Query to pickup certain criteria records - sql

I have following table data
ID Type Code Opt Line Status
26985444 1 100 1 1 S0
26987422 1 25 1 1 S0
26987422 1 25 2 1 S1
26987422 1 25 2 2 S2
26987422 4 25 2 3 S0
26987422 2 30 1 1 S1
26987422 2 30 1 2 S2
26987422 2 30 1 3 S0
26987422 3 35 1 1 S0
26985333 1 75 1 1 S0
26985000 1 55 1 1 S0
26985000 1 65 1 1 S0
Out of above I need to select ONLY following records
26985444 1 100 1 1 S0
26985333 1 75 1 1 S0
How can I write SQL query to this.

I am interpreting your question as finding IDs that only appear once in the data.
You can do this with aggregation, looking for the singletons:
select ID, min(Type) as Type, min(Code) as Code, min(Opt) as Opt,
min(Line) as Line, min(Status) as Status
from t
group by id
having count(*) = 1;
If your version of Sybase supports window functions:
select ID, Type, Code, Opt, Line, Status
from (select t.*,
count(*) over (partition by id) as cnt
from t
) t
where cnt = 1

The only sorting I see in your above table is if you were to sort by the Code field while it's converted to a char(). Here's a guess at what you might be looking for using max() and min():
select y.*
from yourtable y
join (
select max(cast(Code as char(3))) maxCode,
min(cast(Code as char(3))) minCode
from yourtable
) t on y.code = t.maxCode or y.code = t.minCode
Condensed Fiddle Example


SQL Server - group and number matching contiguous values

I have a list of stock transactions and I am using Over(Partition By) to calculate the running totals (positions) by security. Over time a holding in a particular security can be long, short or flat. I am trying to find an efficient way to extract only the transactions relating to the current position for each security.
I have created a simplified sqlfiddle to show what I have so far. The cte query generates the running total for each security (code_id) and identifies when the holdings are long (L), short (s) or flat (f). What I need is to group and number matching contiguous values of L, S or F for each code_id.
What I have so far is this:
; WITH RunningTotals as
RunningTotal = sum(qty) OVER (Partition By code_id Order By id)
), LongShortFlat as
WHEN RunningTotal > 0 THEN 'L'
WHEN RunningTotal < 0 THEN 'S'
LongShortFlat r
I think what I need to do is create a GroupNum column by applying a row_number for each group of L, S and F within each code_id so the results look like this:
id code_id qty RunningTotal LSF GroupNum
1 1 5 5 L 1
2 1 2 7 L 1
3 1 7 14 L 1
4 1 -3 11 L 1
5 1 -5 6 L 1
6 1 -6 0 F 2
7 1 5 5 L 3
8 1 5 10 L 3
9 1 -2 8 L 3
10 1 -4 4 L 3
11 2 5 5 L 1
12 2 3 8 L 1
13 2 -4 4 L 1
14 2 -2 2 L 1
15 2 -2 0 F 2
16 2 6 6 L 3
17 2 -5 1 L 3
18 2 -5 -4 S 4
19 2 2 -2 S 4
20 2 4 2 L 5
21 2 -5 -3 S 6
22 2 -2 -5 S 6
23 3 5 5 L 1
24 3 2 7 L 1
25 3 1 8 L 1
I am struggling to generate the GroupNum column.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Sorry about that, I read your question too quickly. I came up with a solution using a recursive common table expression (below), then saw that you've worked out a solution using LAG. I'll post my revised query anyway, for posterity. Either way, the resulting query is (imho) pretty ugly.
;WITH cteBaseAgg
as (
-- Build the "sum increases over time" data
row_number() over (partition by td.code_id order by td.code_id, td.Id) RecurseKey
,sum(tdPrior.qty) RunningTotal
when sum(tdPrior.qty) > 0 then 'L'
when sum(tdPrior.qty) < 0 then 'S'
else 'F'
end LSF
from dbo.TradeData td
inner join dbo.TradeData tdPrior
on tdPrior.code_id = td.code_id -- All for this code_id
and tdPrior.id <= td.Id -- For this and any prior Ids
group by
as (
-- "Set" the first row for each code_id
,1 GroupNum
from cteBaseAgg
where RecurseKey = 1
-- For each succesive row in each set, check if need to increment GroupNum
,rec.GroupNum + case when rec.LSF = agg.LSF then 0 else 1 end
from cteBaseAgg agg
inner join cteRecurse rec
on rec.code_id = agg.code_id
and agg.RecurseKey - 1 = rec.RecurseKey
-- Show results
from cteRecurse
order by
Sorry for making this question a bit more complicated than it needed to be but for the sake of closure I have found a solution using the lag function.
In order to achieve what I wanted I continued my cte above with the following:
, a as
Lag(LSF, 1, LSF) OVER(Partition By code_id ORDER BY id) AS prev_LSF,
Lag(code_id, 1, code_id) OVER(Partition By code_id ORDER BY id) AS prev_code
), b as
WHEN LSF <> prev_LSF AND code_id = prev_code
END) OVER(Partition By code_id ORDER BY id) AS grp
select * from b order by id
Here is the updated sqlfiddle.

How do I find corresponding row data based on max column values?

I want to take the max value of each partitioned block and find the correlating id(in the same row). I then want to use the singular show_id as the 'winner' and bool_flag all rows in the same partition with a matching show_id.
I am having trouble implementing this, especially the window function-- I have hit multiple issues saying that the subquery is not supported, or "must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function sql"
subQ1 as (
select subQ0.*,
**when show_id =
(select id from (select show_id, max(rn_max_0)
over (partition by tv_id, show_id)))**
then 1
else 0
end as winner_flag
from subQ0
What I have:
tv_id show_id partition_count
1 42 1
1 42 2
1 42 3
1 7 1
2 12 1
2 12 2
2 12 3
2 27 1
What I want:
tv_id show_id partition_count flag
1 42 1 1
1 42 2 1
1 42 3 1
1 7 1 0
2 12 1 1
2 12 2 1
2 12 3 1
2 27 1 0
Because tv_id 1 has the most connections to show_id 42, those rows get flagged.
Ideally, something similar to SQL select only rows with max value on a column, but the partitions and grouping have led to issues. This dataset also has billions of rows so a union would be a nightmare.
Thanks in advance!
For each tv_id, you seem to want the show_id that appears the most. If so:
select s.*,
(case when cnt = max(cnt) over (partition by tv_id)
then 1 else 0
end) as flag
from (select s.*, count(*) over (partition by tv_id, show_id) as cnt
from subQ0 s
) s;

Can I start a new group when value changes from 0 to 1?

Can I somehow assign a new group to a row when a value in a column changes in T-SQL?
I would be grateful if you can provide solution that will work on unlimited repeating numbers without CTE and functions. I made a solution that work in sutuation with 100 consecutive identical numbers(with
coalesce(lag()over(), lag() over(), lag() over() ) - it is too bulky
but can not make a solution for a case with unlimited number of consecutive identical numbers.
id somevalue
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 0
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 0
10 0
11 1
12 0
13 1
14 1
15 0
16 0
id somevalue group
1 0 1
2 1 2
3 1 2
4 0 3
5 0 3
6 1 4
7 1 4
8 1 4
9 0 5
10 0 5
11 1 6
12 0 7
13 1 8
14 1 8
15 0 9
16 0 9
If you just want a group identifier, you can use:
select t.*,
min(id) over (partition by some_value, seqnum - seqnum_1) as grp
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by somevalue order by id) as sequm_1
from t
) t;
If you want them enumerated . . . well, you can enumerate the id above using dense_rank(). Or you can use lag() and a cumulative sum:
select t.*,
sum(case when some_value = prev_sv then 0 else 1 end) over (order by id) as grp
from (select t.*,
lag(somevalue) over (order by id) as prev_sv
from t
) t;
Here's a different approach:
First I created a view to provide the group increment on each row:
create view increments as
case when n1.somevalue=n2.somevalue then 0 else 1 end as increment
(select 0 as id,1 as somevalue union all select * from mytable) n1
join mytable n2
on n2.id = n1.id+1
Then I used this view to produce the group values as cumulative sums of the increments:
select id, somevalue,
(select sum(increment) from increments i1 where i1.id <= i2.id)
from increments i2

MS Sql Server, same column with a different row neighbors

I need a little help on a SQL query. I could not get the result that I wanted.
0 1 1 1 1 14 14
1 0 1 0 1 6 2
1 0 2 0 2 12 2
1 0 3 0 3 17 4
1 0 3 0 3 18 4
1 0 3 0 3 19 4
1 0 3 0 3 20 4
What I want to have is one from each ID with highest CC
For example,
0 1 1 1 1 14 14
1 0 3 0 3 20 4
I tried with this code:
SELECT a.ID, b.name, a.i10 as[i-10-index], a.h as[h-index], 10ns as[i-10-index based on non-self-citation], a.hns as [h-index based on non-self-citation],
max(a.[Citation Count]), (a.[Non-Self-Citation Count])
FROM tbl_lpNumerical as a
join tbl_lpAcademician as b
on a.ID= (b.ID-1)
GROUP BY a.ID, b.name, a.i10, a.h, a.10ns, a.hns,
a.[Non-Self-Citation Count]
order by a.ID desc
However, I could not get the desired results.
Thank you for your time.
You can simply get all the row where not exist another row with an higher CC
FROM tbl_lpNumerical n
FROM tbl_lpNumerical n2
WHERE n2.ID = n.ID
AND n2.CC > n.CC
In SQL Server, you can use row_number() for this. Based on your sample data`, something like:
select sd.*
from (select sd.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by cc desc) as seqnum
from sampledata sd
) sd
where seqnum = 1;
I have no idea what your query has to do with the sample data. If it generates the data, then you can use a CTE:
with sampledata as (
<some query here>
select sd.*
from (select sd.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by cc desc) as seqnum
from sampledata sd
) sd
where seqnum = 1;
The following query will select a single row from each ID partition: the one with the highest CC value:
FROM mytable) t
WHERE t.rn = 1
If there can be multiple rows having the same CC max value and you want all of them selected, then you can replace ROW_NUMBER() with RANK().

Select Data based on Sum of another columns value

I have a Table with Data as
RowIndex Id TicketCount
1 23 1
2 25 2
3 3 1
4 14 1
5 16 1
6 18 1
7 1 1
8 6 1
9 15 1 ===> at this row the sum of Ticket Count is 10
10 22 1
11 27 1
12 24 1
13 26 2
14 9 1
15 19 1
From this Data I want to Select All Records where The Sum of Ticket Count will be equal to 10(user input value)
In the Given data I want to Select all Records till Row Index 9.
Output should be:
RowIndex Id TicketCount
1 23 1
2 25 2
3 3 1
4 14 1
5 16 1
6 18 1
7 1 1
8 6 1
9 15 1
SQL Server 2008 doesn't have the cumulative sum function. I implement it using a correlated subquery:
select RowIndex, Id, TicketCount
from (select t.*,
(select sum(TicketCount)
from t t2
where t2.RowIndex <= t.RowIndex
) as cumTicketCount
from t
) t
where cumTicketCount <= 10;
In SQL Server 2012, you can phrase this using a window function:
select RowIndex, Id, TicketCount
from (select t.*, sum(TicketCount) over (order by RowIndex) as CumTicketCount
from t
) t
where cumTicketCount <= 10;
You can do it using recursive CTE:
SELECT *, TicketCount AS Total
FROM Table1
WHERE RowIndex = 1
SELECT t.*, r.Total + t.TicketCount
INNER JOIN Table1 t ON r.RowIndex + 1 = t.RowIndex
WHERE r.Total + t.TicketCount <= 10 --your input value