SQL Server Query running slow when changing constant in where clause - sql

Hello all and thanks in advance. I have a view that when queried with no where clause takes just over 0 seconds to return ~8600 rows. However, when I query with a where clause such as:
SELECT * FROM myView WHERE myID = 123
depending on what constant I put in place of 123 the query execution time changes considerably.
Now, "considerably" in this case means the difference between just above 0 seconds and 3 to 4 seconds. But the view is called frequently and repeatedly for certain tasks which makes 3 seconds turn into 30 or more seconds.
While I cannot give the code for the view itself, what I can confirm is that:
The view is comprised of the joining of 6 standard tables (no special qualities).
While there may not always be records in table A that link up with table B, thus creating null columns in the results, I have confirmed that such instances are not consistently resulting in the longer or shorter query times.
The view itself has no clauses beyond the standard Select, From, and Left Outer Join clauses.
Certain IDs always result in long query times and the others always result in short query times
I have dropped and created the view in between queries on the off chance that there was a cached execution plan that was sub-optimal.
If these known variables are not enough to reduce the possibilities down to 2 or 3 possible causes I would still like to know what THEORETICAL problems might be causing this issue just to expand my understanding.
Thanks Again,

I would assume that the statistics for the tables are outdated and do not match the real content of the tables. This would mean that the optimizer, relying on the statistics, e. g. assumes that a value you use in the WHERE clause does not occur in the data at all, hence the result set being rather small, while in reality it contains many rows. Or the other way round: Relying on the statistics, the optimizer could assume that - say- 20% of the rows of the table have this value, and hence it is better to do a full table scan than to first access index pages for evaluating the where condition, then jump to a data page for almost each index entry to read the data, and in the end having to read nearly all pages anyway. Or it would access the tables in a wrong order, or ... But in reality, the value is not contained in the table at all, thus just leading to a wrong plan.
One hint pointing to outdated statistics would be if the query plan shows a huge difference between estimated and actual number of rows.
Which DBMS are you using? If SQL Server, then you can see the current statistics using DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS and refresh the statistics for selected columns and tables using the UPDATE STATISTICS statement. There are more views and procedures around this subject, most of them are linked from one of these two articles.


Oracle SQL: What is the best way to select a subset of a very large table

I have been roaming these forums for a few years and I've always found my questions had already been asked, and a fitting answer was already present.
I have a pretty generic (and maybe easy) question now though, but I haven't been able to find a thread asking the same one yet.
The situation:
I have a payment table with 10-50M records per day, a history of 10 days and hundreds of columns. About 10-20 columns are indexed. One of the indices is batch_id.
I have a batch table with considerably fewer records and columns, say 10k a day and 30 columns.
If I want to select all payments from one specific sender, I could just do this:
Select * from payments p
where p.sender_id = 'SenderA'
This runs a while, even though sender_id is also indexed. So I figure, it's better to select the batches first, then go into the payments table with the batch_id:
select * from payments p
where p.batch_id in
(select b.batch_id from batches where b.sender_id = 'SenderA')
--and p.sender_id = 'SenderA'
Now, my questions are:
In the second script, should I uncomment the Sender_id in my where clause on the payments table? It doesn't feel very efficient to filter on sender_id twice, even though it's in different tables.
Is it better if I make it an inner join instead of a nested query?
Is it better if I make it a common table expression instead of a nested query or inner join?
I suppose it could all fit into one question: What is the best way to query this?
In the worst case the two queries should run in the same time and in the best case I would expect the first query to run quicker. If it is running slower, there is some problem elsewhere. You don't need the additional condition in the second query.
The first query will retrieve index entries for a single value, so that is going to access less blocks than the second query which has to find index entries for multiple batches (as well as executing the subquery, but that is probably not significant).
But the danger as always with Oracle is that there are a lot of factors determining which query plan the optimizer chooses. I would immediately verify that the statistics on your indexed columns are up-to-date. If they are not, this might be your problem and you don't need to read any further.
The next step is to obtain a query execution plan. My guess is that this will tell you that your query is running a full-table-scan.
Whether or not Oracle choses to perform a full-table-scan on a query such as this is dependent on the number of rows returned and whether Oracle thinks it is more efficient to use the index or to simply read the whole table. The threshold for flipping between the two is not a fixed number: it depends on a lot of things, one of them being a parameter called DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT.
This is set-up by Orale and in theory it should be configured such that the transition between indexed and full-table scan queries should be smooth. In other words, at the transition point where your query is returning enough rows to just about make a full table scan more efficient, the index scan and the table scan should take roughly the same time.
Unfortunately, I have seen systems where this is way out and Oracle flips to doing full table scans far too quickly, resulting in a long query time once the number of rows gets over a certain threshold.
As I said before, first check your statistics. If that doesn't work, get a QEP and start tuning your Oracle instance.
Tuning Oracle is a very complex subject that can't be answered in full here, so I am forced to recommend links. Here is a useful page on the parameter: reducing it might help: Why Change the Oracle DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT.
Other than that, the general Oracle performance tuning guide is here: (Oracle) Configuring a Database for Performance.
If you are still having problems, you need to progress your investigation further and then come up with a more specific question.
Based on your comment where you say your query is returning 4M rows out of 10M-50M in the table. If it is 4M out of 10M there is no way an index will be of any use. Even with 4M out of 50M, it is still pretty certain that a full-table-scan would be the most efficient approach.
You say that you have a lot of columns, so probably this 4M row fetch is returning a huge amount of data.
You could perhaps consider splitting off some of the columns that are not required and putting them into a child table. In particular, if you have columns containing a lot of data (e.g., some text comments or whatever) they might be better being kept outside the main table.
Remember - small is fast, not only in terms of number of rows, but also in terms of the size of each row.
SQL is an declarative language. This means, that you specify what you like not how.
Check your indexes primary and "normal" ones...

Optimising a sequence of SQL calculations - Nested or Seperate Queries?

Short Intro:
When it is required to have a dozen nested calculating queries, is it more optimal to
A) Perform each operation separately (saving into a table for each result and then reading that table for the next query)
B) Have a large set of nested selects
Full Description:
I am trying to calculate some advanced forecasts from a series of input tables in SQL.
I am building around a dozen 'modules' that are separated into their own schema and each module typically includes 4-10 input tables and 6-10 calculation steps. All outputs from each module is dumped into the same output table once completed.
Queries range from 7k-200k rows.
A single schema's/module's tables might look like this:
Input Table 1
Input Table 2
Input Table 3
Input Table 4
Calculation Query 1 Result Table
Calculation Query 2 Result Table
Calculation Query 3 Result Table
Calculation Query 4 Result Table
Calculation Query 5 Result Table
Calculation Query 6 Result Table
Final Output
Each calculation query uses the results of the previous (for the most part). The final output is the result of the final calculation query. Calculations are not very complex: partitioned max, basic formula (+,-,*,/) or SUM etcetera. Normally only 1-3 of these per calculation step and always on the same column.
The main reason this is split into multiple calculation queries (instead of one super-formula) is because each calculation joins the outputs in a different way and uses different input tables; also because some are based on previous row results. (Such as max partitions or Lag)
My requirements are as follows:
A procedure that calculates final output from step 1 and merges into Final Output.
A procedure that calculates up to the selected calculation query and merges into its respective results table (and stop). Consider this the 'overriding final'
I DONT need to store the calculation results of intermediate queries - only the final output or the 'overriding final' if selected.
My Problem:
I am trying to optimise the entire process - at this point it looks like it will take around 10-15 seconds. I want it to be 1 second - however I appreciate this is probably not possible.
What I have tried:
Firstly, I created a single procedure for each calculation query that Merged the results into its respective output table. Using this method, each calculation query must read from the database and then merge into its output.
I tried temp tables however I don't see why this would be optimal because I have existing tables for the calculation steps already - which are indexed with the next step in mind.
I then made an assumption that it would be faster to simply nest all the queries into one super-procedure or maybe even have a sequence of Table-Functions.
My Question:
However I ran into a thought that I could not find an answer for - which is the following:
Inserting results into a table on every calculation step might slow the process (especially as they are indexed with 2-4 columns); but at least the data will be indexed for the next step.
Nesting selects would save the effort of inserting data but these results wouldn't be indexed? Right? Or Wrong?
Are select results intelligently indexed? And given my scenario what advise would you give on how I approach this. Maybe I am missing something really simple.
Additional Info:
Most of my larger query results (150-200K) have 4 columns that need to be indexed.
All of my tables only have one column that needs calculating - the rest are indexed.
For Example:
ForecastID, Group, Year, Type, Sub-Type, Value
So I have to index Group, Year, Type and Sub-Type to Join multiple input tables and then calculate on the Value column.
I am telling you this in case having index-heavy tables influences your advice - I wont ask for help on optimizing indexes here due to the overwhelming quantity of advice already available and because it's a different question!
Query optimization is often more art than science, there are few hard and fast rules because there are so many possible influences on the outcome. With that big caveat out of the way, Time to hit the high points.
Indexes effects on loading tables - Indexes have a similar performance impact on inserts as triggers. Unless you have a filtered index each insert will have to update every index on the table, so at three indexes you are looking at quadrupling the number of updates per insert. At one read per insert and a small table size of 200k (very doable for a table scan), for three indexes you are probably outside the butter zone for cost vs. benefit of having those indexes on your work tables.
Nesting results - Like CTEs, nested results work best when the entire result set can fit in memory. When part is in memory and part is on disk it will generally perform worse than a similarly sized temp table without an index. At 5 or so columns for 200k rows with smallish datatypes and a modern server you should be ok performance wise with nesting queries, so long as your only doing one result set at a time. Once again this varies based on your setup, if you are strapped for ram drop them into a temp table.
Joins - Another possible good reason to use temp tables/nested queries is to avoid excessively large joins. The first step in a join process is a full Cartesian join between the tables, which is then filtered based on the on and where clauses. The Join process is heavily optimized in all RDMS, so most of the time you are not aware of how much heavy lifting is occurring behind the scenes, however when tables reach large sizes this can be a major performance pain point. So instead you select the subset of data you require from both tables, and join the two much smaller sets. Once again the butter zone between subsets and full table joins depends on a number of factors, so you'll have to play around with your queries to find where it is for your situation.
Unfortunately I can't really give specific advice without some sample inputs and outputs and/or an execution plan, but I hope this is some food for thought. Good luck.
It sounds like your datasets from the subqueries are more than a few thousand rows, so I would start off with approach A, persist some of these intermediate result sets to #temptables, check the execution plan for scans on these tables, and index the #temptables if needed.
If you want to use approach B, or mix A and B, I suggest CTEs instead of nested queries where possible. They are more readable, and it is easier to switch to #temptables when you are testing/designing the query.

Why select count(*) is faster the select * even if table has no indexes?

Is there any diffrence between the time taken for Select * and Select count(*) for the table having no primary key and other indexes in SQL server 2008 R2?
I have tried select count(*) from a view and it has taken 00:05:41 for 410063922 records.
Select (*) from view has already taken 10 minutes for first 600000 records and the query is still running. So it looks like that it will take more than 1 hour.
Is there any way through which I can make this view faster without any change in the structure of the underlying tables?
Can I create indexed view for tables without indexes?
Can I use caching for the view inside sql server so if it is called again, it takes less time?
It's a view which contains 20 columns from one table only. The table does not have any indexes.The user is able to query the view. I am not sure whether user does select * or select somecolumn from view with some where conditions. The only thing which I want to do is to propose them for some changes through which their querying on the view will return results faster. I am thinking of indexing and caching but I am not sure whether they are possible on a view with table having no indexes. Indexing is not possible here as mentioned in one of the answers.
Can anyone put some light on caching within sql server 2008 R2?
count(*) returns just a number and select * returns all the data. Imagine having to move all that data and the time it takes for your hundred of thousands of records. Even if your table was indexed probably, running select * on your hundreds of thousands of records will still take a lot of time even if less than before, and should never bee needed in the first place.
Can I create indexed view for tables without indexes?
No, you have to add indexes for indexed results
Can I use caching for the view inside sql server so if it is called again, it takes less time?
Yes you can, but its of no use for such a requirement. Why are you selecting so many records in the first place? You should never have to return millions or thousands of rows of complete data in any query.
Infact you are trying to get billions of rows without any where clause. This is bound to fail on any server that you can get hold off, so better stop there :)
Indexes do not matter for a SELECT * FROM myTABLE query because there is no condition and billions of rows. Unless you change your query, no optimization can help you
The execution time difference is due to the fact that SELEC * will show the entire content of your table and the SELECT COUNT(*) will only count how many rows are present without showing them.
Answer about optimisation
In my opinion you're taking the problem with the wrong angle. First of all it's important to define the real need of your clients, when the requirements are defined you'll certainly be able to improve your view in order to get better performance and avoid returning billions of data.
Optimisations can even be made on the table structure sometimes (we don't have any info about your current structure).
SQL Server will automatically use a system of caching in order to make the execution quicker but that will not solve your problem.
SQL Server apparently does very different work when its result set field list is different. I just did a test of a query joining several tables where many millions of rows were in play. I tested different queries, which were all the same except for the list of fields in the SELECT clause. Also, the base query (for all tests) returned zero rows.
The SELECT COUNT(*) took 6 seconds and the SELECT MyPrimaryKeyField took 6 seconds. But once I added any other column (even small ones) to the SELECT list, the time jumped to 20 minutes - even though there were no records to return.
When SQL Server thinks it needs to leave its indexes (e.g., to access table columns not included in an index) then its performance is very different - we all know this (which is why SQL Server supports including base columns when creating indexes).
Getting back to the original question, the SQL Server optimizer apparently chooses to access the base table data outside of the indexes before it knows that it has no rows to return. In the poster's original scenario, though, there were no indexes or PK (don't know why), but maybe SQL Server is still accessing table data differently with COUNT(*).

Does using the TOP X * format in SQL speed up queries significantly?

So lately when I run queries on huge tables I'll use the the top 10 * notation like so:
select top 10 * from BI_Sessions (nolock)
where SessionSID like 'b6d%'
and CreateDate between '03-15-2012' AND '05-18-2012'
I thought that it let's it run faster, but it doesn't seem so , this one took 4 minutes(or is that OK time)?
I guess I'm curious about whether the top functionality happens after it pulls all the data anyway(which would seem like it's inefficient).
It entirely depends on the query, with the exceptino of "Top 0". "Top 0" does return much faster.
In your case, the query has to look through the rows in a huge table to find rows that match the WHERE clause. If no rows are found, the number of rows being returned doesn't help. If the rows are at the end of the table scan, then the number of rows being returned doesn't help.
There are certain cases with more complicated queries where the "top" could affect performance. There is a difference between optimizing overall and for the first row returned. I'm not sure if SQL Server's optimizer recognizes this difference.
Well, it depends. If you do not have a covering index on BI_sessions and its a large database then the answer is probably. A good covering index may be something like: CreateDate, SessionSIS, and all the columns you actually need to return. If you do have a coveing index, then SQL will not even read the table, it will get all the data it needs from the covering index. Possibly if you specified the columns you actually need to return, 10 rows should come back in a fraction of a second.
for more useful info
and a bit more technical:

Estimated Subtree Cost Wildly Off, Terrible Optimization

I am joining a table that has two record id fields (record1, record2) to a view twice--once on each record--and selecting the top 1000. The view consists of several rather large tables, and it's id field is a string concatenation of their respective Ids (this was necessary for some third party software that requires a unique ID for the view. Row numbering was abysmally slow). There is also a where clause in the view calling a function that compares dates.
The estimated execution plan produces a "No Join Predicate" warning unless I use OPTION(FORCE ORDER). With forcing the ordering, the execution plan has multiple nodes displaying 100% cost. In both cases, the estimated subtree cost at the endpoint is thirteen orders of magnitude smaller than just one of it's nodes (it's doing a lot or nested loop joins with cpu costs as high 35927400000000)
What is going on here with the numbers in the execution plan? And why is SQL Server having such a hard time optimizing the query?
Simply adding an index to the view on the concatenated string and using the NOEXPAND table hint fixed the problem entirely. It ran in all of 12 seconds. But why did sql stumble so bad (even requiring the noexpand hint after I added the index)?
Running SQL Server 2008 SP1 with CU 8.
The View:
dbo.fnGetCombinedTwoPartKey(N.NameID,A.AddressID) AS NameAddressKey,
[other fields]
[7 joined tables]
WHERE dbo.fnDatesAreOverlapping(N.dtmValidStartDate,N.dtmValidEndDate,A.dtmValidStartDate,A.dtmValidEndDate) = 1
The Query
FROM tblMatches M
JOIN vwImportNameAddress vw1 ON vw1.NameAddressKey = M.Record1
JOIN vwImportNameAddress vw2 ON vw2.DetailAddressKey = M.Record2
Looks like you're already pretty close to the explanation. It's because of this:
The view consists of several rather large tables, and it's id field is a string concatenation of their respective Ids...
This creates a non-sargable join predicate condition, and prevents SQL server from using any of the indexes on the base tables. Thus, the engine has to perform a full scan of all the underlying tables for each join (two in your case).
Perhaps in order to avoid doing several full table scans (one for each table, multiplied by the number of joins), SQL Server has decided that it will be faster to simply use the cartesian product and filter afterward (hence the "no join predicate" warning). When you FORCE ORDER, it dutifully performs all of the full scans and nested loops that you originally asked it for.
I do agree with some of the comments that this view is underlying a problematic data model, but the short-term workaround, as you've discovered, is to index the computed ID column in the view, which (obviously) makes it sargable again because it has hashes of the actual generated ID.
Edit: I also missed this on the first read-through:
WHERE dbo.fnDatesAreOverlapping(N.dtmValidStartDate,N.dtmValidEndDate,A.dtmValidStartDate,A.dtmValidEndDate) = 1
This, again, is a non-sargable predicate which will lead to poor performance. Wrapping any columns in a UDF will cause this behaviour. Indexing the view also materializes it, which may also factor into the speed of the query; without the index, this predicate has to be evaluated every time and forces a full scan on the base tables, even without the composite ID.
It would have to parse your function (fnGetCombinedTwoPartKey) to determine what columns are fetched to create the result column. It can't so it's going to assume all columns are necessary. If your indexes are covering indexes then your estimate is going to be wrong.