Relative file links in pdf files - pdf

I'm creating a single pdf file that I'd like to link to other files in the same directory as the pdf.
I'd like the main.pdf to have links that would cause the default program on the pdf to open the other pdfs.
As I am generating these file on a server and then providing them in a download to the client I cannot use absolute links as these would not exist on the client pc.
So firstly do pdf files actually support relative file links like this, I haven't found much that says they do either way.
Additionally to generate my pdf I'm using abcpdf and providing it html to convert to pdf.
To try and generate the correct out the correct urls in html I have tried the following
<a href='test.pdf'>test pdf link to local file</a>
<a href='#test.pdf'>test pdf link to local file</a>
<a href='/test.pdf'>test pdf link to local file</a>
<a href='file:///test.pdf'>test pdf link to local file</a>
<a href='file://test.pdf'>test pdf link to local file</a>
Most of them either direct to me a point where the pdf document was generated from (temporary file path) or they link hovering shows "file:///test.pdf" in acrobat but clicking it causes a warning dialog to popup asking to allow/deny, upon clicking allow it opens up in firefox with the url "file:///test.pdf" which wouldn't resolve to anything.
Any ideas on how to get this working or if this kind of linking is even possible in pdfs?

I can only answer your question: does PDF files actually support relative file links like this?
Yes, it does. I created a little test with a main.pdf that has two links to two other PDF documents in the same folder. I created the links manually with Acrobat and associated a launch action with the link annotation. See the internal structure here:
Here is the zip with the main plus two secondary PDFs. Note that you can copy them anywhere and the relative links remain valid.
I am not sure how you would accomplish this with abcpdf, especially since you are converting from HTML which probably limits the PDF features available.

So I got it working in the end thanks to #Frank Rem and some help from the abcpdf guys
Code is as follows
foreach (var page in Enumerable.Range(0, doc.PageCount))
doc.PageNumber = page;
var annotEnd = doc.GetInfoInt(doc.Page, "Annot Count");
for (var i = 0; i <= annotEnd; ++i)
var annotId = doc.GetInfoInt(doc.Page, "Annot " + (i + 1));
if (annotId > 0)
var linkText = doc.GetInfo(annotId, "/A*/URI*:Text");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkText))
var annotationUri = new Uri(linkText);
if (annotationUri.IsFile)
// Note abcpdf temp path can be changed in registry so if this changes
// will need to rewrite this to look at the registry
var abcPdfTempPath = Path.GetTempPath() + #"AbcPdf\";
var relativePath = annotationUri.LocalPath.ToLower().Replace(abcPdfTempPath.ToLower(), string.Empty);
// Only consider files that are not directly in the temp path to be valid files
// This is because abcpdf will render the document as html to the temp path
// with a temporary file called something like {GUID}.html
// so it would be difficult to tell which files are the document
// and which are actual file links when trying to do the processing afterwards
// if this becomes and issue this could be swapped out and do a regex on {GUID}.html
// then the only restriction would be that referenced documents cannot be {GUID}.html
if (relativePath.Contains("\\"))
doc.SetInfo(annotId, "/A*/S:Name", "Launch");
doc.SetInfo(annotId, "/A*/URI:Del", "");
doc.SetInfo(annotId, "/A*/F:Text", relativePath);
doc.SetInfo(annotId, "/A*/NewWindow:Bool", "true");
This will allow each link to be opened in the viewer that is associated with it on the pc.


Uploading .pdf and .doc files from list of URLs directly to Google Drive

I have a Google Sheet with a list of URLs for files - roughly 900 entries, maybe 95% PDFs with a few .docs and .docxs in there as well.
I would like to upload every file to a Google Drive folder - ideally a shared folder within my employer's workspace - retaining the filename, which I also have in the sheet.
I have found some near-answers on here, but they use deprecated Google Scripts methods.
For example:
var urlOfThePdf = '';// an example of online pdf file
var folderName = 'GAS';// an example of folder name
function saveInDriveFolder(){
var folder = DocsList.getFolder(folderName);// get the folde
var file = UrlFetchApp.fetch(urlOfThePdf); // get the file content as blob
folder.createFile(file);//create the file directly in the folder
fails at getFileFromURL.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
This piece of code will save the the pdf into the desired folder:
var urlOfThePdf = '';// an example of online pdf file
var folderName = '';// an example of folder name
function saveInDriveFolder(){
var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(folderName);
var file = UrlFetchApp.fetch(urlOfThePdf);
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var folder =;
It uses the DriveApp.getFoldersByName() method to fetch all folders with that name, UrlFetchApp.fetch() to fetch the pdf and folder.createFile() to save the pdf in the folder.
Note that DriveApp.getFoldersByName() fetches a folder iterator (all the folders in your Drive with that name). In this code, I am iterating through all the folders with that name and saving the pdf in all of them.
I would recommend using Drive.getFolderById() and supplying the id of your desired folder (can be extracted from the url). Using this, you will only save the pdf in one folder and you will not have to iterate though the folders in the code (the whole while loop can be replace by: folder.createFile(file);).

Synfusion : Image from url not showing in html to pdf conversion

I'm trying to generate pdf from html which is working fine but the issue I am having is that my images are not showing: the images are from a url <img src="" /> I think the images have not been loaded before the conversion. Please how can I delay the conversion or achieve this i.e ensure the image is rendered with the pdf.
WebKitConverterSettings settings = new WebKitConverterSettings();
var baseUrl = url;
settings.PdfHeader = HeaderHTMLtoPDF(url");
settings.PdfFooter = FooterHTMLtoPDF({url});
//Set WebKit path
var contentRoot = _configuration.GetValue<string>(WebHostDefaults.ContentRootKey);
settings.WebKitPath = Path.Combine(contentRoot, "QtBinariesWindows");
settings.Margin.Top = 30;
//Assign WebKit settings to HTML converter
htmlConverter.ConverterSettings = settings;
var pdfViewUrl = $"{baseUrl}/api/pdf";
Task<PdfDocument> convertPdfTask = Task<PdfDocument>.Factory.StartNew(() => htmlConverter.Convert(pdfViewUrl));
PdfDocument document = convertPdfTask.Result;
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
We have checked the conversion with provided details, its working properly. We have creates a simple html with provided image and it is properly converted to PDF document.
The reported image missing issue may occurs due to missing of OPENSSL assemblies. To access the resource from HTTPS site, the HTML converter requires OPENSSL assemblies. So, please make sure the OPENSSL assemblies are available in the machine where the conversion takes place. Please refer below links for more details,
Prerequisites -
Troubleshooting -
However, the below mentioned OPENSSL assemblies can be placed in the Windows system folder of the machine. (for 64-bit machine, it should be place in $SystemDrive\Windows\SysWOW64 and for 32-bit machine, it should be place in $SystemDrive\Windows\System32).
Note : I work for Syncfusion.
An alternative solution is to convert your image to base64 so the image is inline in the html.

File download control - delete file without validation?

Hello XPages programmers.
I work on a simple XPages File Library.
To achieve that i use FileUpload control with FileDownload control.
When i create a new file, i enter its name, and select a file.
I set that uploading a file won't activate a validation, so i can attach a file without a specified name. Additionally i set it to do fullrefresh, so uploading a file takes place in an instant and a file is visible in FileDownload control.
Problem occurs, when i want to delete that attachment using garbage icon of FileDownload - i can't set it to run without walidation.
Is there any workaround avaiable?
Any help will be appreciated.
I used the workaround Mark Leusink suggested - created a simmilar button (used image from filedownload control) and then set it for full refresh with process data without validation property.
Code in JSSS
function deleteAttachments()
var attList = dDocument.getAttachmentList("Document_Attachment");
for(var i=0; i<attList.size(); i++)
var att:String = attList[i];
dDocument.removeAttachment("Document_Attachment", att.getName() );
Surely it can be used for delete a specific attachment by getting attachment name from rowdata in a repeater and use DATASOURCE.removeAttachment method.
Thanks for your support!

How to load files dynamically in an AIR app? Do I have to use the File class?

I have an XML file that specifies the image files that I need to load. The XML file and the image files live in a subfolder relative to where the AIR app lives.
I need to load the XML file and also the images (load them and add them as children to a movieclip)
In my AIR app, when I tried to load it via the URLRequest, it didn't work.
myLoader = new URLLoader();
myLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlFilename));
myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
(I know this works from a .swf b/c I've tested it)
I've found some sample which uses the File class and here's my code and this does work:
var aFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath( xmlFilename );
var aStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); aFile, FileMode.READ );
configXML = new XML( aStream.readUTFBytes( aStream.bytesAvailable ) );
I'm now trying to load the images specified in the XML file and I'm finding that I have to use the File class to reference the image in the file system.
var engImageFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath( "./english/"+ engFilename );
ldr = new Loader();
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest( engImageFile.url );
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, engImgLoaded );
Is this the way that AIR accesses files (using the File class) when it wants to read/load/etc. them?
if I understand your question correctly, I belive you just need to load it as a data source/array, which you can then bind to a component of your choosing.
In the documentation it states that if you use the File class to access files then this is safe across all platforms. Also the .url property of the File object will use the appropriate URL scheme...
"app:" - relative to the application directory
"app-storage:" - relative to the special application storage directory
"file:" - all else...I think if you specify an absolute path

How to link a PDF Document to a Record using Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011?

I'm Stuck the following problem: How can I link a PDF Document to a Record in a Data Grid using Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 and Visual Basic?
Any help would be awesome, thanks!
Here's the simplest way to do this: add a custom command to the Command Bar of the Data Grid Row for your Data Grid. In this example I'm calling the command Open PDF File. Then add this code to Execute code for the command:
partial void OpenPDFFile_Execute()
const string LOCAL_SERVER_PDF_DIR = #"\\MyServer\PDFs\";
const string WEB_SERVER_PDF_DIR = "http://myweb.server/PDFs/";
const string PDF_SUFFIX = ".pdf"; //assumes you do not include the extension in the db field value
if (AutomationFactory.IsAvailable)
//if the AutomationFactory is available, this is a desktop deployment
//use the shell to open a PDF file from the local network
dynamic shell = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Shell.Application");
string filePath = LOCAL_SERVER_PDF_DIR + this.PDFFiles.SelectedItem.FileName + PDF_SUFFIX;
//otherwise this must be a web deployment
//in order to make this work you must add a reference to System.Windows.Browser
//to the Client project of your LS solution
var uri = new Uri(WEB_SERVER_PDF_DIR + this.PDFFiles.SelectedItem.FileName + PDF_SUFFIX);
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(uri, "_blank");
You will need to add the following imports to the top of your user code file to make this code compile:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Automation;
using System.Windows.Browser;
I should mention that you need a directory to server the PDFs up from. This example is flexible with respect to deployment, because it handles both desktop and web configurations. Since you'll need to set up the PDF directoy, you may want to just handle one configuration option to simply things (or you could expose the same PDF directory over http and as a local network share).
You may also want to present this as a true link instead of a button. In order to do this, you'll need a custom SilverLight control. In any case, I would recommend implementing the PDF link using a button first. You can then move this same code to a link event handler as a separate project if that is worth spending time on.