Azure Sql Reporting Service external Image - sql

We are working on Sql Azure Reporting Services, we have a situation where we need to display client logo on report. We are passing Image path (URL) as parameter to the report which works fine on normal windows server reporting services, but when we move to Sql Azure Reporting it fails to show image on report e.g. image path can be like "". Any help will be highly appreciated.

From what I can tell this is currently not supported in Azure SQL Reporting. I tried it in a sample report and I couldn't get it to work even if I use Azure Blob storage. You can upload the image to the reporting server as an alternative but external linking is still not implemented. I would vote here:
This was similar to the Azure CORS problem that is finally going to be fixed soon. The nice thing is when they finally fix it you will get notified if you vote on it.

I solved this issue by moving the image to Azure Sql Server Database, and then populating the image from database resolved the issue.


Why am I getting this error from azure sql? Error Code [70527]

I am encountering this error in azure SQL [70527] any suggestions on how to fix this? This is the first time I have encountered this error.
I would appreciate any advice at all, I'm at a loss how to fix this issue, I am not well versed with azure SQL at all
I am assuming you are migrating a database from on premise sql serve to Azure. I suggest you use the migration agent which will highlight all these issues with possible resolution in some cases.
The error code 70527 is related to user login which is highlighted in the following post as well
SQL70527 error in database project
You may have to create the user as per suggestion in the post above using the script method rather than the backup restore.
You can download the migration agent from below link

Unable to deploy database to Azure

I created ms sql database in SSMS 2012. Connected successfully to Azure and trying to deploy db to the cloud.
Encountering following errors:
Please see screen shot
Numerous Usupported property errors — not supported when used as part of a data package
You're likely using a feature not supported in Azure SQL Database. Please refer to this non supported features list to help you pinpoint the problem:
This happened with me too. In my case ,i changed the schema of a table after creating once for the first time. After deleting that table database deployed correctly. Usually this error occurs when validating schema fails.
MAnoj Bojja

editing database for azure mobile services using Azure SQL management portal

I am developing windows 8.1 application and using AZURE mobile services to communicate with. I need have some data in azure mobile services database which will be dumped to application when it's installed on any device. So I tried to add records in the database using azure management portal SQL_database but seems like I cant do that it gives me error
"Cannot add a row in the Table Data Editor because one or more columns are required but their SQL types are not supported in Table Data Editor. Use the Transact-SQL Editor to add a row."
This is probably due to the --version column that has binary type . So I tried deleting this column but then there was following error
"The target table 'ShoppingListPro.Category' of the DML statement cannot have any enabled triggers if the statement contains an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause."
I googled this issue and what I found is Link .
Please guide me if it is possible to edit the azure mobile service data base using management portal that will make my life bit easy , other wise I need to write an app to feed data to azure mobile database.
You can connect to the DB from SSMS. Just check what your connection string is below 'Connect to your database':

Problem with SQL Server Reporting Services

Friends I have a problem with SQL Server Reporting Services ..!!!
I have some reports that show no data, the reports are on a separate server from the server that contains the database, the Data Sources of the reports is well configured.
Stored procedures are executed while the server (display data)
users have the necessary permissions.
What is the problem ..? Thanks
Also, look at reporting services logs. they all end in .log, and begin with Report. I forget where they are on the server, but am pretty sure they are under the program files directory for mssql, just as you would find logs for sql server.
It sounds as though the definition of your data sources in production may be different from that in development. Have you tried redeploying your data sources?
You should be able to access the Database on a server separate from the report server. That all sounds good. When you run the Reports in Visual Studio Preview you see any data?

Sql 2008 Developer to Sql Azure Migration

Hi My company is deciding for switching its existing application to azure platform (only Sql Part). So we need to upload our db from local to cloud. For migration i came across various tools like
1. cerebrata 's tools
2. SqlAzure Migration wizard
3. Microsoft Sql Data Sync
4. Conventional Script way via management studio.
But all the above tools showed that they have limited capacity. A user cannot work flawlessly on either of the tool.
In cerebrata's tool - the main drawback was its field for Application User Name and Application Key , which my admin havent shared. Also there is manual mapping of fields between azure and local.
Sql Azure Migration wizard - generates scripts and executed too but with lots of error . I was using its version 2.1. Also it very slow. It seems that its a replica of Sql Srvr Mgmt Studio.
Sql Data Sync :- I found it cool as its a MS product but it has limitation too that it only connects with Windows Authentication based local sql server, or you need to explicitly allow the required but. Even after allowing while syncing , I got some Sql Azure Provisioning Error.
4 Sql Srvr Mgmt Studio :- This is most easiest way but requires a lot of manual work to do before actual migration. What i did is that I generated a script of entire db (almost 101123 lines of code for single db) and tried to execute on azure. On the very first time i faced some keyword mismatch error . Finally i removed all line after primary key declaration that With (Padding = Off ....)or something similar and also On Primary then i executed , but still got error on Set Identity Insert On. After doing a lot of hard work in removing unwanted lines waited more than 2 hrs to completed the script remotely, i got no Errors , errors and errors.
So you guys are requested to please suggest me any good alternative stated than above or i am lacking something and can do more with above.
Amit Ranjan
I've faced a similar problem recently, running through the options you've listed.
You might give a try to Red-Gate beta for Azure (free for a few months). I found their tools to be quite good for SQL schema and data replication.
Never tried the Azure build myself, though (I migrated tables manually by the time I was told about the offer).