Capybara: Find or page.have_* don't work (ElementNotFound) - testing

Methods 'page.have_*' or 'find' do not work in any way.
I double checked and the code is all right.

Control the character encoding of the file, it may be corrupted or wrong.
Try to recreate the view file, it can help.


Why I can't find my database file in C: disc from DB Browser

I made database file called doctors.db in path given in following picture. I played with it in Command Prompt and it works perfect!
Now when I try to find it with program DB Browser for sqlite, you can see it is not possible to find it. Does someone know what the problem is? I am really surprised by this. I scrolled entire PC folder and still no sign of it..
Are you sure you've called it 'doctors.db', not just 'doctors'? The file type 'file' suggests it doesn't have its extension.

How to get the underlined text from PDF file?

I try to get some underlined text from PDF file by itext, it seems very difficult for me. I've searched the solution for a long time, and I've learned how to get the text's fontfamily, fontsize and text location. However, no underline.
Looking forward to your help!
Thank you!
It might not be possible with itext, but you can achieve this with pdfbox at some extent
look at this:
But beware it might not work in some cases, the library needs to know the font and descriptors of the font. if you throw a pdf with unknown type then the descriptor will return null and the code will simply break with NullPointerException.
If you want to handle NullPointerExceptions manually then you might need to look at underlines and strikeThrough methods of

Doubleclicking SWF file leads to its contents expansion?

I am working on flash project. When i directly play my swf file by double clicking it, its contents i.e fla symbols and graphics used expands (size increases) abnormally, but when I generate swf with fla, I am getting normal result.
I am confused, Please help me to get over.
Thanks in advance.
It's probably just a matter of stage.scaleMode, try changing the stage to the correct width/height and set the scaleMode to noScale. Should do the trick.
Here you can read about it:

Sublime text 2 prints wrong comment block on shortcut

For some time now, when i hit cmd-/ (mac) in .php files it prints the comments for html,
and not for php.
so it does instead of //
the format is set to PHP, and it shows 'php' on the bottom right of the editor,
also all the syntax highlighting is fine.
any idea?
thanks :)
Sublime is decent, I prefer notepad++ and brackets for development. For your issue, uninstall than install Sublime in default, see if it works. If it does work, and you have custom plugins for it, add one at a time and test. To see what is causing the problem. If nothing is causing the problem and you have everything set to how you had it prior. I am guessing that some form of data corruption occured or the shortcut for a comment in php is mixed up with the comment in html. The text editor shouldn't be treating a completely different language as another. I hope this helped.
What commenting is done is based on the scoping rules. I'm not a PHP programmer so I might get some of the details wrong, but you should get the general idea. If I understand correctly, PHP files consist of a mix of HTML elements and PHP code blocks. ST allows for languages to be "embedded" within another file type (in this case, embedding HTML in the PHP syntax). If the cursor is in an html region, it will use HTML commenting. If it is a PHP region, it will use PHP commenting. I know there are some issues with edge cases, but try moving the cursor into the actual PHP code block, then using the comment command. You could probably find a modified language file that will just treat everything as PHP if you want.
To check the scopes begin applied, you can use the ScopeHunter plugin. Alternatively, you can use the ctrl+alt+shift+p in windows and linux or cmd+alt+p in osx to display the scope in the status bar.
I hope that helps clarify how commenting works. How you choose to actually "solve" this is up to you though, as it's more of a personal preference thing.

Notepad++ stopped color-coding my source code... How to fix?

For no apparent reason, it just stopped. No more color-coding. Is there a mystery setting I accidentally turned off?
I had the same problem and discovered it was because I had enabled global foreground color under Global Styles.
Try out the following:
Select a language manually from the "Languages" menu.
In Settings/Preferences, check the File Associatons.
In worst case, reinstall.
In the Language menu select your corresponding language. For example H and then html
The solution for me was to go into the Style Configurator, select the 'Global Styles' from the Language selection box and uncheck the 'Enable global foreground colour' option. I am not sure why that was checked, but all of the code coloring worked after unchecking it. Thanks Richard!
Have a look in Settings -> Style Configurator. Maybe your styles got messed up somehow. You could try changing the selected style to see if it makes a difference.
I think the saved styles are stored in the "themes" directory under your Notepad++ installation directory, so you could also check that the files have not become corrupted in some way.
I had the same problem (I Googled "notepad++ file coloring quit" to find this discussion.) In my case the coloring quit mid file in a single file. I finally realized that adjacent string literals with one of them a macro was fooling Notepad++.
My code that broke it read:
Write_Supplemental_Configuration(privateData->new_config, FTP_ROOT_DIR"/lists.csv");
and the fix was to add a space after the macro:
Write_Supplemental_Configuration(privateData->new_config, FTP_ROOT_DIR "/lists.csv");
I tried replacing the macro FTP_ROOT_DIR with "foo" and the problem went away.
So in my case it was a macro that fooled the Notepad++ coloring.
watch out for the single quote that you copy from the web. if you get one of those "upper commas" instead of the tic mark it will confuse the code and kill the coloring (in SQL). just delete and replace.
Make sure that when you save the file it's saved as an .html instead of a .txt. This make a difference because the .html allows you to see the different colour codes whereas .txt doesn't.
Check, if you have saved the documents as .HTML and not as .txt
in the menu, choose Settings>Style configurator...
and in the list in the left pan select html, check if the colors for different tags are being shown in the color blocks. if yes, chosse a font and then save and exit.
Check only after you save the document in .html, whether it is working or not.
The language setting solved the issue for (all) 3 Javascript files (.js) which suffered from it, which previously were all recognized correctly as Javascript. For some reason it forgot they were Javascript files apparently!?
First type any thing and Save the file in any format you are working with (i-e; .cpp if c++, .js if JavaScript....etc)
And make sure global foreground color is disabled.
And it should work fine.
File > Save As > Format Type = Structured Query Language > Name the file with '*.sql'. THIS SHOULD BRING ALL THE COLOR differentiate your code and make it look pretty. J
If you want to display text in SQL format, then in menu select Language => S => SQL
Got to Setting -> Style Configuration and remove the global style checkbox
I just had the same thing happen to me. The only way I could fix it was to rename the file (I just added one character). Then open it with notepad++. The code was colored again. Then renamed the file back to the original name and it is still colored.
I have since found that if I close Notepad++ without closing the file first this happens. Try closing the file first then close Notepad++ then reopen the file.
This bug seems to be fixed as of version 7.8.6
If the coloring only stopped working for one file, you should check the extension name of your file. You might have accidentally saved the file as .txt
A couple years late here, but I'm pretty sure you're opening ".txt" files that contain your source code. Because the file doesn't have the language's extension, Notepad++ can't determine how to color-code it. You'll have to select the language under the "Language" tab.