Tooltip on tray icon not working on Windows with node-webkit - node-webkit

I see that tooltips were addressed on the Win platform in the latest release (0.6.3) of node-webkit, but my issue relates specificially to the tooltip (text) attribute which can be assigned to the gui.Tray element which (on Windows platforms) should appear when the icon is hovered over in the System Tray. This does not seem to work on either Windows XP or Windows 7. Is this a known issue?
Thank you,
UPDATE: I find that assigning a tooltip after creation works. It is only when a tooltip is included in the option field at the time of creation where it fails.


How to maximize width of Debug window in Intellij IDEA 2017.1.2 on Windows 10?

I cannot find how to change behavior debugger window of IntellJ IDEA 2017.1.2 on Windows 10. I like to use it in unpinned mode, meaning it comes up when build happens (I execute it manually) and when I click on the edited file it goes down. But It does not take full width. It does not go over Project window as you can see in the picture below.
It works by default as I described on Windows 7. I mean it takes full width. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a screenshot about it. That machine is my workstation.
I cannot find in the documentation how to setup this. I assume it is due to Windows 10.
It's controlled by the Widescreen tool window layout option, disable it:

vb desktop icon different from application icon

I am trying to set the icon of my application. I set the icon once before by changing the property of the form and the property of the project. Now I am trying to change the icon to a different one. The icons of the form and the application have been successfully changed, but when I copy the application to the desktop, the desktop icon still remains the previous one. Can anyone please tell me how to change the desktop icon?
If you change the icon properly on the form it should get visible in the Taskbar immediately as soon as you start your application.
However even if you did change the project icon properly and therefore your executable has the correct (new) icon (check that in your \bin-folder) you can get the wrong (old) icon from the desktop because you system might retrieve it from the icon cache.
Please check the following link to understand that topic and to see how you can enforce windows to renew its icon cache.
Win 7--:
Win 8++:

Microsoft pixelsense input simulator finger stays pressed

I have a problem with the Input Simulator in the microsoft surface SDK 2.0.
Whenever I try to simulate a finger or a blob click, the first click stays pressed (like when you put it as placeholder with right click+left click).
I don't know the reason of this behaviour since on other computers it work without problem.
Can it be because of I'm using windows in a virtual machine? If yes, is there any workaround?
I fixed this by disabling touch pen utilities which was automatically installed with surface SDK. application Cancel button runs into the edge of the form in Windows 7

I have an application written in which works fine in both Windows XP, Vista and 7. However, in Windows Vista and 7, the button layout (specifically the Exit/Cancel button at the bottom right) of all the forms acts weird, as the Exit/Cancel button runs all the way touching the edge/boundary of the form as shown in the pic below.
This does not happen in Windows XP. Nor does it happen on disabling the Visual Styles in Windows 7, as shown below
What can be the cause for this issue and is there any way to solve this, so that it looks good for both XP and Windows 7?
EDIT: I'm posting this on behalf of a friend - Abhijit ( - who wanted to post this himself but had less than 10 reputation. Apparantly you need to have at least 10 reputation to post a question with an image.
One way to fix it is the place the buttons in a TableLayoutPanel. Then you can
Move it a bit further from the edge
Or leave an extra column on the right as a margin or gutter
Or anchor it in a way (left maybe) to prevent it
Another possible cause is that the controls are not using the Anchor property and he has tried to neatly line them up with something as an absolute position (which Visual Stlyes messes up as relative sizes and text extent changes). Any given user may or may not be using Styles Anchors so a layout panel works well to neaten things up.

IntelliJ IDEA back/forward with mouse

I want to move back/forward between editor tabs, using the two additional ("virtual") mouse buttons I have (RAZER DEATHADDER BLACK).
In Eclipse it's possible by default.
In IDEA I go to File->Settings->Keymap->Main menu->Window->Editor Tabs.
There I have Select Next Tab with the deault Alt+Right shortcut.
Then I open the Add Mouse Shortcut.
In that dialog I try to assign the back button of my mouse but without success. It doesn't react at all.
Anyway, googling a bit I've found this thread. I quote Alexey Gopachenko which seems to be an employee of IntelliJ:
As stated above - we can't support buttons if JDK on your platform
does not support them - and obviously it does not.
Anyway, that is totally wrong. My platform does support these keys - I actually work with them, on the same platform, on Eclipse and any other app, so it's IDEA who ignores them.
I'd appriciate a solution - how do I assign these back/forward mouse buttons?
I've found out that IDEA uses its own JAVA distribution (C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.4\jre on Windows 7), instead of the system's one - WHY?!
I'm almost SURE that is the reason I cannot use extended mouse buttons.
I've tried to trick IDEA by creating a custom Windows shortcut. Didn't work. I've also tried to create a SYMLINK in windows to my other, system-wide JRE distribution. Didn't work as well.
If someone come up with an idea on how to make it work with the system's JRE instead of its own - I think that'd solve the issue.
The above update #1 is not the issue.
I also had the same problem under OS X El Capitan. I just tried to add a new Keyboard-Shortcut and pressed than the Button 4 on the mouse and this worked.
Back/Forward mouse shortcuts work fine for me with Razer Mamba mouse, for example Back action is assigned to Button4 Click and I can confirm that it is recognized in this dialog when I click on the Click Pad area:
If it doesn't work with your mouse for some reason, you can try to workaround the problem using the Razer Configurator macro or key assignments:
Use the assigned key in IDEA keymap settings instead of the mouse shortcut.
Note that Eclipse is SWT based while IDEA is Swing based, so mouse event management is completely different. If JDK cannot recognize your device button clicks, it will not work in any Java Swing applications (NetBeans, JEdit, etc). In some cases running IDEA under a more recent JDK version may help (if support for your device was added in the newer JDK release).
I'm experiencing the exact same thing suddenly.
I realized my most recent change was to start using idea64.exe rather than idea.exe.
I switched back, and my mouse buttons are working fine again.
So, while this is not a complete answer, it seems as if it has something to do with the 64-bit version.
If the Razer driver's button mapping feature doesn't allow different mappings for a particular program, you can just assign the buttons to the mouse button number choices (mouse button 4 / mouse button 5) and then install a third party app that does support mappings for particular programs, e.g.
This question helped me although I have a Logitech Marathon Mouse M705, so I thought that I would share the solution in case other Logitech owners was in search for this.
I have a similar problem with a Logitech mouse and idea64.exe
Fortunately their SetPoint software allows for program specific settings.
This setting will have to be deleted and then reconfigured whenever you update IntelliJ and get a new idea64.exe :-)
I am experiencing a very similar problem and wanted to share my findings. I just bought a new Logitech M705 mouse. Within intelli-j the scroll right and scroll left buttons do not work. The forward and backward buttons also do not work.
I typically run intelli-j as administrator because I need higher privileges to run various tomcat services. When logging in as that user (rather than right clicking and selecting run as admin) all the buttons work! Also, when running as my normal user all the buttons work.
Also very curious is that I have an older generation Logitech mouse (same model, M705). This mouse has no problems with the scroll buttons and forward-back.
My solution for now is to use intelli-j as the user I am logged in as.
Check out this little tutorial from BetterTouchTool here. Basically for some mice (like Logitech ones) using the settings application they come with you can map default button actions to clicks and in doing so set a button number and use it as normal.
This works for my Logitech Performance MX mouse.
You can add mouse shortcuts, just click on an action in keymap and add mouse shortcut.
Alternatively Ctrl+Tab brings up switcher, which may be less clicks to navigate.