Adding Google Framework to Xcode? - objective-c

I have been using the YouTube v2 APIs for a little while and now have finally gotten around to setting up v3. So I have downloaded their frameworks/libraries from here:
svn checkout google-api-objectivec-client-read-only
And looked closely at the instructions they give for adding it to your project here:
For the life of me I cannot get my app to compile with some sort of problem. Its either and ARC problem, can't find header files or all sorts of other errors.
Hoping someone can come along who has it working and simply put some 1 2 3 steps as it would make a lot peoples lives easier as I am sure the Google APIs of all varieties are pretty relevant to a lot of people and will continue to be, thanks.

I had the same problem recently. The quickest way I could find to get the new client library up and running quickly was to install with this CocoaPod project, called iOS-GTLYouTube.
CocoaPods is a really simple way to install libraries. If that's new to you, you can check out the instructions at
Install Cocoapods if you don't have it, using your system ruby:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
Create a Podfile located within your project with the following:
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'iOS-GTLYouTube'
In your project directory, using the system ruby:
$ pod install


The Podfile does not contain any dependencies with xcode

everybody, did you happen to encounter such an error while running the pod install command?
Link to the error itself
Since I tried to reinstall ruby by this method already:
rvm install ruby-2.6.3
rvm use ruby-2.6.3
rvm --default use 2.6.3
And still, unsuccessfully.
and cocoapods are also unsuccessful anyway, there is simply no place to look for an answer.
This error flies away only when working with an Obj-c project (and quite ancient ones), because I am now looking at the cryptoPro library and the standard project is not launched there.
There are no such problems with new projects at the moment.
Fixed an error. I will tell you what it was about me. I noticed this line in the bug:
untimeError - [Xcodeproj] Consistency issue: build setting ARCHS has multiple values: {"Debug"=>"$(ARCHS_UNIVERSAL_IPHONE_OS)", "Release"=>"$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)"}.
After that I got into the Targets -> Build Settings -> Architectures project itself.
Specify there $(ARCHS_STANDARD) for both cases and then everything worked!

How can I link packages manually after upgrading the react-native version(Some third party packages not updated to podfile)

I am trying to upgrade the react-native version to 0.60. Here how can I link manually the package. (i.e) in androind if we add the packages in Build.gradle it will link manually for that particular package.
Can any one give solution how can we acheive this in iOS link.
Is the xcodeproj will support for the 0.60 and can we able to link manually.
I have tried in the latest version of react-native 0.61.5. But it not worked for me?
Ultimately from RN0.60 onwards, manual linking is not necessary as RN has a mechanism of auto linking.
From my experience of upgrading to RN0.61, I've realized not all the library will be auto linked as expected. Reason being, the *.podspecs is not declared in your podfile. To perform this auto-linking, you need to include the 3rd party library's *.podspec within podfile. Hence during pod install, this *.podspec will tell the system where to grab the library, versions, etc.
I've previously shared a solution related to RN0.61 and *.podpsec. Maybe you can read my solution and try with it, hope it helps!

Creating framework with Cocoapods 0.36 in objective-C

Been stuck on this past 2 days
I am trying to create my own dynamic framework on iOS 8.3. I needed to use FMDB in my framework.
With Cocoapods 0.36 installed, I did a pod install on the following Podfile
target "PoddedFramework" do
pod 'FMDB'
This works just fine and creates the required pod frameworks and workspace.
But, I can't find a way to use the FMDB pod in my own framework or my demo project that uses the framework.
#import <FMDB/FMDB.h>
This statement results in a "Could not build module 'FMDB'" build error in my own framework.
If I include the above statement in the public header of my framework and try to use that public header in my demo project, I get an error saying "File not found" for FMDB.h
I have seen a lot of questions regarding integration with swift, but could not find anything regarding objective-C
I have been working with that framework a few weeks ago and it has been one of my headaches, but yesterday (Feb 6, 2018) after trying many things, I made the following adjustments taking another FMDB project as an example.
After installing FMDB (2.7.2) with "pod install" and opening the .xcworkspace I thought it would be fine and I could use it, but no, I found some differences mainly in the option Search Paths -> Header Search Paths as I show in the image configuration pods Search Paths and configuration FMDBtest Search Paths.
Then link in my viewController.m with #import "FMDB.h", if it does not work, try the option #import <FMDB / FMDB.h>

Ruby in android

I want to start a project in android in ruby.
I already use rails n did many project by using ruby on rails.
can anyone suggest me what to install in my com? My com has os linux.I want to run
my android project in my com. pleaze help me .
You can find a guide to get started with Ruboto here:
If your setup is not covered there, here are the needed steps for the base installation.
First you need to install Java, ANT, and the Android SDK:
Then you need to install a Ruby implementation and the ruboto gem:
[sudo] gem install ruboto
jruby -S gem install ruboto
Not sure about this one.
You can get help with using Ruboto on the mailing list, the IRC channel, or by filing an issue in the tracker as described on the home page:

Cocoa ConnectionKit Framework Dependencies

I'd like to use ConnectionKit in a project, but haven't yet been able to compile the framework.
I haven't been able to find a definitive list of external projects that ConnectionKit depends on. I've attempted to include projects that fit my best guess, but nothing has worked so far.
Does anyone know exactly what projects / libraries ConnectionKit requires?
To take my comment and turn it into an answer: it appears that ConnectionKit already includes many of its dependencies by default. However, there are two Git submodules that you're going to have to install for this framework to compile: "libssh2_sftp-Cocoa-wrapper" and "DAVKit".
The easiest way to install them is to cd to the framework directory once you've cloned it, and to run git submodule update --init libssh2_sftp-Cocoa-wrapper DAVKit.