Binding objective-c library to Xamarin Project using Objective Sharpie - objective-c

I am developing an iOS application using Xamarin Studio. The application is going to work with Infinite Peripherals Linea Pro 5 (a barcode scanner that you attache to an iPod/iPhone).
The Linea SDK provided by Infinite Peripherals is an objective-c library with an associated header file. I've followed Xamarins iOS binding tutorial, skipping the first parts and starting at chapter "3.2. Create a Xamarin.iOS Binding Project" (since I already have the fat binary file).
I have installed Objective Sharpie v0.4.11 and the Xcode Command Line Tools.
When I try to create the binding using Objective Sharpie I get the following error message:
After some research I find that this probably is a bug caused by Objective Sharpie, but is there any way around this bug? I really need to get this library in to my MonoTouch project.
I have also checked out the tutorial by David Sandor, but it is really outdated and I do not possess enough knowledge to update it.

If Objective-Sharpie doesn't work for your project, you can:
Do a manual binding, or build upon David Sandor's one. That's not that hard.
Try to find the offending part of the header file, by removing part of it and process it with Obj-Sharpie (the header file is not that long, once you strip the comments away)


file browser for webdav ios7

I have been looking for a packet/library with a file browsing capability for WebDAV, which I could use for my project in objective c, using xcode 5.1. so far the best I have found is GDFileManagerKit. but it still has stuff unsupported by my ARC such as AFNetworking version used. I do not want to alt the code of this library since it requires many changes. I would like to know if there is a better library or without me having to use AFNetworking version 1.
Thank you and please bear with me if this question is very novice. I am new to objective c xcode and iOS
You could use one of several free libraries, for example WTClient. Yet, every library I have seen is not using ARC, instead managing memory without the garbage collector.

Xamarin.iOS Pdf search

We develop with Xamarin.iOS and are trying to search/highlight in a PDF.
There is an iOS class for searching, CGPDFScanner, but unfortunately no bindings are offered by Xamarin.
Is there a solution or we should forget about it?
We believe that there is a way to make bindings for existing iOS classes.
Or we could probably use an existing project, like PDFKitten, and make Xamarin bindings.
Any hints?
Xamarin offers way for creating binding library. If you have some working and tested solution available in Objective C, create Binding library in tamarin and use that. You can check detailed document of it from here
I have created binding library for one of my project where i had to integrate third party sdk which was only in objective C. I followed step given here and it worked.

Objective C binding on MonoTouch

Hi i'm currently developing a monotouch app, where i need to use the IDBlue framework for connecting from the ipad to their blueetooth reader, but is shipped as a framework without a .a, how i should proceed to make the binding so i can use it on monotouch?
The easiest way is to create a Bindings project in your solution.
This document describes the whole process.
Also there is a tool (Parser.exe) to help generate bindings. Surprisingly this tool is not mentioned in the "Binding Objective-C Types" document. It is not a complete solution but will give you a good start.

Embeding streaming player inside my app IOS

I'm trying to create an iPhone app which plays local radio station in my district. I found this player to work best for me :
When testing it against my requirements it did the best without any doubt.
I thought I'll use this players API and it should be straightforward(not really for a newbie). How exactly I do that is where I'm stuck now. Because when I run the player original project it runs smooth, but when I copy code inside Classes to my app, this is what happens :
Ok, I've been developing some apps(test apps) for two weeks maybe and I lack experience.
How do you usually embed/import other projects code into your code and user the other codes api?
So per Sunil Pandey answer, this cannot be run using IOS SDK version 5.0?
EDIT 2 :
I feel like I'm really close now, have this one issue :
Receiver 'AudioStreamer' for instance message is a forward declaration
It's declared in my h file. as AudioStreamer *streamer
As said Sunil Pandey, ARC mecanism is enabled for your project. With ARC, your project require at least iOS4 on the phone.
I would suggest you to disable ARC for the file you imported from the third party librairy. So you can keep using ARC in your own code (this mean, you never use retain, release, autorelease).
To disable ARC for each file of your AudioStreamer library, refer to How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
You must have implemented ARC inside your project. that's why it is giving you this error.
If you are using ARC then only way to use this project library is to create a static library of your AudioStreamer lib and then import it inside your app
If you don't want to use ARC inside your app then you can turn it off by following method
select your target -> Build Setting -> Apple LLVM Compiler 3.0 - Language
set Objective c Automatic Reference Counting to NO

Android and Objective-C

I'm completing a project for the iPhone entirely written in Objective-C. I'd like to port this for Android too.
While the user interface of the iPhone and the Android OS are very different and will need different code, can I some how import the core of my code (ie. the black box that does the thinking) as is to Android as part of some Java code?
I have no familiarity with bridging between Objective-C and Java even though I have written in both.
You got luck! Phil Hassey has recently ported his own game from iPhone to Android within a week and wrote up what he did steps by steps. Here is his journey:
You could have a look at Apportable which allows to generate an Android app from an existing Objective-C code base. See this article too.
there is a fork of the gcc that supports objective-c on the android by patching the NDK on But it's considered beta at the moment and i'm not sure if jni/java bridges are already implemented
I have been doing a lot of work on this front — for example by creating my own C++ base framework that does not depend on STL (called Platform Core) and writing the core of the next version of my iOS app with that, so that I can easily port it to Android and whatever else has a C++ compiler and strikes my fancy.
I suggest having a (ick, I can't believe I'm about to say this, but eh), ahem, having a C++ core (there, I said it!) so it can be easily ported.