How To reset the OnDemandGrid - dojo

I am using OnDemandGrid with JSONrest store in my application.For the first time,the grid is loading fine , if i search again for other data,the data already in the Grid is getting overlapped with new data.Can someone tell me how to reset or refresh the OnDemandGrid?
Here is my code,
function (request, Memory, OnDemandGrid,JsonRest) {
var jsonstore = new JsonRest({target: url,idProperty: "srno"});
grid = new OnDemandGrid({
store: jsonstore,
columns: Layout,
minRowsPerPage : 40,
maxRowsPerPage : 40,
keepScrollPosition : true,
loadingMessage: "Loading data...",
noDataMessage: "No results found."
}, "grid");

Here's an Example taken from
var newStore = new{data: { identifier: "", items: []}});
var grid = dijit.byId("grid");
to clear the Results of a Grid.
We use an similar case to delete our used ItemFileReadStore:
var emptyStore = clearStore();
dijit.byId("selectGemarkung").store = emptyStore;
Hope this helps.
Look at this : delete item from a
I think jsonstore.remove() will do it.
Regards, Miriam

Collection data should be set to null; else refresh() wont work. Also collection data should not be assigned blank store object
Since we are removing collection from OnDemandGrid internal dstore errors will be logged in console for below js files.


AnyColumn option added as new column in Dojo enhanced grid view

I am working on dojo enhanced grid view. I am able to display the grid in UI. But AnyColumn option is added as new column.
Any help will be appreciated...
Here is the Code
var mygrid = new EnhancedGrid({
id: "grid",
store: gridStore, //Data store passed as input
structure: gridStructure, //Column structure passed as input
autoHeight: true,
autoWidth: true,
initialWidth: width,
canSort : true,
plugins: {
filter: {
//Filter operation
isServerSide: true,
disabledConditions : {"anycolumn" : ["equal","less","lessEqual","larger","largerEqual","contains","startsWith","endsWith","equalTo","notContains","notEqualTo","notStartsWith","notEndsWith"]},
setupFilterQuery: function(commands, request){
if(commands.filter && commands.enable){
//filter operation
}, dojo.byId("mydatagrid"));
First, do not use EnhancedGrid, instead use either dgrid or gridx.
I think by default anycolumn is added to the dropdown. If you want to remove then, I would suggest to
Register for click event on the filter definition
Iterate through the drop-down and remove the first entry which is anyColumn
or you can also try something like
dojo.forEach(this.yourgrid.pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterDefDialog._cboxes, function(dropdownbox) {
Updated answer is. I know this is not the elegant way of doing it but it works.
//reason why I'm showing the dialog is that _cboxes of the filter are empty initially.
dojo.forEach(dijit.byId('grid').pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterDefDialog._cboxes, function(dropdownbox) {
var theSelect = dropdownbox._colSelect;
//Closing the dialog after removing Any Column

dgrid always showing one record less then present

I am using dgrid as follows:
query_grid: function(json_query, target, select){
var self = this;
function(declare, Grid, ColumnResizer, Selection, selector, DijitRegistry, Pagination){
var columns = {};
if (select){
columns.widget = selector({
id: "widget",
label: " ",
selectorType: "radio",
resizeable: false,
width: 30});
var data =;
for (var i=0; i<data.keys.length; i++){
columns[data.keys[i]] = {label: util.slice_path(data.keys[i], 2)};
var grid = new (declare([Grid, ColumnResizer, Selection, DijitRegistry, Pagination]))({
id: "grid_"+json_query.path,
columns: columns,
store: new Memory({data: data.records}),
selectionMode: select?"single":"none",
pagingLinks: 1,
pagingTextBox: true,
firstLastArrows: true
});, target, 'last');
return json_query.path;
but when i look at the result, it always shows one record less then is present, until i click on a column header (resulting in a sort), and then all records are shown. Can anyone expain or help with a solution/workaround?
Replace grid.refresh() with grid.startup().
dgrid will automatically call startup in cases where an instance is in document flow as soon as it's created. That's not the case here since you're placing it afterwards, so you need to call startup after it's in flow to tell it that it can perform geometry-sensitive operations.
Without calling startup, resize is never initially called. As a result, the grid doesn't properly account for the height of the header/footer, and one of your 10 rows is getting obfuscated. It gets fixed when you sort because dgrid/Grid's _setSort method calls resize in case the size of the header row changes due to the placement of the sort arrow.
The reason you can replace refresh with startup in this case is because startup calls refresh anyway.

Dgrid - rowIndex in OnDemandGrid

I am using OnDemandGrid virtuall scrolling with JSONRest store.
], function (request, Memory, OnDemandGrid,JsonRest) {
var jsonstore = new JsonRest({target: url , idProperty: "id"});
// Create an instance of OnDemandGrid referencing the store
var grid = new OnDemandGrid({
store: jsonstore,
columns: Layout,
minRowsPerPage : 40,
maxRowsPerPage : 40,
loadingMessage: "Loading data...",
noDataMessage: "No results found."
}, "grid");
I dont know how to get the rowIndex of the cell.
Can someone tell me how to find the row index?
You may find what you're looking for by using Selection mixin provided by dGrid. Using Selection, you can define your grid like this:
grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection]))({
store: Observable(Memory({ // replace with your store of choice
idProperty: 'id'
columns: { /* your columns layout */ },
noDataMessage: 'No results found.',
loadingMessage: 'Loading data...'
In your columns object, you can define a column that uses a function called renderCell that looks like this:
renderCell: function (object, value, node, options) {
// Object is the row; i.e., object's properties are the column names
// value is the value for this cell
// node is the DOM node of this cell
// Not sure what 'options' refers to
When a row is selected, you can retrieve the row by using the grid.selection property, which is an object that contains key/value pairs where the the ID's (based on idProperty) are the keys. The value for each key contains a boolean that indicates whether or not that particular row is selected. So, to get each selected row, you could do something like:
for (selectedId in selection) {
if (selection.hasOwnProperty(selectedId) && selection[selectedId] === true) {
var selectedRow = grid.row(selection[selectedId];
... // and so on...
None of this specifically gives you the row index, but you may be able to figure it out from here using your browser's Development Tools (e.g., Firebug for Firefox, etc).

Extjs4 itemselector, issue in configuration

I try to use itemSelector in extjs4.2 but i don't know i can configure two store. The first multiselect panel is populate by a store, and the second had another too.
I need to save the variation in a DB because the stores that i use is ajax-proxy datastore.
This is my itemselector:
xtype: 'itemselector',
store: dsRoles,
toStore: dsUserRoles,
/*here there is a problem*/
value: dsUserRoles,
msgTarget: 'side',
fromTitle : 'Available',
toTitle : 'Selected'
The value in the 'Selected field' is coming from a query and is not static like in the all the example i found.
EDIT: the toStore property doesn't work, and today this component make me crazy: when i load the window which contain a tabPanel which contain the itemselector for the secondTime this is what is render:
Whith Chrome i found this error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'internalId' of undefined
Any help is helpfull.
Problem has been resolved! I changed the source code!(ItemSelector.js)
here it is,
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
me.ddGroup = + '-dd';
// bindStore must be called after the fromField has been created because
// it copies records from our configured Store into the fromField's Store
//me.bindStore(; //don't need to bind
createList: function(title, store){ //add a parameter named store
store: store, //use the passed store
me.fromField = me.createList(me.fromTitle,;
me.toField = me.createList(me.toTitle, me.toStore);

Manipulating datastore data after loading

I have a backend that returns some JSON data that is used by my datastore through an ajax proxy. The data is then displayed in a dataview. What I need to do is perform some transformation on the received data on client side before it is displayed by the dataview.
I tried various approaches and settled on attaching a handler to the datastore's load event:
Ext.getStore('MyStore').on('load', function (store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) {
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
var e = records[i]; = "constantPrefix" +;
The handler fires and records are changed correctly.
Problem is, the dataview still shows unchanged data. Is the whole approach correct? If so, why's it not working; if not - how would you achieve that?
Below is the dataview code:
Ext.define('MyProject.view.MyDataView', {
extend : 'Ext.DataView',
xtype : 'my-dataview',
config : {
store : 'MyStore',
baseCls : Ext.os.deviceType === 'Phone' ? 'my-dataview-phone' : 'my-dataview-tablet',
mode: 'MULTI',
allowDeselect: true,
selectedCls: 'tick-visible',
triggerEvent: 'itemdoubletap',
itemTpl : [
'<img class="my-photo my-dataview-photo" src="',
instead = "constantPrefix" +;
var value = "constantPrefix" + e.get('myField');
e.set('myField', value);
model.set() is responsible to trigger necessary events, which the dataview does catch.
cheers, Oleg
You just need to inform the store listeners about the modified fields. Try:
Ext.getStore('MyStore').afterEdit(e, ['myField']);
This has the advantage, that the dataview or grid will now show the fields as modified (with these red triangles in the field).