Play 2.1 : Access files on server - playframework-2.1

Let's suppose I have a folder on my server. I want to be able to access this folder from a URL using Play 2.1.
I really don't know how and I have been searching a lot on the Internet, to no avail.
Here is a folder in which there are files I want to access :
I'd like that when I type the following URL
I download the file named "filename" in the folder myFiles.
This is not what I want to do :
GET /filesOnServer/*file"/anything", file)
Indeed, this way I can only access files inside the play application directory.
Moreover, if I were to use dist, then the files are stored in a .jar and we can no longer add files to the application.
Thank you for your help.

Are you using scala or java?
I think you should look for Play.getFile() and SimpleResult()
Here is a sample of a little Controller method in scala, it might not be the most efficient but it seems to work !
def getFile() = Action {
val file = Play.getFile("../../Images/img.png")(Play.current)
val fileContent = Enumerator.fromFile(file)
header = ResponseHeader(200, Map(
CONTENT_LENGTH -> file.length.toString,
CONTENT_TYPE -> "image/png",
CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> s"attachment; filename=${file.getName}")),
body = fileContent)
Hope it will help you!
Note: you could also use new


can karate read files from outside the classpath with a relative path instead of absolute path

I'm trying to read a properties file for karate-config.js. It works when i provide the absolute path from my local but when i provide a relative path. it doesn't work. Any way around this? Thanks !
var config ="file:/repo/tests/utils/al_dev.json"); -- This doesn't work
var config ="file:~/repo/tests/utils/al_dev.json"); -- This doesn't work
var config ="file:/Users/user1/IdeaProjects/repo/tests/utils/al_dev.json"); -- This works
I was able to get it working. I had to update the path to reflect the project structure and it worked.
var config ="file:../../utils/al_dev.json");
Project structure:
project1 ->
tests ->
Utils ->
Services ->
client 1 ->
client 2 ->
I took advantage of answer wrote by Peter Thomas and it worked for me, I could read a json body from a file somewhere else in the project, not needed to be in the same folder as features. This is a sample of code I used:
Scenario: POST with json file reading from anywhere.
Given path "/api/apitesting/v1/transactions"
And def projectPath =['user.home']
And def filePath = projectPath + "/IdeaProjects/01 Courses TM/karate/src/test/resources/data/TestBodyAnywhere.json"
And def requestBody = read('file:' + filePath)
And request requestBody
When method post
Then status 201
As you can see, I used user.home instead of user.dir, (which use to be recommended but this points directly to the same folder where you are calling it instead of pointing to outside that folder). User.home points directly to your root user, so it would be something like this C:/Users/MyUser. Then, from there you can start indicating the relative path in a new variable to your file. Finally, remember to use 'File:' keyword inside the read method and concatenate it with your path variable.
Hope it helps. ;)
Best regards!
Sorry, Karate (Java) can't resolve these special OS paths. I guess you know that this is not recommended, best practice is all test resources be kept under the project root. Anyway, here is a workaround:
* def home = java.lang.System.getProperty('user.home')
* def temp = read('file:' + home + '/repo/tests/utils/al_dev.json')

How i make my script create the doc in a folder not the root directory in google drive

I have a script that merger some google docs, but it create the file in the root dir, i want the script to add it into a existing folder.
Sorry im new to this..How do i do this?
I believe you want to achieve this using Apps Script.
You could use Apps script's DriveApp.getFolderById() method to get the required folder. Also DocumentApp.create() method to create a document.
Please find the working example to create a file in specific Drive folder:
function createDoc()
var targetFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID);
var newDoc = DocumentApp.create('My file1');
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(newDoc.getId());
Tried and tested the code.
If you want to create a Spreadsheet file, you just use SpreadsheetApp instead. Hope that helps!

How to load files dynamically in an AIR app? Do I have to use the File class?

I have an XML file that specifies the image files that I need to load. The XML file and the image files live in a subfolder relative to where the AIR app lives.
I need to load the XML file and also the images (load them and add them as children to a movieclip)
In my AIR app, when I tried to load it via the URLRequest, it didn't work.
myLoader = new URLLoader();
myLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlFilename));
myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
(I know this works from a .swf b/c I've tested it)
I've found some sample which uses the File class and here's my code and this does work:
var aFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath( xmlFilename );
var aStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); aFile, FileMode.READ );
configXML = new XML( aStream.readUTFBytes( aStream.bytesAvailable ) );
I'm now trying to load the images specified in the XML file and I'm finding that I have to use the File class to reference the image in the file system.
var engImageFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath( "./english/"+ engFilename );
ldr = new Loader();
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest( engImageFile.url );
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, engImgLoaded );
Is this the way that AIR accesses files (using the File class) when it wants to read/load/etc. them?
if I understand your question correctly, I belive you just need to load it as a data source/array, which you can then bind to a component of your choosing.
In the documentation it states that if you use the File class to access files then this is safe across all platforms. Also the .url property of the File object will use the appropriate URL scheme...
"app:" - relative to the application directory
"app-storage:" - relative to the special application storage directory
"file:" - all else...I think if you specify an absolute path

BlackBerry FileIO: Delete files with specific extension

I'm working on a blackberry application which do some file handling, I would like to know how I can check a specific folder and delete only files with a specific extension. For example, I only want to delete my .log files.
Please, spend some time studying the FileConnection API. It has everything you need.
FileConnection dir = (FileConnection);
Enumeration dirContent = dir.list("*.*", true);
FileConnection file = (FileConnection);
if (file.exists()) {

Resolving relative paths outside the standard directories (applicationDirectory, desktopDirectory, etc)

I need to navigate to a file relative to my applicationDirectory, but as it says in the documentation:
No ".." reference that reaches the file system root or the application-persistent storage root passes that node; it is ignored.
But the crazy thing is that if I do something like
I can get anywhere in the filesystem.
My question is:
is there a workaround to navigate from my applicationDirectory to a relative path like "../../my.cfg" ?? (I need to read a config file generated by a different application)
if you are trying to access root privileged folders - than you can not.
in other cases try do next "home/blah/blah/blah/../../my.cfg" and research once again to save your time about navigation.
also you have another few ways: create a link to your file or run external bash/bat script.
I was previously using the little hack mentioned in Eugene's answer to copy from an absolute path:
var file = 'C:\Users\User1\Pictures\pic.png';
var newPath = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath('images/pic.png');
air.File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath('/../../../../../../../../../../' +
file).copyTo(newPath, true);
However, this is a much better way of doing it:
var file = 'C:\Users\User1\Pictures\pic.png';
var newPath = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath('images/pic.png');
new air.File(file).copyTo(newPath, true);