Transactions in locks table and SELECT gets timeout - sql

I have the following problem:
Inside one sqltransaction in I INSERT data into several tables.
it is something like this:
sqltransaction = connection.begintransaction
INSERT into table1
for i=1 to x
INSERT into table2
INSERT into table3
next i
Private Sub salveazaCerereaDeOferta()
If checkCompletion() = 1 Then
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.GestiuneService2012_beSQLConnectionString)
Dim sqlTrans As SqlTransaction = conn.BeginTransaction()
Dim cmdInsertCerereOferta As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand
cmdInsertCerereOferta.Transaction = sqlTrans
cmdInsertCerereOferta.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ListaCereriOferte (IDFurnizor,NrCerereOferta,DataCerereOferta,IDModTransCerereOferta,ObservatiiCerereOferta)" + _
" VALUES (#IDFurnizor,#NrCerereOferta,#DataCerereOferta,#IDModTransCerereOferta,#ObservatiiCerereOferta);" + _
cmdInsertCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#IDFurnizor", SqlDbType.Int).Value = CInt(Me.t_IDFurnizor.Text)
cmdInsertCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#NrCerereOferta", SqlDbType.Int).Value = CInt(Me.t_NumarCerereOferta.Text)
cmdInsertCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#DataCerereOferta", SqlDbType.Date).Value = CDate(Me.t_DataCerereOferta.Text)
cmdInsertCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#IDModTransCerereOferta", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1
cmdInsertCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#ObservatiiCerereOferta", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = Me.t_ObservatiiCerereOferta.Text
Dim IDCerereOferta As Integer = cmdInsertCerereOferta.ExecuteScalar
Dim ListaPieseCerereOferta = Me.CerereOfertaDataSet.ListaPieseCerereOferta.AsEnumerable
Dim ListaNecesarePePiesa = Me.CerereOfertaDataSet.NecesarePeOferta.AsEnumerable
Dim PieseOferta = From q In ListaPieseCerereOferta _
Select q
Dim cantTotalaPiese = Aggregate q In ListaPieseCerereOferta _
Into Sum(q.Cantitate)
Dim salvat As Integer = 0
Dim curIDPiesaDeSchimb As Integer
For Each piesa In PieseOferta
curIDPiesaDeSchimb = piesa.IDPiesaDeSchimb
Dim NecesarePePiesa = From p In ListaNecesarePePiesa _
Select p _
Order By p.IDNecesar Descending
Dim curIDNecesar As Integer
For Each necesar In NecesarePePiesa
curIDNecesar = necesar.IDNecesar
Dim cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Transaction = sqlTrans
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.CommandText = "INSERT INTO CereriOferte (IDCerereOferta,IDPiesaDeSchimb,Cantitate,UM,Observatii)" + _
" VALUES (#IDCerereOferta,#IDPiesaDeSchimb,#Cantitate,#UM,#Observatii);" + _
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#IDCerereOferta", SqlDbType.Int)
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#IDPiesaDeSchimb", SqlDbType.Int)
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#Cantitate", SqlDbType.Float)
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#UM", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#Observatii", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
Dim cmdInsertNecesarCerereOferta As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand
cmdInsertNecesarCerereOferta.Transaction = sqlTrans
cmdInsertNecesarCerereOferta.CommandText = "INSERT INTO NecesareCereriOferte (IDPiesaNecesar,IDPiesaCerereOferta)" + _
" VALUES (#IDPiesaNecesar,#IDPiesaCerereOferta)"
cmdInsertNecesarCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#IDPiesaNecesar", SqlDbType.Int)
cmdInsertNecesarCerereOferta.Parameters.Add("#IDPiesaCerereOferta", SqlDbType.Int)
Select Case curIDNecesar
Case 0
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#IDCerereOferta").Value = IDCerereOferta
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#IDPiesaDeSchimb").Value = curIDPiesaDeSchimb
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#Cantitate").Value = 1
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#UM").Value = piesa.UM
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#Observatii").Value = ""
For i = 1 To necesar.Cantitate
salvat += 1
Me.tsspb_SalvareCerereOferta.Value = CInt(100 * salvat / cantTotalaPiese)
Case Is > 0
Me.PieseNecesarePeOfertaTableAdapter.Fill(Me.CerereOfertaDataSet.PieseNecesarePeOferta, curIDNecesar, curIDPiesaDeSchimb, CInt(necesar.Cantitate))
Dim ListaPieseNecesarePeOferta = Me.CerereOfertaDataSet.PieseNecesarePeOferta.AsEnumerable
Dim PieseNecesareOferta = From q In ListaPieseNecesarePeOferta _
Select q
For i = 1 To necesar.Cantitate
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#IDCerereOferta").Value = IDCerereOferta
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#IDPiesaDeSchimb").Value = curIDPiesaDeSchimb
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#Cantitate").Value = 1
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#UM").Value = piesa.UM
cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.Parameters("#Observatii").Value = ""
Dim insertedIDPiesaCerereOferta As Integer = cmdInsertPiesaCerereOferta.ExecuteScalar
cmdInsertNecesarCerereOferta.Parameters("#IDPiesaNecesar").Value = PieseNecesareOferta(i - 1).IDPiesaNecesar
cmdInsertNecesarCerereOferta.Parameters("#IDPiesaCerereOferta").Value = insertedIDPiesaCerereOferta
salvat += 1
Me.tsspb_SalvareCerereOferta.Value = CInt(100 * salvat / cantTotalaPiese)
End Select
MsgBox("Cererea de oferta a fost salvata.")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("A aparut o eroare." + vbNewLine + ex.ToString + vbNewLine + "RollBack success. Cererea nu a fost salvata.")
Catch ex2 As SqlException
If Not sqlTrans.Connection Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("An exception of type " & ex2.GetType().ToString() & _
" was encountered while attempting to roll back the transaction.")
End If
End Try
If conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then conn.Close()
End Try
MsgBox("Nu ai completat integral cererea de oferta!")
End If
End Sub
query that locks:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.IDPiesaNecesar, COUNT(dbo.NecesareCereriOferte.IDPiesaCerereOferta) AS CereriOferte,
dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.IDNecesar, dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.IDPiesaDeSchimb, dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.Cantitate
FROM dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.NecesareCereriOferte ON dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.IDPiesaNecesar = dbo.NecesareCereriOferte.IDPiesaNecesar
GROUP BY dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.IDPiesaNecesar, dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.IDNecesar, dbo.qry_NecesareNerezolvate.IDPiesaDeSchimb,
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Necesare.IDPiesaNecesar, dbo.Necesare.IDNecesar, dbo.Necesare.IDPiesaDeSchimb, dbo.Necesare.Cantitate, dbo.Necesare.UM,
dbo.qry_NecesareComandateRezolvate ON dbo.Necesare.IDPiesaNecesar = dbo.qry_NecesareComandateRezolvate.IDPiesaNecesar
WHERE (dbo.qry_NecesareComandateRezolvate.IDPiesaNecesar IS NULL)
SELECT dbo.Necesare.IDPiesaNecesar, dbo.NecesareComenzi.IDPiesaComanda, dbo.NecesareRezolvate.IDBonTransfer
dbo.NecesareComenzi ON dbo.Necesare.IDPiesaNecesar = dbo.NecesareComenzi.IDPiesaNecesar LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.NecesareRezolvate ON dbo.Necesare.IDPiesaNecesar = dbo.NecesareRezolvate.IDPiesaNecesar
WHERE (dbo.NecesareComenzi.IDPiesaComanda IS NOT NULL) OR
(dbo.NecesareRezolvate.IDBonTransfer IS NOT NULL)
for i=1: insert, select then insert is working
then i=2 and: INSERT into table2... is working but SELECT FROM table1 and table3... gets timeout...
I don't understand why!
PS: If I break the code before second run of SELECT FROM table3 then go to SSMS and run the select query it gets timeout too...

In your code sample below, you have the transaction open till the end of the For Loop.
It seems to me that when i =1 , the transaction gets opened and a insertion is made. Now when i=2 , the to be inserted row when i=1 is in uncomitted state and if your select is joining to the table1 the lock level would have escalated to table level and locked everything down. Move the commit to inside the for loop and check how it goes.
for i=1 to x
INSERT into table2
INSERT into table3
next i


VB.Net Linq with datatables - select from one table what does not exist in the other

I have two data on which I have applied the linq to select some lines :
csql = "select * from V_Vente where code_projet=" & ComProjet.GetColumnValue("code_projet") & " "
Dim tabVnt as Datatable = utilitaire.getDatatable(csql)
Dim query1 = tabVnt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(r) DirectCast(r("date"), Date) >= dtDu And DirectCast(r("date"), Date) <= dtAu)
Dim tabAnnule As DataTable = utilitaire.getDatatable("select * from V_Reserv_Annule")
Dim query2 = From cust In tabAnnule.AsEnumerable() Where (cust.type = "définitif" Or cust.type = "Transfert") And cust.date_annule <= dtAu
now what i want is to select rows from "query1" where "Num_R" not exist in "query2".
The column "Num_r" exist in both datatable "tabVnt" and "tabAnnule"
I've tried this code but he doesn't work,please help me to find the error :
dim rows = from t1 in query1 .AsEnumerable() join t2 in query2.AsEnumerable() on t1.Field(Of String)("Num_r") equals t2.Field(Of String)("Num_r") Into tg
From tcheck In tg.DefaultIfEmpty()
Where tcheck = null
Select t1()
If I have understood your code right, you can check if second table's Num_rs does not contain the table one Num_r:
Dim rows = t1.Where(x=> !t2.Select(y=> y.Num_r).Contains(x.Num_r));
I have find the solution for my issus ,and i'd like to share it here with you :
Dim csql = "select * from V_Vente where code_projet=" & ComProjet.GetColumnValue("code_projet") & " "
Dim tabVnt As DataTable = utilitaire.getDatatable(csql)
Dim query1 = tabVnt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(r) DirectCast(r("date"), Date) >= dt1 And DirectCast(r("date"), Date) <= dt2).ToList
Dim tabAnnule As DataTable = utilitaire.getDatatable("select * from V_Reserv_Annule")
bannedCCList = From c In tabAnnule.AsEnumerable() _
Where (c!type.Equals("définitif") = True Or c!type.Equals("Transfert") = True) And c!date_annule <= dt2
Select c.Field(Of String)("num_recu")
Dim exceptData = (From c In query1.AsEnumerable() _
Where Not bannedCCList.Contains(c.Field(Of String)("num_recu")) _

use select case condition with SQL query statement in

I try to use select case statement with SQL statement
I have 4 columns when the lbl1.text equal 1 then x = "column1" and put this value in the SQL statement
when I try this code
Dim x As String
Select Case lbl1.Text
Case 1
x = "column1"
Case 2
x = " column2"
Case 3
x = " column3"
Case 4
x = " column4"
Dim dt As New DataTable
DGV1.Visible = True
Dim comm2 As New SqlCommand
comm2.CommandText = Nothing
comm2.CommandText = "select first_name,last_name,age from students where " + x + "=" + "yes" + ""
comm2.Connection = sqlconn
dr2 = comm2.ExecuteReader
DGV1.AutoGenerateColumns = True
DGV1.DataSource = dt
DGV1.Visible = True
End Select
and when lbl1.text = 1 or 2 or 3 it doesn't run the SQL statement but when the lbl1.text = 4 it's run SQL statement
can any one help me in this code
try this code, i just don't know if the break is the right syntax, but i guarantee you that this is the right code
` Dim x As String
Select Case lbl1.Text
Case 1
x = "column1"
Case 2
x = " column2"
Case 3
x = " column3"
Case 4
x = " column4"
End Select
Dim dt As New DataTable
DGV1.Visible = True
Dim comm2 As New SqlCommand
comm2.CommandText = Nothing
comm2.CommandText = "select first_name,last_name,age from students where " + x + "=" + "yes" + ""
comm2.Connection = sqlconn
dr2 = comm2.ExecuteReader
DGV1.AutoGenerateColumns = True
DGV1.DataSource = dt
DGV1.Visible = True
comm2.Dispose()` implict inner join syntax error (missing operator) in query expression

This is the code where I am getting exception message. However this code worked perfect in sql server 2005 but generating error in access.
This code working fine in sql server project but in access its generating exception as I mentioned..
Public Function CalculateFeeReciept(ByVal monthid As Integer) As DataTable
Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("Select * from mstFeeHead", sqlcon)
Dim dtmstFeeHead As New DataTable 'dtmstFeeHead contains all the fee heads id's
Dim adp1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd1)
Dim selectedmonth As Integer
Dim feeheadid As Integer
Dim arr(25) As Integer 'arr contains Fee head id's that should be paid in the selected month
If monthid = 13 Then
monthid = 1
ElseIf monthid = 14 Then
monthid = 2
ElseIf monthid = 15 Then
monthid = 3
End If
selectedmonth = monthid + 3
Dim m As Integer = 0
For j As Integer = 0 To dtmstFeeHead.Rows.Count - 1
feeheadid = Convert.ToInt32(dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(0))
If dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(selectedmonth) Then
arr(m) = feeheadid
m = m + 1
End If
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount " & _
"FROM " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead " & _
"mstFeeHead " & _
"ON " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID " & _
"mstFeePlan " & _
"ON " & _
"mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID " & _
"WHERE " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID = #StudentID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.SessionID = #SessionID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.ClassID = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dt2 As New DataTable 'dt2 contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the student and that should be paid in that particular month
' dt2 contains the filtrate of dt and arr
dt2 = dt.Clone()
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
Dim dtrow As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If arr(i) = dt.Rows(j)(0) Then
dtrow(0) = arr(i)
dtrow(1) = dt.Rows(j)(1)
dtrow(2) = dt.Rows(j)(2)
End If
cmd2 = New OleDbCommand("Select Sum(TotalFees) as TotalFees, Sum(LateFees) as TotalLateFees, Sum(OldBalance) as TotalOldBalance, Sum(Discount) as TotalDiscount, Sum(Scholarship) as TotalScholarship, Sum(Concession) as TotalConcession, Sum(AmountReceived) as TotalAmountReceived from txnFeePayment where SessionID=#SessionID and StudentID=#studentid and MonthID=#monthid Group by StudentId,MonthID", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#studentid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = cmbSession.SelectedValue
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#monthid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = monthid
Dim dtStudentReciept As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
adp = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dtrow1 As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If (dtStudentReciept.Rows.Count > 0) Then
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Late Fees"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(1))
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Discount"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(3)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Scholarship"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(4)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Concession"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(5)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Amount Received"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(6)) * -1
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
End If
dgvDisplay.DataSource = dt2
For i As Integer = 0 To dgvDisplay.Columns.Count - 1
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(i).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
dgvDisplay.Columns(2).Width = 65
dgvDisplay.Columns(1).Width = 132
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
'txtTotalFees.Text = dt2.Rows(dt2.Rows.Count - 1)(0)
Return dt2
End Function
There are a couple of things wrong with your query.
You havent left any spaces once a line in code is finished and whole query may look like they are separate lines but it is a one long string without any spaces.
I have added spaces in the following piece of code at the end of each line.
("SELECT [txnStudentFeeHead].[FeeHeadID],[mstFeeHead].[FeeHeadName]," & _
"[mstFeePlan].[Amount] " & _
"FROM " & _
"[txnStudentFeeHead] " & _
"[mstFeeHead] " & _
You have put your variables in sqaure brackets [] , which means SQL Server will treat them as SQL Server Object(table name, Column Name) names and not as Variables. Remove the Square brackets.
"WHERE " & _
"([txnStudentFeeHead].[StudentID] = #StudentID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[SessionID] = #SessionID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[ClassID] = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
Solved it myself by long time of effort and headache
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount, txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID, mstFeePlan.ClassID, mstFeePlan.SessionID FROM (txnStudentFeeHead INNER JOIN mstFeeHead ON txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID) INNER JOIN mstFeePlan ON mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID WHERE (((txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID)=#StudentID) AND ((mstFeePlan.ClassID)=#ClassID) AND ((mstFeePlan.SessionID)=#SessionID))", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)

How to merge cells and remove blank spaces in my DataGrid using proper loop

My title is still broad so i'll explain here further.
This is my current output using my code:
But I want to make it look like this..
As you can see on the pictures, i want to remove the blank spaces. Because if I selected MORE data, let's say I selected 7 more days, it will go DIAGONALLY not horizontally.
I think I have a problem regarding my loops. Hope you can help me trace because I've been stuck here for a week debugging. (nevermind my long query, i just want to post all my code. I've also added comments for easier debugging.)
Here's my code:
Private Sub LoadDateAndUser()
Dim SqlStr As String = ""
Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(DataSource.ConnectionString)
Dim sqlComm As New SqlCommand(SqlStr, sqlConn)
Dim sqlAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlComm)
Dim o_Dataset As New DataSet()
SqlStr = " SELECT convert(varchar(10), A.TransDate, 101) as TransDate,ADMMED.TransNum, ADMMED.AdministeredDate, D.Dosage [Dosage], ISNULL(C.GenericName, ' ') + ' (' + IsNull(B.ItemName,'') + ' ' + IsNull(B.ItemDesc,'') + ')' [Medication], ADMMED.UserID" & _
" FROM INVENTORY..tbInvStockCard as A" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN INVENTORY..tbInvMaster as B On A.ItemID = B.ItemID " & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Inventory.dbo.tbForGeneric as C On B.GenericID = C.GenericID" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Station..tbNurse_AdministeredMedicines ADMMED on a.idnum= ADMMED.idnum " & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN build_file.dbo.tbCoDosage as D on A.DosageID = D.DosageID" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Station.dbo.tbNurseCommunicationFile as E on A.IdNum = E.IDnum and E.ReferenceNum = A.RefNum" & _
" WHERE A.IdNum = '" & Session.Item("IDNum") & "' and ( A.RevenueID = 'PH' or A.RevenueID = 'PC' ) " & _
" AND A.LocationID = '20' and Not IsNull(ADMMED.AdministeredDate, '') = ''" & _
" AND A.RefNum = ADMMED.ReferenceNum and ADMMED.ItemID = A.itemid" & _
" AND (B.ItemClassificationID = '1' or B.ItemClassificationID = '10' or B.ItemClassificationID = '11' or B.ItemClassificationID = '16' or B.ItemClassificationID = '2' or B.ItemClassificationID = '9')" & _
" order by TransDate desc,ADMMED.AdministeredDate desc"
sqlComm.CommandText = SqlStr
sqlAdapter.Fill(o_Dataset, "Table")
Dim o_Row As DataRow
Dim o_AdmDates As New Collection()
Dim s_FormattedLastAdmDate As String = ""
Dim s_FormattedAdmDate As String = ""
Dim o_DerivedTable As New DataTable()
With o_DerivedTable
End With
'Select all unformatted administered dates from the query
Dim o_UnformattedAdmDates As DataRow() = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Select("", "AdministeredDate Desc")
'Extract distinct administered dates and change its format
For Each o_Row In o_UnformattedAdmDates
s_FormattedAdmDate = Format(CDate(o_Row.Item("AdministeredDate")), KC_Date_Format) 'eg. Jan 01 15
If s_FormattedLastAdmDate <> s_FormattedAdmDate Then
s_FormattedLastAdmDate = s_FormattedAdmDate
o_AdmDates.Add(s_FormattedLastAdmDate) 'add all formatted dates in o_AdmDates
End If
'Add formatted administred dates to derived table
Dim o_Item As String
For Each o_Item In o_AdmDates
'Loop through the administred date
Dim o_NewRow As DataRow
Dim o_NextRow As DataRow
Dim i_Ctr As Integer
Dim x_isNewRow As Boolean = True
Dim i_MaxRec As Integer
i_MaxRec = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
For i_Ctr = 0 To i_MaxRec
o_Row = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows(i_Ctr)
If i_Ctr <> i_MaxRec Then
o_NextRow = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows(i_Ctr + 1)
End If
If x_isNewRow Then
o_NewRow = o_DerivedTable.NewRow()
End If
o_NewRow("TransDate") = o_Row("TransDate")
o_NewRow("Medication") = o_Row("Medication")
o_NewRow("Dosage") = o_Row("Dosage")
o_NewRow("TransNum") = o_Row("TransNum")
'Fill approriate result date column based on query
For Each o_Item In o_AdmDates
s_FormattedAdmDate = Format(CDate(o_Row.Item("AdministeredDate")), KC_Date_Format)
Dim AdmTim As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(o_Row("AdministeredDate"))
If s_FormattedAdmDate = o_Item Then
o_NewRow(s_FormattedAdmDate) = AdmTim.ToString("hh:mm tt") + " - " + o_Row("UserID")
End If
If i_Ctr < i_MaxRec _
And Not o_NextRow Is Nothing _
And o_Row("TransDate") = o_NextRow("TransDate") _
And o_Row("Medication") = o_NextRow("Medication") _
And o_Row("Dosage") = o_NextRow("Dosage") _
And o_Row("AdministeredDate") = o_NextRow("AdministeredDate") Then
x_isNewRow = False
x_isNewRow = True
End If
'Bind derived table
dgSheet.DataSource = o_DerivedTable
If o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
GroupGridView(dgSheet.Items, 0, 3)
End If
End Sub
I think you must review your programming logic:
After that huge ugly SqlStr : you will have a DataSet, with a Table with all rows mixed !?
Let's try a pseudo-code:
I think is better to create in that DataSet, 2 Tables:<br>
**first** table with: id, DateOrder, Medication, Dosage <br>
and **second** table with: idDate,, AdministeredDate
after that you know how many ADMMED.AdministeredDate.Count are, because you must know how manny columns you need to add
create a 3-rd table from iteration of first table, nested with second by ID.
Set as Datasource for DataGridView the Third DataTable.
So you have 2 datasets, and generate this one .. one to many ..
.. I have no time now, if you don't get the ideea .. forget it !

Automatic chart update with new data entry

My chart loads data from a DataGridView.
I want to automatically update my chart with new data if new values are inserted into the DataGridView.
My chart is bound to table1 and table2 in my DataGridView which gets values from a DataTable. Here is a small portion of the code:
Dim myData As New DataTable
wcAdapter.SelectCommand = wcCommand
Chart1.DataSource = myData
Chart1.Series("Series1").ValueMemberX = "table1"
Chart1.Series("Series1").ValueMembersY = "table2"
Here is the complete code:
Dim wcCommand As New MySqlCommand()
''telesales name
' Dim wcQuery = "SELECT ID, Telesales, SUBSTRING(lastupdatedate, 1, 10) as 'Day', SUBSTRING(lastupdatetime FROM -9 FOR 6) as 'Time' FROM ratingout where Telesales='" & cbTelesales.Text & "' and lastupdatedate= '" & newDate & "' and lastupdatedate is not null and lastupdatetime is not null ORDER BY lastupdatetime ;"
' wcCommand.Connection = wcconn
' wcCommand.CommandText = wcQuery
Dim newDate As String
newDate = dateWorkCheck.Text
newDate = newDate.Replace("/", "-")
Dim y, m, d As String
y = newDate.Substring(6, 4)
m = newDate.Substring(3, 2)
d = newDate.Substring(0, 2)
newDate = y & "-" & m & "-" & d
Dim wcQuery = "SELECT ID, Telesales, lastupdatedate as 'Day', SUBSTRING(lastupdatetime FROM -8 FOR 2) as 'Time' FROM ratingout where Telesales='" & cbTelesales.Text & "' and lastupdatedate= '" & newDate & "' and lastupdatedate is not null and lastupdatetime is not null ORDER BY lastupdatetime ;"
wcCommand.Connection = wcconn
wcCommand.CommandText = wcQuery
Dim wcData As New DataTable
wcAdapter.SelectCommand = wcCommand
Dim i = 0
If wcData.Rows.Count = 0 Then
Dim wQuery = "SELECT ID, Telesales, lastupdatedate as 'Day', SUBSTRING(lastupdatetime FROM -8 FOR 2) as 'Time' FROM ratingout where Telesales='" & cbTelesales.Text & "' and lastupdatedate= '" & dateWorkCheck.Text & "' and lastupdatedate is not null and lastupdatetime is not null ORDER BY lastupdatetime ;"
wcCommand.Connection = wcconn
wcCommand.CommandText = wQuery
Dim wData As New DataTable
wcAdapter.SelectCommand = wcCommand
'dgvWorkCheck.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowMode.AllCells
Dim dr As DataRow
For Each dr In wData.Rows
If lastV Is Nothing OrElse Not ColumnEqual(lastV, dr("Time")) Then
''check if first value is nothing
If lastV = Nothing Then
lastV = "00"
l = "0"
dr("tt") = lastV
dr("num") = l
'wcData.Tables("ratingout").Rows(I)("ID") = dr("ID")
End If
ListBox1.Items.Add(lastV & " <--> " & l)
lastV = dr("Time")
l = 1
ElseIf lastV Is Nothing OrElse ColumnEqual(lastV, dr("Time")) Then
l += 1
'Dim series1 As New Series()
End If
For I = I To wData.Rows.Count
If I <> wData.Rows.Count Then
I += 1
If i = wData.Rows.Count Then
dr("tt") = lastV
dr("num") = l
ListBox1.Items.Add(dr("Telesales") & " between[" & lastV & " and 17:00, ] <--> " & l & "[ records ]")
End If
GoTo n
MsgBox("last data")
End If
txtRec.Text = wData.Rows.Count
dgvWorkCheck.DataSource = wData
Dim ChartArea2 As ChartArea = New ChartArea()
Dim Legend2 As Legend = New Legend()
Dim Series2 As Series = New Series()
Dim Chart2 = New Chart()
ChartArea2.AxisX.LabelStyle.Angle = -90
ChartArea2.AxisX.LabelStyle.Interval = 1
ChartArea2.AxisY.LabelStyle.Angle = -90
ChartArea2.AxisY.LabelStyle.Interval = 5
ChartArea2.Name = "ChartArea2"
Legend2.Name = "Legend2"
Chart2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 113)
Chart2.Name = "Chart2"
Series2.ChartArea = "ChartArea2"
Series2.Legend = "Legend2"
Series2.Name = "Series2"
Chart2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(1145, 604)
Chart2.TabIndex = 0
Chart2.Text = "Chart2"
Chart2.Series("Series2").XValueMember = "tt"
Chart2.Series("Series2").YValueMembers = "num"
Chart2.DataSource = dgvWorkCheck.DataSource
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try
Exit Try
since the new data is inserted into a database, you will only need to rebind the gridview to it's source in order to display the new incoming data.
You should isolate the code that binds data to your chart in a function and have it called every time a new field gets inserted:
Function FillChartWithData()
Dim myData As New DataTable
wcAdapter.SelectCommand = wcCommand
Chart1.Series("Series1").ValueMemberX = "table1"
Chart1.Series("Series1").ValueMembersY = "table2"
End Function
I looked at your coded and it seems you're missing the part responsible for inserting new data inside the 'ratingout' table. You should create a function that allows you to insert new data, something along the line of:
Dim insertRating = "INSERT INTO ratingout VALUES (#NewTeleSalesName, #NewDate);"
Dim insertCmd As New MySqlCommand(insertRating, wcconn)
insertCmd.Parameters.Add("#NewTeleSalesName", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255, "teleSalesName")
insertCmd.Parameters.Add("#NewDate", MySqlDbType.Datetime, 8, New DateTime(2010, 8, 5))
In order to update my chart bargraph named CashChart (which was databound to a BindingSource) I had to do the following:
To clear the chart information,
Clear the bounding source information
And then re-assign the bounding source information: for example:
CashChart.DataSource = ""
CashChart.DataSource = ESTADOINSTANTANEOBindingSource
Before, only my DataTable was updating, but after these commands, I was able to get the bargraph to update with new values in the table.