SQL dynamically create stored procedures? - sql

I am trying to create a script to create/setup a group of stored procedures that will all be fairly similar.
So I am trying to loop through this code, changing the #DATABASE_NAME and #TableName when needed.
/* Start loop */
DECLARE #create_stored_procedure nvarchar(max)
SET #create_stored_procedure = N'
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc_imp_' + #TableName + ']
PRINT(''doing something'')
EXEC sp_executesql #statement = #create_stored_procedure
/* End loop */
But I am getting errors saying
'CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE' must be the first statement in a query batch.
'CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE' does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the object name.
All the solutions online suggest using GO, but that won't work in dynamic SQL.
Does anyone know a possible solution for SQL Server 2005?

I wouldn't call the solution intuitive, but apparently this works. I prefer the look of this one though.

Try with spiting USe DB and create procedure. Like this
DECLARE #create_store_procedure nvarchar(max)
SET #create_store_procedure = N'
USE [' + #DATABASE_NAME + '] '
EXEC sp_executesql #statement = #create_store_procedure
SET #create_store_procedure = N'
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc_imp_' + #TableName + ']
PRINT(''doing something'')
EXEC sp_executesql #statement = #create_store_procedure
This is working perfectly for me

I tried Nithesh's answer and that didn't work for me it ended up creating the store procedure in the master table. Zec's answer worked. Creating a dynamic query inside my dynamic query.
DECLARE #create_store_procedure nvarchar(max)
DECLARE #use_db nvarchar(max)
SET #create_store_procedure = N'
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc_imp_' + #TableName + ']
PRINT(''doing something'')
SET #use_db = N'
DECLARE #sub_create_store_procedure nvarchar(max)
SET #sub_create_store_procedure = ''' + REPLACE(#create_store_procedure, CHAR(39), CHAR(39) + CHAR(39)) + '''
EXEC sp_executesql #statement = #sub_create_store_procedure
EXEC sp_executesql #statement = #use_db


Passing output from dynamic SQL

Currently I have a working version of a dynamic SQL query without any variables except one (#ColumnHeader). And am able to get the desired result being a collection of column names in one line separated by comma.
select #ColumnHeader = COALESCE(#ColumnHeader+',','') + '''' + column_name + ''''
from databaseName.Information_Schema.Columns
where table_name = 'Dates'
I am trying to add variables for Database_information_schema and TableName.
DECLARE #ColumnHeader varchar(8000)
DECLARE #Database_Information_SchemaColumns varchar(8000) = 'DatabaseName2.Information_Schema.Columns'
DECLARE #TableName varchar(8000) = 'dates'
DECLARE #sqlQuery as nvarchar(max) = 'Select ' + #ColumnHeader + '= COALESCE(' + #ColumnHeader+ +''','','''')+ ''''''''+column_name+'''''''' from ' + #Database_Information_SchemaColumns + 'where table_name = '''+ #TableName + ''''
Print #sqlQuery
EXEC sp_executesql #sqlQuery;
I am getting Null values and am not sure whats wrong here.
What follows is some working code. I explain the changes required:
You are trying to assign a parameter using dynamic SQL, therefore the parameter needs to be part of the dynamic SQL string, not concatenated with it.
To assign a parameter using dynamic SQL you have to pass it in/out of sp_executesql because the context the dynamic SQL is running under cannot see the parameters declared.
While this is not necessary, I have renamed the internal parameter so that its clear which parameter belongs in which scope. However both could use the same name if desired.
You were missing a space before your where.
I recommend using varchar(max) and nvarchar(max) as there is no need to risk running into the 8k limit.
Use quotename for any database, schema, table or column names to protect against injection.
Use the sysname datatype where a system name is being stored
Split all system names into parts to allow the use of quotename
DECLARE #ColumnHeader varchar(max)
, #Database_Information_Database sysname = 'DatabaseName2'
, #Database_Information_Schema sysname = 'Information_Schema'
, #Database_Information_Columns sysname = 'Columns'
, #TableName sysname = 'dates';
DECLARE #sqlQuery nvarchar(max) = 'select #ColumnHeaderInteral = COALESCE(#ColumnHeaderInteral,'','','''') + '''''''' + column_name + '''''''' from '
+ quotename(#Database_Information_Database) + '.'
+ quotename(#Database_Information_Schema) + '.'
+ quotename(#Database_Information_Columns)
+ ' where quotename(table_name) = ''' + quotename(#TableName) + '''';
PRINT #sqlQuery;
EXEC sp_executesql #sqlQuery, N'#ColumnHeaderInteral varchar(max) output', #ColumnHeaderInteral = #ColumnHeader out;
SELECT #ColumnHeader;
Official Documentation

SQL Server - rename column within stored procedure with different databases

I have searched and searched and cannot work out how to resolve my problem. I am actually not sure it is possible but thought I'd post here and check.
The issue:
I have a stored procedure where I make the following call (there are 2 because I was trying different things but both fail):
SET #olddate = '1606'
SET #newdate = '1706'
SET #TableName = 'sometablename'
SET #sql = 'SP_RENAME ''[DBName' + #olddate + '.dbo.' + #TableName + #olddate +'].[ColumnName' + #olddate + 'restofname]'',''[ColumnName' + #newdate + 'restofname]'''
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sql
Other option:
SET #olddate = '1606'
SET #newdate = '1706'
SET #TableName = 'sometablename'
SET #old = '[DBName' + #olddate + '.dbo.' + #TableName + #olddate+']."[ColumnName' + #olddate + 'restofname]"'
SET #new = 'ColumnName' + #newdate + 'restofname'
EXECUTE sp_rename #objname = #old,#newname = #new, #objtype = 'COLUMN'
I saved this in a stored procedure, and then ran it in another query which has a different database context and got the following error for the first:
No item by the name of '[DBName.dbo.TableName.ColumnName]' could be found in the current database '[Other database]', given that #itemtype was input as '(null)'.
and this for the second:
Either the parameter #objname is ambiguous or the claimed #objtype (COLUMN) is wrong.
Now, what I'm wondering is: can I even do this? write a stored procedure that runs sp_rename in a table in one database and then call that stored procedure from another database?
I've also tried every permutation of putting open and closed brackets, [ and ] around parts of my old and new column names. Also tried putting N before the string. It's a bit of trial and error though and thus far nothing has worked.
You cannot put your DBName and schemaName and tablename into one bracket [ ] You need to enclose each with a bracket. And dont use brackets around you new name since it will take these brackets into the name. Its a string so you can just put spaces and what you like into your name.
declare #TableName nvarchar(max)
declare #ColumName nvarchar(max)
declare #NewColumn nvarchar(max)
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
SET #NewColumn = 'newtest'
SET #ColumName = 'test'
SET #TableName = 'trassor'
SET #sql = 'SP_RENAME ''[YOURDBNAME].[YOURSCHEMANAME].['+ #TableName +'].['+#ColumName+']'', '''+#NewColumn+''', ''COLUMN'''
/* SET #sql = 'SP_RENAME ''[LegogSpass].[dbo].['+ #TableName +'].['+#ColumName+']'', '''+#NewColumn+''', ''COLUMN''' */
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sql
First of all use a select #sql query before the sp_executesql statement to view how the dynamic statement has been formed.
This gives you an understanding of the error.
In your case the brackets have been placed in a wrong way.
Either remove them or add individually to dbname,schemaname,tablename and column.
Also, you were missing the 'column' at the end of the sp_rename statement.
declare #sql nvarchar(max),#olddate varchar(10),#newdate varchar(10),#TableName varchar(100)
SET #olddate = '1606'
SET #newdate = '1706'
SET #TableName = 'sometablename'
SET #sql = 'SP_RENAME ''DBName' + #olddate + '.dbo.' + #TableName + #olddate +'.ColumnName' + #olddate + 'restofname'',''ColumnName' + #newdate + 'restofname'',''Column'''
select #sql
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sql
Thanks for all the help. I actually figured out the issue subsequently. I know the brackets were wrong but that wasn't the issue (as I tried all sorts of different combinations of brackets and none of them worked).
set #old = #TableName +'.[ColumnName' + #olddate + 'restofname]'
set #new = 'ColumnName' + #newdate + 'restofname'
execute ('use DBName exec sp_rename ''' + #old + ''', ''' + #new + ''', ''COLUMN''')
The trick was to include "Use Database" within the execute statement.

No output when stored procedure is executed

No output when stored procedure is executed. The select statement works when I create a new query , but does not return any values when calling the store procedure within my Web app.
You want a dynamic sql.
try this.
Declare #strSQL nvarchar(2000)
set #strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM investor WHERE ' + #search_by + ' = ''' + #col + ''''
execute sp_executesql #strSQL

exec in stored procedure will get the benefits of stored procedure

if i put something
SET #Query = 'select * from subscriber
where sbs_userid = ' + cast(#UserID as varchar) + '
and SBS_Status in (select statusFlag from #tmpStatusFlag)
and SBS_SourceFlag in (select sourceFlag from #tmpSourceFlag)'
IF (#FirstName !='')
SET #Query = #Query + ' and SBS_FirstName like ''%' + #FirstName + '%'''
IF(#LastName !='')
SET #Query = #Query + ' and SBS_LastName like ''%' + #LastName + '%'''
IF(#Phone !='')
SET #Query = #Query + ' and SBS_WorkPhone like ''%' + #Phone + '%'''
IF(#EmaiAdderess !='')
SET #Query = #Query + ' and SBS_EmailAddress like ''%' + #EmaiAdderess + '%'''
IF(#City !='')
SET #Query = #Query + ' and SBS_City like ''%' + #City + '%'''
IF(#SubListId !='-1')
SET #Query = #Query + ' and SBS_SubListId like ''%' + #SubListId + '%'''
SET #Query = #Query + ' order by SBS_CreationDate desc'
EXEC (#Query)
in my stored procedure .
my question is still i get the benefits of stored procedure or is it a wrong approach
i never use this but my Team Leader used this to speed up the stored proceure . is it ok ?
IF we use sp_executesql instead of exec then we can take the benefits of stored procedure.and is this ok with this ?
You would need to use EXEC sp_executesql to get the advantages of parameterisation (plan reuse - protection from SQL injection).
These leading wild card searches are going to be expensive anyway. Have you considered Full Text Indexing?
Following the edit
If we use sp_executesql instead of exec then we can take the benefits
of stored procedure.and is this ok with this ?
Not all the benefits of stored procedures. A couple of advantages that stored procedures would still have over sp_executesql would be that you could then use ownership chaining and only need to grant exec permissions on the stored procedure rather than select on the underlying objects. Additionally having static stored procedures rather than dynamic SQL strings can make it easier to find dependant objects when refactoring the database.
However in your case you would need 64 separate procedures for each combination of presence/absence for the 6 optional parameters and this number grows exponentially as more optional parameters are added.
See Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL Version for SQL 2005 and Earlier for a thorough discussion of this topic.

SQL script how to add a tab or new line within script

I have a SQL script that acquires table names and creates trigger for those tables. When I open the trigger after creating it all of the code is on one line. How would I go about adding tab and new line characters within the script to make the trigger more readable.
Example code:
SET #SQL = #SQL + 'ON [dbo].[' + #TABLE_NAME + '] '
SET #SQL = #SQL + 'AS '
SET #SQL = #SQL + '#BIT INT, '
For MS SQL at least, you can either use CHAR() with the correct ASCII values and concatenate at the correct places in your strings, or you can just include the newlines, tabs, etc. within your SQL strings themselves. The string can span multiple lines. For example, this should work:
ON [dbo].[' + #TABLE_NAME + ']
This won't change the actual trigger definition, but you could use a tool like Instant SQL Formatter, when you need to work on it.
use this
ON [dbo].[' + #TABLE_NAME + ']