define subdomain apache's vhost with lighttpd - apache

Apache is runnig my server with port 80 and lighttpd with 81.
I defined vhost in apache.
I want to define and all request goes to lighttpd. Is is possible to define track subdomain for in lighttpd?

It is possible but rather than ports you need to have 2 separate IP addresses if you want to make regular request in your browser. Otherwise you will be forced to call if you intend to use the same IP address for both Apache and Lighttpd server.
You need to declare listening port in both Apache config and Lighttpd otherwise they both would try to bind IP address and port 80 which will result in error and only first server would start up.

I research and answer is Apache's ProxyPass option. First I configured my subdomain on Apache's vhost. and I added my subdomain's chost config file
ProxyPass / http://my_host_name:81/
Now, all my subdomains request goes to lighttp.


why can't use 443 in httpd.conf?

If I use 443 in httpd.conf and want to start the httpd, the error message is:
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Actually I don't use 443, I check the port of 443 by:
lsof -i:443
I think the port of 443 is used in ssl.conf, so I can't use it in httpd.conf.
When I use 444 or 666 in the httpd.conf, I can start the httpd.
This is the reason?
Without looking a closer look, yes, that looks like the reason. In the conf.d dir, the default setup is to load all files that end in .conf. ssl.conf sets some universal settings, and then defines a vhost on port 443.
my suggestion is:
copy the ssl.conf to ssl.conf.bk (or whatever, just so you have the original for reference)
Then edit the vhost in ssl.conf to suit your needs.
Let me back up and explain the conf.d dir just a little in case some reader is confused. Many projects, (not just Apache) use these dirs as a way to have a modular configuration file setup. An admin can just drop a conf file in the correct dir, and apache loads it the next time the service reloads. I use a configuration manager that drops the correct files on the correct servers for me, making it real easy to spin up more servers as needed.
Let me back up again and explain a vhost (aka 'virtualhost'). the Apache project has made their web server flexible enough to host multiple domains. Stick with me here. I can put an apache server on the internet, and point dns records for both and at my IP address, and apache is smart enough to produce different web pages for each. This is what the vhosts are for. the thing is that you are not doing that. Each vhost is a combination of a host name, and a port. the default vhosts are defined like this:
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
<VirtualHost *:443>
and these are catch-alls. So if you want http traffic, use the vhost you already have in httpd.conf, or if you want https traffic, use the one in ssl.conf. No need to get fancy if you are trying to just get'r done.
And good luck!

Get user machine's IP address when a website is configured with Apache Varnish in front of Tomcat

Currently, I am running a website which is running on Tomcat which has Apache in front and varnish for caching. Tomcat is running on port 8080 and port 81 is used as varnish back end. I need to implement a feature for which I need to know the IP address of the client's machine visiting the website. I've tried to access the IP address by the header X-FORWARDED-FOR.
When the website is accessed from port 81 (i.e. I can get the IP address of the client's machine but unfortunately when accessing through default port 80 (i.e. it's returning the localhost IP address ( Can anyone suggest what can be the worked around to get the user's real IP address from port 80 as well?
Your setup, if I understood correctly, is as follows:
Varnish (port 80) -> Apache (port 81) -> Tomcat (port 8080)
And you would like the actual remote IP to show up as REMOTE_ADDR on the Tomcat server.
Varnish appends X-Forwarded-For header by default, so that's already sorted. To get Apache to pass the actual remote IP to Tomcat, you should install reverse proxy add forward module for Apache (mod_rpaf). mod_rpaf does exactly what you're looking for. The appropriate config for Apache would be:
<IfModule !rpaf_module>
LoadModule rpaf_module modules/
<IfModule rpaf_module>
RPAFenable On
RPAFsethostname On
RPAFheader X-Forwarded-For
After enabling the module Tomcat should see the correct REMOTE_ADDR header as well as the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header.

Glassfish HTTPS redirect behind SSL offloader and Apache

I have this configuration:
HTTPS load balancer / SSL offloader on port 443
Apache httpd on port 80 (different IP), using ProxyPass, ProxyPassReverse to forward to...
multiple Glassfish domains listening on different ports
Problem: Neither Glassfish nor Apache is aware that the request is HTTPS. Redirects to URLs like "/index.jsp" are being rewritten in Glassfish as http://internal_ip/index.jsp, then ProxyPassReverse rewrites to http://public_ip/index.jsp. Problem is, I need that URL to be http*s*://public_ip/...
How do I fix that - is there some Glassfish configuration I can change, or Apache httpd.conf?
I see two solutions to that:
1) use your loadbalancer to manipulate apaches response (iRule in F5, flex for A10 loadbalancers etc.)
2) set up something on the loadbalancer to send another redirect to requests coming in via HTTP to use HTTPS

Send subdomain to node.js

My work runs a couple different internal web apps on an ubuntu server (10.10) running apache. I'm currently developing another web app, and am seriously considering developing on top of a custom-built node.js web server. My reasoning for wanting to do this is:
Security - Pages will be served with a, instead of just serving the (potentially malicious) user whatever they ask for.
Ease of setup - my intentions are for this to be an open-source project, and node.js is much easier for users to set up, rather than dealing with apache/IIS/etc.
My question is, on a server where I've got apache listening to port 80, how can I pass off a certain subdomains to node.js. I've seen a couple articles about using apache virtual hosts to pass it off, but that seems to defeat the purpose of using node.js. If I have to go through apache, then all three of my reasons for avoiding apache/IIS have voided themselves.
I know I could use a different port (:8080?), but from an end-user standpoint, it's pretty confusing having to put in custom ports. Any alternative ideas?
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
Thanks to
if node is running, be sure to enable also few apache mods:
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_balancer
a2enmod proxy_express
a2enmod proxy_http
in file /etc/apache2/sites-available/
<VirtualHost *:80>
<Location "/">
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass http://localhost:3000/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:3000/
then of course service apache2 reload
How about doing things the other way round : bind node to port 80, handle the traffic targeted at the subdomain and use it as a reverse proxy to apache for everything else ?
Let me start from the ground up:
You have a DNS. And a dns server maps one DNS to one IP!
You then have apache running on your computer that listens for connections on port 80 for http:// and on port 443 for https://. http://example/ is actually a request on http://example:80/.
You can't use node.js to listen on the same machine on the same port as apache. That's why using port 8080 is viable.
You can also map the subdomain to a different IP. The only caveat here is that you need to have a public IP Address.
You can't serve port 80 from both Apache and node.js. Having Apache as a reverse proxy wouldn't be much efficient and that's why nginx is popular in this scenario. Other alternative than nginx based reverse proxy can be as Khez suggested mapping your subdomain to different IP address which will node.js program listen to or maybe use node.js itself as a reverse proxy for Apache.
You could configure a virtual host in apache for your new site and add a permanent redirect within it to the localhost and port used by node.js.
This is how I do it on a server with several other virtual hosts and my node.js application running on port 3000:
NameVirtualHost *:80
[Other virtual hosts omitted for brevity]
RedirectMatch (.*) http://localhost:3000$1

How can I set up a reverse proxy with mod_proxy without redirecting?

How can I set up a reverse proxy with mod_proxy without redirecting to another server or IP? This will be a virtual host environment. The reason I want to do this is so that mod_proxy handles the communication with the client's browser thereby freeing up web server processes to serve the next request instead of feeding the client's browser. This is especially important when using language modules such as mod_php with MPM Prefork. The flow that I'm trying to achieve is:
1. The traffic resolves to on port 80.
2. The proxy sends the request the web server.
3. The web server sends the answer back to the proxy and disconnects from the proxy.
4. The proxy feeds the client browser.
Once that is working I want to add nginx at the same IP address but for port 81 and proxy image requests to nginx on the same server. I do not want nginx handling the proxy nor do I want FCGI anything. I want my standard Apache mod_rewrite and .htaccess to work.
Thanks Tons!
Simply redirect to the localhost on a different port? Host your application on port 8080, and use mod_proxy to forward the requests:
ProxyPass /foo http://localhost:8080/foo
ProxyPassReverse /foo http://localhost:8080/foo
This may be helpful if you have application servers that are handling requests and you want multiple instances combined on a single machine. You can use one port per application server.
I don't know if it really would be faster than just using mod_php directly. Proxying requests also adds overhead.
Make sure you also use load these 2 modules
LoadModule proxy_module bin/
LoadModule proxy_http_module bin/
ProxyPass /TeamCity http://localhost/TeamCity
ProxyPassReverse /TeamCity http://localhost/TeamCity