I'm getting a lot of errors about "Read timed out".
Caused by: org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: Read timed out
Is this error on yodlee's servers side?
How can this be fixed?
This is because the API is taking more time. You can override by setting
Java System parameter as “-Dcom.yodlee.soap.client.read.timeout="time out in milli sec" without quotes. Please configure it to 60 secs and see if it resolves.
If you are using CXF, you can control the client timeout by modifying the configuration for the client http-conduit file.
The aws-s3-crt doesn't have any timeout for putobject request and getObject request.
The aws-s3 - we can use configuration class to set timeout, but in case aws-crt - the configuration class doesn't contain and timeout configuration.
I want my s3-crt library to be configuring timeout for put and get, how do I achieve that, also if possibke how to cancel as well - the running connection - if network or any issue in my application
After digging the blogs and source, There was a issue and fixed in latest version, hope it helps someone
I have tried below :
Increased connection time out through code
RestAssuredConfig newConfig = RestAssured.config() .httpClient(HttpClientConfig.httpClientConfig().setParam(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 12000).setParam(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, 12000));
Added User-Agent in request header
Checked same api call manually from local system and remote agent-
both gives same result.
But I am getting java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out while it is working from local system and not from Teamcity agent execution
Please help
The problem is that TeamCity has a timeout of its own, which has not been changed through your code. You can change this property by setting an internal property in Administration > diagnostics > internal properties.
Here is the property to add:
Here is the documentation for TeamCity startup properties.
I also read through this Youtrack ticket with a similar issue.
I am calling a rest controller on my localhost, passing in bunch of request headers. The call is made fine but due to processing timeout the advanced-rest-client timesout and doesn't show the result from the server. how can i increase the timeout so it can wait for server to complete the request and display the result? I would appreciate your hints on this.
You can adjust request timeout in application settings. In version 14 it is possible to adjust request timeout directly in the request editor.
We are using SiebelDataBean to connect to Siebel EAIObjMgrAPI component using below process provided.
The application works fine for a while and then start throwing below error, kindly let me know if anyone else has encountered this issue.
[CMGR WARNING] Received notification: The task 257950792 has either been shutdown or timed-out connection:f600448
Logon Request 106 on connection 2100445 was abandoned after 30001 ms because it timed out.(SBL-JCA-00317)
Check the SISNAPI idle timeout setting on the EAI component parameters. If there is no activity for that much seconds, the system logs out the session to preserve memory.
My problem is when i retrieve too many data from database and select using odbc node
when my workflow is run exception The timeout (30 secs) was exceeded while waiting for a response from DropPoint transactionRequest
Please help how to resize defalut timelimit of workflow.
The timeout you mention is the timeout on the connection that is using a DropPoint and not a timeout on the workflow as a whole.
From within the connections pane, open the connection you are using on the workflow and modify the timeout setting there.
Separate to this, if you're calling the workflow via rest api, you can set a timeout. To override the default there, add the query string: _timeout=300 to the url in your consuming app (i.e. Not in the endpoint url setting in Flowgear).