Access Form Error: Missing Operator - vba

I have a large form with multiple functions, one of the functions is to edit a subform that houses a list of codes and other various pieces of data. When I click the edit button it auto fills the boxes with the selected data, but when I make the edits and try and save it i get the error message: RUN TIME ERROR 3075 SYNTAX ERROR (MISSING OPERATOR) IN QUERY EXPRESSION
The whole code is
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
'when we click on button Add there are two options
'1. For insert
'2. For Update
If Me.txt_code.Tag & "" = "" Then
'this is for insert new
'add data to table
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO KWTable(KW, Source, Code) " & _
" VALUES('" & Me.text_key & "','" & Me.combo_source & "','" & _
Me.txt_code & "')"
'otherwise (Tag of txtID store the id of student to be modified)
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE KWTable " & _
" SET KW='" & Me.text_key & _
", Code='" & Me.txt_code & "'" & _
", Source='" & Me.combo_source & "'" & _
" WHERE KW='" & Me.text_key
End If
'clear form
'refresh data in list on form
End Sub
And the portion that is highlighted when I try and debug the issue is.
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE KWTable " & _
" SET KW='" & Me.text_key & _
", Code='" & Me.txt_code & "'" & _
", Source='" & Me.combo_source & "'" & _
" WHERE KW='" & Me.text_key

CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE KWTable " & _
" SET KW='" & Me.text_key & _
"', Code='" & Me.txt_code & "'" & _
", Source='" & Me.combo_source & "'" & _
" WHERE KW='" & Me.text_key + "'"


Access 2016 Error 3464 while coding for Update button

In access 2016 I'm trying to use an update command.I'm creating a database as my internship project as I'm unfamiliar with the coding I have been struggling a lot. I'm referring to a video by Setha Iech: When I'm using the below code an error continuously pops up
Error 3464
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
'when we click on button Add there are two options
'1. for insert
'2. for update
If Me.txtID.Tag & "" = "" Then
'this is for insert new
'add data to table
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Business(ID, Project_ID, [Date_of_Enquiry], Division, Client, Description, Probability_to_win,Status, [Proposal_Submission_date], [Expected_award_date], Remarks)" & _
"VALUES ('" & Me.txtID & "','" & Me.txtProject_ID & "','" & Me.txtDate_of_Enquiry & "','" & Me.cboDivision & "','" & _
Me.txtClient & "','" & Me.txtDescription & "','" & Me.cboProbability_to_win & "','" & Me.cboStatus & "','" & Me.txtProposal_Submission_date & "','" & Me.txtExpected_award_date & "','" & Me.txtRemarks & "')"
'otherwise (Tag of txtID store the ID of statement to be modified)
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE Business" & _
" SET ID=" & Me.txtID & _
", Project_ID='" & Me.txtProject_ID & "'" & _
", Date_of_Enquiry='" & Me.txtDate_of_Enquiry & "'" & _
", Division='" & Me.cboDivision & "'" & _
", Client='" & Me.txtClient & "'" & _
", Description='" & Me.txtDescription & "'" & _
", Probability_to_win='" & Me.cboProbability_to_win & "'" & _
", Status='" & Me.cboStatus & "'" & _
", Proposal_Submission_date='" & Me.txtProposal_Submission_date & "'" & _
", Expected_award_date='" & Me.txtExpected_award_date & "'" & _
", Remarks='" & Me.txtRemarks & "'" & _
" WHERE ID=" & Me.txtID.Tag
End If
'clear form
'refresh data in list on form
End Sub
Thank you for your answers in advance

VBA Insert static value into SQL table

I've used VBA to insert into an SQL table before but its always been using values in cells. I have three columns in my table where I need to add just a static value (so no cell reference).
The code I have so far is:
stSQL = "INSERT INTO Client_Notes " & _
"(ID, Category, RefID, Name, Notes, Date_Loaded, Latest) " & _
" VALUES (" & _
"'" & 1 & "', " & _
"'" & 1 & "', " & _
"'" & Sheets("Missing").ActiveCell.Offset(0, -10).Value & "', " & _
"'" & Sheets("Missing").ActiveCell.Offset(0, -9).Value & "', " & _
"'" & Sheets("Details").ActiveCell.Value & "', " & _
"'" & Date & "', " & "'" & _
"'" & 1 & "'" & _
The error I keep getting is when trying to insert 1 as a value. I'm sure its straight forward but feel like I had tried every quote and comma combination going.
Thanks in advance
So the new code now looks like so, where I am getting Subscript Out Of Range:
stSQL = "INSERT INTO Client_Notes " & _
"(ID, Category, RefID, Name, Notes, Date_Loaded, Latest) " & _
" VALUES (" & _
"1, " & _
"1, " & _
"'" & Sheets("Missing").Range("L" & i).Offset(0, -10).Value & "', " & _
"'" & Sheets("Missing").Range("L" & i).Offset(0, -9).Value & "', " & _
"'" & Sheets("Details").Range("L" & i).Value & "', " & _
"'" & Date & "', " & _

ms access 2007 update error run time error 3464, data type mismatch in criteria expression

i cannot update the data, it says that data type mismatch in criteria experession
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE PC_Details " & _
" SET Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo & _
", PC_Brand='" & Me.txtBrand & "'" & _
", PC_Model='" & Me.txtModel & "'" & _
", Status='" & Me.txtStatus & "'" & _
", Description='" & Me.txtDesc & "'" & _
", Staff_ID='" & Me.txtID & "'" & _
" WHERE Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo.Tag
Do this to debug:
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "UPDATE PC_Details " & _
" SET Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo & _
", PC_Brand='" & Me.txtBrand & "'" & _
", PC_Model='" & Me.txtModel & "'" & _
", Status='" & Me.txtStatus & "'" & _
", Description='" & Me.txtDesc & "'" & _
", Staff_ID='" & Me.txtID & "'" & _
" WHERE Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo.Tag
Debug.Print SQL
CurrentDb.Execute SQL
Then study the resulting SQL and post it here.
If all values are present, one or more is text but is handled as number or vice versa.

Edit/Update datagridview VB form

When I try to edit and update the data in datagriview it comes up with an error message saying Operator '&' is not defined for type 'TextBox' and string "".
please help. Thanks
Here is my code
Private Sub btnaddrecord_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnaddrecord.Click
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
If Not cnn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
cmd.Connection = cnn
If Me.IdentificationNotest.Tag & "" = "" Then
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO vehicledefects(Codenumber, vehiclereg, datereported, defects1, repaired1, defects2, repaired2, defects3, repaired3, datefixed) " & _
" VALUES(" & Me.IdentificationNotest.Text & ",'" & Me.vehiclereg.Text & "','" & Me.datereported.Text & "','" & Me.defects1.Text & "','" & Me.repaired1.Text & "','" & _
Me.defects2.Text & "','" & Me.repaired2.Text & "','" & _
Me.defects3.Text & "','" & Me.repaired3.Text & "','" & _
Me.datefixed.Text & "')"
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE vehicledefects" & _
" SET Codenumber =" & Me.IdentificationNotest.Text & _
", vehiclereg ='" & Me.vehiclereg.Text & "'" & _
", datereported ='" & Me.datereported.Text & "'" & _
", defects1 ='" & Me.defects1.Text & "'" & _
", repaired1 ='" & Me.repaired1.Text & "'" & _
", defects2 ='" & Me.defects2.Text & "'" & _
", repaired2='" & Me.repaired2.Text & "'" & _
", defects3='" & Me.defects3.Text & "'" & _
", repaired3='" & Me.repaired3.Text & "'" & _
", datefixed='" & Me.datefixed.Text & "'" & _
" WHERE Codenumber =" & Me.IdentificationNotest.Tag
End If
datefixed.Text = ""
IdentificationNotest.Text = ""
End Sub
In the future, you should also post the line number the error is being thrown on.
The error is telling you that you're doing something like:
dim myString as String = myTextBox & " some more text"
in this case, you would need to do:
dim myString as String = myTextBox.Text & " some more text"
In the code you posted, I wasn't able to find an instance of this - so perhaps its somewhere else in the code. Though, the code was hard to read so I may have missed it.
You may also be aware that this code is susceptible to SQL Injection attacks

I'm trying to UPDATE some fields in my table in Access VBA

I need some help with this, sorry, I am new in VBA and I am trying to run a update query which should obtain a value from a variable and update an already existing table. This is done using VBA. On executing no error message is shown but the table isn't updated with the new value. The code is as follows:
Query = "UPDATE Results " & _
"SET fk_Report='" & Report & "'" & _
",fk_Name='" & Namevar & "'" & _
",fk_Age='" & Agevar & "'" & _
",fk_Sex='" & Sexvar & "'" & _
"WHERE [Count]='" & Countvar & "'" & _
",[Positives]='" & Posvar & "'" & _
",[Negatives]='" & Negvar & "'" & _
",[Unknow]='" & Unkvar & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute (Query)
If somebody can help...
You don't need the commas in the where clause
Query = "UPDATE Results " & _
"SET fk_Report='" & Report & "'" & _
",fk_Name='" & Namevar & "'" & _
",fk_Age='" & Agevar & "'" & _
",fk_Sex='" & Sexvar & "'" & _
"WHERE [Count]='" & Countvar & "' " & _
"AND [Positives]='" & Posvar & "' " & _
"AND [Negatives]='" & Negvar & "' " & _
"AND [Unknow]='" & Unkvar & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute (Query)
use AND instead of , (comma) after WHERE clause