PluginPackager exited with code 99 - ocean

Using the ocean wizard I have generated a pip project and am now trying to build it after adding things to the DeployList.xml. However I then get the following message:
The command
""%OCEAN2013HOME%\PluginPackager.exe" /p
exited with code 99.
Does anybody know what this code means and how to fix it? The other pip project builds just fine and includes exactly the same contents except for two dll's. Removing these two dll's still does not work.

The error you are seeing is due to one of the following:
The PIP file does not contain a public Plugin class
You have more than one Plugin class in your PIP
Your assemblies are referencing the wrong Petrel public assemblies

Another issue might be because of the reference "Slb.Ocean.Data" "Copy Local" property is set to "True". This property should set "False"

Also it could be if you use Petrel 32-bit, while %OCEAN2013HOME% refers to 64-bit version (and vice versa).


'JsonConvert' is not declared - but Newtonsoft.Json IS referenced

I am working on a website project which includes several lines in one of the classes like this:
Dim asfPaymentInstalmentRequestJson As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(asfPaymentInstalmentRequest)
For some reason the JsonConvert part is underlined red and when I try to build the project I get this error:
BC30451 'JsonConvert' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
According to the documentation JsonConvert is part of Newtonsoft.Json, and I have the Nuget package for version 13.0.1 installed. I have this imports statement:
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
I notice there is also a reference to WorldpayNewtonsoft.Json version so i'm wondering if this could be causing some sort of conflict?
I didn't build this website but i'll need to make changes to it so I need to know how to fix this issue. Any ideas?
The website is built in VB.Net and I am using Visual Studio 2019
I found that there wasn't a Newtonsoft.Json.dll in the bin directory so I copied one in, but then I get errors like:
error BC30560: 'JsonPropertyAttribute' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Newtonsoft.Json'
error BC30661: Field or property 'PropertyName' is not found
So it seems the two versions of Newtonsoft.Json aren't playing nice with each other. Somehow this is working on our uat site so there must be a way to get these two to work together but I just can't seem to find it.

How to run NuGet on Mono 2.10.9?

I have tried to get NuGet running on Mono 2.10.9 (Mac), but with no luck.
I want to install Nancy from the NuGet repository:
mono --runtime=v4.0 /usr/local/bin/NuGet.exe install Nancy -Version 0.11.0
But, end up with this error message:
Missing method System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig::get_AllowOnlyFipsAlgorithms() in assembly /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.9/lib/mono/4.0/mscorlib.dll, referenced in assembly /usr/local/bin/NuGet.exe
Method not found: 'System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig.get_AllowOnlyFipsAlgorithms'.
I can list the repositories without problems.
mono --runtime=v4.0 /usr/local/bin/NuGet.exe list Nancy
I have tried to add Microsoft.Build.dll to the same path as NuGet.exe (a tip from a site. I can't remember where).
I end up with this error:
Invalid type Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project for instance field NuGet.Common.MSBuildProjectSystem:<Project>k__BackingField
Could not load type 'NuGet.Common.MSBuildProjectSystem' from assembly 'NuGet, Version=2.0.30619.9000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Any suggestions on how I can get NuGet.exe running on Mono (Mac)?
I'm afraid you can't do that with the version of Mono you have installed.
That particular release (2.10.9) did not include the static property:
which seems to be required by NuGet.exe "install" feature.
The "list" command probably works because it doesn't make use of the cryptography assemblies (in .NET assemblies are lazily loaded, only when executing code requires them).
On a positive note, it seems like in the github version of Mono the CryptoConfig class was updated with this property, as you can see here:
Current mono CryptoConfig.cs source, on master branch
This shows the change should have been included in the 2.10.9 release:
History of changes on mono's CryptoConfig.cs
The AllowOnlyFipsAlgorithms property was added on May 2nd 2011, a full year ago, and yet it's not in the current stable release!!!
Which is weird...
You could try downloading the alpha release (Mono 2.11.2) and see what that does for you.
I've looked at the sources for the 2.11.2 alpha version and it looks like this property is included in this build, so give it a try.
Hope this helps.
There are several steps you need,
Install all mono assemblies (so as to get WindowsBase).
Import certificates.
Get Microsoft.Build.dll.
Then you should be able to run NuGet. I documented more details here,

Error 'TF215097:...Cannot create unknown type for...' custom CodeActivity [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
TFS 2010 Custom Build Activity TF215097 error
I'm trying to create a CustomActivity to run after each successful build.
I've followed the exact steps of several tutorials
And all have lead me to the same result - The build fails after several seconds with this error:
TF215097: An error occurred while initializing a build for build definition
\MyCompany\Dev - Client: Cannot create unknown type '{clr-
I came down to a point where I have removed all custom references I had in the CodeActivity project and commented out all of the code.
I have added the output dll to the TFS, and I have the following post build script in the project's properties:
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkout "$/MyCompany/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/$(TargetFileName)"
copy /Y "$(TargetPath)" "C:\tfs2010\MyCompany\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\$(TargetFileName)"
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkin "$/MyCompany/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/$(TargetFileName)"
I've made sure that the namespace in the workflow xaml is correct for the custom CodeActivity.
I have no idea what else can I try,
Please help!
EDIT: I'm adding more descriptions about what I've already tried:
The CodeActivity class already have the attribute:
The CodeActivity class is contained inside an Activity Library project.
Here is the ProjectTypeGuids tag inside the csproj file:
In the custom workflow xaml I've added my CodeActivity right after "Get Impacted Tests, Index Sources and Publish Symbols"
I currently don'e have any InArgument nor OutArgument in my CodeActivity.
These are the references in my CodeActivity project:
In "Build Controller Properties" I have set the "Version control path to custom assemblies" with the same TFS path as my post build script:
In my Build Definition I've set "Build process template" with my custom workflow xaml.
Thank you guys for the answers, do you have any more thoughts?
Ok, I got this thing figured out.
Here's what worked for me:
I've installed my dll to the GAC in the build server, ran the build and suddenly it worked!
gacutil.exe /i buildtasks
Afterwards, I've uninstalled the dll from the GAC, and it keeps working even still.
gacutil.exe /u buildtasks
Another thing, my project had several references which I also had to checkin in the same directory as the CodeActivity dll itself.
So to do that I've changed my project's post build script:
cd "C:\tfs2010\Djenne\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\"
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkout "$/TradeNetworks/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/*.*"
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*.*" "C:\tfs2010\Djenne\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\" /E /R /C /Y
The only thing left to do now is to figure out how to debug this damn thing.
But that's an issue for another question.
Thanks to everybody who helped,
Hope this will help anyone in the future as well.
One more thing I've noticed is every time I edit my custom workflow, it regenerates the xaml and removes the ";assembly=BuildTasks" suffix from the custom CodeActivity namespace (xmlns).
So after every change I need to edit the xaml to fix it over and over again, otherwise the same error reoccurres.
You have to decorate your class with the BuildActivity attribute. See at the bottom. There is an UPDATE section with more information.
Where is assembly of your CustomActivity? You must add this assembly to source control and introduce it to the Build Controller you are using. For this:
Right click on Builds node.
Select Manage build controllers.
Click properties.
In the "Version control path to custom assemblies" section, introduce your assembly.
I had this exact same problem. The reason was that I had compiled the library with the custom activities against the x86 platform and the Build Controller was running off of a 64-bit Windows 2008 VM. Switching the target platform to AnyCPU allowed the build controller to immediately utilize the library without having to add it to the GAC.
The problem may be related to the output dll being in TFS.
What could happen is the following:
TFS does a get latest
The output dll is fetched and is read only
TFS tries to build
The build tries to write to the dll
Since the dll is read only you get an exception

VB.Net project shows errors on clean in VS2010

my issue is very similar to:
Typical errors: Unable to load referenced library X
Type IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell is not defined.
Interface System.IDisposable is not implemented by this class.
Namespace of type specified in the Imports Z does not contain any public members or cannot be found. Make sure the imported element name does not use any aliases.
This must have to do with a project configuration. Currently there is a setting "Treat all warnings as errors". I would like to keep that setting, but also resolve these annoying "errors".
I've experienced a similar problem and fixed it by running the following command in the VS command line tool
devenv /resetskippkgs
I'ev had problems executing Clean's via MSBuild in VS2008 when projects were registered for COM interop.
The problem is that the "Clean" target auto-generated for a solution cleans projects in the same order in which they were built.
This causes problems for projects registered for COM when MSBuild attempts to load and then unregister the assembly from COM during a "Clean".The issue occurs if the assembly has a dependency on another project because the dependency will be deleted first and therefore loading the assembly will fail and MSBuild will be unable to unregister it.
A workaround is to change the solution .cache file (which contains the targets auto-generated by MSBuild during "Build") and reverse the order of the "Clean" target. I hacked-together a quick-fix custom build task to do this as a post-build step.
No idea if this was fixed in VS2010 or indeed if this matches your problem since you don't give many specifics in your question ;)

My DLLs are strong named, but WSPBuilder reports they are not

Created by Carsten Keutmann
GPL License 2007
Install and deploying [MYDLL]
Unable to deploy solution
Inner exception(1): This solution contains one or more assemblies targeted for the global assembly cache. You should use a strong name for any assembly that will be in the global assembly cache.
I had the same issues but what worked for me was to delete all the files in the bin and obj folder and then rebuild the WSP.
In my case, I was getting some strange errors (can't remember the exact message) when using Delay sign only option for one project.
I have found the problem, but not the solution, it seems the project I have which is really a 12 hive, is also set to output a class library, this class library is getting included in the WSP.
So... I need to ensure the bin folder is really excluded from the build process.
I set the value in program files but no reaction yet...
Now going to restart the server...
Later: Ok - the fix is to restart the server, for some reason this helped
I'm experiencing the same issue, one solution, multiple projects, the one failing to compile is using an object from another project.
I've tried clearing the bin & obj folder, as well as restarting the server. I think I'll copy the files dll to the gac using gacutil instead.