RavenDB issue storing object that inherits List<T> - ravendb

I have a class that inherits from List, this class has some additional properties on it. When I store the parent document in RavenDB, the list items get stored but the additional properties do not.
The failing test below probably explains my issue better:
public class RDBIssueTests
private DocumentStore _documentStore;
public void TestFixtureSetUp()
_documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore
RunInMemory = true,
UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true,
DataDirectory = "Data",
public void StoreSimpleDataTest()
string id = "people/1";
string laptopName = "MacPro";
string personName = "Joe Bloggs";
string attrOne = "Screen";
string attrTwo = "Keyboard";
var person = new Person()
Id = id,
Name = personName,
Laptop = new Possession<string>()
person.Laptop.Name = laptopName;
using (var session = _documentStore.OpenSession())
using (var session = _documentStore.OpenSession())
var loadedPerson = session.Load<Person>(id);
Assert.AreEqual(personName, loadedPerson.Name);
Assert.AreEqual(2, loadedPerson.Laptop.Count); // 2 items in the list
Assert.AreEqual(laptopName, loadedPerson.Laptop.Name); // fails here - Person.Laptop.Name is not persisted in RBD
public class Person
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Possession<string> Laptop { get; set; }
public class Possession<TValueType> : PossessionAttribute<TValueType>
public string Name { get; set; } // RDB doesn't persist this value
public class PossessionAttribute<TValueType> : List<TValueType>
As you can see from the test, the string property 'Name' on the Possession class does not get saved.
Is there something I need to do to get this property to persist?
Many thanks!

JSON has no way of representing an object that is both a list and has properties.
That is why you cannot do that. You can have an object that contains a list property, which is a more natural way of going about it.


RavenDb changes to Property (nullable) on Entity that is a class doesn't save

I have a class like this:
public class Content {
public string Id {get; set;} = "content/"
public ContentJob? Job {get; set;}
public class ContentJob {
public string JobId {get; set;} = string.Empty;
I can create the content and if the job is there it will persist. with Store/SaveChanges.
But what I can't do is update (or more accurately set) ContentJob on Content and have it detect that there was a change. (HasChange(instance) == false) and SaveChanges doesn't update the database.
Why? And how do I make it detect the change?
(incidentally I tried using C# 9 records in hopes that because it automatically does deep object equality that this would solve it and no, it doesn't)
I created an unit-test based on your question, and it works as expected.
public void ShouldWork()
using (var store = GetDocumentStore())
string id = string.Empty;
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var c = new Content();
id = session.Advanced.GetDocumentId(c);
var entity = session.Load<Content>(id);
entity.Job = new ContentJob()
JobId = "123"
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var entity = session.Load<Content>(id);
Assert.Equal("123", entity.Job.JobId);
public class Content
public string Id { get; set; } = "content/";
public ContentJob? Job { get; set; }
public class ContentJob
public string JobId { get; set; } = string.Empty;

Binding Odata Xamarin Xaml

I'm having trouble with binding a ListView from Odata, when I was working with local Db I was able to do the data binding returning a list in my ModelView class into my list variable through the get method, but with the Odata the method is Async, so I'am not able to return the list, and some how if i fill the variable in the method, it doesn't work, and at this point I cant find the solution, if someone could help me, I will really appreciate it, here is my code so far:
ViewModel class:
public class Page1ViewModel
public string Nombre { set; get; }
public string Direccion { set; get; }
public string Descripcion { set; get; }
public string Logo { set; get; }
public List<Restaurant> RestaurantDb { get; set; }
public async void GetRestaurant()
String str = "";
var x = ODataDynamic.Expression;
var client = new ODataClient("");
var packages = await client.FindEntriesAsync("Restaurant");
foreach (var package in packages)
var rt = new Restaurant
Nombre = package["Nombre"].ToString(),
Direccion = package["Direccion"].ToString(),
Descripcion = package["Descripcion"].ToString(),
Logo = package["Logo"].ToString()
catch (Exception err)
str = err.ToString();
View Class:
public partial class Page1 : ContentPage
public Page1ViewModel vm;
public Page1()
vm = new Page1ViewModel();
BindingContext = vm;
Instead of List<Restaurant>, use ObservableCollection<Restaurant>. It behaves similarly to List, but will notify the UI of any changes to it's contents so that the UI can update.
Alternately, you could await vm.GetRestaurant(), but that will require more restructuring of your code.

How to resolve an error with WCF data contract -Message = "There was an error while trying to serialize parameter

I have two data contracts of same contents in two different namespaces. i have copied one datacontract to another and
passed to a particular method. but it is giving the below error and throwing exception. it is not going into that method.
Please let me know any ideas /suggestions on how to resolve this.Appreciate your help:
Exception errror:
{"Type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[GlobalWcfServiceLib.TopicDetailsInfo, GlobalWcfContracts, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=17c64733a9775004]]' with data contract name 'ArrayOfTopicDetailsInfo:http://CName.GlobalService/11.1/2010/11'
is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known statically to the list of
known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by
adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer."}
Message = "There was an error while trying to serialize parameter
The InnerException message was 'Type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1
Here is my scenario : i am copying the data from dc to new data contract as below. after copying , when i am executing the createsubscriptions method i am getting the above mentioned error. i have given the details of data contract and error attached to this question. please refer to that as well.
Method1(SubscriptionDataContracts dc)
SubscriptionDataContract subscriptionDataContract = new SubscriptionDataContract();
List<SubscriptionTopicInfo> topicsInfo = dc.TopicList;
List<SubscriptionTopic> newTopicsList = new List<SubscriptionTopic>();
subscriptionDataContract.ExtensionData = dc.ExtensionData;
subscriptionDataContract.UserID = dc.UserID;
for (int i = 0; i < topicsInfo.Count; i++)
SubscriptionTopic topic = new SubscriptionTopic();
topic.DBHandle = topicsInfo[i].DBHandle;
topic.Topic = topicsInfo[i].Topic;
topic.Target = topicsInfo[i].Target;
subscriptionDataContract.TopicList = newTopicsList;
CreateSubscriptions(subscriptionDataContract); //getting the above mentioned error in another dll after going into this method
//My data contract
[DataContract(Name = "TopicDetailsInfo", Namespace = "http://CName.GlobalService")]
public class TopicDetailsInfo
protected object topic;
protected object baseObjectType;
public object BaseObjectType
return baseObjectType;
baseObjectType = value;
public object TopicID
return topic;
topic = value;
static public TopicDetailsInfo CreateTopic<T, mT>(IComparable<T> objectType, IComparable<mT> objectID)
var topicDetails = new TopicDetailsInfo();
topicDetails.BaseObjectType = objectType;
topicDetails.TopicID = objectID;
return topicDetails;
[DataContract(Name = "SubscriptionTopicInfo", Namespace = "http://CName.GlobalService")]
public class SubscriptionTopicInfo
private object topic;
private object target;
private object creator;
public object Topic
return topic;
topic = value;
public object Target
return target;
target = value;
public object DBHandle
return creator;
creator = value;
static public SubscriptionTopicInfo CreateSubscriptions<T, mT, nT>(IList<TopicDetailsInfo> topic, IComparable<mT> target, IComparable<nT> handle)
var subscriptionTopic = new SubscriptionTopicInfo();
subscriptionTopic.Target = target;
subscriptionTopic.Topic = topic;
subscriptionTopic.DBHandle = handle;
return subscriptionTopic;
[DataContract(Name = "SubscriptionData", Namespace = "http://CName.GlobalService")]
public class SubscriptionDataContracts : IExtensibleDataObject
private ExtensionDataObject extensionDataObjectValue;
public string UserID
public string ProjectID
public string FromDiscipline
public string ModuleID
public string SessionID
public List<SubscriptionTopicInfo> TopicList
public ExtensionDataObject ExtensionData
return extensionDataObjectValue;
extensionDataObjectValue = value;

MVC An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker

I've got a model that represents a joint table (with payload) in my database:
public class UserHasCar
// Foreign keys
[Key, Column(Order = 0)]
public string ApplicationUserId { get; set; }
[Key, Column(Order = 1)]
public int CarId { get; set; }
// Navigation properties
public virtual ApplicationUser ApplicationUser { get; set; }
public virtual Car Car{ get; set; }
// Additional fields
public int YearsRidden { get; set; }
public class Car
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<UserHasCar> UserHasCars { get; set; }
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public int BirthYear{ get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<UserHasCar> UserHasCars { get; set; }
I have a form that includes multiple select boxes, and upon submitting I want to clear out all records related to that user who submitted the form in the UserHasCar table and replace them with the new updated information. I'm getting a An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker. because I am doing something wrong, but I don't see where I am using more than one context. This code happens in my controller:
public ApplicationUser GetCurrentUser()
return UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
public string GetUserId()
string id = User.Identity.GetUserId();
var user = UserManager.FindById(id);
return user.Id;
public ActionResult ManageCars(FormCollection form)
string id = GetUserId();
// Remove cars records with my id from database
var queryCars = (from m in db.UserHasCars where m.ApplicationUserId == id select m).ToList();
foreach (var record in queryCars )
// Could the problem be here?
// Add user-submitted cars to the database
string carval = form["Cars[0]"];
Car car = (from m in db.Cars where m.Name == carval select m).First();
int carid = car.ID;
// I get the abovementioned title error here
new UserHasCar()
ApplicationUser = GetCurrentUser(),
ApplicationUserId = id,
Car = car,
CarId = carid,
YearsRidden = 0
I've seen many SO posts, but can't seem the problem as why my code doesn't want to save the new database entries.
The solution was to remove the call to get the user and replace it with a query. Why? I was making database conflict errors by having both types of calls (database and DataManager calls in the same controller action). I ended up using a modified GetUser() function instead of GetCurrentUser()
public ApplicationUser GetUser()
// As opposed to:
// UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId())
// We make a database call to grab our user instead
// So we don't get database context conflicts by using UserManager
string id = GetUserId();
return db.Users.Where(m => m.Id == id).First();
public string GetUserId()
return User.Identity.GetUserId();
// snip
// in ManageCars(FormCollection form)
ApplicationUser user = GetUser();
// snip
var newRow = db.UserHasCars.Create();
newRow.ApplicationUser = user;
// snip
Try removing this line:
ApplicationUser = GetCurrentUser(),
from your object instantiation when adding.
Entity populates this object automatically once you set the foreign key ApplicationUserId. If UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()) uses a different db context that's where your exception is coming from.
Also to save yourself further trouble down the line, you should always call db.SaveChanges() in between the two operations. If you're worried about the atomicity of the db operation, just wrap the whole thing in a Transaction.
And when adding new rows to a table, I usually prefer to use something like:
var newRow = db.SomeTable.Create();
newRow.SomeColumn1 = "something";
newRow.SomeColumn2 = 5;
In order to delete entries from UserHasCars you need to change their EntityState to Deleted.
foreach (var record in queryCars )
db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(record, EntityState.Deleted);
Hope this will fix your issue.

Problem retrieving results from an index in an embedded RavenDB

I have an index that works great when I query it using the .Net client API with a server based RavenDb.
However, if I change the RavenDb to an embedded type then I cannot query the index directly unless I first query the document that the index uses.
For instance if I have the following document objects which reside as separate collections in the RavenDb:
private class TestParentDocument
public string Id { get { return GetType().Name + "/" + AggregateRootId; } }
public Guid AggregateRootId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
private class TestChildProductFlagDocument
public string TestParentDocumentId { get; set; }
public short ProductFlagTypeId { get; set; }
Then I have the following object which represents the output document that the index maps to:
private class TestJoinIndexOutput
public string TestParentDocumentId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public short ProductFlagTypeId { get; set; }
Here is the index definition:
private class TestJoinIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<TestChildProductFlagDocument, TestJoinIndexOutput>
public TestJoinIndex()
Map = docs => from doc in docs
select new
TestParentDocumentId = doc.TestParentDocumentId,
ProductFlagTypeId = doc.ProductFlagTypeId
TransformResults = (database, results) =>
from result in results
let parentDoc = database.Load<TestParentDocument>(result.TestParentDocumentId)
select new
TestParentDocumentId = result.TestParentDocumentId,
ProductFlagTypeId = result.ProductFlagTypeId,
Name = parentDoc.Name
My code to call the index looks like so:
var theJoinIndexes = ravenSession.Query<TestJoinIndexOutput, TestJoinIndex>().ToList();
This returns almost immediately and fails unless I do the following:
var theParentDocuments = ravenSession.Query<TestParentDocument>().ToList();
var theJoinIndexes = ravenSession.Query<TestJoinIndexOutput, TestJoinIndex>().ToList();
My Ravendb embedded definition looks like so:
docStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore
UseEmbeddedHttpServer = false,
RunInMemory = true
docStore.Configuration.Port = 7777;
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(TestJoinIndex).Assembly, docstore);
You aren't waiting for indexing to complete, call WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfNow