redirect a subdomain to a remote url, preferably via only DNS setting or with httpd.conf, without changing url displayed - apache

For example I wish to redirect to
but keeping the name displayed in URL as "".
Note that all parameters are to be passed over. e.g. should be the same with
Another note: these domains are on different server.
There are many other similar posts, but all of them does not work exactly as I wanted to.

Adding a CNAME record for to using which you can achieve the following.
URL remains
The arguments get displayed in URL as
Your requirement of having /lists/ should be implementable by URL rewrite rules.


Rewrite domain to uppercase

Is it possible to rewrite the base URL/Domain to be in all uppercase?
Would like the user to see EXAMPLE.COM in their url bar if possible.
Ive tried several different rewrites and redirects without luck. I see most people want the exact opposite.
Server stack
ubuntu/apache2/nginx/nextjs app using cloudflare

resolve URL domain with external subdomain contents

I've purchased a new domain, lets call it
I need the above URL to resolve in the browser, with the contents of another site, in this case
The expected behaviour is so when a user types, the site will load the contents of the, while still appearing the above URL as
I am not looking for a redirect, so wondering how this can be done using DNS and apache rules. Any help is appreciated!

How to hide part of a URL from clients using htaccess?

I'm working on a website running on an Apache server. The PHP factory makes and takes URLs that look like this:[id]/[vanity-url]
However, the client wants to hide part of the URL from view, so in the browser it appears as:[vanity-url]
The server still needs to see the full URL.
I've tried various RewriteRules after hours of searching, and the closest I seem to have come is:
RewriteRule ^page/view/(.*)/(.*)$ /$2 [R,L]
...but that doesn't seem to be doing anything. I know for sure that my .htacces is working.
What am I doing wrong?
Unfortunately, this isn't possible. Let me explain why:
You state that the server needs to see the full URL. Specifically, this includes the id segment, which I am sure your framework needs (it wouln't need it if the server only needs to see the vanity segment). The code you have provided redirects the full URL to the vanity URL, thus making the full URL invisible to the server for the next request.
So, navigating to /page/view/2/about-us would redirect to /about-us, and the address bar would change to reflect that. This causes a new request to be sent to the server, containing only the /about-us vanity URL.
As a result, you would need to rewrite the vanity URL back to the full URL (without redirecting, so that the /about-us stays in the address bar as-is), but you wouldn't be able to do this, as the vanity URL does not contain the id segment, which seems to be a requirement for the framework to serve the correct response. Keep in mind that Apache cannot guess the ID for that particular vanity URL.

Set Base URL using .htaccess

I'm setting up a clients area so my customers can review their site during development. I want to set it up so the URL is
Is there a way in the .htaccess file to set that as the base URL? I'm using the leading / format for my URLs in the page (ie /about/ or /css/), which will is fine locally & when I deploy to production, but doesn't work in the scenario outlined above.
The proper way would be to use relative links in your HTML, it's unreliable to try to track the referer and rewrite every subsequent request to shove the /clientname/ back in as a prefix.
If you make a subdomain for each customer, and develop sites there, you don't have to change the base URL. This will prevent other htaccess rules to break also when deploying to the live server...
So use:

rewrite url without change address

I want to show a page instead of another page, without change the second page url.
I know this is possible with htaccess.
I copied that code from a cms htaccess:
RewriteRule ^event-([0-9]+)\.html$ calendar.php?action=event&eid=$1 [L,QSA]
with that code, we will redirect to calendar.php?......... but I want it redirect (without changing the address in address bar) to another site, for example to
Is it possible?
Thanks ..
If you want to provide content from another site without changing the address in the address bar of the browser that mean you becomes a proxy.
So check apache documention for proxy configuration (this can be done for specific urls only). Even mod_rewrite can do the proxy things with the [P] tag, mod_rewrite will allow a lot more 'specific url' filtering.
Now the job of a proxy, when he have the response from the distant website and he needs to render it for the HTTP client, is only to change the HTTP headers in the response. So only url in Location tags or such specific headers will be altered. You must known that all the HTML content from the distant website will not be altered (the inner links will be on and not on your
If you want to alter this returned content check mod_proxy_html module, this will add some extra stuff before sending the resonse, to do some more reverse proxy alterations.