Need explanation for this usage of block as method parameter - objective-c

This is a snippet from AFNetworking's sample code:
+ (void)globalTimelinePostsWithBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *posts, NSError *error))block {
[[AFAppDotNetAPIClient sharedClient] getPath:#"stream/0/posts/stream/global" parameters:nil success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id JSON) {
NSArray *postsFromResponse = [JSON valueForKeyPath:#"data"];
NSMutableArray *mutablePosts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[postsFromResponse count]];
for (NSDictionary *attributes in postsFromResponse) {
Post *post = [[Post alloc] initWithAttributes:attributes];
[mutablePosts addObject:post];
if (block) {
block([NSArray arrayWithArray:mutablePosts], nil);
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
if (block) {
block([NSArray array], error);
What I don't understand are:
The (void (^)(NSArray *posts, NSError *error))block part. Assuming that it is a block, does it mean the block is a parameter of the globalTimelinePostsWithBlock method?
Following the first question, can anyone explain the syntax for me? Why is there a block keyword in the end?

if you don't know how blocks work.. then don't bother trying to understand it just by looking at the code (even if you have used lambda/anonymous functions in other languages like javascript or ruby).. b/c the objective-c syntax is a class on it's own..
i'd recommend you take the time to understand block syntax in obj-c on it's own.. then take a look at examples that use them. This tutorial is excellent (two parts)..
I did what you did before.. and pulled out half my hair.. after looking at the said tutorial.. my hair grew right back up :)
just for fun i'll try to address your specific questions:
1.The (void (^)(NSArray *posts, NSError *error))block part. Assuming that it is a block, does it mean the block is a parameter of the globalTimelinePostsWithBlock method?
yes it is.. so this is a way of calling this method:
// first define the block variable
void(^block)(NSArray *posts, NSError *error) = (NSArray *posts,NSError *error) {
// block body
// posts and error would have been passed to this block by the method calling the block.
// so if you look at the code sample below..
// posts would be [NSArray arrayWithArray:mutablePosts]
// and error would just be nil
// call the function
[AFNetworking globalTimelinePostsWithBlock:block];
2. Following the first question, can anyone explain the syntax for me? Why is there a block keyword in the end?
basically the block keyword is the name of the argument.. notice how it's used in the body of the method:
if (block) {
block([NSArray arrayWithArray:mutablePosts], nil);
again to understand how/why.. i recommend you look at the above article.. learning blocks in obj-c has a bit of learning curve.. but once you master it.. it's an amazing tool. please take a look at my answer here to see some sample uses for blocks.
Here is also a sample question/answer that provides a case study of converting delegation into a block based approach, which can also illustrate how blocks work.

The block is passed into the method as something to be called when the API call succeeds. globalTimelinePostsWithBlock will call the block passed in with the data (and possibly an NSError)
block in this case isn't a keyword, it's just the name of the variable.
If you wanted to use globalTimelinePostsWithBlock, you would call it like
[ClassName globalTimelinePostsWithBlock:^(NSArray *posts, NSError *error) {
// Check error, then do something with posts
(where ClassName is the name of the class globalTimelinePostsWithBlock is defined on)

Block definition are similar to C-functions.
(void (^)(NSArray *posts, NSError *error))block
The initial void defines the return type of the function.
The ^ is the block pointer. Similar to * for objects.
(NSArray *posts, NSError *error) are the parameters with variable names.
block is the variable in which this block gets stored. (Bad naming here)


Objective-C block doesn't return and call it self in the block?

I'm learning to develop iOS applications and now I'm reading some Objective-C source code.
This is a method to get user profile.
+ (void)getProfile:(void (^)(NSString *message))completion {
NSDictionary *dic = #{#"module":#"profile"};
[[self defaultManager] POST:KBaseUrl parameters:dic success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
if ([self jsonOKForResponseObject:responseObject] && [self checkLogin:responseObject]) {
[ProfileManager sharedInstance].rank = responseObject[#"Variables"][#"space"][#"group"][#"grouptitle"];
[ProfileManager sharedInstance].credit = responseObject[#"Variables"][#"space"][#"credits"];
[ProfileManager sharedInstance].gender = responseObject[#"Variables"][#"space"][#"gender"];
} else {
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
My question is about the completion block.
I suppose that the completion block returns void and receives an NSString parameter.
In the block, what does completion(nil) mean?
Does that mean the block completion calls it self and send nil as parameter?
Doesn't that conflict with the parameter's type NSString*?
I'm not quite familiar with block in ObjC. Can anyone give a hint?
Yes you are right. It calls itself and sends nil as a parameter and it doesn't conflict with the NSString parameter. You are just passing nil to the NSString param.
You can call the above method like:
[YourClass getProfile:^(NSString *message) {
//message will be nill if you pass completion(nil);
So when you pass the nill in the completion block, the message in the above method call will be nil!
The completion block is to notify you that your method call is complete, and at this point you can let that method pass certain paramteres , and if we consider your method:
+ (void)getProfile:(void (^)(NSString *message))completion {
NSDictionary *dic = #{#"module":#"profile"};
[[self defaultManager] POST:KBaseUrl parameters:dic success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
if ([self jsonOKForResponseObject:responseObject] && [self checkLogin:responseObject]) {
completion(#"hey sucess");
} else {
completion(#"if loop failed");
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
completion(#"some error occured");
and when you call the method getProfile:
[YourClass getProfile:^(NSString *message) {
//Execution will reach here when the method call for getPRofile is complete and you have a result which you just sent through the completion block as a parameter which is a string and is waiting for you to process.
//you can do more from here
if([message isEqualToString:#"hey success"]){
//do something
if([message isEqualToString:#"if loop failed"]){
//do something
if([message isEqualToString:#"some error occured"]){
//do something
As per #rmaddy comment, iis always a good practice to use BOOL to indicate the status success or fail rather than depending on a string as string can get localized/changed. We shold use the string to get more description of the error.
So your block should be:
+ (void)getProfile:(void (^)(BOOL status,NSString *message))completion {
completion(YES,#"hey success");
and you can call it like":
[YourClass getProfile:^(BOOL status, NSString *message) {
//get the success message
//get the fail message
Blocks had a lot of type like :-
As a local variable:
returnType (^blockName)(parameterTypes) = ^returnType(parameters) {...};
As a property:
#property (nonatomic, copy, nullability) returnType (^blockName)(parameterTypes);
As a method parameter:
- (void)someMethodThatTakesABlock:(returnType (^nullability)(parameterTypes))blockName;
As an argument to a method call:
[someObject someMethodThatTakesABlock:^returnType (parameters) {...}];
As a typedef:
typedef returnType (^TypeName)(parameterTypes);
TypeName blockName = ^returnType(parameters) {...};
read more about it from here
Completion block does not return anything. It is just a piece of code to be executed, thats all. Though, you can give it some input where you call it so you can use the result elsewhere.
NSString *message is the input for your block so when you call your function getProfile as:
[MyClass getProfile:^(NSString *message) {
// write code to be executed when getProfile function finishes its job and sends message here.
[MyClass getProfile:nil];
When used like this you're preferring not to do anything when getProfile finishes its job.
You are probably mixing your network manager's function's completion block with the one you wrote.

Objective-C: Lazy loaded models pattern

I have objects, more precisely models, some properties of which are lazily loaded, i.e fetched on read, from a server. At the moment, I apply the classical technique, e.g.
#synthetize description = _description;
- (NSString *)description {
if (!_description) {
NSError *error = nil;
_description = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url
if (error) {
_description = nil;
// error handling
return _description;
However, it involves a lot of code repetition. Of course, I still can have a generic method doing this and calling this method in all the getters (that's what I do). But do you have a better idea ?
EDIT: To make the code safer as suggested in comments. Here is another suggestion:
#synthesis description = _description;
- (NSString *)descriptionWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSString *description, NSError *error))completion {
if (!_description) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSError *error = nil;
_description = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url
if (error) _description = nil;
completion(_description, error);
completion(_description, nil);
So, you're trying to reduce the boilerplate of methods like this:
- (NSString *)prop {return [self _genericGetterForProperty:_prop];}
Using a macro is one option; it would reduce the amount of text, but you still need a line for each method, so it's not clear to me that's it's really worth the extra complexity.
There is a way you could do this via dynamic method resolution. Essentially, you implement + resolveInstanceMethod: on your class. It will be called if someone tries to call a method on your model object that you haven't supplied at compile time. You can implement it to check the selector passed to see if it matches your xxxWithCompletion: structure. If it does, you can build an implementation based on the "xxx" value and add it to your class. You could prevent the compiler from warning you about this by declaring your properties as #dynamic or by explicitly suppressing warnings via pragmas.
I don't recommend it, though. It's a complicated and tricky solution; unless you've got hundreds of these properties, I would just write the boilerplate. (Or write a script to write the boilerplate.)

How to understand the type of a objective-c block?

- (void)writeImageDataToSavedPhotosAlbum:(NSData *)imageData metadata:(NSDictionary *)metadata completionBlock:(ALAssetsLibraryWriteImageCompletionBlock)completionBlock
In this function signature, the completionBlock has type ALAssetsLibraryWriteImageCompletionBlock. However, since when we are creating an anonymous function we use
^(int a){
//code here
It seems we've never specified anything to be the type of a block. So how to understand this unusual type here?
If you look at the docs for ALAssetsLibraryWriteImageCompletionBlock it is defined as:
typedef void (^ALAssetsLibraryWriteImageCompletionBlock)(NSURL *assetURL, NSError *error);
This is a block with no return value that has two parameters.
Your code needs to be something like:
[library writeImageDataToSavedPhotosAlbum:someData metadata:someMetaData completionBlock:^(NSURL *assetURL, NSError *error) {
// completion handler code here with access to assetURL and error

Return User's State as an NSString with reverseGeocodeLocation

I am trying to simply return a user's state. I understand that I need to use reverseGeocodeLocation. I would like to return the state as an NSString in the same way that I am returning the user latitude below:
- (NSString *)getUserLatitude
NSString *userLatitude = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",
return userLatitude;
I currently have this code, but I cannot get it to work. It may be because I am using (void). I am just a bit lost.
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation
*)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation {
CLGeocoder * geoCoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
[geoCoder reverseGeocodeLocation:newLocation completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks,
NSError *error) {
for (CLPlacemark * placemark in placemarks) {
NSString *userState = [placemark locality];
return userState;
Anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
You have to do something with the retrieved locality in the completion block. This code is executed asynchronously long after the method (with void return) has returned itself.
Usually you would call some sort of method on your own view controller or model class that passes the retrieved information.
Replace the return userState, it does not match the return type of the block.
Instead put something like:
[myViewController didFinishGettingState:userState];
You should look into block and GCD basics so that you can appreciate how this asynchnonicity works.
You are probably not understanding the way your completionHandler is working. The reverseGeocodeLocation:completionHandler: takes an handler, which is a function that will be executed when the lookup is completed and invoked with the placemarks and error as parameters.
What you have to do is to perform something meaningful in that block.
I would start checking whether any error occurred, then I would call a method for failing or success as follows
[geoCoder reverseGeocodeLocation:newLocation completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
// Something bad happened...
[self didFailRetrievingUserState:error];
} else {
// Check whether the placemark retrieved is unique
if (placemarks.count > 1) {
NSMutableArray * states = [NSMutableArray array];
for (CLPlacemark * placemark in placemarks) {
NSString * userState = [placemark locality];
[states addObject:userState];
[self didFinishRetrievingUserStates:states];
} else {
[self didFinishRetrievingUserState:[placemarks[0] locality]];
Then of course you need to implement the three methods we are calling in the block above
- (void)didFailRetrievingUserState:(NSError *)error {
// Show error
- (void)didFinishRetrievingUserStates:(NSArray *)userStates {
// Do something reasonable with the multiple possible values
- (void)didFinishRetrievingUserState:(NSString *)userState {
// Do something reasonable with the only result you have
Clearly the above code is meant as a suggestion. You can make different decisions, like for instance handling all the logic inside the handler block, or not discriminating between the unique/not unique cases.
In general it's just important that you understand that the handler block is not supposed to return anything since it's a void function. It's just supposed to do something, and this something may be invoking your "delegate" methods as defined in the example.

Objective-C: __block not working

I could not figure out how to change the value of results inside the success block. I use __block like some post suggests but results is forever nil. I set breakpoint inside of block and make sure that JSON is not nil, which download data as I expected.
I am using AFNetworking library if that's relevant.
+(NSArray *)eventsByCityID:(NSString *)cityID startIndex:(NSUInteger)start count:(NSUInteger)count
__block NSArray *results = nil;
[[DoubanHTTPClient sharedClient] getPath:#"event/list" parameters:#{#"loc":dataSingleton.cityID} success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id JSON) {
results = [JSON valueForKey:#"events"];
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"download events error: %# \n\n",error);
return results;
More likely than not, that [very poorly named] method getPath:parameters:success:failure: is asynchronous.
Thus, you need to tell something in the success block that the value has changed. I.e.
[something yoManGotEvents:[JSON valueForKey:#"events"]];
(Methods shouldn't be prefixed with get outside of very special circumstances. Third party libraries with lots of API using that prefix outside of said circumstances raise question as to what other system specific patterns they may not be following.)