Finding A sub String and replacing the whole string in SQL - sql

Hi I'm wondering is there a way using sql to replace a string that contains a specific sub string with a new string on mass.
I can replace one string with another no problem(Find and Replace). However I have a situation where I need to replace thousands of lines where the strings are almost the same but not exactly. They all have a unique id appended to the end.I want to use the first part of the string which is the same for every line to identify the lines i want to change and replace the entire string with a new string which will not be unique across the table.

The following works in most databases:
update t
set col = newstring
where left(col, xxx) = identifierstring;
I think this is what you are describing.


MS Access VBA - Pulling a partial string from semi-consistent data in a field

I've looked around but wasn't able to find an exact solution...
I have an identifier-type field that generally follows the format of XXX-YY-ZZZZZZZZ. Sometimes the number of X's and Z's will vary, but the YY's are always enclosed between the two hyphens. If I wanted to create another field using just the "YY", what would be the best function to use? There's also another reference table with the YYs listed that I intend to relate it to.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you want to split the string into an array. Try this out
Public Sub Example()
Dim ExampleStr As String: ExampleStr = "XXX-YY-ZZZZZZZZ"
Dim StrArray() As String
StrArray = Split(ExampleStr, "-")
Debug.Print StrArray(1) ' Return the second element
End Sub

Compare value with a DataType to see if it accepted

I have a method that is used to check values to see if they are accepted by the DataType in the database column.
I have a list of values which will be added to the database and also a list of DataType's from the table they will be added to, and i want to make sure that when I run a Stored Procedure to add the values that the values are correct.
Private Function CheckAllDataTypes(FormattedDate As String, sString As String(), file As FileInfo) As Boolean
Using dbConn As RgsDb2.DbConnection = DataConnections.DbConnection()
TableDataTypes = DataConnections.ExecuteQuery_SingleResultSetWithParams("sellTableDataTypes", dbConn, Params)
End Using
For Each item As String In sString
End Function
So lets see the table columns that I am wanting to add to are int,varchar,varchar and the values in sString are 3,"testing",3.
This should fail as 3 is not a string.
Use a regex in your testing loop to check for numbers as strings if you don't want to consider them as a string.
Integers can be strings so you will also need to check for it being "alone" as it were. You might say that 3 should not be treated as a string but you would be hard pressed to say that "te5t1ng" shouldn't be treated 100% as a string.

How to insert text into a string at a point of a specific character(s)

I have searched the whole internet, and the only things I can find is IndexOf. The issue with that is I need a way to put the insert at a specific one of those chars.
I am currently using this
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text.Insert(RichTextBox1.Text.Substring(0,RichTextBox1.Text.Split("^")(CurrentSlide).Length), "^")
Which of course is completely incorrect after thinking about it, because the length of the index is not the real length of the text to the index.
I think you have the right idea. It seems like you have a "^" delimited string, and you want to insert an empty at some point. Since a collection is easier to work with than a string, your Split is a good start.
Dim parts = RichTextBox1.Text.Split("^")
Let's make that a list, so we can insert into it:
Dim parts = RichTextBox1.Text.Split("^").ToList()
Now, just insert an empty string where you want the new element:
Dim parts = RichTextBox1.Text.Split("^").ToList()
parts.Insert(CurrentSlide, "")
And combine them back for editing in your textbox:
Dim parts = RichTextBox1.Text.Split("^").ToList()
parts.Insert(CurrentSlide, "")
RichTextBox1.Text = String.Join("^", parts)

Inserting a String inside a String

I want to insert a word inside an existing word? Both are Strings.
For example:
Given String word:
i want to insert the word I AM A so my output would be:
i am inserting here basing on the word SAMPLE. So the insertion starts before the word SAMPLE. is this possible?
Based on the description of your logic (which isn't much to go on), I would use:
Dim input As String = "HELLO SAMPLE SENTENCE"
Dim iSample As Integer = input.IndexOf("SAMPLE")
Dim output As String = input.Insert(iSample, "I AM A ")
This uses the BCL function String.Insert, which simply inserts a string into another string at a particular position.
Create a function like this:
Function InsertBefore(sentence As String, find As String, textToInsert As String
Return sentence.Replace(find, textToInsert+Find)
End Function
And call it like this:
sentence = InsertBefore("HELLO SAMPLE SENTENCE", " SAMPLE ", "I AM A")
If I remember correctly, you can use the String.split() function on your string.
See DotNetPerls' page on Split here.
You can split the string into an array, then insert the line you want into the array, then join them back together using String.Join() (thanks Monty, I don't use Visual Basic that frequently anymore, I forgot that :)).
Hope this help :)

MS-Access: Replace "bracket"

In one of the ms-access table I work with we have a text field with a set size.
At the end of this field there is some extra code that varies depending on the situation.
I'm looking for a way to remove one of these code but even when the last part is truncated by the field maximum size.
Let's call the field "field" and the code I'm looking to remove "abc-longcode".
If I use the replace SQL function with the string abc-longcode the query will only work when the code is complete.
If I also want my update query (that does nothing but remove this specific code at the end of my field) to work on incomplete codes how would that translate into ms-SQL?
It would have to remove (or replace with "" to be precise) all of the following (example of course, not the real codes):
Obviously I could do that with several queries. Each one replacing one of the expected truncated codes... but it doesn't sound optimal.
Also, when the field is big enough to get all of the code, there can sometime be extra details at the end that I'll also want to keep so I cannot either just look for "abc-l" and delete everything that follows :\
This query (or queries if I can't find a better way) will be held directly into the .mdb database.
So while I can think of several ways to do this outside of a ms-sql query, it doesn't help me.
Any help?
You can write a custom VBA replace method that will replace any of the given cases {"abc-longcode", ... "abc-l"}. This is essentially the same tack as your "several queries" idea, except it would only be one query. My VBA is rusty, but something like:
public function ReplaceCodes(str as string) as string
dim returnString as string
returnString = str
returnString = replace(returnString,"abc-longcode","")
// ... etc...
ReplaceCodes = returnString
end function
I may have gotten the parameter order wrong on replace :)
I would use my own custom function to do this using the split function to get the first part of the string. You can then use that value in the update query.
Public Function FirstPart(thetext As String) As String
Dim ret As String
Dim arrSplitText As Variant
arrSplitText = Split(thetext, "-")
ret = arrSplitText(0)
FirstPart = ret
End Function
Can you use:
EDIT re Comment
If there is a space or other standard delimiter:
IIf(InStr(InStr(FieldX, "abc-"), FieldX, " ") = 0, Left(FieldX, InStr(FieldX, "abc-") - 1), Replace(FieldX, Mid(FieldX, InStr(FieldX, "abc-"), InStr(InStr(FieldX, "abc-"), FieldX, " ") - InStr(FieldX, "abc-")), ""))