Bottle WSGI server vs Apache - apache

I don't actually have any problem, just a bit curious of things.
I make a python web framework based on bottle ( Today I try to do a bit comparison to compare bottle WSGI server and apache server performance. I work on lubuntu 12.04, using apache 2, python 2.7, bottle development version (0.12) and get this surprising result:
As stated in the bottle documentation, the included WSGI Server is only intended for development purpose. The question is, why the development server is faster than the deployment one (apache)?
As far as I know, development server is usually slower, since it provide some "debugging" features.
Also, I never has any response in less than 100 ms when developing PHP application. But look, it is just 13 ms in bottle.
Can anybody please explain this? This is just doesn't make sense for me. A deployment server should be faster than the development one.

Development servers are not necessarily faster than production grade servers, so such an answer is a bit misleading.
The real reason in this case is likely going to be due to lazy loading of your web application on the first request that hits a process. Especially if you don't configure Apache correctly, you could hit this lazy loading quite a bit if your site doesn't get much traffic.
I would suggest you go watch my PyCon talk which deals with some of these issues.
Especially make sure you aren't using prefork MPM. Use mod_wsgi daemon mode in preference.

A deployment server should be faster than the development one.
True. And it generally is faster... in a "typical" web server environment. To test this, try spinning up 20 concurrent clients and have them make continuous requests to each version of your server. You see, you've only tested 1 request at a time--certainly not a typical web environment. I suspect you'll see different results (we're thinking of both latency AND throughput here) with tens or hundreds of concurrent requests per second.
To put it another way: At 10, 20, 100 requests per second, you might still see ~200ms latency from Apache, but you'd see much worse latency from Bottle's server.
Incidentally, the Bottle docs do refer to concurrency:
The built-in default server is based on wsgiref WSGIServer. This
non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for development and early
production, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load
It's also worth noting that Apache is doing a lot more than the Bottle reference server is (checking .htaccess files, dispatching to child process/thread, robust logging, etc.) and all those features necessarily add to request latency.
Finally, I'd ask whether you tuned the Apache installation. It's possible that you could configure it to be faster than it is now, e.g. by tuning the MPM, simplifying logging, disabling .htaccess checks.
Hope this helps. And if you do run a concurrent benchmark, please do share the results with us.


Apache Tomcat 6.0.35 is taking 100% CPU in prodcution

I have been using apache-tomcat-6.0.35 in production environment. Our application is hosted on Amazon EC2 using Small Instance. The problem we are facing is that the apache tomcat is using 100% CPU. We have verified it by running htop and it shows multiple threads of tomcat running.
Out application has been developed in Grails 2.0.1.
We are puzzled that why it is happening? Can any body suggest any solutions?
Probable Cause
Most likely this has been caused by the recent Leap Second and its impact on quite some unaware/unprepared IT systems, including parts of Linux, MySQL, Java and indeed Tomcat - see the Wired article about the ‘Leap Second’ Bug Wreaks Havoc Across Web for the whole story:
[...], saying it experienced the leap bug problem with the
Java-happy Tomcat web servers it uses to serve up its site. “Our web
servers running tomcat came close to zero response (we were able to
handle some requests),” read an e-mail from a site spokesman. “We were
able to connect to servers in order to reset them. Only rebooting the
servers cleared up the issue.” [emphasis mine]
Workaround / Fix
Accordingly, the solution usually boils down to turning it off and on again, i.e. restarting the server in question, though you might be able to avoid this by simply setting the date, as suggested e.g. in the context of:
Linux/Tomcat, see July 1 2012 Linux problems? High CPU/Load? Probably caused by the Leap Second!:
Apparently, simply forcing a reset of the date is enough to fix the
date -s "`date`"
MySQL, see MySQL and the Leap Second, High CPU and the Fix (also linked from the comments on wwwhizz' answer to MySQL high CPU usage, where you'll find two specific variations how to do this depending on your OS):
The fix is quite simple – simply set the date. Alternatively, you can
restart the machine, which also works. Restarting MySQL (or Java, or
whatever) does NOT fix the problem.
Background / Proposed Solutions
Please note that while the underlying issue is utterly tricky, it is all but unknown in principle, hence there have been prominent posts/users warning about and explaining this and offering suggestions on how to deal with it in principle, in particular:
An humble attempt to work around the leap second by Marco Marongiu
Time, technology and leaping seconds by Christopher Pascoe
We can't say anything for sure with the information provided. For performance issue, I would recommend a profiler, especially JProfiler, to investigate the cause of this problem. By this way you will be able to locate where the problem is.
This program has a trial license, I think that's enough for a quick look.
UPDATE: after carefully read your question, I see that you have many tomcat instance running for a website? It means that the previous tomcat instances failed to stop; they still run and hog up all the resources. This is possible. You must kill all the old tomcat process before trying to start a new one.
You can kill the processes by hand by "kill -9 " if you are on Linux, before trying to start the server again.

Server Setup: Based on Apache and Tomcat needs

I'm trying to setup a server based on our needs for a new website. Basically, I need to build a website based on social engine, and according to the platform's requirements (found here: it requires the webserver to be Apache based.
Now my issue comes with the addition of a web application that needs to be included in the site. The web application requires the server to be capable of Asynchronous Request Processing, and is currently only supported by Tomcat or GlassFish.
I found a couple tutorials such as this one that explain how to "integrate" Tomcat into Apache. Would a server running Tomcat alone be able to handle the applet needs as well as serve the Apache (assuming HTTP) needs from the Social Engine platform? Are there any hosting providers any of you would reccomend?
Although I've done alot of front end stuff before, this is the first time i have to deal with any of the back end details, so my knowledge of server side functionality is really garbage. Please let me know if I'm not asking the right questions.
You wouldn't really be able to use Tomcat for both apps, since the other one needs PHP. It's pretty common to have both Tomcat and Apache running on the same server. You might want to look up more recent documentation on mixing them, even this but definitely have a look at mod_proxy_ajp.
What's the other application? It's a little tricky to set up Asynchronous Request Processing if you are new to server apps, but there is also a lot of documentation, so if you're game, you can probably figure it out OK. You might also want to see if that app would work with node.js (hosting info here)
If you want to set it all up yourself, you could get a virtual private server from Rackspace Cloud or similar host or get a shared host that has the required apps already set up, which would limit your ability to customize the environment and may require 2 hosting plans, but would be easier to set up. It also somewhat depends on if both apps need to be on the same machine for any reason and/or on the same domain.
A regular LAMP stack will run SE4 just fine, however, you will need to do some tuning to get the page loads under 3 seconds. You will want to remove any Apache modules that you aren't using with a2dismod. For instance, if you're not using any Ruby on the site, a2dismod ruby. This will help get memory usage under control. APC is a must.
For a much more in depth read on tuning php/apache, please read this: Performance tuning on Apache, PHP, MySQL, WordPress v1.1 – Updated

Can I Replace Apache with Node.js?

I have a website running on CentOS using the usual suspects (Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Since the time this website was originally launched, it has evolved quite a bit and now I'd like to do fancier things with it—namely real-time notifications. From what I've read, Apache handles this poorly. I'm wondering if I can replace just Apache with Node.js (so instead of "LAMP" it would "LNMP").
I've tried searching online for a solution, but haven't found one. If I'm correctly interpreting the things that I've read, it seems that most people are saying that Node.js can replace both Apache and PHP together. I have a lot of existing PHP code, though, so I'd prefer to keep it.
In case it's not already obvious, I'm pretty confused and could use some enlightenment. Thanks very much!
If you're prepared to re-write your PHP in JavaScript, then yes, Node.js can replace your Apache.
If you place an Apache or NGINX instance running in reverse-proxy mode between your servers and your clients, you could handle some requests in JavaScript on Node.js and some requests in your Apache-hosted PHP, until you can completely replace all your PHP with JavaScript code. This might be the happy medium: do your WebSockets work in Node.js, more mundane work in Apache + PHP.
Node.js may be faster than Apache thanks to it's evented/non-blocking architecture, but you may have problems finding modules/libraries which substitute some of Apache functionality.
Node.js itself is a lightweight low-level framework which enables you to relatively quickly build server-side stuff and real-time parts of your web applications, but Apache offers much broader configuration options and "classical" web server oriented features.
I would say that unless you want to replace PHP with node.js based web application framework like express.js then you should stay with Apache (or think about migrating to Nginx if you have performance problems).
I believe Node.js is the future in web serving, but if you have a lot of existing PHP code, Apache/MySQL are your best bet. Apache can be configured to proxy requests to Node.js, or Node.js can proxy requests to Apache, but I believe some performance is lost in both cases, especially in the first one. Not a big deal if you aren't running a very high traffic website though.
I just registered to stackoverflow, and I can't comment on the accepted answer yet, but today I created a simple Node.js script that actually uses sendfile() to serve files through the HTTP protocol. (The existing example that the accepted answer links to only uses bare TCP protocol to send the file, and I could not find an example for HTTP, so I wrote it myself.)
So I thought someone might find this useful. Serving files through the sendfile() OS call is not necessarily faster than when data is copied through "user land", but it ends up utilizing the CPU and RAM less, thus being able to handle larger number of connections than the classic way.
The link:
Previous SO post describing exactly what im saying (php + + node)
I think you could put up a node server on somehost:8000 with and slap the client code into tags and with minimal work get your existing app rocking with (realtime baby) without a ton of work.
While node can be your only backend server remember that node likes to live up to it's name and become a node. I checked out a talk awhile back that Ryan Dahl gave to a PHP Users's group and he mentioned the name node relating to a vision of several node processes doing work and talking with each other.
Its LAMP versus MEAN nowadays. For a direct comparison see
Of course M, E and A are somewhat variable. For example the more recent koa may replace (E)xpress.
However, just replacing Apache with Node.js is probably not the right way to modernize your web stack.

Stress testing a server and VPS's vs. Dedicated servers

We used to have a dedicated server (1&1) and very infrequently ran into problems with the server having issues.
Recently, we migrated to a VPS ( with similar specs to our old dedicated server, but notice frequent problems running out of memory, mysql having to restart, etc... both when knowingly running intensive scrips and also just randomly during normal use.
Because of this, we're considering migrating to another at VPS - this time at Slicehost to see if it performs better.
My question is two fold...
Are their straightforward ways we could stress test a VPS at Slicehost to see if the same issues occur without having to actually migrate everything over?
Also, is it possible that the issues we're facing aren't just because of the provider (Wiredtree) but just the difference between a dedicated box and VPS (despite having similar specs)?
The best way to stress test an environment is to put it under load. If this VPS is hosting a web application, use one of the many available web server benchmark tools: ab, httperf, Siege or http_load. You don't necessarily care that much about the statistics from the tool itself, but more that it puts a predictable load on the server so that you can tune Apache to handle it, or at least not crash and burn.
The one problem you have with testing against Slicehost is that you are at the mercy of the Internet and your bandwidth to Slicehost. You may not be able to put enough load on the server to reach a meaningful conclusion.
Instead, you might find it just as valuable to run one of the many virtualization products on the market and set up a VM with comparable specs to the VPS plan you're considering. Local testing over your LAN will allow you to put a higher and more predictable load on the server.
In either case, you don't need to migrate everything, but you will need to set up an environment for your application to run in, with representative data in your database.
A VPS with similar specs to a dedicated server should perform approximately the same, but in order to get good performance, you still need to tune Apache, MySQL and any other long-lived server processes. In my experience, the out-of-the-box configuration of Apache in many Linux distributions is not ideal and will allow far too many child processes, overcommitting memory and sending the server into a swap-death spiral.

Which to use on low spec CPU?

I have a dedicated server where i'm only the user in it.
Processor : AMD Sempron 3100+
Memory : 1GB DDR I
I'm using PHP for website. Its mostly used for downloading stuff and uploading and so.
I currently using apache, it eats too much processor.
So i came across few better then apache. I need to know which one of this good for downloading/uploading, nginx, lighttpd or litespeed?
Its hard to beat apache in my opinion, perhaps look at enabling disable mod_deflate etc might speed things up for you.
Take a look at the benchmarks for lighttpd vs apache
I have used PHP in machines as “low end” as an AMD Geode LX800 (500 MHz, 256 MiB of RAM), using a stock Debian install and the Apache 2, PHP5 and PostgreSQL packages provided by Debian. In general, most things work well, but you want to take care of lenghty operations (e.g. avoid resizing big images with the GD extension) and always be aware of the implied cost of operations which usually seems “easy”. My particular application was serving about 25 simultaneous clients without performance problems, and in my tests it maintained a decent time-per-request up to a hundred of simultaneous clients.
You may find that installing APC will help a lot. Without it, or another byte-code cache, Apache will have to re-compile the PHP files on every invocation. While it doesn't take much effort, it does add up surprsingly quickly. You'll be surprised how useful 64MB for APC (which out of 1024Mb is not too much) will help your system, depending on how much code you are actually running (you may only need half or a quarter of that given to APC).
If it's a busy site, then optimising it with Yslow will also help, as will taking the static content (like image) away from having Apache server them. It's here that Nginx can make a small, fast improvement to page times, and memory use. I've used just that technique of a separate image server myself, and to excellent effect.
You might want to try Nginx reverse-proxying requests to a php-cgi instance. Doesn't get any more spartan than that.
But I agree with Paul, Apache is hard to beat as far as maintainability / configurability goes.
My guess is that your performance problems are related to the PHP code and not Apache. So look if you can optimize your PHP code instead.
Zeus is a high-performance web server aimed at the *Ahem* 'Static Content' industry. It will serve biblical volumes of files with minimal resources. I believe it uses asynchronous I/O, and is very quick on modest hardware.
I would recommend Apache but only 2.2.x
Here's a small benchmark that was done. and as you can see, serving php, Apache 2.2.2 is better than lighty
Definitely, I suggest lighttpd. I'm using it on different heavy load servers and it helped a lot!