Launch webserver with no configuration file - apache

I really like the concept of firing up an HTTP daemon to serve something like the current working directory in the file system without the distraction of configuring modules, directories, permissions etc. (instant gratification for programmers). My example use-cases are:
I may be trying to prototype some RESTful web services with a new UI framework, or
provide a tutorial for users to use some UI framework with a realistic but minimal end-to-end sample code.
experimenting with making an SVN or Git repository available over HTTP (no lectures about security or alternative protocols please)
making my personal files (photos, documents,...) available temporarily over HTTP while I am out of town (particularly abroad where all I would have is a plugin-less browser at an internet cafe)
Here's one I found from another thread:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Is there an equivalent, ideally, with Apache httpd? Lighttpd is a candidate too but once you create prerequisites you lose adopters of the technology you are trying to teach (or learn yourself). The best tutorials are one liners you can copy and paste to execute, then figure out how it works after seeing it in action.
I'm guessing the answer is no, not directly BUT you can use a heredoc in place of your httpd.conf file? It would be nicer if the popular binaries had direct command line arguments.

This runs lighttpd in the foreground on port 8080, serving files from /www. Ctrl-C to cause lighttpd to exit:
printf 'server.document-root="/www" \n server.port=8080' | lighttpd -D -f -


Can I execute a shell script when restarting (starting) apache webserver

I have an application with some cacheing backend and I want to clear the cacheing whenever the webserver is been restarted.
Is there a apache configuration directive or any other way to execute a shell script upon webserver (re)start?
Adding some more information, as asked by some answers already:
Base system is ofc linux based, in this exact situation: CentOs
Modifying the startup script is unfortunately no option as pointed out by one of the comments already, due to it beeing not configuration file within the respective RPM packages and therefor beeing replaced by updates. Also I think modifying the startup script would be a bad thing in general
I see, that actually linking both "restarting the webserver" and "clearing my app cache" is not exactly what should be tied together. I will consider other alternatives
My situation is as follows: I can define how the virtual host config looks like, but I can not define how the rest of the servers configuration looks like.
The application is actually PHP based (and runs on the symfony framework). Symfony pre-compiles alot of stuff into dynamic php files from what it finds in the static configuration files. We deploy our apps via RPM and after deployment, an webserver restart is actually initiated already, so I thought it might make sense to tie the cache-cleanup to it. But I think after getting all your feedback, it looks like it is better to put the cache cleanup process into the installation process itself.
You haven't provided a lot of detail here, so it's hard to give a concrete answer, but I would suggest that your best option is to write a script which handles restarting apache, and clearing your cache. It would look something like this:
# restart apache
/etc/init.d/httpd graceful
# whatever needs to be done to clear cache
rm -rf /my/cache/dir
Ramy suggests modifying the system startup script for Apache -- this is a bad idea! If and when you update Apache on your server, there is a good chance that your change will be lost.
Dirk suggests that what you are trying to do is probably misguided, and I think he's right. You haven't told us what platform you are running, but I can think of few situations where restarting your webserver and clearing a cache actually need to happen together.
You can modify Startup script for the Apache Web Server in /etc/init.d/httpd and write your own syntax inside it.
chattr +i /etc/init.d/httpd
If you have (root) access to the server you could do this by shell scripts but I would consider if it is the best way of cache management to rely on apache restarts.

Allowing a PHP script to ssh, using sudo

I need to allow a PHP script on my local web server, to SSH to another machine to perform a specified task on some files. My httpd runs as _www with low permissions, so setting up direct passwordless SSH is difficult, not to say ill-advised.
The way I do it now is to have a minimal PHP script that sudo-exec's (as me) a shell script which is outside of the document root. The shell script in turn calls (as me) the PHP code that does the actual SSH work, and prints its output. Here's the code.
read_remote_files.php (The script I call from my browser):
exec('sudo -u me -n /home/me/ /path/to/my_prog.php', $results);
print $results;
/home/me/ (Runs as me, calls whatever it's given):
php $1 2>&1
_www ALL = (me) NOPASSWD: /home/me/
This all works, as my_prog.php is called as me and can SSH as me. It seems it's not too insecure since can't be called directly from a browser (outside document root). The issue I'm having is that my_prog.php isn't called as an HTTP program so doesn't have access to the HTTP environment variables (DOCUMENT_ROOT etc).
Two questions:
Am I making this too complicated?
Is there an easy way for my final script to get the HTTP variables?
Many systems do stuff like this using a (privileged) cron job that frequently checks for the existence of a file, a database record or some other resource, and then performs actions if there are any.
The huge advantage of this is that there is no direct interaction between the PHP script and the privileged script at all. The PHP script leaves the instructions in a resource, the privileged script fetches it. As long as the instructions can't lead to the system getting compromised or damaged, it's definitely more secure than sudoing.
The disadvantage is that you can't push changes whenever you like; you have to wait until the cron job runs again. But maybe it's an option anyway?
"I need to allow a PHP script on my local web server, to SSH to another machine to perform a specified task on some files."
I think that you are phrasing this in terms of a solution that you have difficulty in getting to work rather than a requirement. Surely what you should be saying is "I want to invoke a task on machine B from a PHP script running under Apache on Machine A." And then research solutions to this -- to which there are many from a simple 'roll-your-own' RPC tunnelled over HTTP(S) to using an XMLRPC or SOA framework.
Two caveats:
Do a phpinfo(); on both machines to check what extensions are available and
Also check your php.ini setting to make sure that your service provider hasn't disabled any functions that you expect to use (or do a Q&D script to echo 'disable_functions = ' . ini_get('disable_functions') . "\n"; ...)
If you browse here and the wider internet you'll find many examples. Here is one that I use for a similar purpose.

Executing scripts as apache user (www-data) insecure? How does a contemporary setup look like?

My scripts (php, python, etc.) and the scripts of other users on my Linux system are executed by the apache user aka "www-data". Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this might lead to several awkward situations:
I'm able to read the source code of other users' scripts by using a script. I might find hardcoded database passwords.
Files written by scripts and uploads are owned by www-data and might be unreadable or undeleteable by the script owner.
Users will want their upload-folders to be writeable by www-data. Using a script I can now write into other users upload directories.
Users frustrated with these permission problems will start to set file and directory permissions to 777 (just take a look at the Wordpress Support Forum…).
One single exploitable script is enough to endanger all the other users. OS file permission security won't help much to contain the damage.
So how do people nowadays deal with this? What's a reasonable (architecturally correct?) approach to support several web-frameworks on a shared system without weakening traditional file permission based security? Is using fastCGI still the way to go? How do contemporary interfaces (wsgi) and performance strategies fit in?
Thanks for any hints!
as far as i understand this, please correct me if i am wrong!
ad 1. - 4. with wsgi you have the possibility to change and therefor restrict the user/group on per process-basis.
ad 5. with wsgi you can isolate processes.
quote from mod_wsgi-page:
"An alternate mode of operation available with Apache 2.X on UNIX is 'daemon' mode. This mode operates in similar ways to FASTCGI/SCGI solutions, whereby distinct processes can be dedicated to run a WSGI application. Unlike FASTCGI/SCGI solutions however, neither a separate process supervisor or WSGI adapter is needed when implementing the WSGI application and everything is handled automatically by mod_wsgi.
Because the WSGI applications in daemon mode are being run in their own processes, the impact on the normal Apache child processes used to serve up static files and host applications using Apache modules for PHP, Perl or some other language is much reduced. Daemon processes may if required also be run as a distinct user ensuring that WSGI applications cannot interfere with each other or access information they shouldn't be able to."
All your point are valid.
Points 1, 3 and 5 are solved by setting the open_basedir directive in your Apache config.
2 and 4 are truly annoying, but files uploaded by an web-application is also (hopefully) removable with the same application.

Configuring Drupal to work with an existing webapp

I have an existing web application which I have been building with an ant script and deploying as a .war file to Tomcat.
I am trying to add Drupal to my current technology stack to provide CMS and general UI-related functionality so that I don't have to write my html pages by hand and rather use templates.
During the installation of Drupal7, some of the instructions suggest that I go to this directory:
and change the DocumentRoot to
If I make the docroot a basic directory on the file system, how will this impact how the application will work? In addition to Apache, I also have Tomcat server. My goal is to get them to all play nice together. How is this best accomplished?
If I make the docroot a basic directory on the filesystem
I'm not sure what you mean by this. There's no qualitative difference between /var/www and /home/mysuser/drupal/drupal7. The latter is longer and in the user's home directory, but assuming this user would be administering the service anyway that doesn't matter.
Next, the best way to make Tomcat and Apache get along is probably to run one of them on different subdomains. You could use the same domain, but that'd mean you had to run one of the daemons off a nonstandard port and that looks strange and might run into firewall trouble with some users.

What was the evolution of interaction paradigm between web server program and content provider program?

In my opinion, web server is responsible to deliver content to client. If it is static content like pictures and static html document, web server just deliver them as bitstream directly. If it is some dynamic content that is generated during processing client's request, the web server will not generate the conetnt itself but call some external proram to genearte the content.
AFAIK, this kind of dynamice content generation technologies include the following:
And from here, I noticed that:
...In IIS 7, modules replace ISAPI
Is there any others? Could anyone help me complete the above list and elabrate on or show some links to their evolution? I think it would be very helpful to understand application such as IIS, TomCat, and Apache.
I once wrote a small CGI program, and though it serves as a content generator, it is still nothing but a normal standalone program. I call it normal because the CGI program has a main() entry point. But with the recenetly technology like ASP.NET, I am not writing complete program, but only some class library. Why does such radical change happens?
Many thanks.
well, the biggest missing piece in your question is that you can have the webserver generating the content dynamically as well. This is common with most platforms outside of PHP and Perl. You often set that website behind apache or nginx used as a proxy, but it doesn't "call an external progam" in any reasonable sense, it forwards the http request to the proxied server. This is mostly done so you can have multiple sites on the same server, and also so you can have apache/nginx protect you against incorrect requests.
But sure, we can, for the sake of the question, say that "proxying" is a way to call an external program. :-)
Another way to "call the external program" is Pythons WSGI, where you do call a permanently running server. So again you don't start an external program, it's more like calling the module in ASP (although it's a separate program, not a module, but you don't start it with every request, you use an API).
The change from calling external programs as in CGI to calling modules like in ASP.NET, process with WGI or proxying to another webserver happened because with CGI you have to start a new prpogram for each request. The PERL/PHP interpreter needs to be laoded into memory, and all modules they use as well. This quickly becomes very heavy and process/memory intensive.
Therefore, to be able to use bigger systems that are permanently running, other techniques have been developed. Most of them are platform/language dependent, and the only one that is platform independent is really to make a complete webserver and then use apache/nginx as a proxy in front (in which case the apache/nginx strictly isn't necessary any more).
I hope this cleared things up a bit.
fastcgi and wsgi are two more interfaces content generators can use to talk to a webserver -- the reason more recent interfaces aren't complete programs is that forking and executing things that expect to be executables is costly.
OTOH, writing your little generator in such a way that it doesn't leak anything between invocations is harder than having the liberty to just exit at the end (and rely on environment variables and command line arguments like a normal executable).
This is all for performance reasons, but then you have more complicated content generators and process management in the webservers.