Template engine/pre-processor that works from *within* the target language - eclipse-plugin

I'm using Eclipse as my IDE, and I now have looked at about a dozen template engines, and they all seem to work in a similar way:
You create a template file in the template language
The IDE plugin, if any, recognize the template syntax, rather then the target language syntax.
The generated/modified file, in the target language, is read-only, since it will get replaced on next generation.
This greatly limits the use of template engines/pre-processor, because you loose the IDE support for the target language.
Generally, the templating syntax will be simple enough anyway, that you could easily get by without IDE support for it. What is really needed, is to get the target language support from within the template.
In other words, is there some pre-processor/template engine, that does not require you to create "template files", but rather register itself in the IDE between the file system and the target language support, modifying the content of the file on the fly such that the target language plugin sees the file after generation, while the file is saved in the file system as it was before the generation, that is, it contains the template on the file system, rather then the generated code.
In other other words, I want to write the templates in the target language, and have them recognized as such by the IDE editor, such that the editor sees the code after generation (maybe hide the template instructions in comments?).
Such a plugin would then be totally generic, and independent of the actual file type containing the template (as long as it's a text file). All that would be needed, is then some configuration file telling the template engine in which files/directories to look for templates.
Alternatively, if no such product exist, does it seem like something that could be implemented in Eclipse as a plugin, or is it more a case that there are no such plugin because it would be basically impossible?
Here a list of a few things I've looked at, all of which don't seem to support the desired use case:
eclipseME - Preprocessing
Java Comment Preprocessor
Preprocessing Java with Munge Munge
Mustache Java
Closure Templates in Java
Rythm Engine
Related question: Saving self-written code - xtend


Can we do variable substitution on YAML files in IntelliJ?

I am using IntelliJ to develop Java applications which uses YAML files for the app properties. These YAML files have some placeholder/template params like:
clientId: ${client.id}
secretKey: ${secret.key}
My CI/CD pipeline takes care of substituting the actual value for these params (client.id and secret.key) based on the environment on which it is getting deployed.
I'm looking for something similar in IntelliJ. Something like, I configure some static/fixed values for the params (Ex: client.id and secret.key) within the IDE and when I run locally using the IDE, these values should be substituted onto these YAML files and run.
This will actually save me from updating the YAML files with the placeholder params each time I check in some other changes to my version control system.
There is no such feature in IDEA, because IDEA cannot auto detect every possible known or unknown expression language or template macros that you could use in a yaml file. Furthermore, IDEA must create a context for that or these template files.
For IDEA it's just a normal yaml file.
IDEA has a language injection feature.
That can be used to inject sql into a java string for instance or inject any language into a yaml field.
This is a really nice feature and can help you to rename sql column names aso. but this won't solve your special problem, because you want to make that template "runnable" within in certain context where you define your variables.
My suggestion would be, to write a small simple program that makes nearly the same as the template engine does.
When you only need simple string replacements and no macro execution then this could be done via regular expression.
If it's more complicated I would use the same template engine as the "real processor" does.
If you want further help, it would be good to know how your yaml processing pipeline looks like.

Xtext based language within Intellij Idea

I want to make a plugin for a language for the Intellij Idea IDE. The language has been developped using Eclipse Xtext and is open source. A plugin already exists for Eclipse.
My goal is to port this language to Intellij Idea. I want to be able to use Intellij to create source files, to have the specific syntax highlighting and to be able to compile and run programs written with this language.
Is there a simple way to generate the Intellij Idea plugin using the Xtext project?
If not is there an efficient solution to be able to have the specific syntax highlighting in Intellij? (an automatic way if possible, I would prefer not rewriting everything everytime the Xtext project is updated)
Short answer
Yes, with a bit of work.
Long Answer
Sadly, Xtext uses antlr in the background and IntelliJ use their own grammar kit based on Parsing Expression Grammars. As such, the parsing and editor code generated by XText, as you might have guessed, will not work.
In order to get your language working in IntelliJ you will need to:
Create grammar *.bnf file
Generate lexer *.flex file, possibly tweak it and then run JFlex generator
Implement helper classes to provide, among others, file recognition via file extension, syntax highlighting, color settings page, folding, etc.
The *.flex file is generated from the bnf. Luckily, most of the classes in step 3 follow a very similar structure so they can be easily generated (more on that later). So basically, if you manage to generate the *.bnf file, you are 80% there.
Although from different technologies, the syntax of bnf files is very similar to XText files. I recently migrated some antlr grammars to IntelliJ's bnf and I had to do very small changes. Thus, it should be possible to autogenerate the bnf files from your XText ones.
That brings me back to point 3. Using XTend, Epsilon's EGL, or similar, it would be easy to generate all the boiler plate classes. As part of the migration I mentioned before I also did this. I am in the process of making the code public, so I will post it here when done and add some details.

IntelliJ: custom language: combine fragments in other languages

I am creating a custom language plugin for IntelliJ.
I would like it to be possible for a file in the new language to contain fragments of text in other languages.
The specific languages I would like to support are HTML, JS, CSS, and SQL.
I would also like to support other custom languages (i.e. languages I would define the syntax for).
The main feature I want is syntax coloring, but if I can get stuff like "go to declaration" and refactoring out of the box then all the better.
My last requirement is that it would be possible to use my own code to tell IntelliJ which language a fragment contains; fragments containing different languages will not be distinguishable at the lexer / parser level.
In short, I would like to implement something similar to what PhpStorm does when it detects, say, SQL inside a string:
I looked at IntelliJ's source code and found the ILazyParseableElementType interface which seemed relevant, but I'm not sure if this is the way to go (and if so - how to use it in my code exactly...)
Any pointers would be highly appreciated...
The Intellij feature/terminology you are looking for is Language Injections.
Here is a github PR which implements a very similar feature for JFLex files.
In short you need to implement a LanguageInjector and add it to your plugin.xml as a <languageInjector implementation="YourImplClass">.

Is it possible to use live-templates as file templates?

In the intellij products I'm very fond of the live-templates. I wonder if it is possible to use the same syntax for file templates, e.g. formatting a variable to snake- or camel-camese, defining a starting cursor position and so on.
Unfortunately you cannot use the same functions/macros available in Live Templates in File Templates.
File Templates use Apache Velocity template language. It allows some Java(?) simple methods to be run on variables (e.g. #set($class_start = $class.substring(0,1).toUpperCase())). Quite possible that more complex methods will work as well.
UPDATE (2017/01/13):
As of 2016.1 (or perhaps 2016.2) version it's now possible to use some Live Templates in File Templates as well (by checking Enable Live Templates checkbox for that File template). I'm not 100% sure if it will do the requested here thing (not tested myself).
Syntax example: #[[ $MY_VARIABLE$ $END$ ]]#

Domain specific language IDE

I've recently developed a domain-specific language using flex and bison. I would like to create a user interface for editing script files using this language. In particular I would like to have common functionalities such as file handling, menus, buttons, syntax highlighting, error checking and so on. Do you know any tool which can be used to develop such kind of application? I would prefer one which can give me a prototype rapidly.
such as file handling, menus, buttons, syntax highlighting, error
I think that file handling, menus, buttons and highlighting are your least concerns. What you call "error checking" on the other hand. That can be a tough nut. I will try to give you some pointers to how you can (in a somewhat primitive manner) detect errors on the fly as the user inputs source code in the editor.
I assume you wish for something like Eclipses (for java at least) real time analysis of the written code in the editor? I'm not familiar with how Eclipse work internally but this is probably done by some pre-compilation process that processes all source code again and again as you change it.
One way to prototype this (and indeed build a non-prototype as well) would be to use Flex and Bison, and I notice you already is familiar with these tools. You can build you grammar and create action code for all interesting parts so you can find syntax deviations fairly easy. After this you make your editor run the flex and bison generated c-code as the user writes the source code in you IDE and have some way of displaying the output. Either in a terminal-like status window or directly in the text-editing field (as Eclipse does) (the latter case is probably a pain to build but by no means impossible and would give you IDE a professional touch).
Suppose you would like to build an IDE for ADA 95 the following Flex and Bison (Actually Lex and Yacc) code could help you do exactly this (it's a decent syntax analyzer that reports errors (what and where)):
Hope this helps.
to have cool error highlighting and such in the text-editor field of your IDE you could let your bison generated syntax analyser generate something thats easy to parse, like XML, that contains the type of error and where it lies (row and column for example) and then use that to display the errors... you simply embed an XML parser in the IDE (lots of free one available) and extract the data you need and change the display accordingly... That shouldn't be rocket science when I think about it.