mongodb high cpu usage - ruby-on-rails-3

I have installed MongoDB 2.4.4 on Amazon EC2 with ubuntu 64 bit OS and 1.6 GB RAM.
On this server, only MongoDB running nothing else.
But sometime CPU usage reach to 99% and load average: 500.01, 400.73,
I have also installed MMS on server to monitor what's going on server.
Here is MMS detail
As per MMS details, indexing working perfectly for each queries.
Suspect details as below
1) HIGH non-mapped virtual memory
2) HIGH page faults
Can anyone help me to understand what exactly causing high CPU usage ?
After comments of #Dylan Tong, i have reduced active connetions but
still there is high non-mapped virtual memory

Here's a summary of a few things to look into:
1. Observed a large number of connections and cursors (13k):
- fix: make sure your connection pool is appropriate. For reporting, and your current request rate, you only need a few connections at most. Also, I'm guessing you have a m1small instance, which means you only have 1 core.
2. Review queries and indexes:
- run your queries with explain(), to observe how the queries are executed. The right model normally results in queries only pulling very few documents and utilization of an index.
3. Memory (compact and readahead setting):
- make the best use of memory. 1.6GB is low. Check how much free memory you have, and compare it to what is reported as resident. A couple of common causes of low resident memory is due to fragmentation. If there are alot of documents moving, changing size and such, you should run the compact command to defragment your data files. Also, a bad readahead can lead to poor use of memory as well. Check your readahead setting ( Try a few values starting with low values ( The production notes recommend 32 (for standard 512byte blocks). Sometimes higher values are optimal if your documents are larger. The hope is that resident memory should be close to your available memory and your page faults should start to lower.
If you're using resources to the fullest after this, and you're still capped out on CPU then it means you need to up your resources.


why use etcd?Can I use redis to implement configuration management/service discovery etc.?

I learned etcd for a few hours, but a question suddenly came into me. I found that redis is fully capable of covering functions which etcd owns.Like key/value CRUD && watch, and redis is very simple to use. why people choose etcd instead of redis?
I googled a few posts, but no post told me the reason.
Redis stores data in memory, which makes it very high performance but not very durable. If the redis server dies, it's easy to lose data. Etcd stores data in files on disc, and performs fsync across multiple nodes before resolving to guarantee consistency, which makes it very durable but not very performant.
That's a good trade-off for kubernetes, which is using etcd for cluster state and configuration, not user data. It would not be a good trade-off for something like user session data which you might be using redis for in your app because you need extremely fast response times and can tolerate a bit of data loss or inconsistency.
A major difference which is affecting my choice of one vs the other is:
etcd keeps the data index in RAM and the data store on disk
redis keeps both data index and data store in RAM
Theoretically, this means etcd ought to be a good fit for large data / small memory scenarios, where redis would require large RAM.
In practice, etcd's current behaviour is that it allocates some memory per transaction when data is accessed. Under heavy load, the memory footprint of the etcd server balloons unboundedly (appears limited by the rate of read requests), and the Go runtime eventually OOM's, killing the server.
In contrast, the redis design requires a virtual address space sized in relation to the dataset, or to the partition of the dataset stored locally.
Memory footprint examples
Eg, with redis, a 8GB dataset partition with an index size of 0.5GB requires 8.5GB of virtual address space (ie, could be handled with 1GB of RAM and 7.5GB of swap), but not less, and the requirement has an upper bound.
The same 8GB dataset, with etcd, would require only 0.5GB of virtual address space, but not less (ie, could be handled with 500MB of RAM and no swap), in theory. In practice, under high load, etcd's memory use is unbounded.
Other considerations
There are other considerations like data consistency, or supported languages, that have to be evaluated separately.
In my case, the language the server is written in is a factor, as I have in-house C expertise, but no Go expertise. This means I can maintain/diagnose/customize redis (written in C) in-house if needed, but cannot do the same with etc (written in Go), I'd have to use it as released by the maintainers.
My conclusion
Unfortunately, the memory behaviour of etcd, whereby it needs to allocate memory to access the indexed data, negates the memory advantages it might have theoretically, and the risk of crash by OOM due to high load make it unsuitable in applications that might experience unexpected usage spikes. Github bug 14362, Github bug 14352, other OOM reports
Furthermore, the ability to customize the server in-house (ie, available C vs Go expertise) is a business consideration that weighs in redis's favour, in my case.

How to properly assign huge heap space for JVM

Im trying to work around an issue which has been bugging me for a while. In a nutshell: on which basis should one assign a max heap space for resource-hogging application and is there a downside for tit being too large?
I have an application used to visualize huge medical datas, which can eat up to several gigabytes of memory if several imaging volumes are opened size by side. Caching the data to be viewed is essential for fluent workflow. The software is supported with windows workstations and is started with a bootloader, which assigns the heap size and launches the main application. The actual memory needed by main application is directly proportional to the data being viewed and cannot be determined by the bootloader, because it would require reading the data, which would, ultimately, consume too much time.
So, to ensure that the JVM has enough memory during launch we set up xmx as large as we dare based, by current design, on the max physical memory of the workstation. However, is there any downside to this? I've read (from a post from 2008) that it is possible for native processes to hog up excess heap space, which can lead to memory errors during runtime. Should I maybe also sniff for free virtualmemory or paging file size prior to assigning heap space? How would you deal with this situation?
Oh, and this is my first post to these forums. Nice to meet you all and be gentle! :)
Thanks for all the answers. I'm not sure if I put my words right, but my problem rose from the fact that I have zero knowledge of the hardware this software will be run on but would, nevertheless, like to assign as much heap space for the software as possible.
I came to a solution of assigning a heap of 70% of physical memory IF there is sufficient amount of virtual memory available - less otherwise.
You can have heap sizes of around 28 GB with little impact on performance esp if you have large objects. (lots of small objects can impact GC pause times)
Heap sizes of 100 GB are possible but have down sides, mostly because they can have high pause times. If you use Azul Zing, it can handle much larger heap sizes significantly more gracefully.
The main limitation is the size of your memory. If you heap exceeds that, your application and your computer will run very slower/be unusable.
A standard way around these issues with mapping software (which has to be able to map the whole world for example) is it break your images into tiles. This way you only display the image which is one the screen (or portions which are on the screen) If you need to be able to zoom in and out you might need to store data at two to four levels of scale. Using this approach you can view a map of the whole world on your phone.
Best to not set JVM max memory to greater than 60-70% of workstation memory, in some cases even lower, for two main reasons. First, what the JVM consumes on the physical machine can be 20% or more greater than heap, due to GC mechanics. Second, the representation of a particular data entity in the JVM heap may not be the only physical copy of that entity in the machine's RAM, as the OS has caches and buffers and so forth around the various IO devices from which it grabs these objects.

SQL server query response time influenced by "outside" processes?

Can the performance (response time) of a query executed in a DBMS like SQL Server be influenced by whatever it's happening on the machine on which the server runs? To be more specific, is the response time expected to increase when running a couple of Windows processes that continuously check and clean the machine, and process data received from the network?
The four key resources for any program are available memory, processors, disk space, and disk usage.
Let's investigate each of these in turn. Available memory is well-managed in SQL Server (see here). The default behavior is to start with a bunch of memory and then increase it as necessary. If your query load is not changing, then SQL Server should hit a maximum amount of memory and stop growing. It sounds like your query load is consistent over time, so memory would not be a big issue. Also, many configurations of SQL server fix the memory size to avoid interference with other processors.
Processing power. This can be a big one. SQL Server requires processing power. The processors may be used by other Windows processes. This would slow down queries, particularly those that are processing (as opposed to I/O) constrained. However, this might be mitigated on a multi-processor machine. A given SQL Server instance might be assigned a certain number of processors. The rest could be used for Windows.
Disk space. This has little impact. In general, either disk that is needed is available or it is not (and the query needing it fails). One exception is temporary disk space, the availability of which can influence query execution plans. Often, temporary space is put on its own drive to avoid needless conflict with other processes.
I/O bandwidth. SQL Server needs to communicate through the file system to disk. This can be a real performance drag, and it can occur at multiple different levels. The operating system itself could be saturated with I/O calls, slowing down the database. The network between the CPUs and the disks could be saturated, slowing down reading and writing speeds. The disk system itself can be slow because of multiple concurrent actions -- even from different servers. And this can get all the more complicated in a virtual environment.
The answer is "yes". Windows processes can affect the performance of SQL queries. My best guess is that the affect would be either in terms of eating up processors or using up disk bandwidth.
Yes, the database server is sharing resources with anything else that runs on the machine, so any resource intensive process could affect the database performance noticeably.
One important resource is the memory. The SQL Server will by default use up all free memory if it has any use for it. If you are running any other processes on the server, you should limit the memory use of SQL Server so that it allocates a bit less, to allow room for the other proccesses, to reduce memory swapping.

Expression Engine Apache and SSD

Recently I've been working on an expression engine project that has a performance problem. On a test with 50 concurrent connections
Extremely high (100%) CPU usage
Low RAM usage (2 gigs out of 8)
Low CPU/RAM usage on the database
And the web server has 4 CPUs. Now, if I turn on the cache, the utilization is lower, but the content is such that dynamic caching had to be taken off. Now the expression engine is made up of templates that have to be read into memory and parsed. For those not familiar with expression engine, it is built using CodeIgniter.
My thinking is this that if Apache and the expression engine files were taken off HDD and put onto an SSD, I/O for the templates, it would be a lot faster and would lower the CPU utilization by Apache. Would this kind of performance improvement actually happen or would an SSD make no difference?
SSD will always be faster then spinny turny disks where disk I/O is concerned, but it doesn't sound like that's where your bottleneck is.
You're not using RAM and as you correctly stated, the templates have to be parsed. You have 4 CPU's, but they may be from 1998 (we don't know). If they are more recent, it sounds like it should be more than enough for 50 concurrent connections, but you may be rendering the contents of the Library of Congress (again, we don't know).
You might get some benefit with tag caching or some of the other techniques mentioned in The Guide.
Also found this:

If not CPU, disk or network, what is the bottleneck during query execution?

I work with SQL Server 2005 and wonder, if not CPU, disk or network, what are users waiting for when SQL Server is working. The strange thing is that system monitor shows that the 4 processors are at an average of 5%, the disk (demonstrated 50MB/s write) works with about 5-8 MB/s, but the execution (inserts and selects) take up to 10 minutes. I'd be happy to install additional hardware, but I don't see what device is the bottleneck and how do I measure its capacity and current workload.
Any advice would be appreciated.
additional info: RAM is constantly at about 70% capacity and I am running windows xp.
check your disk read and write 'wait' time. a heavy load database may just make a lot of read and write request with very small piece of data that saturates the IO.
As others mention, disks are rarely the bottleneck when it comes to bandwidth, but rather in the number of IO operations they can perform per second - commonly called IOPS.
The IOPS capabilities of your disks will vary according to disk type, cache and the RAID setup you have.
Another thing you may run into is locking. If you have a lot of concurrent access to the same data, especially inside of large transactions, you may see other transactions being blocked - causing no network, CPU nor disk usage while being blocked, just wasted time.
Probably the disks. If you are seeking all over the place, the throughput (MB/s) will be low even though the disks are running as fast as they can.
Generic advice: try increasing SQLServer's cache, tune your queries, check that the appropriate indexes exist and are used (and that you don't have too many).