No constructor found in the absence of writeln - oop

I am using DMD64 D Compiler v2.063.2 on Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit.
I have written a class as below:
class FixedList(T){
// list
private T[] list;
// number of items
private size_t numberOfItems;
// capacity
private size_t capacity;
// mutex
private Mutex listMutex;
// get capacity
#property public size_t Capacity(){ return capacity; }
#property public shared size_t Capacity(){ return capacity; }
// constructor
public this( size_t capacity ){
// initialise
numberOfItems = 0;
this.capacity = capacity;
writeln("Cons Normal");
// constructor
public shared this( size_t capacity ){
// initialise
numberOfItems = 0;
this.capacity = capacity;
// create mutex
listMutex = cast(shared)(new Mutex());
writeln("Cons Shared");
While class is written in this way, in main function, I wrote that code:
auto list1 = new shared FixedList!int( 128 );
auto list2 = new FixedList!int( 128 );
Output with this, there is no error at all and the output is as below:
Cons Shared
Cons Normal
What I do next is to remove both writeln lines from the code, and when I recompile the code, it starts showing error messages as below:
src/webapp.d(61): Error: constructor lists.FixedList!(int).FixedList.this called with argument types:
((int) shared)
matches both:
lists.d(28): lists.FixedList!(int).FixedList.this(ulong capacity)
lists.d(37): lists.FixedList!(int).FixedList.this(ulong capacity)
src/app.d(61): Error: no constructor for FixedList
src/app.d(62): Error: constructor lists.FixedList!(int).FixedList.this called with argument types:
matches both:
lists.d(28): lists.FixedList!(int).FixedList.this(ulong capacity)
lists.d(37): lists.FixedList!(int).FixedList.this(ulong capacity)
src/app.d(62): Error: no constructor for FixedList
make: *** [all] Error 1
Basically writeln function is preventing the error. Actually writeln is preventing in many places and I am not sure about why this is happening.
I even tried to compile the the code with m32 flag for 32-bit, but it is still same. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

pure, nothrow, and #safe are inferred for template functions. As FixedList is templated, its constructors are templated. writeln is not (and cannot be) pure as it does I/O. So, while writeln is in the constructors, they are inferred to not be pure, but everything else that the constructors are doing is pure, so without the calls to writeln, they become pure.
Under some circumstances, the compiler is able to alter the return type of pure functions to implicitly convert it to immutable or shared. This works, because in those cases, the compiler knows that what's being returned is a new, unique object and that casting it to immutable or shared would not violate the type system. Not all pure functions qualify, as the parameter types can affect whether the compiler can guarantee that the return value is unique, but many pure functions are able to take advantage of this and implicitly convert their return value to immutable or shared. This is useful, because it can avoid code duplication (for different return types) or copying - since if the type returned doesn't match what you need with regards to immutable or shared, and you can't guarantee that it's not referred to elsewhere, you have to copy it to get the type that you want. In this case, the compiler is able to make the guarantee that the object is not referred to elsewhere, so it can safely cast it for you.
Constructors effectively return new values, so they can be affected by this feature. This makes it so that if a constructor is pure, you can often construct immutable and shared values from it without having to duplicate the constructor (like you'd have to do if it weren't pure). As with other pure functions, whether this works or not depends on the constructor's parameter types, but it's frequently possible, and it helps avoid code duplication.
What's causing you problems is that when FixedList's constructors are both pure, the compiler is able to use either of them to construct a shared object. So, it doesn't know which one to choose, and gives you an ambiguity error.
I've reported this as a bug on the theory that the compiler should probably prefer the constructer which is explicitly marked as shared, but what the compiler devs will decide, I don't know. The ability to implicitly convert return values from pure functions is a fairly new feature and exactly when we can and can't do those implicit conversions is still being explored, which can result both in unanticipated problems (like this one probably is) as well as compiler bugs (e.g. there's at least one case with immutable, where it currently does the conversion when it shouldn't). I'm sure that these issues will be ironed out fairly quickly though.

A pure constructor can build a shared object without being marked shared itself.
Apparently, pureness is inferred for constructors.
writeln is not pure. So, with it in place, the constructors are not pure.
When writeln is removed, the constructors become pure. Both constructors now match the shared call.


How one deals with multiple pointer level (like char**) in Squeak FFI

I want to deal with a structure like this struct foo {char *name; char **fields ; size_t nfields};
If I define corresponding structure in Squeak
ExternalStructure subclass: #Foo
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'FFI-Tests'.
and define the fields naively with
Foo class>fields
(name 'char*')
(fields 'char**')
(nfields 'unsigned long')
then generate the accessors with Foo defineFields, I get those undifferentiated types for name and fields:
^ExternalData fromHandle: (handle pointerAt: 1) type: ExternalType char asPointerType
^ExternalData fromHandle: (handle pointerAt: 5) type: ExternalType char asPointerType
That is troubling, the second indirection is missing for the fields accessor.
How should I specify fields accessor in the spec?
If not possible, how do I define it manually?
And I have the same problem for this HDF5 function prototype: int H5Tget_array_dims(hid_t tid, hsize_t *dims[])
The following syntax is not accepted:
H5Tget_array_dims: tid with: dims
<cdecl: long 'H5Tget_array_dims'(Hid_t Hsize_t * * )>
The compiler barks argument expected -> before the second *...
I add to resort to void * instead, that is totally bypassing typechecking - less than ideal...
Any idea how to deal correctly with such prototype?
Since Compiler-mt.435, the parser will not complain anymore but call back to ExternalType>>asPointerToPointerType. See and
At the time of writing this, such pointer-to-pointer type will be treated as regular pointer type. So, you loose the information that the external type actually points to an array of pointers.
When would one need that information?
When coercing arguments in the FFI plugin during the call
When constructing the returned object in the FFI plugin during the call
When interpreting instances of ExternalData from struct fields and FFI call return values
In tools such as the object explorer
There already several kinds of RawBitsArray in Squeak. Adding String and ExternalStructure (incl. packed or union) to the mix, we have all kinds of objects in Squeak to map the inner-most dimension (i.e., int*, char*, void*). ExternalData can represent the other levels of the multi-dimensional array (i.e., int**, char**, void** and so on).
So, there are remaining tasks here:
Store that pointer dimension information maybe in a new external type to be found via ExternalType>>referencedType. We may want to put new information into compiledSpec. See
Update value reading in ExternalArray to unwrap one pointer after the other; and let the code generator for struct-field accessors generate code in a similar fashion.
Extend argument coercing in the plugin to accept arrays of the already supported arrays (i.e. String etc.)

CLI/C++ function overload

I am currently writing a wrapper for a native C++ class in CLI/C++. I am on a little GamePacket class at the moment. Consider the following class:
public ref class GamePacket
generic<typename T>
where T : System::ValueType
void Write(T value)
I want that I'm able to call the function as following in C#, using my Wrapper:
However, I can't compile my wrapper. Error:
Error 1 error C2664: 'void System::IO::BinaryWriter::Write(System::String ^)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'T' to 'bool'
I don't understand this error, where does the System::String^ comes from. I'm seeing a lot of overloads of the Write() method, does CLI/C++ not call the correct one, and if so, how can I make it call the correct one?
Reference MSDN:
Templates and generics don't work the same.
With templates, the code gets recompiled for each set of parameters, and the results can be pretty different (different local variable types, different function overloads selected). Specialization makes this really powerful.
With generics, the code only gets compiled once, and the overload resolution is done without actually knowing the final parameters. So when you call Write(value), the only things the compiler knows is that
value can be converted to Object^, because everything can
value derives from ValueType, because your constraint tells it
Unfortunately, using just that information, the compiler can't find an overload of Write that can be used.
It seems like you expected it to use Write(bool) when T is bool, Write(int) when T is int, and so on. Templates would work like that. Generics don't.
Your options are:
a dozen different copies of your method, each of which has a fixed argument type that can be used to select the right overload of BinaryWrite::Write
find the overload yourself using reflection, make a delegate matching the right overload, and call it
use expression trees or the dynamic language runtime to find and make a delegate matching the right overload, and then you call it

Why does Go allow compilation of unused function parameters?

One of the more notable aspects of Go when coming from C is that the compiler will not build your program if there is an unused variable declared inside of it. So why, then, is this program building if there is an unused parameter declared in a function?
func main() {
print(computron(3, -3));
func computron(param_a int, param_b int) int {
return 3 * param_a;
There's no official reason, but the reason given on golang-nuts is:
Unused variables are always a programming error, whereas it is common
to write a function that doesn't use all of its arguments.
One could leave those arguments unnamed (using _), but then that might
confuse with functions like
func foo(_ string, _ int) // what's this supposed to do?
The names, even if they're unused, provide important documentation.
Sometimes having unused parameters is important for satisfying interfaces, one example might be a function that operates on a weighted graph. If you want to implement a graph with a uniform cost across all edges, it's useless to consider the nodes:
func (graph *MyGraph) Distance(node1,node2 Node) int {
return 1
As that thread notes, there is a valid argument to only allow parameters named as _ if they're unused (e.g. Distance(_,_ Node)), but at this point it's too late due to the Go 1 future-compatibility guarantee. As also mentioned, a possible objection to that anyway is that parameters, even if unused, can implicitly provide documentation.
In short: there's no concrete, specific answer, other than that they simply made an ultimately arbitrary (but still educated) determination that unused parameters are more important and useful than unused local variables and imports. If there was once a strong design reason, it's not documented anywhere.
The main reason is to be able to implement interfaces that dictate specific methods with specific parameters, even if you don't use all of them in your implementation. This is detailed in #Jsor's answer.
Another good reason is that unused (local) variables are often the result of a bug or the use of a language feature (e.g. use of short variable declaration := in a block, unintentionally shadowing an "outer" variable) while unused function parameters never (or very rarely) are the result of a bug.
Another reason can be to provide forward compatibility. If you release a library, you can't change or extend the parameter list without breaking backward compatibility (and in Go there is no function overloading: if you want 2 variants with different parameters, their names must be different too).
You may provide an exported function or method and add extra - not yet used - or optional parameters (e.g. hints) to it in the spirit that you may use them in a future version / release of your library.
Doing so early will give you the benefit that others using your library won't have to change anything in their code.
Let's see an example:
You want to create a formatting function:
// FormatSize formats the specified size (bytes) to a string.
func FormatSize(size int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d bytes", size)
You may as well add an extra parameter right away:
// FormatSize formats the specified size (bytes) to a string.
// flags can be used to alter the output format. Not yet used.
func FormatSize(size int, flags int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d bytes", size)
Then later you may improve your library and your FormatSize() function to support the following formatting flags:
const (
FlagAutoUnit = 1 << iota // Automatically format as KB, MB, GB etc.
FlagSI // Use SI conversion (1000 instead of 1024)
FlagGroupDecimals // Format number using decimal grouping
// FormatSize formats the specified size (bytes) to a string.
// flags can be used to alter the output format.
func FormatSize(size int, flags int) string {
var s string
// Check flags and format accordingly
// ...
return s

Will code written in this style be optimized out by RVO in C++11?

I grew up in the days when passing around structures was bad mojo because they are often large, so pointers were always the way to go. Now that C++11 has quite good RVO (right value optimization), I'm wondering if code like the following will be efficient.
As you can see, my class has a bunch of vector structures (not pointers to them). The constructor accepts value structures and stores them away.
My -hope- is that the compiler will use move semantics so that there really is no copying of data going on; the constructor will (when possible) just assume ownership of the values passed in.
Does anyone know if this is true, and happens automagically, or do I need a move constructor with the && syntax and so on?
// ParticleVertex
// Class that represents the particle vertices
class ParticleVertex : public Vertex
D3DXVECTOR4 _vertexPosition;
D3DXVECTOR2 _vertexTextureCoordinate;
D3DXVECTOR3 _vertexDirection;
D3DXVECTOR3 _vertexColorMultipler;
ParticleVertex(D3DXVECTOR4 vertexPosition,
D3DXVECTOR2 vertexTextureCoordinate,
D3DXVECTOR3 vertexDirection,
D3DXVECTOR3 vertexColorMultipler)
_vertexPosition = vertexPosition;
_vertexTextureCoordinate = vertexTextureCoordinate;
_vertexDirection = vertexDirection;
_vertexColorMultipler = vertexColorMultipler;
virtual const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 * GetVertexDeclaration() const
return particleVertexDeclarations;
Yes, indeed you should trust the compiler to optimally "move" the structures:
Want Speed? Pass By Value
Guideline: Don’t copy your function arguments. Instead, pass them by value and let the compiler do the copying
In this case, you'd move the arguments into the constructor call:
ParticleVertex myPV(std::move(pos),
In many contexts, the std::move will be implicit, e.g.
D3DXVECTOR4 getFooPosition() {
D3DXVECTOR4 result;
// bla
return result; // NRVO, std::move only required with MSVC
ParticleVertex myPV(getFooPosition(), // implicit rvalue-reference moved
RVO means Return Value Optimization not Right value optimization.
RVO is a optimization performed by the compiler when the return of a function is by value, and its clear that the code returns a temporary object created in the body, so the copy can be avoided. The function returns the created object directly.
What C++11 introduces is Move Semantics. Move semantics allows us to "move" the resource from a certain temporary to a target object.
But, move implies that the object wich the resource comes from, is in a unusable state after the move. This is not the case (I think) you want in your class, because the vertex data is used by the class, even if the user calls to this function or not.
So, use the common return by const reference to avoid copies.
On the other hand,, DirectX provides handles to the resources (Pointers), not the real resource. Pointers are basic types,its copying is cheap, so don't worry about performance. In your case, you are using 2d/3d vectors. Its copying is cheap too.
Personally, I think that returning a pointer to an internal resource is a very bad idea, always. I think that in this case the best aproach is to return by const reference.

std::unique_ptr and pointer-to-pointer

I've been using std::unique_ptr to store some COM resources, and provided a custom deleter function. However, many of the COM functions want pointer-to-pointer. Right now, I'm using the implementation detail of _Myptr, in my compiler. Is it going to break unique_ptr to be accessing this data member directly, or should I store a gajillion temporary pointers to construct unique_ptr rvalues from?
COM objects are reference-countable by their nature, so you shouldn't use anything except reference-counting smart pointers like ATL::CComPtr or _com_ptr_t even if it seems inappropriate for your usecase (I fully understand your concerns, I just think you assign too much weight to them). Both classes are designed to be used in all valid scenarios that arise when COM objects are used, including obtaining the pointer-to-pointer. Yes, that's a bit too much functionality, but if you don't expect any specific negative consequences you can't tolerate you should just use those classes - they are designed exactly for this purpose.
I've had to tackle the same problem not too long ago, and I came up with two different solutions:
The first was a simple wrapper that encapsulated a 'writeable' pointer and could be std::moved into my smart pointer. This is just a little more convenient that using the temp pointers you are mentioning, since you cannot define the type directly at the call-site.
Therefore, I didn't stick with that. So what I did was a Retrieve helper-function that would get the COM function and return my smart-pointer (and do all the temporary pointer stuff internally). Now this trivially works with free-functions that only have a single T** parameter. If you want to use this on something more complex, you can just pass in the call via std::bind and only leave the pointer-to-be-returned free.
I know that this is not directly what you're asking, but I think it's a neat solution to the problem you're having.
As a side note, I'd prefer boost's intrusive_ptr instead of std::unique_ptr, but that's a matter of taste, as always.
Edit: Here's some sample code that's transferred from my version using boost::intrusive_ptr (so it might not work out-of-the box with unique_ptr)
template <class T, class PtrType, class PtrDel>
HRESULT retrieve(T func, std::unique_ptr<PtrType, PtrDel>& ptr)
ElementType* raw_ptr=nullptr;
HRESULT result = func(&raw_ptr);
return result;
For example, it can be used like this:
std::unique_ptr<IFileDialog, ComDeleter> FileDialog;
using std::bind;
using namespace std::placeholders;
std::unique_ptr<IShellItem, ComDeleter> ShellItem;
HRESULT status = retrieve(bind(&IFileDialog::GetResult, FileDialog, _1), ShellItem);
For bonus points, you can even let retrieve return the unique_ptr instead of taking it by reference. The functor that bind generates should have signature typedefs to derive the pointer type. You can then throw an exception if you get a bad HRESULT.
C++0x smart pointers have a portable way to get at the raw pointer container .get() or release it entirely with .release(). You could also always use &(*ptr) but that is less idiomatic.
If you want to use smart pointers to manage the lifetime of an object, but still need raw pointers to use a library which doesn't support smart pointers (including standard c library) you can use those functions to most conveniently get at the raw pointers.
Remember, you still need to keep the smart pointer around for the duration you want the object to live (so be aware of its lifetime).
Something like:
call_com_function( &my_uniq_ptr.get() ); // will work fine
return &my_localscope_uniq_ptr.get(); // will not
return &my_member_uniq_ptr.get(); // might, if *this will be around for the duration, etc..
Note: this is just a general answer to your question. How to best use COM is a separate issue and sharptooth may very well be correct.
Use a helper function like this.
template< class T >
T*& getPointerRef ( std::unique_ptr<T> & ptr )
struct Twin : public std::unique_ptr<T>::_Mybase {};
Twin * twin = (Twin*)( &ptr );
return twin->_Myptr;
check the implementation
int wmain ( int argc, wchar_t argv[] )
std::unique_ptr<char> charPtr ( new char[25] );
delete getPointerRef(charPtr);
getPointerRef(charPtr) = 0;
return charPtr.get() != 0;