Capital Only Edit Control - wix

Having a bit of a problem doing this and not sure of it can be done. I have an edit control that a user types into, I would like for the input to be all in capital letters. I tried having a custom action on the edit control to get the property, convert to capital letters and set the property again each time a letter is set but it does not work. I guessed it wouldn't but no harm in trying..:)
Has anyone else solved this? I would like to do it without having a button to press if possible. The dialog in question is a twin dialog if that helps at all.
Thanks for your help

It's not possible using the native built-in Windows Installer UI. The underlying MaskedEdit Control is primitive. There are no events to tie into to validate and modify as the characters are entered. You can only ToUpper() the property when the user clicks Back or Next.
The alternative would be to go with an external UI handler which is a lot of learning and work.


MFC Custom Keyboard DLL Accessed from Application Dialog Box

The overall goal is to be able to access a pop-up keyboard through an application that I am making in MFC.
I have created a dialog box with an empty text field. I would like to be able to click the empty field and have an onscreen keyboard to enter in the data field.
Is there list of functions or tutorials that anyone can provide me with to be able to perform this function? Ultimate I will be making the keyboard from scratch, so any guidance would be useful.
My first thoughts (I might be wrong someone might correct me if i am wrong.)
1)Create your Keyboard Ui in an MFC DLL and export the KeyBoard Functions like LaunchKB(Int screenx,int screeny) and CloseKB()
2)I would subClass CEdit and CRichedit such that when the edit control gains or loses focus it would call LaunchKB() function with windows ScreenX coordinates where the keyboard has to be displayed or CloseKB().
3) A callback function registered to dll ,which would get called for every click on the keyboard with characters clicked and these characters are to be displayed in the edit control.
This is just my thought ,there may be better ways to implement as well.

Textbox dropdown bubble when text goes over visual space?

I looking for a way to add what would look like a drop down box when the user reaches the end of the visible space of a textbox. the drop down would then show what they have already typed pulse what there still typing tell they hit enter. Any ideas? The bigger pitcher is to add whatever method we come up with to a GridViewTextbox where space is limited in a row however the data they enter can be much longer then the box. The idea is to keep user from getting lost in what there typing and can provide easy review and edit. something like this but pops up when you enters then gos back on leave but just be for text as 'enter' will move the user to the next control aka enter as tab
It won't let me post the image I was talking about so use this like as a refrence .NET 2010 custom control, multiline String property to be edited in the designer
In the ASP.NET there is control which suits the need.I hope it helps
It is
ServicePath="Give the Path of the web service"
ServiceMethod="Name of the ID "
DelimiterCharacters=";, :"
You could also use a ToolTip control to show a popup message to the user. I've read your question three times now and I'm still not sure entirely what it is you're asking.

Copy user input from one custom dialog to another

I have 2 custom dialogs. They are essentially copies of each other. The idea is that there are some scenarios when the user will be presented with both dialogs, and when that happens, it is highly likely that most/all of the data will be the same, but there is a chance that it won't all be the same, and the user needs to be given the opportunity to have different values between the two dialogs.
What I'd like to do is either default the values in the second dialog to the values of the first dialog, or have a checkbox in the second that will copy the values. Either way, I need to be able to set the property values. I can either do it automatically when the user transitions between the two dialogs, or do it upon the user checking a checkbox. I would be happy with either solution.
I've looked into the SetProperty element, but from what I understand, that only works on pre-defined MSI actions, and I don't believe any of those actions will work for me.
Any help would be appreciated.
I figured it out. I was looking in the wrong area.
I ended up going with a PushButton as it actually made more sense.
I was able to copy the values when the user clicks the PushButton using the Publish element under my UI element. My Publish element looks like this:
<Publish Dialog="TargetDialog" Control="CopyButton" Property="PROPERTY_NAME" Value="[SOURCE_PROPERTY_NAME]">1</Publish>
I have 4 more of the same publish tag, with the only difference being the property and value attributes.
I hope this helps other people!

How to use Mouseout Function in VBA with a condition Check?

Hi I have a VBA application with a combobox selection option.One of the combobox option is Other which when user select that option an invisibled label will pops up and prompt the user to fill the txtOther my question is how I can get rid of the prompted label and make it to invisible after user fill the txtOther and move(focused)in other control?
here is a shot of my app:
Thanks for your time and help
It depends on how often or when you want the check to be done. I couldn't find a good reference to show you all of this, but you can view your VBE.
Within the code behind your userform you can use events for the text box.
If you want the check done every time you leave the text box:
Use the TextBox_Exit event.
If you want it to fire whenever the contents are changed, used TextBox_Change. There's lots of options, but based on your explanation I'd probably use Exit.
This answer shows some syntax examples for using the Textbox_Exit event.

QInputDialog like thing in Cocoa/Xcode?

I'm fairly new to Xcode and Cocoa/Objective-C and I'm trying to implement something as simple as a QInputDialog that can be re-used throughout the program - with a unique message to the user each time it is launched and return a string as a result.
I have searched the web and found multiple methods but nothing seems to be quite clear or concise - well enough for me to understand anyway.
Is there anything out there as simple as:
Create/Launch a window from a method with a new message label to the user in the form of a string.
Has an NSTextField to receive the users input.
Close the window and return the string from the text field (if accepted) to the calling method.
Modal prompts for input are very un-Mac-like. It's like smashing the user's face in with a cricket bat and yelling “TELL ME THE ANSWER NOW!”
The correct solution is to put your text field into a non-modal window, so that the value is already ready when the user invokes whatever action needs the value. Beep and show the “hey, you forgot this” icon if the user hasn't filled in the field and you need a value there. If the field is not relevant in the window the user starts the action from, or if you're going to need several facts as input, then show another window, non-modally, with its own window controller, to take in all the input you'll need for the action.
A separate, non-modal window will also enable the user to fill out and/or perform multiple such actions in parallel.
If you must demand the value with a modal dialog, you can and should make it a sheet, but you'll still need to build the panel and its contents from scratch in IB or code.
See also the Sheet Programming Guide and the chapter on windows in the Human Interface Guidelines.