Convert a file to Binary or Hexadecimal -

So I have a file that I need to have in either binary or hex format. Everything that I've been able to find basically says to store the text in a string and convert it to binary or hex from there, but I cant do it this way. The file was written using its own private character set that uses null and system hex codes, so notepad doesn't know what to do with these characters and replaces it with wrong characters and spaces. This distorts the information so it wont be correct if I try to convert it to binary/hex.
I really just need to have the binary/hex information stored in a string or text box so I can work with it. I don't really need it to be saved as a file.

Never mind, I finally figured it out. I used a file stream to read the data byte by byte. I didn't understand how to convert this as the first byte data in the array was showing as 80 when i knew the binary data should've been "1010000" (i didn't realize at that time that 80 was the decimal format).
Anyways I used the bitconverter.tostring and it put everything together and converted it to hexadecimal format. So i'm all good now.


how to render a dicom file's header unreadable

Kind of a strange question, but I'm doing some testing to handle errors when a dicom file's tags can't be read.
Unfortunately I don't have a damaged dicom available.
Specifically, can anyone advise how to apply some sort of incorrectly encoded text tag or some invalid numeric data tag onto the file, such that it can't be read by python's pydicom package?
you could have a look at the dcmodify tool from the DCMTK. It can be used to insert, modify and delete attributes. I doubt that it is possible to specify invalid attribute values through the command line, but you could surely modify the source code to accomplish that (except you can definitely write attribute values that exceed the maximum length according to the Value Representation).
My approach would be to create a buffer of characters and write binary data to it. Then pass it to the method that writes the value to the attribute.
write unicode (UTF-8) sequences which are not a valid unicode character
write ascii characters which are not covered by the characterset specified by (0008,0005) - not sure whether pydicom would run into problems but it would be wrong from the DICOM perspective
write non-numeric characters to attributes with Value Representation "Decimal String" or "Integer String".
formats other than YYYYMMDD for VR "Date"
formats other than HHMMSS.FFFFFF for VR "Time"
other characters than ['0'-'9'], '.' for VR "Unique Identifier"
[edit]: DCMTK, dcmodify:

How to avoid plus sign to create a line feed in a rdlc textbox

I need to print an encrypted string as is in a rdlc report. My problem is if the string contain a plus sign it creates a new line in the Textbox. How to avoid this?
Encryption produces output that is binary and contains many bytes that have no displayable representation.
Because of this if encrypted data needs to be displayed it is generally either Base64 (best for computers) or hexadecimal (best for people) encoded.
It seems that you may have base64 encoded encrypted data and that is generally composed of the upper and lowercase characters, the 10 digits, "+", "/" and "=". You can not delete these and expect to recover the encrypted data.
If these characters present a problem they can be many times be escaped in some manor or another encoding can be chosen such as hexadecimal or an alternate Base64 character set, see Base64. If you choose an alternate Base64 character set interoperability will most likely be impaired.
Note: More information would produce a better answer.
I had to replace the "+" with "÷".
Users don't notice is it since the PDF is just a visual representation of the CFDI, I haven't had any issues with it.

reading and separating file using byte comparison

I have to read a file which in .dat format and separate data based on 2 first consecutive zero byte comes. first half is json data and other half is binary data.
How should I go about it?
I tried using NSData dataWithContentsOfFile method and read it and then convert it in byte array and compare bytes. Somehow, its not working.
You can use the same kind of procedure that you would use to read a file by lines. Here and here are earlier answers on SO regarding reading a file line-by-line. Just change \n to the byte sequence that is applicable.

VBA - Read file byte by byte on system with Asian locale

I am trying to convert a file from binary to text, by simply replacing each character with the hexadecimal code. For example, character 'c' will be replaced by '63'.
I have a code which is working fine in normal systems, but it breaks down in the PC where I need to use it as it has default locale set to Chinese.
I am using the following statements to read a byte -
ch$ = " "
Get #f%, , ch$
I suspect there is a problem when I am reading the file byte by byte, as it is skipping certain bytes because they form composite characters. It's probably reading 2 bytes which form an Asian character as one byte. It is thus forming a much smaller file than the expected size.
How can I read the file byte by byte?
Full code is pasted here:
Your suspicion is correct. VB file reading automatically converts strings into Unicode from the default code page on the PC. On an Asian code page, some characters are represented as more than one byte.
I advise you to use a Byte variable rather than a string - that will stop VB being over helpful.
Dim ch As Byte
Get #f%, , ch
Another possible problem with the original code is that some byte sequences are illegal on Asian code pages (they don't represent valid characters). So your code could experience errors for some input files, but presumably you want it to work with any file.

How can I add and remove bytes on from the start of a file?

I'm trying to open an existent file save a bytes in the start of it to later read them.
How can I do that? Because the "&" operand isn't working fo this type of data.
I'm using Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("text") to convert info to bytes and then add them.
Help Please.
You cannot add to or remove from the beginning of a file. It just doesn’t work. Instead, you need to read the whole file, and then write a new file with the modified data. (You can, however, replace individual bytes or chunks of bytes in a file without needing to touch the whole file.)
I'm using Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("text") to convert info to bytes and then add them.
You’re doing something wrong. Apparently you’ve read text data from the file and are now trying to convert it to bytes. This is the wrong way of doing it. Do not read text from the file, read the bytes directly (e.g. via My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes). Raw byte data and text (i.e. String) are two fundamentally different concepts, do not confuse them. Do not convert needlessly to and fro.