoundValueOld : UInt16
The C framework you are working with could have been compiled using a different struct packing, resulting in a non-matching alignment. I used
#pragma pack(2)
in my C code to break the bit-matching between the Swift's native and imported C struct.
If I do something like
func swiftCallBackVoid( p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> )
let _locMS:MyStruct = (UnsafeMutablePointer<MyStruct>(p)).memory
the data in _locMS is different from what was placed there by C code. This problem only occurs if I change struct packing using a pragma in my C code; the above unsafe conversion works fine if the default alignment is used. One can solve this problem as follows:
let _locMS:MyStruct = MyStruct(_apis: (UnsafeMutablePointer<APIStruct>(p)).memory)
BTW, the way Swift imports the C struct, the array members become tuples; this can be seen from the fact that tuple notation has to be used to access them in Swift.
I have a sample Xcode project illustrating all this that I've placed on github:
Obviously, the approach of using a helper C function to get APIStruct from a void pointer and then converting the APIStruct to MyStruct may or may not be an option, depending on how the structures are used, how large they are, and on the performance requirements of the application. As you can tell, this approach involves some copying of the structure. Other approaches, I think, include writing a C-layer between Swift code and the 3rd party C framework, studying the memory layout of the C structure and accessing it in creative ways (may break easily), using the imported C struct more extensively in your Swift code, etc...
Here is a way to share data between C and Swift code without unnecessary copying and with changes made in Swift visible to C code. With the following approach, however, it's imperative to be aware of object lifetime and other memory management issues. One can create a class as follows:
// This typealias isn't really necessary, just a convenience
typealias APIStructPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<APIStruct>
struct MyStructUnsafe
init( _p : APIStructPtr )
pAPIStruct = _p
var time: UInt64 {
get {
return pAPIStruct.memory.time
set( newVal ) {
pAPIStruct.memory.time = newVal
var pAPIStruct: APIStructPtr
Then we can use this structure as follows:
func swiftCallBackVoid( p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> )
var _myUnsafe : MyStructUnsafe = MyStructUnsafe(_p: APIStructPtr(p))
_myUnsafe.time = 9876543210 // this change is visible in C code!
Your two definitions are not equivalent. An array is not the same as a tuple. Your C struct gives 24 bytes (see this question as to why). The size in Swift differs depend on how you implement it:
struct MyStruct1 {
var var01: UInt32
var var02: UInt64
var arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
typealias MyStruct2 = (
var01: UInt32,
var02: UInt64,
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
struct MyStruct3 {
var var01: UInt32
var var02: UInt64
var arr: [UInt8] = [0,0]
print(sizeof(MyStruct1)) // 18
print(sizeof(MyStruct2)) // 18
print(sizeof(MyStruct3)) // 24, match C's

How to dismember structure data and operators?

I want to build algebraic system, so I need a carrier, which is basically some data type, and a bunch of operators over that type. It is natural for algebras to differ in signature meaning the same type might have different set of operators with the same notation.
Say I have a vector type. Normally I would use euclidean metric and norm for it, so I import vector, euclidean, where vector contains data declaration for vector type, but all the overloaded operators for the same vector go to euclidean. Then when I want to work with riemanian space I simply import vector, riemanian and get a completely different algebra with the same interface.
I know, this can be achieved in object paradigm via inheritance, but maybe it is possible to do that with plain modules? All I need is to declare data in one module and operators in other all for the same structure.
Two possibilities come to mind. One is using UFCS, defining named functions (it won't work for the operator overloads) in other modules that take the type as the first parameter, then are callable with dot syntax (forgive me if I mess up the math here):
module myvector;
struct vector {
float x;
float y;
module myvectormath;
import myvector;
vector add(vector lhs, vector rhs) {
// inside, it is just a regular function
vector result;
result.x = lhs.x + rhs.x;
result.y = lhs.y + rhs.y;
return result;
import myvector;
import myvectormath;
// but it can be called with dot notation
vector a = vector(0,0).add(vector(5, 5));
Another possible way is to put the data in a struct or a mixin template, then make the math by putting that in another struct with the needed functions:
// data definition
module myvector;
// the data will be an external named type, so we can pass it on more easily - will help interop
struct VectorData {
float x;
float y;
// and this provides the stuff to get our other types started
mixin template vector_payload() {
// constructors for easy initialization
this(float x, float y) {
_data.x = x;
_data.y = y;
this(VectorData d) {
_data = d;
// storing our data
VectorData _data;
// alias this is a feature that provides a bit of controlled implicit casting..
alias _data this;
// math module #1
module myvectormath;
import myvector;
struct vector {
// mixin all the stuff from above, so we get those ctors, the data, etc.
mixin vector_payload!();
// and add our methods, including full operator overloading
vector opBinary(string op:"+")(vector rhs) {
vector result;
result.x = this.x + rhs.x;
result.y = this.y + rhs.y;
return result;
// math module #2
module myvectormath2;
import myvector;
struct vector {
// again, mix it in
mixin vector_payload!();
// and add our methods
vector opBinary(string op:"+")(vector rhs) {
vector result;
// this one has horribly broken math lol
result.x = this.x - rhs.x;
result.y = this.y - rhs.y;
return result;
// usage
import myvectormath;
// OR
//import myvectormath2;
void main() {
vector a = vector(0, 0) + vector(5, 5);
import std.stdio;
In the usage module, if you just replace imports, the rest of the code remains unmodified. What happens though if you want to use both modules at once and intermix them? That's where the inner struct _Data, the constructor taking it, and alias this magic comes in. First, we'll import both and see what happens:
test32.d(23): Error: myvectormath.vector at test324.d(4) conflicts with myvectormath2.vector at test322.d(4)
So, first, we want to disambiguate the name. There's all kinds of ways to do this, you can learn more in the import section of the D docs: http://dlang.org/module.html#Import
For now, I'm going to just use the fully qualified name.
// usage
import myvectormath;
import myvectormath2;
void main() {
// specify the kind we want to use here...
myvectormath.vector a = myvectormath.vector(0, 0) + myvectormath.vector(5, 5);
import std.stdio;
writeln(a); // and we get a result of 0, 5, so it used the addition version correctly
How can we easily move them around internally? Let's make a function that uses version #2:
void somethingWithMath2(myvectormath2.vector vec) {
// whatever
It will complain if you pass the variable "a" to it because it is myvectormath.vector, and this is myvectormath2.
test32.d(27): Error: function test32.somethingWithMath2 (vector a) is not callable using argument types (vector)
But, we can pretty easily convert them thanks to the external data struct, the ctor, and alias this in the mixin template:
Compiles! The way that works under the hood is myvectormath2.vector has two constructors: (float, float) and (VectorData). Neither of them match the type of a, so next it tries a's alias this... which is VectorData. So it implicitly converts and then matches the VectorData ctor.
You could also just pass the data around:
import myvector;
void somethingWithMath2(VectorData a_in) {
// to do math on it, we construct the kind of vectormath we're interested in:
auto a = myvectormath2.vector(a_in);
// and use it
And then call it this way:
// will implicitly convert any of the sub vectormath types to the base data so this just works
Passing around the data would probably be most nice, since then the caller doesn't need to know what kind of stuff you'll be doing with it.
The constructor it uses here is trivial by the way, and shouldn't incur significant runtime loss (possibly none at all if the compiler switch is set to inline it; this is basically just a reinterpret_cast; the data representation is identical).
Note that it will not let you add myvectormath2.vector + myvectormath.vector, that will be a type mismatch. But if you do want to allow that, all you have to do is change the overloaded operator to accept VectorData instead of one of the math types! Then it will implicitly convert and you have the same data to work on. Think of VectorData as being a base class in OOP terms.
I think that covers the bases, let me know if you have any further questions.

Creating a global "null" struct for re-use in C program?

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I have a struct that is used heavily through my program.
typedef struct _MyStruct {
// ... handful of non-trivial fields ...
} MyStruct;
I expect (read, intend) for lots of parts of the program to return one of these structs, but many of them should be able to return a "null" struct, which is a singleton/global. The exact use case is for the implementing function to say "I can't find what you asked me to return".
I assumed this would be a simple case of defining a variable in a header file, and initializing it in the .c file.
// MyStruct.h
// ... Snip ...
MyStruct NotFoundStruct;
// MyStruct.c
NotFoundStruct.x = 0;
NotFoundStruct.y = 0;
// etc etc
But the compiler complains that the initialization is not constant.
Since I don't care about what this global actually references in memory, I only care that everything uses the same global, I tried just removing the initialization and simply leaving the definition in the header.
But when I do this:
MyStruct thing = give_me_a_struct(some_input);
if (thing == NotFoundStruct) {
// ... do something special
Th compiler complains that the operands to the binary operator "==" (or "!=") are invalid.
How does one define such as globally re-usable (always the same memory address) struct?
This doesn't directly answer your question, but it won't fit in a comment...
If you have a function that may need to return something or return nothing, there are several options that are better than returning a "null struct" or "sentinel struct," especially since structs are not equality comparable in C.
One option is to return a pointer, so that you can actually return NULL to indicate that you are really returning nothing; this has the disadvantage of having significant memory management implications, namely who owns the pointer? and do you have to create an object on the heap that doesn't already exist on the heap to do this?
A better option is to take a pointer to a struct as an "out" parameter, use that pointer to store the actual result, then return an int status code indicating success or failure (or a bool if you have a C99 compiler). This would look something like:
int give_me_a_struct(MyStruct*);
MyStruct result;
if (give_me_a_struct(&result)) {
// yay! we got a result!
else {
// boo! we didn't get a result!
If give_me_a_struct returns zero, it indicates that it did not find the result and the result object was not populated. If it returns nonzero, it indicates that it did find the result and the result object was populated.
C doesn't allow global non-const assignments. So you must do this in a function:
void init() {
NotFoundStruct.x = 0;
NotFoundStruct.y = 0;
As for the comparison, C doesn't know how to apply a == operator to a struct. You can overload (redefine) the operator in C++, but not in C.
So to see if a return value is empty, your options are to
Have each function return a boolean value to indicate found or not, and return the struct's values via pointers through the argument list. (eg. bool found = give_me_a_struct(some_input, &thing);)
Return a pointer to a struct, which can be NULL if nothing exists. (eg. MyStruct* thing = give_me_a_struct(some_input);)
Add an additional field to the struct that indicates whether the object is valid.
The third option is the most generic for other cases, but requires more data to be stored. The best bet for your specific question is the first option.
// MyStruct.h
typedef struct _MyStruct {
// fields
} MyStruct;
extern MyStruct NotFoundStruct;
// MyStruct.c
#include "my_struct.h"
MyStruct NotFoundStruct = {0};
But since you can't use the == operator, you will have to find another way to distinguish it. One (not ideal) way is to have a bool flag reserved to indicate validity. That way, only that must be checked to determine if it's a valid instance.
But I think you should consider James's proposed solution instead
In the header:
// Structure definition then
extern MyStruct myStruct;
In the .c that contains global data
struct MyStruct myStruct
initialize field 1,
initialize field 2,
// etc...

Difference between value parameter and reference parameter?

Difference between value parameter and reference parameter ? This question is asked sometime by interviewers during my interviews. Can someone tell me the exact difference that is easy to explain with example? And is reference parameter and pointer parameter are same thing ?
Changes to a value parameter are not visible to the caller (also called "pass by value").
Changes to a reference parameter are visible to the caller ("pass by reference").
C++ example:
void by_value(int n) { n = 42; }
void by_ref(int& n) { n = 42; }
void also_value(int const& n); // Even though a reference is used, this is
// semantically a value parameter---though there are implementation
// artifacts, like not being able to write "n = 42" (it's const) and object
// identity (&n here has different ramifications than for by_value above).
One use of pointers is to implement "reference" parameters without using a special reference concept, which some languages, such as C, don't have. (Of course you can also treat pointers as values themselves.)
The main difference is whether the object passed is copied. If it's a value parameter the compiler must generate such code that altering the function parameter inside the function has no effect on the original object passsed, so it will usually copy the object. In case of reference parameters the compiler must generate such code taht all operations are done on the original object being passed.
A pointer is a low-level way of representing a reference, so passing a pointer (by value) is how languages like C typically achieve pass by reference semantics.
The difference is pretty simple: direct parameters are passed by value, and the receiver receives a copy of what is passed; meaning that if the parameter is modified by the receiver, these changes will not be reflected back to the caller. (This is often called, appropriately enough, pass by value, or by copy.
There are basically three kinds of parameters; pointer, reference and direct.
The difference is pretty simple: direct parameters are passed by value, and the receiver receives a copy of what is passed; meaning that if the parameter is modified by the receiver, these changes will not be reflected back to the caller. (This is often called, appropriately enough, pass by value, or bycopy.
Pointers are also passed by value, but rather than sending the actual value, the caller sends the address of the value. This means that by following this pointer, the receiver can modify the argument. Note that changes made to the actual pointer still aren't reflected back to the caller.
The final form, call-by-reference, is sort of a middle ground between these two approaches. Essentially it can be thought of as a pointer that looks like a value.
It is worth mentioning that at the core of it all, parameters are always passed by value, but different languages have different ways of implementing reference semantics (see Kylotans answer).
// Example using C
// bycopy
int multiply(int x, int y) {
return x * y;
void multiply_p(int *x, int y) {
*x *= y;
int main () {
int i, j, k;
i = 20;
j = 10;
k = multiply(i,j); // k is now 200
multiply_p(&i, k); // i is now 4000 (200 * 20)
return 0;
Pass by Value:
void setTo4(value) { // value is passed by value
value = 4;
int x = 1;
// x is still 1
Pass by Reference:
void setTo4(value) { // value is passed by reference
value = 4;
int x = 1;
// x is 4