MVVMCross binaries: which ones to include when working on both mac and win8 - mono

My setup for a mvvmcross project supporting iOS, Android and Win8 is to have two separate .sln files, one including the core, iOS and Android projects (for development in xamarin studio on mac) and one including core and winphone projects (for development in vs2012 on win8). However, I don't know which mvvmcross binaries ( I should reference from my different .csproj files in this situation as there are two versions. Question is: what exactly is the difference between the two builds (XS-iOS-Mac and VS2012) and which binaries should I include for a working cross-platform setup? Thanks!

The difference between the two sets of binaries is that PCLs built on the Mac using the current Xamarin Stable releases are not true portable class libaries - see
This situation is currently 'in flux' - the latest alpha release from Xamarin is starting to produce real PCL binaries - see
Until this transition is complete, if you want to work off of the pre-built binaries, then one easy method is to:
link to binaries in a folder - e.g. in : /lib/Mvx/
on the PC, fill this folder from
on the Mac, fill this folder from
Alternatively, the nuget packages attempt to do this for you - and seem to work with one exception (a problem with using MvxCommand which is easily worked around using your own MyCommand in your Core project)


Linker error when adding frameworks to native worklight project

We are using Worklight Developer Edition v6.0 with XCode v5.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.9.
Newly built Worklight hybrid apps works fine on the iOS 7 devices running from XCode, but when we add a new native framework into XCode, it results in a Linker error related to Worklight libraries during builds (image below). I've tried this with multiple frameworks that worked fine with my previous version of Worklight 5.0.5. Please advise.
I think you're facing same xcode problem I've recently faced. Once I'm adding new frameworks/libraries xcode breaks framework search path by adding extra slashes.
In your project properties to go Build Settings and look for Framework Search Path. It should have several entries, one of them is $(SRCROOT)/Frameworks. Make sure that after you add your framework this entry remains unchanged. In my case xcode added several extra quotes and slashes making framework files unreachable.

DirectXMath and Win8 SDK in VS2010 project

I've been working in an engine in Visual Studio 2012 that supports rendering with Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11. However I'm getting some new people to help with the project and they would prefer to work on Visual Studio 2010 because that's the version they own and use. So I decided to convert the project to be built with VS2010's v100 platform toolset.
I'm getting close to getting it to work but I can't include DirectXMath.h, necessary for the DirectXTK and some utility functions I'm using. It's part of the Windows 8 SDK and included in VS2012, but VS2010 doesn't seem to find it.
Anyone knows how to get it to be included using environment variables so that it works for everybody on the team, and in a way that works on Win7 too?
To make new teammates be able to code in VS2010 you have several options:
You don't need to change platform toolset to old one and rewrite your codebase. VS2010 developers can just install Windows 8 SDK, and use v110 toolset. To help them, configure "VC++ directories" in project properties as pointed in this article (change macro variables, which points to old Windows SDK, to explicit locations of new Windows SDK):
In “Executable Directories” replace $(WindowsSdkDir)binwith$(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86`
In “Include Directories” add $(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\um;$(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\shared at
the beginning and remove $(WindowsSdkDir)include
In “Library Directories” replace $(WindowsSdkDir)lib with $(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\lib\win8\um\x86
In “Exclude Directories” replace $(WindowsSdkDir)include with $(ProgramFiles)\Windows
Kits\8.0\Include\um;$(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\shared
When targeting x64, replace x86 with x64
If you really want to downgrade toolset from v110 to v100, then you will need to make use old standalone DirectX SDK. Before, Windows SDK and DirectX SDK was separate. They was merged since Windows 7 SDK. When merging, Microsoft decidede to remove some stuff and also renamed some files, for example, standalone SDK contains math in #include <xmmath.h>.
You can combine both: create multiple project/platform configurations and inmplement conditional compilation via #ifdef where VS2010 configuration will fail to find headers/compile. For example you can use C++11 features in VS2012 branch of code, but in VS2010 branch you use only C++03 features.
I would prefer first option, but it is up to you to decide.
P.S. As far as I remember, project files from VS2012 (.vcxproj) cannot be opened in VS2010 (it knows only .vcproj), so you cannot share it. You will probably want to install VS2010, make .vcproj and maintain both files. It can be pain when you change project options in one, and forget to change in other, so be careful. Also, consider to move all your team to single IDE, or at least single build system (for example, CMake).
Happy coding!

Can I use my own DLLs with my Xamarin iOS and Android projects?

Can I use my own DLLs with a Xamarin iOS or Android project?
The reason I'm asking is because I want to compile dlls from Clojure CLR, and use them with my Xamarin mobile projects.
Currently the answer for this is 'No' - you cannot use your own existing assemblies but must instead recompile those projects as Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android (MonoTouch or MonoDroid) libraries.
This is because the Xamarin twins are based on old Silverlight profile code and not on full .Net.
This situation is changing currently - Xamarin is rebasing on Mono3/.Net4.5 and Xamarin is working towards PCL support.
However, even with these recent changes I think it is still advisable to rebuild your assemblies for the specific platforms at this time.

How to add C++/CX library to Windows Store solution targetting Any CPU

So I have a Windows Store app using C# targeting Any CPU so that the single app will run on any Windows 8 x86/x64 desktop/tablet or ARM tablet. I need to add some special code in C++ which doesn't seemto have the option to target Any CPU. The code will compile and run both on x86/x64 and if I change the entire solution to ARM it will compile and run there too. So I'm looking for a way to make the C++ target Any CPU which I think is probably impossible. Or have the C++ library compiled multiple times (x86, x64 and ARM) and have all of them included in the appx package. I have spent about 3 hours reading Windows Store development docs on C++/CX and haven't found any way to do this yet. Of course I'll keep looking, but I'm hoping someone else has seen how to do this and can point me in the right direction.
There's no way you can create a single package targetting AnyCPU when you're calling into a native library. You need to create three different packages, one for each target architecture. When you're uploading the app to the store, you can include all three packages.
To simplify the process of building all three packages, you could create a Visual Studio extension (vsix) with all three builds of your native library. In this case the native library for the right platform will be automatically included in each package. Here's a quick tutorial on how to do it.

MonoDevelop: same project for MonoMac and GTK# possible?

Perhaps my question is totally naiive and this is the reason why I couldn't find any information with Google or something else - but nonetheless, I think it is worth asking here.
I want to develop a C# application which behaves naturally in Mac and Windows (Linux would also be nice, but is not directly needed). My main operating system for development should be Mac OS X and therefore I want to go with MonoDevelop.
I can setup a project for MonoMac - works fine.
I can setup a different project for GTK# - works fine.
My question is now, what I have to do to get a project with a possibility for a MonoMac and a GTK#-frontend. So I will go with the MVC pattern and want to work in one project. As a result, building my project would result in a Mac executable (based on the MonoMac stuff) and one windows executable (based on GTK#).
Am I completely wrong with my approach?
What do I have to do to achieve my goal?
Yes, for a multi-platform app with the best possible look-n-feel on each platform, you would need one executable per platform. Using an MVC approach is the best way to do this - you can have a solution containing a library project with all the shared code - models, processing code, business logic, etc - and a project for each "frontend" executable containing the platform-specific views and shell.
If a really good native experience on Windows is higher priority than Linux support, I'd recommend using WPF or Windows Forms instead of GTK#. This would mean you'd have to split development between Windows and MacOS - you would need to open the same project in Visual Studio, SharpDevelop or MonoDevelop on Windows, and edit the WPF/WinForms project and the shared library there.
OTOH, GTK# has the advantage you could start off writing a single frontend that would work on all three platforms, and then write the platform-specific ones afterwards.