Cocos2d - Move sprite in curved path - objective-c

I am creating a Catapult game in Cocos2d in which the catapult is at the bottom center of the screen and we throw stones on the objects falling from the top of the screen. I tried using Bezier curves for this purpose but problem is that I am not able to calculate control points for drawing bezier curve. I need to move sprite of the stone on a curved path when released from the catapult.
Can anyone please guide me how can I achieve it?
Thanks and Best Regards

why you don't use physics for that?
use box2D is integrate with cocos2D, config the world, gravity, and physics budies,so.. the effect of catapult is automatic when you shot a bullet.


Sprite Kit Physics Simulation - bodies never come to rest

With Sprite Kit physics I have a simple setup with a ball bouncing inside a rectangular edge shape.
It all works fine, however the ball never comes to rest. The resting property is always NO and I can see that the ball animation keeps making a little bit of movement when it should be resting.
Sprite Kit is based on Box2D and here there is a doSleep option on the physics world, but I cannot find something similar with Sprite Kit.
What am I missing?
You should use restitution. A property for setting the bounciness of the physics body in sprite kit. Actually, it is a property describing how much energy a body retains when it bounces off of another body. Dot operator can be used with the ball's sprite name to access the restitution property.

Getting direction of object moved by the physics engine

i am using spritekit to learn about physics behaviour in games, when a sprite node ball bounces off a surface, the physics engine will automatically calculate its new direction.
how do i get this new direction in code?
i am using swift, xcode spritekit. but object c spritekit (cocos2d) is fine too
(the aim is to get a fire trail behind the bouncing ball, but i dont know how to rotate the particle emitter based on ball's vector of movement. the emitter is currently added as a child of the ball node)
To get the "direction" you should read the velocity property of the physicsBody of your node.
To rotate your particle emitter, you should modify the zRotation property of the node.
Well, the most best idea for getting a rotation of a node is getting eulerAngles. But since it showed radians, I converted to degrees. This is the code that I got when getting the rotation of a camera Node
Hope This helps

How do I animate and move a circle across a bezier path?

Hey so I'm pretty new to ObjC and coding in general. Essentially I want to make a circle move across a UIBezier path (close to a sin function) one 'unit' every hour and make its shadow small and yellow, then brigger and white, then small and dim again as it moves up and then down the curve. The crest of the sin function should be midday (noon), and the 'tails' of the curve should midnight on both sides. Is this even possible? And where can I find the resources to help me? Couldn't seem to find anything online to help me since I don't know what I need to achieve this. Thanks!
You use the CAKeyFrameAnimation class to move the view along a path. You create a path, and animate the position property of the view's layer. An example of this is in Apple's Core Animation documentation in the "Using a Keyframe Animation to Change Layer Properties" section. The other things you want to do with the shadow, can be done with CABasicAnimation. You can animate a shadow's color, offset, radius, path, and opacity.

How to clip part of a sprite based on its position?

I'm designing a game in Cocos2d, and at one point I have coins shooting out on a platform from a zelda-ish perspective. I'd like to display the coin's shadow sprite (a different sprite from the coin) on the platform, but mask or clip the shadow sprite on the edge of the platform. The coin can continue off the edge of the platform, but the shadow should stop at the edge. The platform also moves, so I need the shadow sprite to track with the platform's movement.
I thought it could work to use a CCClippingNode for this, but I can't add it as a child of anything in a spriteBatchNode which is how I'm making my platform. Without having the shadow as a child of the platform, I'll mess up z-order and the shadow movement won't track correctly. I also checked out Ray Wenderlich's tutorial on masking a sprite but I don't think that'll work since it looks like it masks an individual sprite texture and not an area of the view where the sprite shouldn't be displayed. Any ideas on how to solve this?

how to make a circular line of sight in cocos2d tile map

I have a problem about cocos2d tile maps.
My aim is to make a circular line of sight that when player moves around, it must only see its around in circle but not see the rest. I have tried many things and successed it in rectangular area but I couldn't succeed it in circular area.
I am waiting for your answers.
Thanks for your help.
If you help me immidiately, I will appreciate.
Use rectangular area and add an alpha mask with round gradient as a child of the player to make the visible part round.
with fading
without fading
The green layer is the fog. Only a square of it is uncovered ("I have tried many things and successed it in rectangular area"). The red layer is the circular vision map. It covers some of the visible squares and so the user sees uncovered circle.