Error message: NameError at /users/sign_in undefined local variable or method `require_no_authentication' for #<SessionsController:0x########> - devise

I'm working on a RoR app with Devise. When I came in to work today and tried to start up my local dev environment, RoR failed when I tried to go to the sign in page:
NameError at /users/sign_in
undefined local variable or method `require_no_authentication' for #<SessionsController:0x########>
It looks like the error is not being raised within the code we wrote, but instead from deep within the Devise gem. I'm guessing that somehow, my dev machine isn't configured right.
Here are some things I've tried to fix the bug:
I ran rake db:migrate and rake db:terraform.
I ran bundle install.
I ran rvm gemset empty and bundle install to reinstall all of my gems.
None of these worked.
In addition, here are a couple more strange things about this error:
None of the other devs at my workplace are having the same error, even though they're on the same codebase.
After trying to figure out the error for a while, I switched to a branch that I haven't updated since before I started getting this bug. Even though it was working before the weekend, that branch now fails with the same error.
Does anybody know anything I could do to try to fix this error? Does it sound like some part of my local configuration is incorrectly set up?

In my project, I had added a file in app/controllers called devise_controller.rb. It looked like this:
class DeviseController < ApplicationController
# Asks Devise how much time is left until the current user is
# automatically logged out, without resetting the logout timer.
def time_until_logout
raise "let's inspect here"
When I deleted this file, the bug went away.
I filed a bug report about how adding a DeviseController caused RoR/Devise to blow up on Devise's repository:


Rails friendly_id: undefined method `slug` on production

I'm trying to introduce dynamic_sitemaps over resources with friendly_id. The issue is the production rails (rake / rails c) doesn't see the slug method. I've try to specify it by force by specifying an attr_accessible :slug, but it doesn't help either.
$ rake sitemap:generate
Generating sitemap...
rake aborted!
undefined method `slug' for #<Article:0xa9e4d14>
The funny thing it works smoothly on the local environment, and it should not be so much different with the capistrano/rvm deployment.
The column exists in the DB and is used by the rails app itself (which works fine too).
Added: it should be tied to either the environment or the specific gem version issue, but I'm not sure which one is the trouble, and how to debug it. The same pair works good for a different project with a pretty similar libraries bundle.
As the capistrano always do the dirty work, I forgot about the RAILS_ENV environment variable - so the console and cron job tried to operate against the dev DB and obviously failed.

Rails Missing Template On Production Server

Before I start, I'd like to stress that I've looked for answers and I've tried to solve the issues by myself.
I have 2 types of controllers -
A controller with a set of methods that render JSON - works perfectly
A controller that actually renders HTML
This code is working perfectly on my local machine and the problem that I have with the second controller is on my production machine.
I've added 755 permissions to all my files but my file owner is the only user on my server which is "root". I've added the files to the www-data group though.
My controller is simple.
class AdministratorController < ApplicationController
def login
And my file is views/administrator/login.html.haml.
I'm getting an error -
ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template administrator/login, application/login with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder]}. Searched in:
* "/var/www/sitename/app/views"
Try to add to your Gemfile
gem 'haml-rails'
And run bundle install.
The issue has been resolved. I'm not sure what exactly went wrong with the template but I began seeing a different error relating to compiled assets. I just recompiled the assets and restarted the server. Thanks for all your help!

Heroku + Rails: weird error (Cedar Stack)

So I have deployed my app to heroku for testing for a couple of weeks and since yesterday I keep getting the following kind of errors in the heroku logs:
Started GET "/user/shipping_address" for at 2012-02-09 15:46:37 +0000
NameError (undefined local variable or method `sign_up_path' for #<UsersController:0x000000036210a8>):
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:57:in `require_user'
Another one:
Started POST "/purchase/search" for at 2012-02-09 15:31:30 +0000
NameError (undefined local variable or method `sign_up_path' for #<PurchasesController:0x000000051a3d08>):
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:57:in `require_user'
I also keep getting (really) weird javascript errors in firebug, like "object_id" missing, where object_id should never be used at that point in code.
It works without any flaws in the local environment on development/production and also all the time before on my heroku app.
Any hints greatly appreciated. This error is really killing me.
Best, Phil
(Cedar-Stack, Rails 3.0, authlogic)
Ok I updated authlogic to the newest version 3.1.0 (think it was on 3.0.3) and everything works for now.

no such file to load -- map_by_method

This question was asked before here, but can't say that the answer helps me. I am using Rails 3.1.3. When I run rails console on my local dev machine, I get the following message:
no such file to load -- map_by_method
The message doesn't prevent the irb session from launching, so it's benign. But I'd like to get rid of it. At one point in time I had the map_by_method gem installed, but I removed it from the Gemfile and gemset -- yet the message still appears. Any idea how to vanquish it?
there might be some causes for this:
there might be some other gem which has it as a dependency
you might have a require 'map_by_method' in your code
you might have a require in your .irbrc
the .irbrc can be located in your user home or in the current working directory.
have a look at an example .irbrc here:
Probably the gem map_by_method has done some permanent changes on your system. Try re-installing it. It should fixed your problem. Same thing happened to me once. If it doesn't, try specifying it in development section of gemfile.

Heroku + Haml Problems

I am having issues with Heroku and Haml, I am able to run my app on localhost no problems, all test pass to, however when I go to run it on Heroku I get the following error:
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.
I read another post on Stackoeverflow that basically said to add a .gems file and add:
haml --version '>= 2.2.0'
I did that and I'm still having the same problem, so I'm wondering what I am doing wrong.
Update: I fixed that problem had to do with cache - and Heroku being read-only however now the theme I've selected via web-app does not load up on the Heroku page it shows up on local host however correctly. I looked at the log file for Heroku and it doesn't show any errors, so is it another permission issue?
Here is the log file -
Looks like your stylesheets are not included as part of the layout.
Assuming your stylesheet is available as public/stylesheets/styles.css, try adding the following line inside the head tag in application.html.haml
= stylesheet_link_tag 'styles.css'
That should resolve the theming issue. If not, post the code in application.html.haml
From the logs, looks like you have two layouts: layouts/sign and layout/application. If they are there for a reason, you need to address that.
Else, change your home controller to render the new layout:
class HomeController < ApplicationController
layout "sign"