while clicking down arrow cursor need to come other control - vb.net

i given code like this:
Private Sub txtemployeename_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtemployeename.KeyDown
keyval = e.KeyData
Dim keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys = e.KeyData
If keyData = Keys.Down Then
LstEmployee.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
while i am cliking down arrow first time that is not focusing to listbox,second time am clicking down arrow that is focusing..also once cursor come to tha list box,if i clik enter that should be displayed in text box..for that i given code like this..
Private Sub LstEmployee_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LstEmployee.Enter
txtemployeename.Text = LstEmployee.SelectedItem
End Sub
but this is not working properly..for loading list box i given code like this:
Private Sub txtemployeename_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtemployeename.KeyPress
Dim s As String = txtemployeename.Text
LstEmployee.Visible = True
loadlistbox(LstEmployee, "select Ename from EmployeeMaster_tbl where Ename LIKE'%" & s & "%' ")
End Sub

You should rely on the KeyUp event rather than on the KeyDown one. Also for the ListBox you just need the SelectedIndexChanged event. Additionally, your code has quite a few errors (wrong query (-> you don't need to call your DB every time to order the items in the ListBox), relies on SelectedIndex rather than on SelectedItem...). Here you have an updated version:
Private Sub txtemployeename_KeyUp(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtemployeename.KeyUp
Dim s As String = txtemployeename.Text
LstEmployee.Visible = True
Dim list = LstEmployee.Items.Cast(Of String)()
Dim query = From item As String In list Where item.Length >= s.Length AndAlso item.ToLower().Substring(0, s.Length) = s.ToLower() Select item
If (query.Count > 0) Then
Dim newItems = New List(Of String)()
For Each result In query
For Each newItem In newItems
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LstEmployee_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles LstEmployee.SelectedIndexChanged
txtemployeename.Text = LstEmployee.SelectedItem
End Sub
The code above checks for occurrences (i.e., if the whole string in the txtemployeename matches (caps do not matter) the starting substring of, at least, one element in LstEmployee) every time a new character is introduced in txtemployeename. The ListBox is updated with these ocurrences. txtemployeename displays the name of the selected item in LstEmployee.
I hope that this will be enough to help you to build the code required to deliver the exact functionalities you are after.
NOTE: bear in mind that this approach (deleting/adding Items) is incompatible with cases where the ListView is populated with a DataSource. If you rely on a DataSource you would have to update this code accordingly.
NOTE2: the proposed approach deals with the elements in the ListView. You have to introduce these elements at the start from whatever source you are using; this code only updates existing information (items in the ListBox). Also bear in mind that this code is expected to be corrected to match your exact requirements; for example: list has to be associated with the total number of items (the ones retrieved from your datasource at the start), not with the current ones (as displayed in the code; it just represents a simplified version of the problem): every time a new population occurs all the items (other than the target ones) are deleted and thus the ListBox does not represent a reliable source. Example to understand this: at the start, you have "aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc"; if you type "a", all the elements except "aaaa" would be deleted. If you type now "b" and consider the actual elements in the ListBox, no change would occur as far as the only element is "aaaa"; you would have to consider all the original elements (which, as suggested via comment, might be stored at the start in an array/list of strings).


vb.net ComboBox Text Changing When Left

I'm having an issue with my ComboBoxes whereby if I type into it to get a value & then tab out the Text changes to the first item in the list with the first letter typed.
I have:
AutoCompleteMode set to SuggestAppend
AutoCompleteSource set to ListItems
DropDownStyle set to DropDownList
I add the items for the ComboBox in the Load event of the Form the ComboBox is on.
e.g. the below is code from a Load event where I populate a ComboBox that I have set up as below.
`Me.ComboBox1.Text = ""
Me.ComboBox1.Items.Add("combobox test")
Me.ComboBox1.Items.Add("common dialog")`
After running the code, if I select the ComboBox1 & type in common - common is selected in ComboBox1 but if I leave ComboBox1 the Text reverts to combo.
It gets a bit stranger as if I user the below code in the ComboBox1_Leave event procedure it throws common:
I've also tried assigning the value of Text to a string in the ComboBox1_KeyUp event procedure & then assign that to ComboBox1.Text in the ComboBox1_Leave event procedure but that doesn't do anything.
If I put a the above MsgBox code before assigning the strings value to ComboBox1.Text then the Text value does revert to Common but this is isn't a practical solution.
I've also noticed that if I hit Enter before hitting tab it retains the correct value but again I'm don't think this is a particularly practical solution.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here & how I can fix it?
It is absolutely necessary to have the DropDownStyle set to DropDownList?
Because if you set DropDownStyle to DropDown the selected value will be retained when you press tab or lose the focus.
If it's absolutely necessary to have it that way, you could try this.
Public Class Form2
Dim selectedTextForCombo As String = ""
Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.ComboBox1.Text = ""
Me.ComboBox1.Items.Add("combobox test")
Me.ComboBox1.Items.Add("common dialog")
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_LostFocus(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.LostFocus
ComboBox1.SelectedItem = selectedTextForCombo
'This is just for a visualization of your issue
'Label1.Text = selectedTextForCombo
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
selectedTextForCombo = ComboBox1.Text
'This is just for a visualization of your issue
'Label1.Text = selectedTextForCombo
End Sub
End Class
This example works with the tab action.
If the users writes something that doesn't exist like "commun" the
selected value will end up being the visually selected value, in this
case: "common"

Barcode scanning to a listbox checking for duplicates

Good day!
I want to add some strings from a barcode scanner, captured in a text box, to a list box, and, before adding it, to check if the specific string hasn't been already added. So I have a text box called txtWO which captures what the reader scans and a list box called lstScanBOM to which I add the text box string if the item is not already added. The problem is, that whatever I do, only after the specific string is added twice the checking for duplicate entry starts to work. In other words I scan the same string twice, it added it, and then when I scan the third time only it throws the message with the error saying it is a duplicate. I don't understand why is doing this. The code is below:
Private Sub frmValidareFIP_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If txtWO.Focused = False Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddUnique(StringToAdd As String)
If lstScanBom.Items.Contains(StringToAdd) = True Then
MsgBox("Articol duplicat!", vbOKOnly)
'it does not exist, so add it..
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtWO_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object,ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtWO.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
Dim barcode As String
barcode = txtWO.Text
End If
End Sub
IMO Try listing the data outside of the ListBox. I can't see why it isn't working, maybe we need a third pair of eyes to see it!?
Try adding a list (of string) as a Private within the form, populate this as your user scans, and check the duplicate there..
This is definately not the best solution, but I'm sure it will help!
Private List_Barcodes As List(Of String)
Private Sub frmValidareFIP_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
List_Barcodes = New List(Of String)
'You can also populate this list on load, if you have a stored cahce of previous scanned barcodes?
If txtWO.Focused = False Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddUnique(StringToAdd As String)
If List_Barcodes.Contains(StringToAdd) Then
MsgBox("Articol duplicat!", vbOKOnly)
'Place into dynamic list
'and Place into your listbox
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtWO_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtWO.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
Dim barcode As String
barcode = txtWO.Text
End If
End Sub
Your barcode reader is returning <carriage return><line feed> as enter. Your code catches the enter key (carriage return = 13), but leaves the line feed (10) character. So the next time you scan something it will start with a line feed. The two strings in your example are different because the first is "58335001" and the second is "<line feed>58335001". The third one is "<line feed>58335001", which is a duplicate of the second.
One way to fix this is to trim your string.
Private Sub txtWO_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtWO.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
Dim barcode As String
'Add the .Trim() to remove the leading <line feed> character
barcode = txtWO.Text.Trim()
End If
End Sub
The most simple decision is ONLY to make your textBox control txtWO NOT multiline
And that's enough! Your code will work correctly!

vb.net add values from listbox to textbox via drag&drop AND via double click

I'm struggling with some functionality I want to use on my Windows form.
( Just for info, this is for an AutoDesk Inventor AddIn. )
This is my form layout.
The current workflow
The top 4 list-boxes are filled with available parameter names. The user chooses the parameter(s) he/she wants to use and drags and drops it into one of the driving parameter text-boxes ( marked with the <1> label ).
The code that relates to the drag and drop operations
Private Sub lstTemp_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles lbModelParameters.MouseDown,
' In order to access a specific item in a listbox.itemcollection, you must think of it
' as an array of data or a collection and access it in the same manner by always
' letting VB know which item you intend to use by identifying it with its index location
' within the collection. And this is better than taking up basket weaving :-)
lbModelParameters.DoDragDrop(sender.Items(sender.SelectedIndex()).ToString, DragDropEffects.Move)
End Sub
Private Sub txtTemp_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) _
Handles tbParameter1.DragEnter,
'Check the format of the incoming data and accept it if the destination control is able to handle
' the data format
'Data verification
If e.Data().GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text) Then
e.Effect() = DragDropEffects.Move
e.Effect() = DragDropEffects.None
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtTemp_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) _
Handles tbParameter1.DragDrop,
'This procedure receives the dragged data once it passes the data verification handled by the DragEnter method
'Drops the data onto the destination control
sender.Text() = e.Data().GetData(DataFormats.Text).ToString()
End Sub
New functionality
Now I would like to decrease the user mouse movement for ergonomic reasons and speed. But I would also like to keep to the drag and drop functionality. As it can overwrite a value that has already been added by the user.
I would like to be able to DoubleClick a item in the listbox, and that item should be added to the first empty textbox. I named my textboxes with a number so it's easy to loop over them all to check if it's empty.
I tried doing it with this code, but my double click event never gets fired. It always goes to the drag and drop. How do you do handle this, that the double click gets fired instead of drag drop?
Private Sub ParameterAddDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles lbModelParameters.DoubleClick,
Dim oControl As Windows.Forms.ListBox
oControl = DirectCast(sender, Windows.Forms.ListBox)
' Add line in likedparameters listbox
If oControl.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
' Loop trough all the controls to see if one is empty
' if it's empty add parameter, else go to next
' if all textboxes are used do nothing.
For i = 1 To 6
Dim oTextbox As Windows.Forms.TextBox =
CType(gbDrivingParameters.Controls("tbParameter" & i),
If oTextbox.TextLength = 0 Then
' Add the sender item into the linked listbox
oTextbox.Text = oControl.Items.Item(oControl.SelectedIndex)
End If
End If
End Sub
I hope my question is clear, and well prepared. If there is additional information needed, please let me know in a comment.
Mousedown triggers the DoDragDrop, wich stops the doubleclick-event from firing.
To identify if a user doubleclicks or wants to perform a dragdrop, consider the following:
Private Sub ListBox1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.MouseDown
' Determine whether we are performing a drag operation OR a double click
If e.Clicks = 1 Then
TextBox1.Text = "mousedown"
TextBox1.Text = "dblclick"
End If
End Sub

vb.net string lookup in listbox with output as different part of the string

Last Name Finder
what I'm trying to do is create a list of all peoples surnames where the 1st name = #name
although this isn't the exact purpose its easier to try and explain the actual content. i'm aware it may be easier to use a data source, but I want to try and avoid that where possible.
ListBox1.Items.Add("Dean Smith")
ListBox1.Items.Add("John Jones")
ListBox1.Items.Add("David Johnson")
ListBox1.Items.Add("Samantha Thompson")
ListBox1.Items.Add("Claire Frost")
ListBox1.Items.Add("John Brown")
and then some sort of string manipulation to do the following on button_click
if textbox1.text contains "John" then
else messagebox.show("No matches found")
end if
Thanks for any input.
What I've understood is that you are willing to use your textbox as a filter to the listbox. And this can be achieved by running the query to your db on every TextChanged().
So to give you some guidelines, you can proceed like this;
private Names As List(Of String)
Private Sub Form2_Load1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Names = New List(Of String)
With Names
.Add("Dean Smith")
.Add("John Jones")
.Add("John Brown")
End With
For Each Name As String In Names
End sub
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
For Each s As String In Names
If s.Substring(0, TextBox1.Text.Length).ToLower = TextBox1.Text.ToLower Then
End If
End Sub
I hope this solution might help you achieve what you wanted. You can also apply direct filter to the List by using a delegate function, which will avoid you from looping again on TextChange().

Search ListBox elements in VB.Net

I'm migrating an application from VB6 to VB.Net and I found a change in the behavior of the ListBox and I'm not sure of how to make it equal to VB6.
The problem is this:
In the VB6 app, when the ListBox is focused and I type into it, the list selects the element that matches what I type. e.g. If the list contains a list of countries and I type "ita", "Italy" will be selected in the listbox.
The problem is that with the .Net version of the control if I type "ita" it will select the first element that starts with i, then the first element that starts with "t" and finally the first element that starts with "a".
So, any idea on how to get the original behavior? (I'm thinking in some property that I'm not seeing by some reason or something like that)
I really don't want to write an event handler for this (which btw, wouldn't be trivial).
Thanks a lot!
I shared willw's frustration. This is what I came up with. Add a class called ListBoxTypeAhead to your project and include this code. Then use this class as a control on your form. It traps keyboard input and moves the selected item they way the old VB6 listbox did. You can take out the timer if you wish. It mimics the behavior of keyboard input in Windows explorer.
Public Class ListBoxTypeAhead
Inherits ListBox
Dim Buffer As String
Dim WithEvents Timer1 As New Timer
Private Sub ListBoxTypeAhead_KeyDown(sender As Object, _
e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.A To Keys.Z, Keys.NumPad0 To Keys.NumPad9
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
Buffer &= Chr(e.KeyValue)
Me.SelectedIndex = Me.FindString(Buffer)
Case Else
Buffer = ""
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ListBoxTypeAhead_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LostFocus
Buffer = ""
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Timer1.Interval = 2000
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Buffer = ""
End Sub
End Class
As you probably know, this feature is called 'type ahead,' and it's not built into the Winform ListBox (so you're not missing a property).
You can get the type-ahead functionality on the ListView control if you set its View property to List.
Public Function CheckIfExistInCombo(ByVal objCombo As Object, ByVal TextToFind As String) As Boolean
Dim NumOfItems As Object 'The Number Of Items In ComboBox
Dim IndexNum As Integer 'Index
NumOfItems = objCombo.ListCount
For IndexNum = 0 To NumOfItems - 1
If objCombo.List(IndexNum) = TextToFind Then
CheckIfExistInCombo = True
Exit Function
End If
Next IndexNum
CheckIfExistInCombo = False
End Function