Rally addnew interrupt creation using beforecreate event - rally

The Problem
I am trying to get around one of the known issues of the rallyaddnew button by setting fields based on different combobox values. This works fine, but there are some combinations the user can enter than I can only catch after they have elected to create a rollup or feature.
The Question
I made a listener for the beforecreate event, and I can tell when I want to prevent the creation of this portfolioitem. Is there any way to prevent it from being created?
All I am doing right now is:
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'You are creating a feature/rollup with invalid options. Please delete this record and try again.');
But, the record is still created

Here is an example where a card is created on a board, and based on the selection in the Iteration box,a story is scheduled accordingly. Except a creation of a new card is interrupted if a certain condition is met. If the condition is met, it returns false:
return false;
and new item is not created:
_onBeforeCreate: function(addNewComponent, record) {
var currentDate = new Date();
var startDate = this.iterationCombobox.getRecord().get("StartDate");
if (startDate > currentDate){
console.log("in the future");
return false;
record.set('Iteration', this.iterationCombobox.getValue());


Next and Previous month watcher in Vue FullCalendar

I'm using FullCalendar library with Vue.js
Is it possible to use the default prev, next and today buttons that are default to trigger my own actions.
I have created my customs buttons that do what I want, but prefer to use the default buttons.
Current I have a button linked to a method:
<button #click="handleMonthIncrement">Next Month</button>
And this calls this method:
handleMonthIncrement: function(arg) {
// update month and year
// update calendar
let calendarApi = this.$refs.fullCalendar.getApi();
// updateCurrentSummary (mapped to store)
I'm using the ref=fullCalendar which ties into the jQuery reference of the Calendar to change the view.
If I could listen to the next, prev buttons then I could remove that code as the buttons already change the calendar view.
Is this possible? I'm aware that viewRender (https://fullcalendar.io/docs/v1/viewRender) can be used to note when the calendar has changed view, but am not sure if this is something that can be used for my requirements above.
Thanks in advance.
I achieved this by looking up the Events Emitted here: https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar-vue/blob/master/src/fullcalendar-options.js
And I found datesRender - which can be added to the FullCalendar element prefaced by # to trigger when the dates re-render. Because I have this on month only view I can then trigger a method which I called handleMonthChange.
See here:
Then within handleMonthChange I had the following:
handleMonthChange: function(arg) {
var currentStart = arg.view.currentStart;
var check = moment(currentStart, "YYYY/MM/DD");
var currentMonth = check.format("M");
// load action
// refresh summaries
I used moment to determine the month from the date (from the view object.
See more info here on what is passed back here https://fullcalendar.io/docs/datesRender
I then used this to change the month in my Vuex state by calling a Vuex action, then I updated my summary section as required.
Hope that helps someone else too. Big thanks to #ADyson for helping me get here!

jQuery DataTable filtering - so confusing

I am new to the jQuery dataTables plugin found on https://datatables.net/
I am trying to implement a custom filter for the table:
Basically, when I click a button, a custom filtering function will test the value of column #1 (numeric value) for all rows, and if the value in the column < 50 for a row, the row stays, otherwise the row is hidden.
The concept should be very simple, but I can't seem to find the right way to use the API:
column.filter() returns an array of column value
column.search() can only accept text data (not function)
What's the API that can achieve the effect?
Is there anything like the following?
var api = $('#table').DataTable();
api.column(1).data().somefilterfunction(function (val, ind) {
return parseFloat(val) < 50;
Have you seen this article in the documentation -> https://datatables.net/examples/plug-ins/range_filtering.html ??
You can create a custom filtering function on-the-fly, triggered by a button :
<button id="filter">filter < 50</button>
script :
$("#filter").click(function() {
function( settings, data, dataIndex ) {
return parseFloat(data[0])<50
? true
: false
demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/dpwgqs2o/
Notice that the filter is created inside the click handler itself, and removed again as soon the table is drawn. This makes the filter temporary, i.e when the user click on a column header, the filter is cleared. If you want a permanent filter, make the filter global and do not remove it.

How to use data entered in panel in a Google Doc - GAS

First of all: this site has been a great help already to me, thnx a lot!
In a Google doc I am adding a vertical panel to assist the user in composing and sending a letter. I used the example in this thread and it works fine showing the panel:
function onOpen() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setWidth(455).setTitle('User input')
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','25px')
var label1 = app.createLabel('Your name please');
var box1 = app.createTextBox().setId('Field1').setName('Field1');
var pasteHandler = app.createServerChangeHandler('readTextbox');
var clickButton=app.createButton('OK').setId('PasteTest').addClickHandler(pasteHandler)
//I want to arrive here only after a value is entered in the panel
// ... follows more code ...
function readTextbox(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var boxValue=e.parameter.Field1;
//how to get this e.parameter values (more than one..) to the main function
return app;
My question is: how to make the main function wait after 'showSidebar' until a value is entered?
Second question: how to use this input outside the handler, e.g. for writing in the document? I found a workaround by writing the fields to a spreadsheet within the handler, but that's not very elegant ;-)
Many thanks in advance...
You can't make the onOpen() function wait, but you don't need to. You have a click handler and the readTextbox() function. And you don't need to get the readTextbox() function to branch back to the onOpen() function. If there are conditions that require branching to different functions depending on what the user does, then you can create a new function.
You can call a function from a function just by using it's name, and parenthesis after the name and a semicolon.
function readTextbox(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var boxValue=e.parameter.Field1;
//how to get this e.parameter values (more than one..) to the main function
return app;
function anotherCoolFunction(someArg){
Logger.log('Some Arg: ' + someArg);
In the above code, after the name is entered and the user clicks the button, the readTextBox function runs, then the readTextBox() function calls the anotherCoolFunction(boxValue); function and passes the variable boxValue to the anotherCoolFunction().
You can verify that it works, by looking at the log. Choose the View Menu, and the Logs menu item to display the Log output.

Not able to populate combo box label IN EXTJS

I am using Extjs 4.2 and I have a combo box field on my page. When I am updating this page, I need to show the selected value in the combo box. If I use static data it will work properly, but when I am loading data from the database then data is coming but it is displaying the value (not the label) for the selected combo box.
I have done the work around by using the select method of the combo box, but I need to iterate the store for getting the selected value. The store value does not start at 1 but starts at 100, and the select method of the combo box uses the index for the list.
Below is the code you can check, but this is not working for multiple combo boxes.
var specilizationComboBox = Ext.getCmp("doctorMasterVO.specilizationFkId");
var specilizationValue = 0;
specilizationStore.each(function (record) {
if (record.get('value') != dataRead.dataVO.doctorMasterVO.specilizationFkId) {
specilizationValue = specilizationValue + 1;
else {
return false;
Please tell me there is any other way to do this because iterating over the whole store is not a good idea.
Check out these methods:
Basicly what you want to do is something like this:
var myId = dataRead.dataVO.doctorMasterVO.specilizationFkId;
var record = store.findRecord("id", myId);
Where "id" is the name of the field you are trying to find a match for in your store.
Note that myRecord could be null if the record is not there or if the store is not properly loaded.
To make sure the store is loaded you could execute the code above in a load handler:
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
//code goes here
If you are not sure if the store has loaded you could check the getCount method.

extjs 4.1 how to reset the itemselector

I am using extjs 4.1.1a for developing some application.
I had a form consisting of two combo-boxes and an item-selector.
Based on the value selected in first combo-box , the itemselector will load its data from database. This is working fine.
My problem is, if i reselect the first combo-box the new data will be displayed in itemselector along with previous data displayed in itemseletor .That is previous data displayed in itemselector will remain there itself.
for example: name "test1" consists of ids 801,2088,5000. on selecting test1 in firstcombobox itemselector must show output as below.
and if "test2" consists of ids 6090,5040. on selecting test2 in firstcombobox itemselector must show output as below.
problem is. for first time if i select "test1" from firstcombobox , output will come as expected. if i reselect "test2" from firstcombobox , output will come as below.
as you can see, previous data displayed (marked in red rectagle) remains there itself with new data displayed (marked with green rectangle).
I want for every reselection of first combobox, previously displayed data in itemselector to be erased before printing new data on itemselector.
How can I reset the itemselector for every reselection of first combobox?
You should remove all items from the store of the itemselector by the removeAll command. After that you should load the store of the itemselector.
Any solutions above solve my problem.
i found solution from Sencha Forum.
in the itemselector.js file, change the line marked below.
populateFromStore: function(store) {
var fromStore = this.fromField.store;
// Flag set when the fromStore has been loaded
this.fromStorePopulated = true;
fromStore.loadData(store.getRange()); //fromStore.add(store.getRange());
// setValue waits for the from Store to be loaded
fromStore.fireEvent('load', fromStore);
You need to insert...
at the head of the function that is inserting the data.
As an example...
Ext.override( Ext.ux.ItemSelector, {
setValue: function(val) {
if (!val) return;
val = val instanceof Array ? val : val.split(this.delimiter);
var rec, i, id;
for (i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
var vf = this.fromMultiselect.valueField;
id = val[i];
idx = this.toMultiselect.view.store.findBy(function(record){
return record.data[vf] == id;
if (idx != -1) continue;
idx = this.fromMultiselect.view.store.findBy(function(record){
return record.data[vf] == id;
rec = this.fromMultiselect.view.store.getAt(idx);
if (rec) {
are u got it?
when u select that combobox frist stoe of item selector is null after store load with ur pass the para meters
for example
like that so when ur select a value in ur combobox that time ur used a listeners to ur combobox in that listners ur used above code , select ur some value in combobox that time frist store is get null after ur pass some values to json.php then store load with responce so that time old data is remove and new data load in that store
if u post ur code i will give correct code
I ran into the same issue with ExtJS 4.2.1. I got it to work by calling reload() on the data store and then setValue() with an empty string on the item selector in the data store's reload() callback.
Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", {
// Other properties removed for brevity
listeners: {
change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) {
callback: function() {
Ext.create("Ext.data.Store", {
storeId: "ExampleStore",
// Other properties removed for brevity
Ext.create("Ext.form.FormPanel", {
// Other properties removed for brevity
xtype: "itemselector",
id: "ExampleItemSelector",
// Other properties removed for brevity
For any folks that are curious, I'm fairly convinced there's a bug in the item selector's populateFromStore() function. When the function is called, it blindly adds all of the values from the bound store (store) to the internal store (fromStore). I suspect there should be a call to fromStore.removeAll() prior to the call to fromStore.add(). Here's the relevant code from ItemSelector.js.
populateFromStore: function(store) {
var fromStore = this.fromField.store;
// Flag set when the fromStore has been loaded
this.fromStorePopulated = true;
// setValue waits for the from Store to be loaded
fromStore.fireEvent('load', fromStore);
EDIT 12/18/2013
If you've configured any callback events on the item selector (e.g. change), you may want to disable the events temporarily when you call setValue(""). For example:
var selector = Ext.getCmp("ExampleItemSelector");
I had the same problem and finally I decided to modify the extjs source code, not considering it a big issue as extjs itself its saying in the start of the file
Note that this control will most likely remain as an example, and not as a core Ext form
control. However, the API will be changing in a future release and so should not yet be
treated as a final, stable API at this time.
Based on that, as jstricker guessed (and sadly I didn't read and took me a while to arrive to the same conclusion), adding fromStore.removeAll() before fromStore.add() solves the problem.
Outside of the problem (but I think it can be interesting as well), additionally, I also added listConfig: me.listConfig in the MultiSelect configuration (inside createList), that way it's possible to format each item additional options (such as images, etc.) setting in the 'itemselector' the option listConfig as it's explained in the (irrealistic) documentation.
Need to reset the store used in ItemSelector that can be done by setting Empty object like below. Also need to call clearValue() method of ItemSelector component.