iis 8 extending the file upload size - iis-8

i did like i saw in many threads, like going to Internet Information Server Manager then to the site then Request Filtering and then on the right Edit Feature Settings... then i set the Maximum allowed content length to 1000000000, and restart the web site, but it didn't work, the second method i tried is that i have added the following:
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1000000000" />
in the Web.config file in the web site and i restarted the web site,but still getting the error Maximum request length exceeded.
so is there any solution or any other step i missed ?


Is there a way we can provide maxAllowedContentLength without using web.config in .net core 3.1

How to provide maxAllowedContentLength without using web.config
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />
According to the asp.net core document, you could find we could try to set MaxRequestBodySize if you aren't host the application on IIS.
If you want to host the application on the IIS, you could only set the maxAllowedContentLength in web.config, since the maxAllowedContentLength is happened before the MaxRequestBodySize.
More details, you could refer to below description.
MaxRequestBodySize is used to get or set the max request body size for the HttpRequest.
Note that IIS itself has the limit maxAllowedContentLength which will be processed before the MaxRequestBodySize set in the IISServerOptions. Changing the MaxRequestBodySize won't affect the maxAllowedContentLength. To increase maxAllowedContentLength, add an entry in the web.config to set maxAllowedContentLength to a higher value. For more details, see Configuration.

asp.net core out-of-process fails to start correctly

I'm attempting to us the RunFromPackage App Setting for an Azure Web Site.
I'm using the following stack
asp.net core (out-of-process)
Targeting .Net Framework 4.7.2
and I can no longer get my web application to run correctly. when I hit the url all I get is
"The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred."
in the response.
I have launched my application using the Kudu powershell window with the command
and it start up fine. No errors or anything
Viewing the event viewer logs all I see is
When turning on the Failed Request Tracing Logs I see the following relevant information
URL_CACHE_ACCESS_START RequestURL="/favicon.ico" 15:37:30.729
URL_CACHE_ACCESS_END PhysicalPath="", URLInfoFromCache="false", URLInfoAddedToCache="true", ErrorCode="The operation completed successfully.
(0x0)" 15:37:30.729
GENERAL_GET_URL_METADATA PhysicalPath="", AccessPerms="545" 15:37:30.729
HANDLER_CHANGED OldHandlerName="", NewHandlerName="aspNetCore", NewHandlerModules="AspNetCoreModule", NewHandlerScriptProcessor="", NewHandlerType="" 15:37:30.729
Warning ModuleName="IIS Web Core", Notification="BEGIN_REQUEST", HttpStatus="500", HttpReason="Internal Server Error", HttpSubStatus="0", ErrorCode="Access is denied.
(0x80070005)", ConfigExceptionInfo=""
I have tried to turn on the asp.net core module logging but I get no log files. I have also tried to turn on the stdoutlog but nothing is appearing to log.
Here is a copy of my web.config
<access sslFlags="SslNegotiateCert" />
<serverRuntime uploadReadAheadSize="30000000" />
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified" />
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile="\\?\%home%\LogFiles\stdout" hostingModel="OutOfProcess" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%">
<handlerSetting name="debugFile" value="\\?\%home%\LogFiles\aspnetcore-debug.log" />
<handlerSetting name="debugLevel" value="FILE,TRACE" />
I'm not really sure what is going on. All I can gather is something is going wrong with the IIS Module. from the error message it appears that it cannot read or process my web.config ErrorCode="Access is denied."
Strangely enough I had a previous build of the application up and running. I have tried to isolate the changes that may have broke the site but I cant seem to find out what has cause this.
It appears that this was due to the fact I was trying to get only client authentication on one endpoint.
The following setting
<access sslFlags="SslNegotiateCert" />
in the web.config, and Require incoming Certificate in the App Settings caused my issue.
I then tried the feature of "Certificate exclusion paths" but having this and the web.config access node makes the web server very upset and causes the error message
"The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred."
I had to remove the node from my web.config file, leave the Required SSL, and set my Certificate Exclusion path and everything turned back online.

Setting requestTimeout in web.config of an ASP.NET Core Azure Web App via Application Settings

I have a web.config that looks like so, and is added as a link to a number of applications in my solution:
<!-- For more info to customize the asp.net core module see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838655 -->
<!-- As connection proxy request contains double escape sequence, we need to enable it. background Azure ARM Apis are enabled it. -->
<requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" />
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified"/>
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile="\\?\%home%\LogFiles\stdout"/>
One of the services has potential for long running single requests, and so I want to increase the IIS request timeout for that service, which can be achieved by adding to the aspNetCore configuration like so:
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile="\\?\%home%\LogFiles\stdout" requestTimeout="00:10:00"/>
However, given this web.config is otherwise shared and I don't want to alter the behaviour of my other apps, I'd like configure this via an application setting from my arm templates.
When I attempt something like the following, I get an error that %REQUEST_TIMEOUT% is not a valid time, and deploying fails to startup the webapp.
How can I enable app settings to insert into the request timeout field?
Azure App Service doesn't allow increase requestTimeout, the limit is 230 seconds - see Why does my request time out after 230 seconds?.
I would recommend looking at the Polling (link2) - it is the standard REST-pattern to process long running op.
Other resources:
How can increase Azure App Service 230 sec request time out
Increase azure web app request timeout
If you are using Azure DevOps, some options during deployment:
"XML variable substitution" can be enabled during deployment if you are using Azure App Service deploy task.
Add powershell task to change the request timeout with the value from a pipeline variable.
Note: If the requestTimeout is set to say 10 mins in web.config, the request will continue to run to completion even after 230 seconds. But the client will be terminated by the app service at 230 seconds and will receive an error.

Web API Windows Authentication hosting in IIS

I am working on WEB API Windows Authentication. I have added below config in web.config
Getting this issue:
This configuration section cannot be used at this path.
This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the legacy allowOverride="false"
Please help me on this. Please provide steps how to achieve window authentication in web api
The reason why this error encounters is probably because of the
settings to enable windowsauthentication in IIS via the
web.config file. To resolve this you have to adjust the applicationhost.config file of the IIS server. You need to tell IIS that his own configuration may be overwritten:
For IIS Express follow these instructions
For IIS Server follow 'section applicationhost.config'
Below steps (simple scenario) to allow windows authentication
Assure the webapi project is using windows authentication.
<authentication mode="Windows"></authentication>
Set IIS to windowsAuthenthication and nothing else by configuring the config file
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<basicAuthentication enabled="false"/>
Adjust the applicationhost.config of IIS like described above.

There was no endpoint listening at http://

I have a Windows forms app which uses WCF services. Our application sends messages using one of our WCF services to specific users running our client, so our callback “http:” string is dynamically constructed each time a message is sent to a user. It includes the server IP address and port ( onto which the current user is logged, the user’s id (56281), and the client GUID (7392d27a-e4a0-42e2-89a3-adc332e28934). So, a typical callback “http:” string looks like this:
We have an http namespace (http://+:701/) on our client and the group “Everyone” is tied to this namespace with all of the access permissions checked (GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericRead, and GenericWrite). We use “http namespace” to create our namespaces.
Our application has been in production (on Windows Server 2003) for a few years and everything is working fine.
We have recently converted our application to run in the Windows 2008 server environment. The “Target Framework” in each of our projects is set to the “.NET Framework 4.0”. Our application works fine on my Windows 7 developer workstation. That is, I am able to receive messages from our WCF service, but when I place our application onto our Windows 2008 server and I attempt to run the application, I receive the following error message:
"There was no endpoint listening at http://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:701/CmesCns/CALLBACK/56281/7392d27a-e4a0-42e2-89a3-adc332e28934
that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.”
The http namespace (http://+:701/) exists on my developer workstation and on my Windows 2008 server. The group “Everyone” is tied the namespace on my Windows 7 box and on my Windows 2008 server, and all of the access permissions are checked (GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericRead, and GenericWrite).
We have been searching the web for an answer but have not discovered anything. Would anybody have any ideas on why this would work on our Windows 7 workstations, but not on our Windows 2008 servers?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
When you host a WCF service in IIS you don't specify an absolute url in the address. You should use a relative url to the .svc file. The base url will be determined by the web site where it is hosted.
<service name="WebService.Receptor">
and on the client, depending on how your IIS is configured you should obviously specify the full address:
This assumes that you have configured a site in IIS that listens on the 8000 port and that you have hosted your WCF application inside this site.
if it does not help please follow these links, hope it would be useful.
Stack overflow link
Multiple Endpoint
Typically, this error is because there is no endpoint on the server that matches what the client is requesting (the address, the service, or the authentication is different).
However, in my case, I had the exact same error, and it was not due to any of these things.
When I enabled the tracing on IIS and reviewed the svclog trace with SvcTraceViewer.exe (included in Visual Studio), the actual internal error was "Maximum request length exceeded."
My client was uploading an image via the service. And I guess the image was too big.
To enable tracing I added this to the configuration section:
<source name="System.ServiceModel"
<add name="traceListener"
initializeData= "c:\log\Traces.svclog" />
To solve the error, I increased the message request length in the web config and the error went away.
To do this, in the system.websection in the web.config I added the line:
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="32768" />
Then I added this section inside the configuration section
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="32000000" />
So I recommend you enable tracing and then review the trace for the exact error.