what does the caret sign mean in Objective-C? [duplicate] - objective-c

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Caret in objective C
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
There is a piece of code like
typedef void (^SignIn) (NSString *email, NSString *password);
What does the ^ mean before SignIn? Is this Objective-C specific usage?

It's the syntax for blocks.
That typedef declares SignIn to mean a block which takes two NSString* arguments and returns void (i.e. nothing).

It is a block.
For a guide to understanding blocks, see this tutorial
Unless, you already know what a block is, and you just didn't know what the caret was for.


Preprocessor macro taking NSString stringWithFormat fails due to comma [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Comma in C/C++ macro
(8 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Assuming I have a macro like this
#define A(x) NSLog(#"%#", x)
how can I call it and format the string in the macro argument like this
A([NSString stringWithFormat:#"Random string with number %d", 5]);
I am getting error too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation and the error marker points to the comma, which makes sense, since I assume that is there the preprocessor splits the arguments, since it does not know the context that it is a selector call. Is it even possible to do this?
As the linked question's answer says, the solution lies in using an extra pair of paranthese at the call site:
A(([NSString stringWithFormat:#"Random string with number %d", 5]));

Is there an ObjC macro or function to get all the argument values received by a method? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pass all arguments of a method into NSLog
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I know that NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) gives the name of the current method. I use that in a debugging macro to print what method I'm in. I would like to also get the method's arguments as strings so I can print them too. I'm thinking of something like *argv[] in C.
Is there any built-in facility for that?
Yes, c++ (and Objective-C) support va_list.
Do something like this:
- (void)do:(va_list)args
// do something with all your args
And use it like this:
[self do:#"foo", #"bar"]

What does `->` symbol represent in objective-c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does this ' ->' mean in c/objective-c?
(7 answers)
What is the difference between '->' (arrow operator) and '.' (dot operator) in Objective-C?
(3 answers)
Dot (".") operator and arrow ("->") operator use in C vs. Objective-C
(5 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I have been looking at some code and come across the symbol -> being used like obj->method(argument); I have done a little bit of research and found it basically is the same as [obj method:argument]; but I am unsure what -> actually is or does.
So my question is, what does the -> symbol mean in objective-c?
It means the same as the struct dereference operator does in C, which is used to access fields within the struct via a pointer:
struct mystruct
int field;
struct mystruct *mystruct = ...;
printf("field=%d\n", mystruct->field);
In Objective-C it can also be used to access fields within Objective-C objects:
#interface MyObj : NSObject
int field;
MyObj *myObj = [[MyObj alloc] init];
NSLog(#"field=%d", myObj->field);
Note that you can only access these fields externally if they are declared #public.
I have been looking at some code and come across the symbol -> being
used like obj->method(argument); I have done a little bit of research
and found it basically is the same as [obj method:argument]; but I am
unsure what -> actually is or does.
So my question is, what does the -> symbol mean in objective-c?
Exactly the same thing it means in C; it is for accessing an item in a C structure. Way back in the days of yore, Objective-C was implemented purely as a C preprocessor extension + a runtime. Classes were nothing more than concatenated C structures and the preprocessor turned each ivar access into self->ivar.
I.e. ivar and self->ivar do the same thing (in a method of class).
Now, you can use -> to poke at some other object's (#public) ivars. But don't. That breaks encapsulation exactly because Objective-C's line of encapsulation is drawn at the method interface. Always use the setters/getters such that behavior can be either observed or overridden.
Finally, no, there is nothing like obj->method(argument) anymore. There was, once, in a failed experiment called Modern Syntax, but it was abandoned because it was a pointless waste of time. You can't use -> to invoke methods.

objective c method asterisk [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Asterisk in parenthesis in Objective-C… What does it mean?
does anyone can find some resource or detail explanation about following code
-(void) add:(Cal *)c;
I am very new to obj-c.what does asterisk means in that code?
It means that the argument for the method is a pointer to an instance of a "Cal" object.

Objective C compiler not complaining about syntax error [duplicate]

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Semicolon after the method name in Objective-C implementation file
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm trying to figure out why gcc is OK with the following:
- (void) methodname: (id) sender;
// do stuff
Notice what's wrong here: There is a semicolon that should not be there.
I'm also finding that execution of the method is having bizarre results.
Anybody know what effect the semicolon is supposed to have or not have here?
The semi-colon is optional in the context of the #implementation. Some teams standardize on requiring it, some don't.
In general ; makes it a function prototype. But the compiler must be smart enough to ignore it in this case. I don't think it's the ; that's causing your odd issues but I'm not sure.