how to take property value using droptarget? - ocean

I am creating a plugin and i need to know the value of porosity of reservoir. If these properties exist somewhere it would be much easier if I could just access them.
So how can we take these value using "drop target button" ?

You must subscribe to the DropTarget.DragDrop event. The following callback method shows you how to get the object dropped on the DropTarget button.
void DropTarget_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
Property property = e.Data.GetData(typeof(object)) as Property;
if (property == null)
// Do something with property, like show it in a
// PresentationBox or store it for use later.


Databinding is initialized in improper order by automatically generated executeBindings

I have a simple app with a viewmodel, a custom UI control, and a TextView. Databinding is setup like this:
LiveData -> control.value -> control.preValue -> TextView
When LiveData is changed, databinding notifies control.value of the new value. control.value setter has a line which also gives the new value to control.preValue. Both properties have calls to their respective databinding listeners to notify databinding that the values have changed and that the UI should be updated. The text value of TextView is bound to control.preValue, so when the listener is notified, the TextView is updated.
This works well at runtime, however there is a problem at initialization.
The Problem
When the UI is first constructed, the LiveData value is not correctly propagated to the TextView. This is because the listeners have not yet been created by the android databinding library, so when control.preValue is set by control.value's setter, the listener is still null.
Diving deeper into executeBindings we can see the cause of the problem.
executeBindings is a function which is part of the *BindingImpl file automatically generated by the databinding library based on the Binding Adapters I have defined. It is responsible for initializing databinding, e.g. creating listeners, registering livedatas, and setting initial values to the UI.
executeBindings starts like this. It initializes variables for all the databound values.
protected void executeBindings() {
long dirtyFlags = 0;
synchronized(this) {
dirtyFlags = mDirtyFlags;
mDirtyFlags = 0;
java.lang.Integer viewmodelBpmGetValue = null;
androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData<java.lang.Integer> viewmodelBpm = null;
int bpmPickerPreValue = 0;
androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData<java.lang.Boolean> viewmodelPlaying = null;
java.lang.String integerToStringBpmPickerPreValue = null;
int androidxDatabindingViewDataBindingSafeUnboxViewmodelBpmGetValue = 0;
com.okos.metronome.MetViewModel viewmodel = mViewmodel;
Next, it gets the value of control.preValue property and stores it in the earlier created variable. This is already the core of the problem. At this point control.preValue is still at the default value that is defined in the control's definition class, not the LiveData value which will be assigned to it a bit later.
if ((dirtyFlags & 0x18L) != 0) {
// read bpmPicker.preValue
bpmPickerPreValue = bpmPicker.getPreValue();
// read Integer.toString(bpmPicker.preValue)
integerToStringBpmPickerPreValue = java.lang.Integer.toString(bpmPickerPreValue);
Next we get the LiveData value from the viewmodel and register it with databinding
if ((dirtyFlags & 0x15L) != 0) {
if (viewmodel != null) {
// read viewmodel.bpm
viewmodelBpm = viewmodel.getBpm();
updateLiveDataRegistration(0, viewmodelBpm);
if (viewmodelBpm != null) {
// read viewmodel.bpm.getValue()
viewmodelBpmGetValue = viewmodelBpm.getValue();
// read androidx.databinding.ViewDataBinding.safeUnbox(viewmodel.bpm.getValue())
androidxDatabindingViewDataBindingSafeUnboxViewmodelBpmGetValue = androidx.databinding.ViewDataBinding.safeUnbox(viewmodelBpmGetValue);
Here it sets control.value to the value of the LiveData in the first if block. This line will trigger the control.value setter, which will set control.preValue, and those setters will both try to call their respective onChange listeners but they will be null because executeBindings hasn't created them yet. They are created in the 2nd if block.
if ((dirtyFlags & 0x15L) != 0) {
// api target 1
if ((dirtyFlags & 0x10L) != 0) {
// api target 1
com.okos.metronome.view.DialPickerBindingAdapter.setPreValueListener(this.bpmPicker, (com.okos.metronome.view.PrePickerBase.OnValueChangeListener)null, bpmPickerpreValueAttrChanged);
com.okos.metronome.view.DialPickerBindingAdapter.setValueListener(this.bpmPicker, (com.okos.metronome.view.PrePickerBase.OnValueChangeListener)null, bpmPickervalueAttrChanged);
Finally, the value of the TextView is set, but it is set to the original value of preValue which we cached in a variable in the very first if block. **Not the new value which has been updated to preValue from the LiveData since then.
if ((dirtyFlags & 0x18L) != 0) {
// api target 1
androidx.databinding.adapters.TextViewBindingAdapter.setText(this.tvBpmDisplay, integerToStringBpmPickerPreValue);
This seems like an oversight in the databinding library, and I wonder if anyone has any ideas of getting around this? The fix seems pretty simple to just move the first if block in executeBindings down so integerToStringBpmPickerPreValue is set after the value has been set from LiveData, but because executeBindings is automatically generated, I can't do that. There are some ways of changing the order of execution in executeBindings, like which order the bindings are defined in the xaml, but none of that affects the parts I want to change.

Update Checked State of Handler in E4

In E3 we had a couple of handlers that were to be checked, and so the handler had to figure out when to be checked. Back then that was an easy task:
public class MyHandler extends AbstractHandler implements IElementUpdater {
public void updateElement(UIElement element, Map parameters) {
I found this similar question, but it's much broader (updating all commands, while I only want to set the checked state whenever the framework seems it necessary). Since tool and menu items can be check or radio items, this has to be possible somehow.
So how do I set the check state of a handler in E4?
You can set the check (selected) state in the #CanExecute method of the handler using something like:
public boolean canExecute(MItem item)
item.setSelected(... checked state ....);
return true;
For a menu item the #CanExecute method is called every time the menu is displayed.
For a tool bar item you may need to use the IEventBroker UIEvents.REQUEST_ENABLEMENT_UPDATE_TOPIC event to force the method to run.
eventBroker.send(UIEvents.REQUEST_ENABLEMENT_UPDATE_TOPIC, argument);
argument can be
UIEvents.ALL_ELEMENT_ID to update all items.
The id of a single item to be updated.
A Selector (org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.Selector) to select the items to be updated.

Passing class objects as arguments in Windows 8 App and receive them on click event

The objects passed as arguments are only received an Navigation event. I want to receive them on Click Event,what should I use instead of Parameter??
void App1::MainPage::btuN_Click(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
Variables^ data = (Variables^)e->OriginalSource;
if (data->sNotf!=nullptr)
Frame->Navigate(TypeName(BlankPage3::typeid), data);
I used OriginalSource, but it didn't work. Would any one help me? Thanks in Adv
OriginalSource property contains a reference to the object that raised the event. It has nothing to do with navigation parameters.
I'm not exactly sure which parameters you'd like to access in your button click event. The ones passed to your page in its navigation event? In this case you should handle said navigation event, retrieve the parameters there and store them into a private field of your page. In click event you can then read them back from the private field and pass them forward.
On a related note: passing non-basic types as navigation parameters is discouraged. If you need to do that, it's a better idea to just pass the object ids and read their values inside the page from a common repository.
When you navigate to your page, if the parameters from your navigation event are important, you should store them within your page object so it can be accessed later.
//MainPage needs to have a private Variables^ named Info
void MainPage::OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs^ e)
this->Info = dynamic_cast<Variables^>(e->Parameter);
And then access that variable from within your click handler:
void MainPage::btuN_Click(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
if (this->Info->sNotf!=nullptr)
Frame->Navigate(TypeName(BlankPage3::typeid), Info);

How to execute a binding for a metro control

I want to write the contents of a per occasion active TextBox back to the bound property of the ViewModel when the user presses the key combination for save (Ctrl-S).
My Problem with it is, that I'm not able to trigger the execution of the binding so that the bound Text-Property reflects the contents of the TextBox.
-There seems to be no GetBinding-method. Therefore I can not get the Binding and execute it manualy.
-There is no Validate-method such as in WinForms which executes the Binding
-Giving focus to another control from within KeyDown seems not to work, the binding does not execute
How can I achieve this?
Take a look at Aaron's discussion about this in his WiredPrarie blog post :
I think I understand your question better now. One way around this would be to use a sub-classed textbox with a new property like this from here:
public class BindableTextBox : TextBox
public string BindableText
get { return (string)GetValue(BindableTextProperty); }
set { SetValue(BindableTextProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for BindableText. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty BindableTextProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("BindableText", typeof(string), typeof(BindableTextBox), new PropertyMetadata("", OnBindableTextChanged));
private static void OnBindableTextChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
((BindableTextBox)sender).OnBindableTextChanged((string)eventArgs.OldValue, (string)eventArgs.NewValue);
public BindableTextBox()
TextChanged += BindableTextBox_TextChanged;
private void OnBindableTextChanged(string oldValue, string newValue)
Text = newValue ? ? string.Empty; // null is not allowed as value!
private void BindableTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
BindableText = Text;
Then bind to the BindableText property.
Solution for command-instances
Here a solution I have found which is relatively leightweight, but also a bit "hackish":
First I give the focus to another control (In my case the button which has the bound command). Then I give the system time to execute the bindings and in the end I raise the command which is bound to the button.
Solution without bound commands
Give the Focus to another control and call the Dispatcher.ProcessEvent(...).
// Do your action here, the bound Text-property (or every other bound property) is now ready, binding has been executed
Please see also the solution of BStateham.
It's another way to solve the problem

How to make a propertysheetpage be a selection provider?

I've got a contributed command and a handler for it. The handler's execute event has to get the value for the property actually selected in the properties view and act on it, or to be disabled if no property selected.
I've tried:
1) Set the selection provider to something which provides selection from the property view. Something in this case is just PropertySheetViewer for my PropertySheetPage, but i can't set it as the selection provider because the PropertySheetPage's viewer is private and has no getter.
2) Overriding PropertySheetPage's createControl method: This method creates a Tree control for the PropertySheetViewer. A selection listener can be installed for that tree control, so maybe i can make my command handler implement SelectionListener... The solution would be somethin like:
In my editor:
public Object getAdapter(#SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class type) {
if (type == IPropertySheetPage.class) {
PropertySheetPage page = new PropertySheetPage() {
public void createControl(Composite parent) {
IHandler handler = someWayToGetMyCmdHandler();
((org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree) getControl())
IPropertySheetEntry entry = new UndoablePropertySheetEntry(
return page;
return super.getAdapter(type);
And my command handler implementing SelectionListener as i said... The problem with this approach is that i can't find a way to get a reference to my contributed command handler (someWayToGetMyCmdHandler() above).
Has anybody got any clue on this, or any other possible approach to the problem??
There's handleEntrySelection(ISelection selection) method in PropertySheetPage that you could override to be notified about selection changes in the viewer (although PropertySheetPage is #noextend).
The second part (updating the handler) is a bit more tricky than it would normally be. Commands/handlers get updated automatically when workbench selection changes (you just need to implement setEnabled(Object evaluationContext) AbstractHandler). But since PropertySheetPage is designed to change its input on global selection change, then you have to find some custom way to notify/update your handler.
As I understand, it is currently not possible to extend the platform command event handling mechanism with custom variables, so you just need to directly look up your handler using IHandlerService of the workbench.