pivoting result in SQL Server - sql

I have the following SQL:
FROM Joins
1 143
2 65
3 86
I usually pivot the result by using the case technique for each column, but now I'm trying to use the PIVOT statement unsuccessfully. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I feel like there are many examples out there, but PIVOT is hard to wrap your head around, so:
( SELECT PhaseId,JoinID
FROM YourTable
) AS T1
PIVOT (COUNT(JoinID) FOR PhaseId IN ([1],[2],[3])) AS T2


JOINing two sub-queries with calculated fields

I have two tables containing info about the production of two widgets. Table1 looks like this:
Table2 looks like this:
I want to calculate the average production of each widget and display by the country code (ADM0_A3), so that the results would look something like this (not that bothered about missing data at this stage eg. BWA has no production of widget1)
ADM0_A3 w1avg w2avg
DZA 50000 3450000
AGO 86000 40000
BWA blank 0
CMR 3500 blank
The MS ACCESS SQL query I am using is here:
SELECT Z.ccode, Z.ave_w1, A.ave_w2
SELECT X.ADM0_A3 as ccode, 0.02 * X.sum_w1 / X.n_w1 AS ave_w1
SELECT t1.ADM0_A3, SUM(t1.production) AS sum_w1, COUNT(t1.production) as n_w1
FROM Table1 t1
) X
) Z
SELECT Y.ADM0_A3, 0.025 * Y.sum_w2 / Y.n_w2 AS ave_w2
SELECT t2.ADM0_A3, SUM(t2.production) AS sum_w2, COUNT(t2.production) as n_w2
FROM Table2 t2
) Y
) A
ON A.ADM0_A3 = Z.ccode
I checked the sub-queries and they work OK. However, when I try to JOIN the queries I get this error message "Syntax error in FROM clause". I think the solution is something fairly simple but I just can't see it so would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance!
You can try doing this:
SELECT adm0_a3, MAX(w1avg) as w1avg, MAX(w2avg) as w2avg
FROM (SELECT t1.ADM0_A3, AVG(t1.production) * 0.02 as w1avg, NULL as w2avg
FROM Table1 as t1
SELECT t2.ADM0_A3, NULL, AVG(t2.production) * 0.02 as w1avg
FROM Table1 as t2
) as t
GROUP BY adm0_a3;
I'm not sure if all versions of MS Access support UNION ALL in the FROM clause. If not, you can work around that using a view.

Iterate through SQL table creating another SQL Table

Wonder if someone could cast an eye over the following problem:
I'm running a SQL SELECT statement which gives me the following results:
DATE NumberOfHours
2017-05-01 4
2017-06-01 38
2017-07-01 68
And what I'm trying (like to be able to) to do is off the back of this table create another table that contains 4 rows for 2017-05-01, 38 Rows for 2017-06-01 and 68 rows for 2017-07-01. So I end up with a table that's got 110 rows in it.
I'm at a bit of a loss as to how this could be achieved...could anyone assist?
Using the response listed by Gordon Linoff I managed to get this working working by using:
with cte as (
SELECT DATEADD(month, datediff(month,0,L.DateAdded),0) AS 'Date', CEILING(SUM(l.CPDHours))AS NumberOfHours
FROM WebsiteICA_SF.dbo.CPD_Log L
WHERE L.DateAdded >= DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE())
AND (L.Provider = 'ICA' OR L.Provider like 'International Compli%')
GROUP BY DATEADD(month, datediff(month,0,L.DateAdded),0)
union all
select date, NumberOfHours - 1
from cte
where NumberOfHours > 1
select 1 AS 'ObId', date, 'ICA' AS Provider, '# ICA' AS DataType
from cte
order by DATEADD(month, datediff(month,0,cte.Date),0)
OPTION (maxrecursion 10000);
One simple method is a recursive CTE:
with cte as (
select date, NumberOfHours
from t
union all
select date, NumberOfHours - 1
from cte
where NumberOfHours > 1
select date
from cte;
By default, this is limited to a maximum of 100 hours. However, that is easily changed using the MAXRECURSION option.
Other methods generally rely on a second table to generate numbers. I also like this approach because it is a gentle introduction to recursive CTEs.
Here is a nice SQL Fiddle.
So you have a result set with 3 rows and one column in it which tells you how many rows it represents. You want to generate that many rows.
Not sure what you want to store in that, but here is a solution to the base problem:
Create a table (temp table or CTE is fine too) which contains only one column, storing numbers from 0 to whatever. This is called Tally Table or Numbers Table.
Join this table to your resultset:
WITH NumbersCTE AS (
-- This will give you a bunch of Numbers
-- Persist a table if you want to use it more frequently
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) AS Number FROM sys.columns
dbo.MyTable MT
ON N.Number <= MT.NumberOfHours
As Pieter Geerkens pointed out in the comments, the above method is not the best to generate a numbers table, but for demostration puposes it is fine.
For more info about how to generat tally tables in SQL Server, you can check

Multi row to a row sql

I have a table as bellow:
I want query to print output as bellow:
Note: Please, do not downvote. I know the rules of posting answers, but for such of questions there's no chance to post short answer. I posted it only to provide help for those who want to find out how to achieve that, but does not expect ready-to-use solution.
I'd suggest to read these articles:
PIVOT on two or more fields in SQL Server
Pivoting on multiple columns - SQL Server
Pivot two or more columns in SQL Server 2005
At first UNPIVOT then PIVOT. If number of rows for each Pod_ID is not always equal 3 then you need to use dynamic SQL. The basic sample:
Purs + CASE WHEN RN-1 = 0 THEN '' ELSE CAST(RN-1 as nvarchar(10)) END as Purs,
Pur_Qty, --All columns that will be UNPIVOTed must be same datatype
CAST(ETD_Date as int) ETD_Date, -- that is why I cast date to int
FROM YourTable
) as p1
[Values] FOR [Purs] IN(Pur_Qty, Pur_Price, ETD_Date)
) as unpvt
) as p2
MAX([Values]) FOR Purs IN (Pur_Qty,Pur_Price,ETD_Date,Pur_Qty1,Pur_Price1,ETD_Date1,Pur_Qty2,Pur_Price2,ETD_Date2)
) as pvt
Will bring you:
Pod_ID Pur_Qty Pur_Price ETD_Date Pur_Qty1 Pur_Price1 ETD_Date1 Pur_Qty2 Pur_Price2 ETD_Date2
F8E2F614-75BC-4E46-B7F8-18C7FC4E5397 24 22 20160820 400 33 20160905 50 44 20160830

Sum Distinct By Other Column

I have a problem with PL/SQL since i am new in PL/SQL world.
Let's say i have table like this.
COlumnA COlumnB COlumnC
1 5000000000 X
1 5000000000 X
2 4350000000 X
2 4350000000 X
3 10000000000 X
3 10000000000 X
3 10000000000 X
4 1809469720 Y
5 10000000000 X
5 10000000000 X
6 3000000000 X
6 3000000000 X
And i want to produce select statement as below.
ColumnC |Sum
X |32350000000
Y |1809469720
I have solved this problem in Oracle 12c with inner query, but when the system need to go to Oracle 11g, my query doesn't work anymore, i need to have the expected result with only one select statement.
Could anyone please advise?
Thank you!
This is what I came up with... using an inline view rather than a correlated subquery in the SELECT list.
SELECT d.columnc AS "ColumnC"
, SUM(d.columnb) AS "Sum"
FROM ( SELECT t.columna
, t.columnb
, t.columnc
FROM tablea t
BY t.columna
, t.columnb
, t.columnc
) d
BY d.columnc
This uses an inline view (aliased as "d") to return a "distinct" set of rows from tablea. We can get a distinct set, using a GROUP BY clause, or including the DISTINCT keyword, or even by writing a query that uses a UNION set operator.
Just wrap that query in parens, assign an alias, and use it in the FROM clause, as if it were a table or view.
The statement operates similarly to referencing a VIEW in the FROM clause.
You don't need to do this, but to illustrate how the query above operates. We could create a view, like this:
SELECT t.columna
, t.columnb
, t.columnc
FROM tablea t
BY t.columna
, t.columnb
, t.columnc
And then we can reference the view in the FROM clause of another query, for example
SELECT d.columnc AS "ColumnC"
, SUM(d.columnb) AS "Sum"
BY d.columnc
But we don't actually need to create the VIEW object. We can include the view query as an "inline view".
I don't believe that Oracle 11g has a restriction on the nesting of inline views to three levels. I suspect that the restriction you are running into is related to correlated subqueries. The subquery can reference columns from the outer query, but only up one level... columns from the query it's used in. It can't reference columns in a query that is further out. (I've not confirmed with testing, but that's my recollection.)
This is where the actual ORA- and/or PLS- error message from Oracle would be of some help in identifying the restriction you are running into.
First find the distinct values of COlumnA,COlumnB and COlumnC then do the aggregation
Try this
select COlumnC,sum(COlumnB) from
select distinct COlumnA,COlumnB,COlumnC
from Table1
Group by COlumnC
Or you can simple use this query.
Select sum(columnB) as sum,columnC from table_name group by ColumnC;

T-SQL Pivot/Unpivot(Transpose) Column Headers Needed as Data Rows

I'm working on a T-SQL issue where I needed to Transponse Rows into Columns and using UNPIVOT and PIVOT together per a post at Simple way to transpose columns and rows in Sql?
No problem. It does Exactly what I want with the row/column manipulation. However what I would REALLY like to do is to get the values used for the column headers to become yet another row in the results.
My abbreviated code is:
FROM (SELECT fiscalyear,
Sum(totalrecords) AS TotalRecords
FROM dbo.tbleirstatisticsoverviewsummary
WHERE fiscalquarter = 'ALL'
AND branchcode = 'ALL'
GROUP BY fiscalyear,
branchcode) AS p
UNPIVOT (value
FOR colname IN ( totalrecords )) AS unpvt
PIVOT (Max(value) For FiscalYear IN ([2012],[2013],[ALL])) as p
What it renders is:
colname 2012 2013 ALL
TotalRecords 421 227 648
Where the first line is column headers.
Any thoughts on how I could get the column headers to be data rows?
Adding some sample Raw Data
fiscalyear TotalRecords
2012 421
2013 227
ALL 648
There are a few confusing things that you are doing.
First, typically you will unpivot multiple columns. Right now, you are are unpivoting one column and it seems like you are doing it just to rename the column?
Second, you are aggregating the data twice, the PIVOT should be able to handle the aggregation using SUM().
Third, it is not exactly clear on why you need the column headers as a row, what will you want the column headers to be called?
Based on your sample data you should be able to just apply the PIVOT function:
select 'TotalRecords' TotalRecords,
from tbleirstatisticsoverviewsummary
for FiscalYear IN ([2012],[2013],[ALL])
) p;
See SQL Fiddle with Demo. Then if you want a row with the columns headers, then you can use a UNION ALL:
select 'colname' col1,
2012 col2,
2013 col3,
'All' col4
union all
select 'TotalRecords' TotalRecords,
[All] = cast([all] as varchar(10))
from tbleirstatisticsoverviewsummary
for FiscalYear IN ([2012],[2013],[ALL])
) p;
See SQL Fiddle with Demo