ms access 2007-Reports-Count function - ms-access-2007

I'm trying to figure out how I can get a total with the count function without getting a running total on the grouping. I need the total number of occupants in a house hold rather than a total number of occupied units. Say i have 4 occupied units and one owned occupied unit. the total comes up with a cumulative of 5. I dont want that running total, I want the total number of people within each occupied unit.

If you are working at the report level (as it seems you are), add a group header and/or footer and use the relevant field to define that group. Instructions here.
If this is a query, you will use GROUP BY on the relevant field to break out these totals. This is used in conjunction with COUNT. These are both aggregate functions, so you'll find them in the same place if using the query-build interface in Access.


Sum up the total amount in Abap program

I'm new to Abap and learning it from a week kindly help me with my query.
QUERY: We have vendor table and need to retrieve company code,date, fiscal year, type from a vendor table from BSAK and to sum up all the amount of one particular vendor and display it.
Need logic for sum up the total amount and display it.
You could display your data as ALV using cl_salv_table and enable it's functions. There is one that allow user to pick a column and sum it.
There are also sorts and filters that could affect the data displayed to show only one vendor if needed.
Check: cl_salv_table (methods: factory and display), cl_salv_functions (method set_all).

Trying to SUM a formula field based on constraints from another field

A little background on the report:
This is a productivity report for our employees working at our business. We determine their productivity based on the duration of the visits with clients. Some of our employees offer group sessions. They charge each client within the group, even though they are only giving, for example, one hour of service, they can bill for 10 hours if there are 10 people in the group. We determine what service they gave by service codes.
So, I have two fields in this formula, a service code field and a duration field.
The duration field is initially a STRING field from the database, even though it only gives number data, so I change it to a numberVar. The service code field is also a string field, and it sometimes does contain characters and numbers.
What I need Crystal Reports to do is take the sum of the duration. However, if the service code is, say, "1000", it must first divide the duration by 3 before summing it. This is where I get caught up.
Here's my code for the duration:
local numbervar num1;
If GroupName ({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_SERVICE_CODE})="1530" then
num1 := ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})/3
else num1 := ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})
Then I do a separate formula for the sum, named sumDuration:
I get the error that this field cannot be summarized. After searching Google for two days I have found that Crystal cannot summarize fields or formulas involving constants. If I simply say:
local numbervar num1;
num1 := ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})
then I can summarize #duration. What am I missing? It has to be something simple, but I'm just not seeing it. Is there a way to create a custom function to accomplish what I am trying to get here? Or is it even simpler than that?
One person suggested creating a SQL command in order to do the calculations before the data gets to the report. I am a SQL newb so I had no idea where to even begin with that.
If you are grouping by Service Code and placing the above formula in the footer you will only be computing {billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration} for the last record in the group. If you are intending to use the formula and sum the results and place the results in the Service Code footer try the following. (basically remove the reference to group name)
If {billing_tx_charge_detail.v_SERVICE_CODE}) = "1530" then
ToNumber({billing_tx_charge_detail.v_duration})/3 else
You can use variables (num1) if you want to but they are not needed.
You can still use the second formula you referred to and place in the group footer OR you can place the first formula in details section, right click and insert a summary to the group footer. You can also place in the report footer if you need it to total there as well.

Webi - Ranking Sections displays wrong order

I have a list of customers and their revenue. For certain reasons, I want to display one section per customer, for the TOP 10 customers (in regards to their revenues). Sounds simple.
However, when I activate the ranking for the sections, the customer with the 7th highest revenue is placed on the top of the list, and is given the running count '8'.
I tried everything I could think of to put them back into order, with no success. Any ideas?
I finally found a solution - the reason for this strange behaviour is the fact that section filters don't always seem to work.
Let me explain:
I had a filter on both the section and the table therein, limiting customers only to a certain subgroup thereof. The filter on the table worked, so that the displayed revenue represented the correct revenue I expected. However, the filter on the section did NOT work, so that the ranking took into consideration the entire revenue, and not only the subgroup's revenue. Therefore Customer 8 landed on first place, because in total, he had the highest revenue.
So if you have this problem, check your filters.
Next, I'll be trying to find out why the section filters don't apply...

MDX filter on fixed value depending on hierarcy level

I need to build a named set with mdx which tells me for a whole year what which are the large records. I cannot share my data, so I'll use a sales example.
All sales reps. need to enter their sales numbers in a application and on top of that database there is a cube configured. One of the goals is to find weird sales behaviour in this cube. This would mean a sales rep that is selling 100k every year, suddenly only sells 30k a year.
I have created a dynamic set that allows me to filter on this by using a calculated member named 'qualifies'. This qualifies is defined like this. (Diff is calculated before)
CREATE MEMBER Currentcube.qualifies AS iif(abs([Diff]) > 50000, 1, NULL),DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'Check big difference';
So this check can be used to filter all the sales reps that have a difference of 50k sales.
When I add aonther filter to my cube, for example region, the 50k threshold will never be exceeded, because no body has more than 50k sales in one region. I want to make the 50K dynamic based on my where clause in my filter.
My question is, is this possible? I'm fairly new to MDX so if this is an easy question, please forgive me. I have been trying lots of different scenario's but none gave a wanted result. I have been looking online, but this specific scenario hasn't passed in my search results.

Aggregation of an MDX calculated measure when multiple time periods are selected

In my SSAS cube, I've several measures defined in MDX which work fine except in one type of aggregation across time periods. Some don't aggregate (and aren't meant to) but one does aggregate but gives the wrong answers. I can see why, but not what to do to prevent it.
The total highlighted in the Excel screenshot below (damn, not allowed to include an image, reverting to old-fashion table) is the simplest case of what goes wrong. In that example, 23,621 is not the grand total of 5,713 and 6,837.
Active Commitments Acquisitions Net Lost Commitments Growth in Commitments
2009 88,526 13,185 5,713 7,472
2010 92,125 10,436 6,837 3,599
Total 23,621 23,621
Active Commitments works fine. It is calculated for a point in time and should not be aggregated across time periods.
Acquisitions works fine.
[Measures].[Growth in Commitments] = ([Measures].[Active Commitments],[Date Dimension].[Fiscal Year Hierarchy].currentMember) - ([Measures].[Active Commitments],[Date Dimension].[Fiscal Year Hierarchy].prevMember)
[Measures].[Net Lost Commitments] = ([Measures].[Acquisitions] - [Measures].[Growth in Commitments])
What's happening in the screenshot is that the total of Net Lost Commitments is calculated from the total of Acquisitions (23,621) minus the total of Growth in Commitments (which is null).
Aggregation of Net Lost Commitments makes sense and works for non-time dimensions. But I want it to show null when multiple time periods are selected rather than an erroneous value. Note that this is not the same as simply disabling all aggregation on the time dimension. The aggregation of Net Lost Commitment works fine up the time hierarchy -- the screenshot shows correct values for 2009 and 2010, and if you expand to quarters or months you still get correct values. It is only when multiple time periods are selected that the aggregation fails.
So my question is how to change the definition of Net Lost Commitments so that it does not aggregate when multiple time periods are selected, but continues to aggregate across all other dimensions? For instance, is there a way of writing in MDX:
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Net Lost Commitments]
AS (iif([Date Dimension].[Fiscal Year Hierarchy].**MultipleMembersSelected**
, null
, [Measures].[Acquisitions] - [Measures].[Growth in Commitments]))
A suggestion from another source has solved this for me. I can use --
iif(iserror([Date Dimension].[Fiscal Year Hierarchy].CurrentMember),
, null
, [Measures].[Acquisitions] - [Measures].[Growth in Commitments]))
CurrentMember will return an error when multiple members have been selected.
I didn't understand much of the first part of the question, sorry...but at the end I think you ask how to detect if multiple members from a particular dimension are in use in the MDX.
You can examine either of the two axes as a string, and use that to form a true/false test. Remember you can use VBA functions in Microsoft implementations of MDX.
I suggest InStr(1, SetToStr(StrToSet("Axis(1)")), "whatever") = 0 as a way to craft the first argument of your IIF.
This gets the set of members on axis number one, converts it to a string, and looks to see if a certain string is present (it returns the position of that string within the other). Zero means not found (so it returns true). You may need to use axis zero instead, or maybe check both.
To see if multiple members from the same dimension were used, the test string above would have to be more complicated. You want to know if whatever occurs once or twice. You could test if the first occurance of the string was at the same position as the last occurance (by searching backwards); though that could also mean the string wasn't found at all:
InStr(1, bigstring, littlestring) = InStrRev(bigstring, littlestring),
'used once',
'used twice or not at all'
I came across this post while researching a solution for my own issue with grand totals of calculated measures over time when filters are involved. I think you could have fixed the calculations instead of suppressing them by using dynamic sets. This worked for me.