Static library GNUSTEP and correct linking - objective-c

I was checking out the portability of Objective-C via gnustep and ran into some problems...
I mean everything works on my 2 machines but the major problem is if I run my application on a platform where gnustep is not pre-installed... So I want to build it with static libraries. But I ran into several problems:
1.) I cant find the static libaries under /usr/local/lib so the question came up do they even exist within gnustep?
2.) In case there are static libraries available how to integrate it correctly into my gcc command?
sudo gcc -o main main.m GameRef.m SDLApplication.m SDLEvent.m SDLImage.m SDLMap.m SDLSprite.m Settings.m Utility.m -I -static `gnustep-config --variable=GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_HEADERS` -L `gnustep-config --variable=GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES` -lgnustep-base -lSDL -fconstant-string-class=NSConstantString -std=c99 2>logFile
I'm currently using Ubuntu 12.04LTS and installed the SDL and Gnustep on one machine so the application runs fine... But not on the second because the shared libraries are missing so I need to add them as static but how?

The libraries in /usr/local/lib and other system 'lib' directories will be dynamic. They can't be used as static (AFAIK), and finding them wouldn't really help.
I'm no expert with GNUstep, but it sounds like you are missing the Objective-C runtime. You will need to download the source code of the GNUstep libraries and frameworks, and then compile them into static libraries yourself.
Really, wrapping all of those frameworks into your application will just add unnecessary work for both you and your end users. Dynamic libraries exist for a purpose. There's no reason to have multiple copies of the same code on the filesystem. Just require GNUstep as a dependency. Although its a slight pain for the users, they only need to do it once, and with most distros, installation is only a command or two away.


CMake idiom for overcoming libstdc++ filesystem weirdness?

If you build C++14 code with G++ and libstdc++, there's a library named libstdc++fs, which is separate from the rest of libstdc++, and contains the code for std::experimental::filesystem. If you don't link against it, you'll get undefined references.
The "trick" I'm using for overcoming this right now is:
and later:
target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC ${CXX_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARIES})
but - I don't like having to place this code in every project I work on. Is there a simpler or more standard idiom I could use? Some way this will all happen implicitly perhaps, with some CMake behind-the-scences magic?
tl;dr: Nothing right now, wait for a newer CMake version
As #Pedro graciously points out, this is a known problem, and there is an open issue about it at KitWare's GitLab site for CMake:
Portable linking for C++17 std::filesystem
If using CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 and std::filesystem, GCC requires linking of an extra library: stdc++fs. ... If C++17 is enabled, would it be worth automatically linking to stdc++fs for GCC versions which require this? Likewise for any quirks in other compilers or libraries.
The KitWare issue is about C++17, for which apparently you still need the separate extra library (i.e. it's not just because of the "experimentality" in C++14). Hopefully we'll see some traction on this matter - but
Note: If you're experiencing this problem with C++17's std::filesystem, you're in luck - that code is built into libstdc++ beginning with GCC 9, so if you're using g++ 9 or later, and std::filesystem, you should no longer experience this problem.

How to static linking to glibc in cmake

I'm trying to build a package from Fedora that can run on a RedHat 6 machine. So I need to build and static linking with some library that does not exist in RedHat machine.
I found that I can you -static-libgcc or -static-libstdc++ to link with static version of standard library but I don't know how to do with glibc.
How can I link to static library of glibc with CMake?
I know the question mentions glibc but for C++, since -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ are linker options, the correct way to set them in CMake is with target_link_libraries().
So you would set it like this, where MyLibrary is the name of your project:
target_link_libraries(MyLibrary -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++)
Given this, if you want complete static linking of glibc you would likewise pass the -static flag.
target_link_libraries(MyLibrary -static)
If you want more of a global setting:
However, bear in mind that glibc is not designed to be statically linked, and without a great amount of additional work, you won't wind up with a truly static package. Your use case of building "a package from Fedora that can run on a RedHat 6 machine" will not readily work by statically linking glibc.

How to static link ncurses on AIX using xlc

I'm trying to use the ncurses library on AIX 7.1 to make use of panels which aren't included in the curses library that is standard on AIX. I have the ncurses library installed. The compile,link, and execute work fine with:
xlc ngoodbye.c -lncurses
The actual ncurses library is libncurses.a, which I understand is a static library. However, when I move the executable to another AIX host and execute I get:
Dependent module libncurses.a( could not be loaded. Could not load module libncurses.a( System error: No such file or directory.
How can I link the ncurses library so that the program will execute on other hosts where the ncurses library isn't installed? Note I'm using xlc on AIX, not gcc.
I've tried -bstatic but get link errors at compile time. Note that I'm not a developer so my experience in this area is limited. Thanks.
Both static and shared libraries in AIX are built as position independent (PIC). So even a "shared" library can be statically bound to an executable. You were on the right track with -bstatic, you just need to switch back to dynamic binding for the rest of the libraries you're linking to.
So try this for your final link:
xlc -o myexe myexe.o <other objects as needed> -bstatic -lncurses -bdynamic -lm <and other other libraries as needed>
I do this all the time to make sure that my production environment matches my development one.
Normally ".a" does mean a static library. However, in adapting the initial report (in 2008) describing the AIX 5 shared library configuration there was some miscommunication and ".a" was used for both static and shared libraries. That was finally corrected last year (see changelog).
AIX 4, by the way, used a much more complicated scheme, so shared libraries for ncurses were first implemented on AIX 5.
Packagers prefer shared libraries. So what you have is a shared library named libncurses.a (legal, but not conventional). This is not created with the archiver ar, but using the loader ld. To see that they are different, you can try
ar tv libncurses.a
(with the appropriate directory). Likely ar will say something like
ar: 0707-108 File libncurses.a is not an archive file.
while file may give a more informative message:
libncurses.a: executable (RISC System/6000) or object module not stripped
You can however build ncurses from source. In that case (no matter what version), the default builds static libraries. You need not install those into the system area, but can configure ncurses using the --prefix option to install into a different directory.
As suggested in another answer, there is a workaround using the -bdynamic and -bstatic options of AIX's ld (loader), e.g., changing
xlc -o foo foo.c -lncurses
xlc -o foo foo.c -bstatic -lncurses -ldynamic
However, this is partly dependent upon the loader's search path and the name of the archive. If the archive is named libncurses.a, the command works as given. If it is named (as in current sources), then this command is needed to link against the shared library:
xlc -o foo foo.c -brtl -lncurses
But this command (which one might suppose to provide the static linkage using the file) does not succeed:
xlc -o foo foo.c -brtl -bstatic -lncurses -bdynamic

Build and link µIP library with no OS

I'm relitavely new to embedded development and I have a question, or more of a feedback, on building and linking the µIP library on an embedded device. For what it's worth, the following is using a FOX G20 V board with an ATMEL AT91SAM9G20 processor with no OS.
I have done some research, and the way I see myself building and linking the library on the board is one of the following two options.
Option 1: The first option would be to compile the whole library (the .c files) in order to have a built static library in the form of a .a file. Then, I can link the created static library with my application code, before loading it on the device. Of course, the device driver will have to be programmed in order to allow the library to work on the platform (help was found here). This first option is using a Linux machine. For this first option as well, in order to load the static library linked with my application code, do I do so with an "scp"?
Option 2: The second option would be to compile and link the library to my application code directly without going through an intermediate static library. However, since my platorm does not contain an OS, I would need to install an appropraite GCC compiler in order to compile and link (if anyone has any leads for such an installation, that would be very helpful as well). However I'm quite unfamilier with the second option, but I've been told that it is easier to implement so if anyone as an idea on how to implement it, it would be very helpful.
I would appreciate some feedback along with the answers as to whether these options seem correct to you, and to be sure that I have not mentioned something that is false.
There is no real difference between these options. In any case, the host toolchain is responsible for creating a binary file that contains a fully linked executable with no external dependencies, so you need a cross compiler either way, and it is indeed easiest to just compile uIP along with the rest of the application.
The toolchain will typically have a cross compiler (if you use gcc, it should be named arm-eabi-gcc or arm-none-eabi-gcc), cross linker (arm-eabi-ld), cross archiver (arm-eabi-ar) etc. You would use these instead of the native tools. For Debian, you can find a cross compiler for ARM targets without an OS in testing/unstable.
Whether you build a static library
arm-eabi-gcc -c uip.c
arm-eabi-ar cru uip.a uip.o
arm-eabi-ranlib uip.a
arm-eabi-gcc -o executable application.c uip.a
or directly link
arm-eabi-gcc -c application.c
arm-eabi-gcc -c uip.c
arm-eabi-gcc -o executable application.o uip.o
or directly compile and link
arm-eabi-gcc -o executable application.c uip.c
makes no real difference.
If you use an integrated development environment, it is usually easiest to just add uip.c as a source file.

Building a cross-platform application (using Rust)

I started to learn Rust programming language and I use Linux. I'd like to build a cross-platform application using this language.
The question might not be related to Rust language in particular, but nonetheless, how do I do that? I'm interested in building a "Hello World" cross-platform application as well as for more complicated ones. I just need to get the idea.
So what do I do?
What I want to do is the ability to run a program on 3 different platforms without changing the sources. Do I have to build a new binary file for each platform from the sources? Just like I could do in C
To run on multiple platforms you need to build an executable for each as #huon-dbauapp commented.
This is fairly straightforward with Rust. You use "--target=" with rustc to tell it what you want to build. The same flag works with Cargo.
For example, this builds for an ARM target:
cargo build --target=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
See the Rust Flexible Target Specification for more about targets.
However, Rust doesn't ship with the std Crate compiled for ARM (as of June 2015). If this is the case for your target, you'll first need to compile the std Crates for the target yourself, which involves compiling the Rust compiler from source, and specifying the target for that build!
For information, most of this is copied from:
The following instructions are for gcc, so if you don't have this you'll need to install it. You'll also need the corresponding cross compiler tools, so for gcc:
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Compile Rust std Crate For ARM
The following example assumes you've already installed the current Rust Nightly, so we'll just get the sources and compile for ARM. If you are using a different version of the compiler, you'll need to get that to ensure your ARM libraries match the version of the compiler you're using to build your projects.
mkdir ~/toolchains
cd ~/toolchains
git clone
cd rust
git update
Build rustc for ARM
cd ~/toolchains/rust
./configure --target=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf,x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
make -j4
sudo make install
Note "-j4" needs at least 8GB RAM, so if you hit a problem above try "make" instead.
Install ARM rustc libraries In native rustc build
sudo ln -s $HOME/src/rust/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf /usr/lib/rustlib/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
Create containing:
pub fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Compile, and tell rustc the name of the cross-compiler (which must be in your PATH):
rustc -C linker=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.9 --target=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
Check that the produced binary is really an ARM binary:
$ file hello
hello: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), (..)
Check: the binary should work on an ARM device
$ scp hello me#arm:~
$ ssh me#arm ./hello
Hello, world!
I've used this to build and link a Rust project with a separate C library as well. Instructions similar to the above on how to do this, dynamically or statically are in a separate post, but I've used my link quota up already!
The best way to figure this out is to download the source code for Servo and explore it on your own. Servo is absolutely a cross-platform codebase, so it will have to address all of these questions, whether they be answered in build/configuration files, or the Rust source itself.
It looks like the rust compiler might not be ready to build standalone binaries for windows yet (see the windows section here), so this probably can't be done yet.
For posix systems it should mostly Just Work unless you're trying to do GUI stuff.
Yes, you won't need to change the source, unless you are using specific libraries that are not cross-platform.
But as #dbaupp said native executables are different on each platform, *nix uses ELF, Windows PE, and OSX Mach-O. So you will need to compile it for each platform.
I don't know the state of cross-compiling in rust, but if they already implemented it, then you should be able to build all the binaries in the same platform, if not, you will have to build each binary on it's platform.