Explain some of the parameters in this Word macro to me - vba

I was using code at the bottom that I found on the Internet to add commands to the Word 2013 right-click menu. Now that I have used it I was hoping to understand it better and could someone explain some of the parameters to me. I want to understand it better and case I want to run it again to add more commands. The official Microsoft help reference only confuses me.
How does Before:=30 work? At first I thought it simply counted down from the top of the right-click menu, but when I did this my commands wound up in the wrong place. I think it must be counting commands that aren’t show all the time.
Are Tag:="Save" and .Tag = "Save" the same and what are they.
What is .Caption?
The above three parameters seem very similar.
Sub EditRightClickMenu()
Dim cb As CommandBar
Dim ctl As CommandBarButton
On Error GoTo bye
CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate
Set cb = CommandBars("Text")
Set ctl = cb.FindControl(Tag:="Save")
If ctl Is Nothing Then
Set ctl = cb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _
Before:=30, Temporary:=True)
With ctl
.Caption = "Save"
.Tag = "Save"
.FaceId = 3
.BeginGroup = True
.OnAction = "MySave"
End With
End If
End Sub

The Before:=30 is indeed the command on the menu before which you wish to insert the new control. If you remove the line On Error GoTo bye line from your code and run it on a normal word install you'll get an error trying to set the line:
Set ctl = cb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _
Before:=30, Temporary:=True)
This is because there aren't 30 controls on the default Text right click menu. Change it to 5 and it'll work fine.
Tag:="Save" and .Tag="Save" are slightly different. The Tag:= notation is used when specifying variable inputs to a method, in this case its the Tag input to the function of FindControl. If you press Shift+F2 on your keyboard when selecting FindControl in you editor it'll take you to the definition of the method and all the variables. The .Tag notation refers to an objects property, in this case the Tag is being set as "Save" so it can be found if the macro is run again.
Finally .Caption is merely the text displayed on the menu control once created.


Edit Form Control Label Caption on VBA

Trying to edit the text of a form control label named lblsearchreminder and make sure that the font is Arial and size 20. I am pulling the edited text from an ActiveX textbox1 and trying to make that the caption of the label. If anyone has any insight I would greatly appreciate it.
Sub btnAltCustomSearch_Click()
Dim strTextBox As String
If Worksheets("User Interface").OLEObjects("TextBox1").Object.Value = "" Then
strTextBox = Worksheets("User Interface").OLEObjects("TextBox1").Object.Value
Worksheets("Muscle Wasting Database").Shapes("lblsearchreminder") = vbCrLf & "Disease: All" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Keyword: " & strTextBox
lblsearchreminder.Object.Characters.Text = "Arial"
lblsearchreminder.Object.Font.Size = 20
End If
End Sub
Yes the textbox1 is an ActiveX textbox control, but I will ideally use a Form Control label. So I am trying to pull the typing from the ActiveX textbox and use it in the Form Control label – Thor Nagel 3 hours ago
Unfortunately you can't manipulate the font-size/name, color or style of a Form Control Label. If you notice the formatting items have been "grayed out" in the Font group on the Excel Ribbon.
To set a Text is easy
Dim lblsearchreminder As Shape
Set lblsearchreminder = Sheet1.Shapes("Label 1")
lblsearchreminder.TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Hello"
But you cannot do (Even though Intellisense allows it)
lblsearchreminder.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Name = "Arial"
lblsearchreminder.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Font.Name = "Arial"
I would recommend using a TextBox shape or an ActiveX Label instead.
Similarly you cannot change the font using
lblsearchreminder.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size= 20
I don't think you're using a Form Control. TextBox1 would be the default name for an ActiveX control, which would be coherent with using .OLEObject.Object to retrieve it.
Declare a MSForms.TextBox variable for it.
Dim box As MSForms.TextBox
Now assign it to the .OLEObject.Object:
Set box = Worksheets("User Interface").OLEObjects("TextBox1").Object
If the sheet "User Interface" exists in ThisWorkbook at compile-time, give it a code name (F4; set the (Name) property to e.g. UserInterfaceSheet) - then you can use that identifier directly, without needing to pull the worksheet from the Worksheets collection:
Set box = UserInterfaceSheet.OLEObjects("TextBox1").Object
Now you have an early-bound object reference to play with, you'll have IntelliSense to guide you. MSForms.TextBox does not have a .Characters property. It does have a .Font property though, so you can start exploring that:
So the Font property is an object of type NewFont; using the Object Browser (F2) you can browse its members:
box.Font.Name = "Arial"
box.Font.Size = 20
Should do it.
Watch out for misleading names and prefixes: lblsearchreminder reads like you're looking at a MSForms.Label control, not a TextBox. txtSearchReminder would be more appropriate, or if you prefer control-agnostic names, SearchReminderBox works as well.
Also Error is a function from the VBA.Conversion module, that you are shadowing here.

How to add a macro to mutiple excel files using VBA

Is there any way to write a VBA Macro to input another VBA Macro into multiple excel workbooks? If so, how do I start?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
you'll need a reference first
Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3
And here you go. Have fun
Public Sub AddNewModule()
Dim proj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim comp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Set proj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set comp = proj.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
comp.Name = "MyNewModule"
Set codeMod = comp.CodeModule
With codeMod
lineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
.InsertLines lineNum, "Public Sub ANewSub()"
lineNum = lineNum + 1
.InsertLines lineNum, " MsgBox " & """" & "I added a module!" & """"
lineNum = lineNum + 1
.InsertLines lineNum, "End Sub"
End With
End Sub
You can also just use the workbook with the code in it as a reference as well. Then you can call the module remotely.
As #BruceWayne mentioned, there is also sotring it in the personal book.
tl;dr - there's a few options that can get you there.
I recommend storing them in the Personal.xslb file which is accessible across Excel.
See this page or this page for more detail, but generally a quick way to get started is:
Press ALT+F11 to open the VBEditor.
Right click the "VBAProject (PERSONAL.XLSB)" and Add a new module
Add your code in the module.
Now, when you go to View --> Macros, you can choose to see those stored in the Personal.xlsb file:
(I "whited out" my macros for privacy, but they'll be listed by name)
Note: If you do not have a "Personal.xlsb", then you must create it. Simply record a new macro, but choose to store it in "Personal Macro Workbook". Then you should see it in the VBEditor.
I would think the easiest way to have the same code in slightly different Excel files is to have one 'template' and save it several times as several slightly different files. Or, if you want to get fancy, you can create an AddIn to make an Excel Macro available to all workbooks.
Option Explicit
Dim cControl As CommandBarButton
Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall()
On Error Resume Next 'Just in case
'Delete any existing menu item that may have been left.
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Super Code").Delete
'Add the new menu item and Set a CommandBarButton Variable to it
Set cControl = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls.Add
'Work with the Variable
With cControl
.Caption = "Super Code"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "MyGreatMacro"
'Macro stored in a Standard Module
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
On Error Resume Next 'In case it has already gone.
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Super Code").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
This code will be all you need to add a single menu item (called Super Code) to the end of the existing Worksheet Menu Bar as soon as the Add-in is installed by the user via Tools>Add-ins. When the Super Code menu item is clicked a macro (that is within a standard module of the add-in) is run. As mentioned earlier, the above code MUST be placed in the Private Module of ThisWorkbook for the Add-in.
If you want the Super Code menu item added, say before the Format menu item, you could use some code like this.
Option Explicit
Dim cControl As CommandBarButton
Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall()
Dim iContIndex As Integer
On Error Resume Next 'Just in case
'Delete any existing menu item that may have been left
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("SuperCode").Delete
'Pass the Index of the "Format" menu item number to a Variable.
'Use the FindControl Method to find it's Index number. ID number _
is used in case of Customization
iContIndex = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=30006).Index
'Add the new menu item and Set a CommandBarButton Variable to it.
'Use the number passed to our Integer Variable to position it.
Set cControl = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls.Add(Before:=iContIndex)
'Work with the Variable
With cControl
.Caption = "Super Code"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "MyGreatMacro"
'Macro stored in a Standard Module
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
There would be no need to change the Workbook_AddinUninstall() code in this case.
We have covered ID numbers while working with CommandBars etc in a P rior Newsletter Issue The link to the Microsoft site that has a BIG list of all the ID numbers for working with CommandBars can be Found Here
The above examples actually have the all the menu item code in the Workbook_AddinInstall and Workbook_AddinUnInstall Not a problem when the code is only adding one menu item. If however, you will be adding more then one and perhaps even Sub menus, you should place it in a Procedure (or 2) inside a standard Module. Then use some code as shown below
Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall()
Run "AddMenus"
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
Run "DeleteMenu"
End Sub
Then in the standard module put some code perhaps like this
Sub AddMenus()
Dim cMenu1 As CommandBarControl
Dim cbMainMenuBar As CommandBar
Dim iHelpMenu As Integer
Dim cbcCutomMenu As CommandBarControl
'(1)Delete any existing one.We must use On Error Resume next _
in case it does not exist.
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("&NewMenu").Delete
'(2)Set a CommandBar variable to Worksheet menu bar
Set cbMainMenuBar = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
'(3)Return the Index number of the Help menu. We can then use _
this to place a custom menu before.
iHelpMenu = cbMainMenuBar.Controls("Help").Index
'(4)Add a Control to the "Worksheet Menu Bar" before Help
'Set a CommandBarControl variable to it
Set cbcCutomMenu = cbMainMenuBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=iHelpMenu)
'(5)Give the control a caption
cbcCutomMenu.Caption = "&New Menu"
'(6)Working with our new Control, add a sub control and _
give it a Caption and tell it which macro to run (OnAction).
With cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
.Caption = "Menu 1"
.OnAction = "MyMacro1"
End With
'(6a)Add another sub control give it a Caption _
and tell it which macro to run (OnAction)
With cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
.Caption = "Menu 2"
.OnAction = "MyMacro2"
End With
'Repeat step "6a" for each menu item you want to add.
'Add another menu that will lead off to another menu
'Set a CommandBarControl variable to it
Set cbcCutomMenu = cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
' Give the control a caption
cbcCutomMenu.Caption = "Next Menu"
'Add a control to the sub menu, just created above
With cbcCutomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
.Caption = "&Charts"
.FaceId = 420
.OnAction = "MyMacro2"
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub DeleteMenu()
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("&NewMenu").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
You can find all details here.

VBA: Disable button in Excel after first click

I am trying to disable a button placed on my sheet1 once the user click on it.
I went through few old Stackoverflow answers but dosent work as my expectation.
The code:
Sub Button2_Click()
Call FindADate
Dim myshape As Shape: Set myshape = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Button 2")
With myshape
.ControlFormat.Enabled = False '---> Disable the button
.TextFrame.Characters.Font.ColorIndex = 15 '---> Grey out button label
End With
End Sub
It actually grayed out the button which give a feel that the button is disabled but User can click again and again and it run my code.
Kindly let me know a solution to get the button disabled after 1 click, the button will be active again only once I close and re open the excel. (I am using MS Office professional Plus 2013)
Thanks in advance.
You need to record somehow not to process the click. You could examine the button's text colour and if grey then ignore the click. Alternatively, you could set a variable either a global, module or static local variable. I chose the static local variable in the code below, called vDisable.
Option Explicit
Sub Button2_Click()
Static vDisable As Variant
If IsEmpty(vDisable) Then
Call FindADate
Dim myshape As Shape: Set myshape = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Button 2")
With myshape
.ControlFormat.Enabled = False '---> Disable the button
.TextFrame.Characters.Font.ColorIndex = 15 '---> Grey out button label
End With
vDisable = True
End If
End Sub
after Dim line just write:
if myshape.TextFrame.Characters.Font.ColorIndex = 15 then exit sub
that should be enough
I know this is an old question, but I had the same situation and solved it by the following:
With myshape
.OnAction = "" '---> Removes any macro from the button
.TextFrame.Characters.Font.ColorIndex = 15 '---> Grey out button label
End With
This removes the need for a global/static variable.

VBA: Code not running after ToggleFormsDesign

I have the following code in VBA (MS Word), that is meant to run after I click in a button, named cmdFormPreencher inserted in my Document:
Private Sub cmdFormPreencher_Click()
If ActiveDocument.FormsDesign = False Then
End If
End Sub
The purpose of the code above is to delete that button inserted in my document.
But when I run the code only the button is selected. When I tried to figure out what is happening by debugging, it showed me the code runs until ActiveDocument.ToggleFormsDesign and not running the code remaining
Is this a bug of VBA, or am I doing something wrong? If so, how can I get around this problem?
Note: The ActiveX button is not in Header and Footer. The Text Wrap is set to In Front of Text
When I try to run a macro, activating FormDesign, Selecting the ActiveX button and then deleting, I get this code:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
ActiveDocument.Shapes("Control 52").Select
End Sub
But when I run this code nothing happens...
This is by design. When an Office application is in Design Mode code should not run on an ActiveX object that's part of the document.
I take it this is an ActiveX button and in that case, it's a member of the InlineShapes or Shapes collection - Word handles it like a graphic object. It should be enough to delete the graphical representation, which you can do by changing it to display as an icon instead of a button.
For example, for an InlineShape:
Sub DeleteActiveX()
Dim ils As word.InlineShape
Set ils = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1)
ils.OLEFormat.DisplayAsIcon = True
End Sub
You just have to figure out how to identify the InlineShape or Shape. You could bookmark an InlineShape; a Shape has a Name property.
EDIT: Since according to subsequent information provided in Comments you have a Shape object, rather than an InlineShape, the following approach should work:
Dim shp As word.Shape
Set shp = ActiveDocument.Shapes("Shape Name") 'Index value can also be used
Note that Word will automatically assign something to the Shape.Name property, but in the case of ActiveX controls these names can change for apparently no reason. So if you identify a control using its name instead of the index value it's much better to assign a name yourself, which Word will not change "on a whim".
Activate Design Mode.
Click on the control to select it
Go to the VB Editor window
Ctrl+G to put the focus in the "Immediate Window"
Type the following (substituting the name you want), then press Enter to execute:
Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name = "Name to assign"
Use this Name in the code above

Return different values from a vba user form depending on the button pressed

I have been creating an acronym finding macro that will sit on a custom toolbar in word. When run it searches the document for acronyms and places them in a table. I want to include some user forms so that as the macro finds an acronym the user can select the predefined definition (got from an excel document) or enter their own new one (I know multiple acronyms meanings is frowned upon but it happens).
Anyway I am stuck. I have created a user form with three buttons. A text input and a label. Now I have managed to set the label text with the acronym that was found however I can't seem to get the buttons to change a variable, userChoice, and if applicable save the newly entered definition.
below is the test macro i have been trying this out on
Sub userFormTest()
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objWbk As Object
Dim rngSearch As Object
Dim rngFound As Object
Dim targetCellValue As String
Dim userChoice As Integer
Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWbk = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Dave\Documents\Test_Definitions.xlsx")
objExcel.Visible = True
With objWbk.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set rngSearch = .Range(.Range("A1"), .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(-4162))
Set rngFound = rngSearch.Find(What:="AA", After:=.Range("A1"), LookAt:=1)
If rngFound Is Nothing Then
UserForm1.Label1.Caption = "Acronym: AA" & vbCr & _
"Definition: Not found, please enter a definition below" & vbCr & _
" or choose to ignore this acronym"
'an if statement here so that if the add button was pressed it adds to doc etc
targetCellValue = .Cells(rngFound.Row, 2).Value
UserForm2.Label1.Caption = "Acronym: AA" & vbCr & _
"Definition: " & targetCellValue
'an if statement here so that if the add button was pressed it adds to doc etc
End If
End With
objWbk.Close Saved = True
Set rngFound = Nothing
Set rngSearch = Nothing
Set objWbk = Nothing
objExcel.Visible = True
Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing
End Sub
I do realise that this could be done in the button_click() subs however I already have all the documents open etc in the other macro. Or is it possible to link to those already open documents? To be honest either way I would prefer to return to the main macro and just use the form to the user input.
I do realise that this could be done in the button_click() subs. However I already have all the documents open etc in the other macro. Or is it possible to link to those already open documents?
You can definitely link between button_click() subs and your main macro to modify the value of userChoice.
What you need is some userform element (like a textbox) that can hold your value so you can refer back to it in your main macro. It looks like you already have this element (based upon your caption "Not found, please enter a definition below"). Let's say that element is a TextBox called Definition. Then let's say you want to return to the main macro after people push an "Add" button, as it appears you do (based upon your comment "so that if the add button was pressed it adds to doc").
In each of both Userform1 and Userform2, you would want something like this:
Private Sub AddButton_Click()
End Sub
That would return you to your main macro, where you could follow up with:
If Userform1/Userform2.Definition.Value = Whatever Then
'if the add button was pressed it adds to doc etc
End If
right where your existing comments are. Note that you could set userChoice = Userform1.Definition.Value here, but you don't need to because Userform1.Definition.Value already contains the information you need to track.
Additional material:
Rather than using the default instance of your Userform1 and Userform2 by using .Show on them immediately without assigning new instances of them to variables, may I suggest creating Userform variables to contain New instances of them like this:
Dim UnknownDefinition As Userform1
Set UnknownDefinition = New Userform1
Or if you want to get really optimal, you could follow more of the approach recommended here on how to make a properly instanced, abstracted userform:
Rubberduck VBA: How to create a properly instanced, abstracted userform
And now with bonus quotes from the post's author, #Mathieu Guindon:
make Definition a proper property, with the Property Let mutator changing the label value on top of changing its private backing field's value; avoid accessing form controls outside the form, treat them as private even if VBA makes them public.
Calling code wants data, not controls. You can extract properties/data, but not controls, into a dedicated model class.