Not completed file read - file-io

I'm trying to debug what went wrong in my code. My file.txt contains 1763 lines but when I run it, it always ends up not completed. Always stops somewhere at 1680 and up (printed by the row in my code); the thing is it stops at different line every time I run it, so I don't think the problem's with my text file.
row = 0
for line in io.lines("file.txt") do
row = row+1
local new_row1 = {}
for n in line:gmatch'%S+' do
table.insert(new_row1, tonumber(n))
if #new_row1 > 0 then
table.insert(input, new_row1)
Is there something wrong in my code?

It looks like in your code, you opened a file handle to "file.txt" at the beginning of your script and it remains open till the end where you close the file. During that time, you attempt to reopen "file.txt" again in your loop which is causing the strange behavior you're seeing.
When I moved your file open and close scopes to the middle section after first loop but before the last outer loop, that fixes the issue:
file = assert("file.txt", "w"))
for i = 1, 1000 do
j = math.random(i, row-one)
u[i], u[j] = u[j], u[i]
for k = 1, 11 do
file:write(input2[u[i]][k], " ")
num = (row-one)+1
for i = 1, one do
for k=1, 11 do
file:write(input2[num][k], " ") --writes to the file all the rows starting from where '1' in column11 was seen
num = num + 1
-----------------------------------Access file.txt.--------------------------
-- ...
This gives the expected output:
Done 1762 1762


Fastest Method to (read, remove, write) to a Text File

I coded a simple program that reads from a Textfile Line by Line and If the current readed Line has alphabetics (a-z A-Z) it will write that Line into an other txt file.
If the current readed line doesn't have alphabetics it wont write that line into a new text file.
I created this for the purpose that I have members registering at my website and some of them are using only numbers as Username. I will filter them out and only save the alphabetic Names. (Focus on this Project please I know i could just use php stuff)
That works great already but it takes a while to read line by line and write into the other text file (Write speed 150kb in 1 Minute - Its not my drive I have a fast ssd).
So I wonder if there is a faster way. I could "readalllines" first but on large files it just freezes my program so I don't know if that works too (I want to focus on large +1gb files)
This is my code so far:
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
Dim myFile As New FileInfo(output)
Dim sizeInBytes As Long = myFile.Length
If sizeInBytes > splitvalue Then
outcount += 1
output = outputold + outcount.ToString + ".txt"
End If
count += 1
TextLine = objReader.ReadLine() & vbNewLine
If CheckForAlphaCharacters(TextLine) Then
File.AppendAllText(output, TextLine)
found += 1
Label2.Text = "Removed: " + found.ToString
TextBox1.Text = TextLine
End If
Label1.Text = "Checked: " + count.ToString
End If
First of all, as hinted by #Sean Skelly updating UI controls - repeatedly - is an expensive operation.
But your bigger problem is File.AppendAllText:
If CheckForAlphaCharacters(TextLine) Then
File.AppendAllText(output, TextLine)
found += 1
Label2.Text = "Removed: " + found.ToString
TextBox1.Text = TextLine
End If
AppendAllText(String, String)
Opens a file, appends the specified string to the file, and then
closes the file. If the file does not exist, this method creates a
file, writes the specified string to the file, then closes the file.
You are repeatedly opening and closing a file, causing overhead. AppendAllText is a convenience method since it performs several operations in one single call but you can now see why it's not performing well in a big loop.
The fix is easy. Open the file once when you start your loop and close it at the end. Make sure that you always close the file properly even when an exception occurs. For that, you can either invoke the Close in a Finally block, or use a context manager, that is keep your file write operations within a Using block.
And you could remove the print to console as well. Display management has a cost too. Or you could print status updates every 10K lines or so.
When you've done all that, you should notice improved performance.
My Final Code - It works a lot faster now (500mbs in 1 minute)
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(output)
For Each oneLine As String In File.ReadLines(FILE_NAME)
If changeme = True Then
changeme = False
GoTo Again2
End If
If oneLine.Contains(":") Then
Dim TestString = oneLine.Substring(0, oneLine.IndexOf(":")).Trim()
Dim TestString2 = oneLine.Substring(oneLine.IndexOf(":")).Trim()
If CheckForAlphaCharacters(TestString) = False And CheckForAlphaCharacters(TestString2) = False Then
found += 1
End If
ElseIf oneLine.Contains(";") Or oneLine.Contains("|") Or oneLine.Contains(" ") Then
Dim oneLineReplac As String = oneLine.Replace(" ", ":")
Dim oneLineReplace As String = oneLineReplac.Replace("|", ":")
Dim oneLineReplaced As String = oneLineReplace.Replace(";", ":")
If oneLineReplaced.Contains(":") Then
Dim TestString3 = oneLineReplaced.Substring(0, oneLineReplaced.IndexOf(":")).Trim()
Dim TestString4 = oneLineReplaced.Substring(oneLineReplaced.IndexOf(":")).Trim()
If CheckForAlphaCharacters(TestString3) = False And CheckForAlphaCharacters(TestString4) = False Then
found += 1
End If
errors += 1
textstring = oneLine
End If
errors += 1
textstring = oneLine
End If
count += 1
errors += 1
textstring = oneLine
End Try
End Using

Changing result from line 2 to line 1

I have a application that is made to acquire a result from a webpage to my alertbox.
The webpage's result however is on the second line and is spaced.
I can only see half the text which is inside the alertbox since it's on line 2.
How do i change it so that the result goes to line 1?
The webpage result is like this:
2 Success: works
However I want it to show up on my alertbox like this:
1 Success: works
I've fixed the spacing so far, but I can't fix the lines.
Here's the code:
Dim Website2 As New WebClient
Dim WebsiteIW As String = Website2.DownloadString("" + FlatTextBox1.Text)
If WebsiteIW.Length > 37 Then WebsiteIW = WebsiteIW.Substring(0, 37)
While WebsiteIW.Contains(" ")
WebsiteIW = WebsiteIW.Replace(" ", "")
End While
FlatAlertBox1.Text = WebsiteIW
Instead of
While WebsiteIW.Contains(" ")
WebsiteIW = WebsiteIW.Replace(" ", "")
End While
WebsiteIW = WebsiteIW.trim
It's a lot faster, and will get rid of an stray newline characters.

For Loop Step -1

I want to know why this loop doesn't show anything in VB.NET.
I think this code will create an infinite loop. But it doesn't show anything.
Dim i as Integer
For i = 1 to 3 Step - 1
Is that loop different with this code (in java/c#) ?
for(int i = 1;i <= 3;i--)
// print i
With a negative step size the loop only executes if counter >= end. So in this case with i = 1, that is less than the ending value so the loop doesn't execute at all.
It doesn't show anything because you are running the counter backwards without reversing the start and end conditions.
Think of the loop like this:
Dim counter As Int32 = 1
If counter <= 1 Then
Exit Do
End If
Console.WriteLine("The counter is at " & counter)
counter +=1
Obviously this won't work properly.
You need to reverse the start and end conditions:
For counter = 3 To 1 Step -1
Console.WriteLine("counter: " & counter)
For i = 1 to 3 Step - 1
It won't create an infinite loop. The loop will simply be skipped, because you can't get from 1 to 3 with a step value of -1.
Is that loop different with this code (in java/c#) ?
This loop will also end immediately, because the initial value (i = 1) meets the exit condition (i <= 3).

Way to Jump to Next i in For..Next Loop?

I'm reverse engineering in QuickBasic and I have code like this:
FOR i = star TO fin
IF a < 1 THEN
CALL clrbot
PRINT force$(side); " army in "; city$(armyloc(i)); " is CUT OFF !";
TICK turbo!
GOTO alone
size = size + 1
max = 11: IF LEN(armyname$(i)) < 11 THEN max = LEN(armyname$(i))
mtx$(size) = LEFT$(armyname$(i), max)
array(size) = i
I'd like to get rid of the line label (alone) and instead do something like:
IF a < 1 THEN
CALL clrbot
PRINT force$(side); " army in "; city$(armyloc(i)); " is CUT OFF !";
TICK turbo!
You could replace the GOTO with an Else:
For i = star To Fin
If a < 1 Then
' Do something
' Do Something else
End If
This would follow the same logic - the Else takes the place of the GOTO alone statement.
In the original code (QuickBASIC) if the If block is entered, everything after then GOTO alone statement is ignored.
If the If block is not entered (i.e., a >= 1) then everything after the If block is executed.
The Else statement in the VB.NET code will produce the same behavior. If a < 1, the first block will be executed and the Else block will be ignored, and the loop will advance to the next increment of i.
If a >= 1, then the Else block will be executed and the loop will then advance to the next increment of i.
The above assumes labels in QuickBASIC are like labels in DOS batch files.

VB2010 - For Loop Exiting Issue

I have a simple for loop with the following code
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Snake(i).X = (120 - 20 * i)
Snake(i).Y = 120
SnakeBody(i).Location = New Point(Snake(i).X, Snake(i).Y)
Snake(i).Facing = 3
Next i
But for some reason I unable to debug it. I place a breakpoint on the line Snake(i).X = (120 - 20 * i) and When I try to see what the values are the second time the loop iterates it simply exits the loop. Any Ideas?
Place a breakpoint on the first line of the loop and step through it line by line.