COM in a Windows form EXE using Visual Basic/Visual Studio 12 -

I don't usually program in the .NET framework however I've needed to use it to create a simple exe application that logs data from some measurement equipment. I want this application to have an automation interface with a couple of methods. I've done this before using Delphi/Pascal and it was very straightforward, and I can create a Class Library in Visual Studio that registers itself and the methods and can easily be interfaced with but adding a ComClass to the windows form application doesn't work, can anyone point me in the right direction?

This started as a comment but just kept growing, hopefully i am not off track ...
You can only register a dll. So the short answer would be to add a class library to your project and put the com class in there. This would allow you to share the functionality of the class, but not the same instance of that class.
I think your problem is that you are trying to establish Interprocess Communications. My immediate suggestion is not to do that, at least at first.
For a start you could have your com app interface with a .net class library which would log data. You could then have another project with a .net executable that displays the log, and updates periodically. Now you have .net code on both sides of the fence and can start investigating ways to get them to talk to each other.
The hard part is invoking methods and returning values. If you really need a responsive system you can investigate named pipes inter-process communication, or using a WCF service with callbacks between the two systems. The problem is that in either case you are hamstrung by the class library not being hosted by .net so you have limited functionality (no config file etc). If you can put up with a time lag I would suggest simply starting with writing messages to a local datastore and then polling from each client, every 30 seconds or so. For example the app would create a message saying "give me measurement A" and then start polling every second. The DLL would have a timer and within 30 seconds would read that message and write its own message with the measurement, which the EXE would read and then display. Once you get that system up and running you can decide whether you need to tackle inter-process communication, which is really just a different interface.


Checking for previous instance of application

I am trying to write a code to check previous instance of the application in, my requirement is that application should prevent for same user and it should allow for different user who wants to access through remote parellel 2x client..Any one please help me on this...Thanks
If you are using VB.Net, You should definetly look into WindowsFormsApplicationBase class, shipped as part of .NET framework.
There is a property (IsSingleInstance) specifically designed to provide single instance behavior to the application.
You can even receive notifications through StartupNextInstance or the counterpart OnStartupNextInstance method when another instance of the application tries to run.
I forgot to mention that My.Application already is an object of the WindowsFormsApplicationBase type (at least in VB.NET WinForms applications).
Currently, to take advantage of this stuff from a VB.NET project you have to follow these steps:
Edit project properties.
Enable "Make single instance application".
Click "View Application Events".
(optionally) Implement StartupNextInstance event handler.

How to write a WCF service similar to Running Object Table (ROT)?

I am trying to write a running object table like WCF service (.NET 4.0) for providing access to some COM controls across processes. This service is accessed by both COM and .NET clients.
I chose WCF since it is recommended for inter-process communication and I also thought it would be good if I don't have to depend on ROT where I don't have much control over.
After solving several hiccups, I reached a road block. I don't know how to pass the COM control through the service and give it back to a client. The object never reaches the service. Though WCF is recommended for IPC, it does not provide out of the box support to pass COM objects. I also haven't found any solutions so far. May be WCF service is not the right approach to replace running object table. But I don't see a better way to do IPC.
Any suggestions on this?
A COM objref can't be passed around in a WCF message (well I guess you could create a MEOW interpreter on the receiver size and use CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream to pass the objref)
However, you could put the objects in the GIT and pass the GIT cookies around
But we can directly place COM object into the ROT by implementing IUNKNOWn interface

WCF Named Pipe IPC

I have been trying to get up to speed on Named Pipes this week. The task I am trying to solve with them is that I have an existing windows service that is acting as a device driver that funnels data from an external device into a database. Now I have to modify this service and add an optional user front end (on the same machine, using a form of IPC) that can monitor the data as it passes between the device and the DB as well as send some commands back to the service.
My initial ideas for the IPC were either named pipes or memory mapped files. So far I have been working through the named pipe idea using WCF Tutorial Basic Interprocess Communication . My idea is to set the Windows service up with an additional thread that implements the WCF NamedPipe Service and use that as a conduit to the internals of my driver.
I have the sample code working, however I can not get my head around 2 issues that I am hoping that someone here can help me with:
In the tutorial the ServiceHost is instantiated with a typeof(StringReverser) rather than by referencing a concrete class. Thus there seems to be no mechanism for the Server to interact with the service itself (between the host.Open() and host.Close() lines). Is it possible to create a link between and pass information between the server and the class that actually implements the service? If so, how?
If I run a single instance of the server and then run multiple instance of the clients, it seems that each client gets a separate instance of the service class. I tried adding some state information to the class implementing the service and it was only retained within the instance of the named pipe. This is possibly related to the first question, but is there anyway to force the named pipes to use the same instance of the class that is implementing the service?
Finally, any thoughts on MMF vs Named Pipes?
Edit - About the solution
As per Tomasr's answer the solution lies in using the correct constructor in order to supply a concrete singleton class that implements the service (ServiceHost Constructor (Object, Uri[])). What I did not appreciate at the time was his reference to ensuring the service class was thread safe. Naively just changing the constructor caused a crash in the server, and that ultimately lead me down the path of understanding InstanceContextMode from this blog entry Instancecontextmode And Concurrencymode. Setting the correct context nicely finished off the solution.
For (1) and (2) the answer is simple: You can ask WCF to use a singleton instance of your service to handle all requests. Mostly all you need to do is use the alternate ServiceHost constructor that takes an Object instance instead of a type.
Notice, however, that you'll be responsible for making your service class thread safe.
As for 3, it really depends a lot on what you need to do, your performance needs, how many clients you expect at the same time, the amount of data you'll be moving and for how long it needs to be available, etc.

Simulating SideBySide for Out of Process ActiveX

We are adapting our client side relatively complicated application (ActiveX / .net / Delphi / C++ / COM ) to use SxS to achieve non admin deployment and isolation from older versions of our product.
We were able to achieve this goal for almost all our in proc components such as our .net ui, Delphi ui, and the COM servers we use in proc by composing a manifest file which described all the libraries used by our process, with no registration on the client of any of the components (almost).
And here comes the almost part:
At the moment, our application invokes (from it's c++ portion) an out of proc ActiveX server (Delphi ActiveX EXE), which in turn itself invokes another set of out of proc ActiveX servers (third party plugins, any thing goes here, Delphi, C++, any thing as long as it's out of proc ActiveX EXE and implements our interfaces).
As we know SxS does not support out of proc ActiveX servers. And we can't use these objects as in proc com servers in our main process because that would require a major rewrite of our application and even worst, a break of our public facing API which is used by third party tools and vendors, an api break which we can't allow.
We have stumbled on this article which describes how IHTMLDocument2 can be extracted from an Internet Explorer window running in a separate process. Which made us think of this approach:
We would create a secondary satellite application / process which will run the ActiveX as in process server.
Then we will use LresultFromObject and ObjectFromLresult to transfer a reference of the ActiveX object from the satellite application to the main application process. The satellite application will have it's own manifest file which will allow it to run in SxS mode.
Same approach will be taken to communicate between this Delphi ActiveX EXE and the third party AciveX EXE Plugins
There is an alternative solution, which for the moment we do not prefer over the proposed solution above which is to use .net remoting and .net com proxy classes to open the communication channel between the two processes, by translating the com request to .net remoting, and back to com on the second process.
So here comes the question:
What do you think about this approach ?
Do you see a better solution to the problem ?
It is possible to do. What is needed:
An application needs to start a server itself rather than relying on COM to do it. You don't need the extra indirection provided by the registry, just use CreateProcess().
A server should register its class factories in its main() method with CoRegisterClassObject().
Important: the CLSID it uses for each factory should be altered to be unique for each service instance. This ensures that the client connects to the correct server. I simply XOR the process ID with a class factory CLSID. The client knows the process ID as well so can make the same alteration.
The application should call CoCreateInstance() in a loop with a Sleep() call to wait for the object factory to appear. Don't declare failure until at least 60 seconds have passed (that bit me).
Both the application and the server need a manifest that contains a <file> element for each proxy/stub DLL and <comInterfaceExternProxyStub> elements for each interface that is remoted.
nobugz is right, you can access the Running Object Table to create an instance of a COM Object from a currently running process of your Delphi automation exe.
However I have found a big issue that I cant explain. I can only access the object via the variant dispatch method when working this way.
Basically if my Active X exe is not registered, I get an "Interface Not Supported" error if I try to instance the object through interfaces for example:
WebUpdate : IAutomation;
WebUpdate := CoAutomation.Create; <-- Wont Work Error
WebUpdate : Variant;
WebUpdate := CreateOleObject('WebUpdate.Automation'); <-- Works Fine
If I register the active x exe using regserver the problem goes away!!
Go Figure!

How to unit test a WCF server/client?

I have a WCF server that is a library assembly. (I am writing it so I can mock the level below it) It is called var a client helper class that is in a different assembly. As the data that is transferred is complex and the server has to send call-backs to the clients I wish to test the WCF code in isolation.
(I am only interested in the TCP channel or NamePipe channel)
I do not wish to mock WCF, as the risk I am trying to control is my usage of WCF.
It there a easy way to
Load my WCF server into a different app domain
(I could load the WCF server into the main app domain, but then I it harder to prove that the objects were serialized correctly rather than just pointer moved about.)
Setup all the WCF config so the client class can call it (most likely named pipes or TCP)
And use it in some nunit test
I rather not have my unit tests depending on config file.
I expect (hope) that there are some util classes for setting up WCF unit test that I can just pass the type of my server class to and will give me back a client factory that connects to the server.
Am I going about this the wrong way, e.g there a better way of testing my communication layer and usage of WCF?
It is by far the easiest approach if you spin up the service in-proc, because then you don't need to write a lot of complex synchronization code to determine when the service is running and when it isn't.
Don't worry about pointers being passed around - they won't (unless you choose the new in-proc binding in WCF 4). It's the binding that determines how and if objects are serialized. Named pipes are excellent for this purpose.
I always spin up a new ServiceHost in each test case inside a using statement, which effectively guarantees that the host is running before calls are being made to it, and that it is properly closed after each test. This last part is important because it ensures test independence.
You may also want to look at a series of blog posts I wrote about a very similar subject.
You can use SOA Cleaner for testing your WCF. Take a look at
no installation is needed. It's not unit testing, but it can be very helpful (you can have it run on your build, as it supports command line too).