Result of request SQL Server - sql

I have the following request that must return result :
select ass.*
(GETDATE() between ass.DATE_DEBUT and ass.DATE_FIN)
and ass.resilie <> 1
and ca.CODE_ARTICLE = 39
in database there is a row that satisfies this condition but the request doesn't return any result, the problem is in ass.resilie <> 1. This column is numeric and all rows have 'resilie' null
help Please

You can use the IS operator to compare with NULL. Replace
(ass.resilie IS NULL OR ass.resilie <> 1)


Postgres SQL state: 22P02 - invalid input syntax for integer

I'm using a sql query to export a database from my company's program.
Everything seems to be fine till I change the date on the "where" statement with a previous one.
Please find below the code:
SELECT p."Index", p."PSN" || CAST(p."PNR"as int) AS ID,
p."PSN" AS Serie, cast(p."PNR"as int) AS Numar,
pr."PINDate" AS r_gdate,
CASE WHEN pr."AsigEID"='10' THEN pr."PrimSUM" ELSE
pr."PrimSUM"*valuta1."EXCValue" END AS r_prima_lei,
CASE WHEN pr."AsigEID"='2'
THEN pr."PrimSUM"
ELSE CASE WHEN pr."AsigEID"='10' THEN pr."PrimSUM"/valuta2."EXCValue"
ELSE pr."PrimSUM"*valuta1."EXCValue"/valuta2."EXCValue"
END AS r_prima_eur,
CASE WHEN pr."AsigEID"='10' THEN pr."AsigSUM" ELSE
pr."AsigSUM"*valuta1."EXCValue" END as r_sa_lei,
CASE WHEN pr."AsigEID"='2'
THEN pr."AsigSUM"
ELSE CASE WHEN pr."AsigEID"='10' THEN pr."AsigSUM"/valuta2."EXCValue"
ELSE pr."AsigSUM"*valuta1."EXCValue"/valuta2."EXCValue"
END AS r_sa_eur,
pr."AsigStart", pr."AsigEnd", risc."Code", plink."Index"
FROM "PolsRisc" AS pr
LEFT JOIN "Pols" as p ON p."Index" = pr."PID"
LEFT JOIN "Riscs" as risc ON pr."RID" = risc."Index"
LEFT JOIN "PRLNK" plink ON plink."PTID" = p."PTID" AND plink."RID" = risc."Index"
LEFT JOIN "EXCValues" valuta1 ON valuta1."AtDate" = pr."AsigStart" AND valuta1."EID" = pr."AsigEID"
LEFT JOIN "EXCValues" valuta2 ON valuta2."AtDate" = pr."AsigStart" AND valuta2."EID"='2'
WHERE pr."PINDate" > '2020-08-01' AND pr."IsRezil" = 'false';
When I'm using '2020-08-01' the query works well. When I try to change it to a previous one eg. '2010-01-01' a get an error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
SQL state: 22P02
I was looking for a solution on the previous posts but I didn't manage to solve this issue.
It looks like it is returning "" or a null value into one of the columns you are using integer logic for. The date change is just filtering out the data that would crash it.
You may need to use coalesce to reassign the nulls as 0 and then cast it back into being an int
cast(coalesce(table.column, 0) as int) as result
from table
I would advice to read the chapter
. It's a brief and informative read.The cause for the error message is that '' is an empty string that has no representation in a numeric type like integer

How i can return records there are not null only if a column have a determined value

I need to make a query that verify:
if type_answer is equal to Multipla Escolha so i only have to return the records that are not null in correct_answer_description_id
If the type_answer is not equal to Multipla Escolha, don’t make this rule.
So, i try this way:
SELECT * FROM book_unit_question
WHERE book_unit_id = 2
AND status = false
CASE WHEN type_answer = 'Multipla Escolha' THEN
correct_answer_description IS NOT NULL
but i'm getting:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "CASE"
I don't think CASE is the easiest approach here. Can you try the re-written query below?
SELECT * FROM book_unit_question
WHERE book_unit_id = 2
AND status = false
AND (type_answer is null or type_answer != 'Multipla Escolha' or
correct_answer_description IS NOT NULL)
Getting rid of the negative yields negative construct "type_answer is not equal to Multipla Escolha, don’t make this rule" by rephrasing "type answer equal Multipla Escolha then apply this rule. Also applying "only return the records that are not null in correct_answer_description_id". We arrieve at:
select *
from book_unit_question
where book_unit_id = 2
and status = false
and type_answer = 'Multipla Escolha'
and correct_answer_description is not null;

isnull with AND : -An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'and'

I am tryng to use isnull with AND operator
FROM contacts AS cont
LEFT JOIN contactphones AS contPhone
ON cont.contactid = contPhone.contactid
LEFT JOIN sys_phonetypedesc AS phont
ON phont.typeid = contPhone.phonetype
LEFT JOIN salutations AS tsal
ON tsal.salutid = cont.salutation
WHERE cont.contactid = '29'
AND ( Isnull(phont.typedesc, 1) )
AND ( Isnull(contPhone.phonenum, 1) )
ORDER BY phont.typedesc
but got following error
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a
condition is expected, near 'and'.
I also tried using the case statement
FROM contacts AS cont
LEFT JOIN contactphones AS contphone
ON cont.contactid = contphone.contactid
LEFT JOIN sys_phonetypedesc AS phont
ON phont.typeid = contphone.phonetype
LEFT JOIN salutations AS tsal
ON tsal.salutid = cont.salutation
WHERE cont.contactid = '29'
WHEN phont.typedesc = NULL THEN 1
ELSE phont.typedesc
END as a)
but it is not working. I am looking for ifnull logic in MSSQL but case and if else not working correctly
please suggest
I don't think you need to use ISNULL() here, instead you are looking for IS NULL/IS NOT NULL. First let's see why you get this error message
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'and'.
You get this error because ( Isnull(phont.typedesc, 1) ) is not a boolean expression and that what the WHERE clause needs (True or False).
eg: Let's assume phont IS NULL, then ISNULL() will return 1, so you are writing cont.contactid = '29' AND 1 AND ....
What should I do then to get ride of this error?
Just make it a boolean expression as Isnull(phont.typedesc, 1) = 1 or what ever you want instead of =1, it maybe other too because it's not clear what you need to check.
Now, the use of ISNULL() as I seeis point less, cause the possible cases I can see is like the follow:
Isnull(phont.typedesc, 1) = 1 then directly phont IS NULL.
Isnull(phont.typedesc, 1) <> 1 then directly phont IS NOT NULL.
Isnull(phont.typedesc, 1) = AnyValue then why not directly phont = value or phont IN(<Values>) if you are looking for more than 1 value.
You're not comparing the result of isnull to anything in your where clause.
gives you either the TypeDesc, or if it's null gives you 1, but then you move directly onto an AND statement. In other words, if all relevant fields are null, what you'd be trying to do is:
where cont.ContactID = '29' and 1 and 1
You either have the isnull in the wrong place (if you want see it in your selected fields), or you forgot to compare it to something.
If you want to select rows where those fields are actually null then what you want is:
where cont.ContactID = '29'
and phont.TypeDesc is null
and contPhone.PhoneNum is null
select * from contacts as cont left join ContactPhones as contPhone on cont.ContactID=contPhone.ContactID
left join SYS_PhoneTypeDesc as phont on
phont.TypeID = contPhone.PhoneType
left join SALUTATIONS as tsal on tsal.salutid = cont.Salutation where cont.ContactID = '29' and (isnull(phont.TypeDesc,1))=check what u want here
and (isnull(contPhone.PhoneNum,1))=check what u want here enter code here
order by
Isnull(contPhone.phonenum,1) return 1 when your contPhone.phonenum value will be null else it will return that column value but the point is you got error because you have not used any comparison value as a result it thrown error
Your condition will be like below
Where contactId=29 and isnull(phonenum,1)= // any value

How to give change working of having function dynamicaly on executing an sql statement?

I'm having a Sql code like as follows
Select a.ItemCode, a.ItemDesc
From fn_BOM_Material_Master('A', #AsOnDate, #RptDate, #BranchID, #CompID)a
Left Outer Join fn_INV_AsOnDate_Stock(#StockDate, #AsOnDate, #RptDate, #BranchID, #CompID, #Finyear)b
On a.ItemCode=b.ItemCode and b.WarehouseCode<>'WAP'
and a.BranchID=b.BranchID and a.CompID=b.COmpID
Where a.ItemNatureCode = 'F' and a.BranchID = #BranchID and a.CompID = #CompID
Group by a.ItemCode, a.ItemDesc
Having sum(b.CBQty)<=0
Here the problem is that im passing an "#ShowZeroStock" value as as bit if the "#ShowZeroStock" value is '1' then Having should not be validated or (i.e: All values from the table should be returned including zero)
So How to change the query based on passed bit value "#ShowZeroStock"
I can Use "If else " condition at the top and remove having in else part, but for a lengthy query i can't do the same.
Is this the logic you want?
Having sum(b.CBQty) <= 0 or #ShowZeroStock = 1

sql statement with an if inside of it?

I've got the following sql query which works. However I need help with the fields that have a /10000 calculation. Occasionally there will be no data in the field to be calculated, so my query below is returning a 0. How do I check for data > 0 before I perform the /10000 calculation?
timesheet_line timesheet
LEFT JOIN customer ON timesheet.customerID = customer.customerID
LEFT JOIN project ON timesheet.projectID = project.projectID
LEFT JOIN charge_rate charge ON timesheet.chargeID = charge.chargeID
timesheet.timesheetID = '" & tTimesheetID & "' --VBA variable added here
You could do it like this (example column)
CASE > 0 THEN ELSE null END as wed,
if the value can be null then you have to do this:
CASE COALESCE(,0) > 0 THEN ELSE null END as wed,
You have a few options:
The COALESCE function is perfect when you want to translate possible NULL values to something else:
COALESCE(NullableColumn / 10000, DefaultValueIfNull)
-- btw., NULL divided by 10,000 should yield NULL, not 0.
Some SQL dialects (such as SQL Server's T-SQL) have a very similar function called ISNULL.
CASE is closer to an if:
CASE WHEN NullableColumn IS NOT NULL THEN NullableColumn / 1000 ELSE DefaultValue END