Arduino Errors with sainsmart sheild - ide
This is my Arduino code that I am using as a status indicator for me and my roommate. The code as working completely fine until I decided to be able to edit the first line on the display, which is the sainsmart LCD keypad shield. Now, when I verify the code in the arduino IDE, i get the following set of errors:
sketch_jul22b.cpp:15:81: error: expected unqualified-id before '\x593a'
sketch_jul22b.cpp:15:81: error: expected ‘}’ before '\x593a'
sketch_jul22b.cpp:15:81: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before '\x593a'
sketch_jul22b.cpp:15:88: error: expected declaration before ‘}’ token
I would appreciate it very much if somebody would tell me:
1) what these errors mean.
2) How to resolve them.

corrected code that compiles.
#praks411 was correct, but there were some typo's and need to use lcd.print instead of lcd.write.

I'm not sure exactly which line you have edited but looking at your code it seems to me that the status String must be in double quotes. Also there should be , instead of . after "Awesomeness"
So instead of
String top[] = {'Status:', 'Adam:', 'Oliver:', 'Adam & Oliver:', 'Awesomeness'. 'OBEY:'};
You should have
String top[] = {"Status:", "Adam:", "Oliver:", "Adam & Oliver:", "Awesomeness", "OBEY:"};


I am getting a EOF error and am unsure what to do, it occurs when EOF error when reading line 61?

In a coding project I am doing I keep getting the EOF error whenever the user inputs a space, and I am not sure how to fix it, I can not make it a function because of the set up of my if and while statements, any help would be great
I tried turning the choice into a function but due to the layout it does not work. I attempted to use try and execpt but it led to a endless loop of the menu being printed I set it up as follows
playerschoice = int(input(menu)) #Saves player choice again
execpt EOFErrors:

Syntax error: Expected end of input but got "-" at [5:17] error in BigQuery exercise

I`m working with an exercise from the Google Data Analysis Course, that asks me to write and execute the following query:
ridership_2014-ridership_2013 AS change_2014_raw
but every time I try to run it, I get the same error:
Syntax error: Expected end of input but got "-" at [5:17]
I think that the error is the dash from the subtraction between ridership_2014-ridership_2013, but I'm not sure if it`s something from my keyboard or something else,
I'll appreciate some of your help on this,
Thank you!!

vba selenium waitDisplay method not working

Who can tell me why the method of Selenium WebDriver.WaitDisplayed is not working in my code below?
I can share other code if needed?
Set a = webdriber.FindElementsByClass("search-global-typeahead__collapsed-search-button")
a.Item(1).WaitDisplayed(True).Click ' operation timed out after -1ms. Run-time err'21'
a.Item(1).Click ' gives an error
I added code below; without successful result
a.Item(1).WaitDisplayed(True, 100).Until(a.Item(1).IsDisplayed,10)
I guess to start with the most obvious, does it still cause an error after fixing the typo in the 'webdriber' identifier? I'm guessing your declaration is spelled 'webdriver'.

protractor ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement returns false when the expected message has mora than one line

I'm facing a new problem with protractor ,
When I try to use this selenium method:
It is returning false because my element returns this messsage:
Connection Unavailable.
Could not connect to the equipment at this time
This is my expected string:
message : Connection Unavailable.\nCould not connect to equipment at this time
then my method call is:
browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(element, message), 160000, 'The expected text is not present in the UI');
Maybe somebody can help me with it
Maybe it's not the best approach, but it'll solve your problem. Simply replace your expected messages with ones that have no \n:
browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(element, message.replaceAll("\\n", " ")),
160000, 'The expected text is not present in the UI');

PJSIP error code

Does anyone know in which case pj_sock_recv returns error code 120107 (0x1d52b)? Im usingpj_sock_recvfunction and it should return PJ_SUCCESS if packet is received, but in__android_log_print` I get error code from that function.
This seems to be in system error space, thus it would be code 107, thus it would be ENOTCONN, socket not connected.